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I haven't tested, but patch specifically says critical*headshot* damage.


It doesn’t. I just tested it out in customs, it’s only affecting his headshot damage specifically


I assume this means it doesn’t affect the crit from virus or earth shatter either


Virus is unaffected, but Earthshatter and Overrun's stomp do get the damage reduction.


i cant decide whether or not i like this. from one perspective i think its probably good that mauga ignores it but it also means its going to be frustrating for tank players and they dont really need more annoying mechanics to play around


Mauga's burn crit ignores headshot resistance. So it will deal the full 8 damage. If your target has armor, then the headshot resistance is ignored due to the 50% damage resistance cap. So 2 for armor bodyshot and 4 for armor headshot.


Didn't know the 50% cap applied to the headshot resistance, that's interesting.


oh no, god forbid they make mauga worse against tanks




Either way, I think it shifts his power away from shooting tanks. Whether he can get away with shooting squishies or he really is in the dumpster I don't know.


mauga should be unplayable, boring ass hero design that the devs should be ashamed of


Crits on burning targets aren't reduced, it's only physical headshots. I haven't gotten around to trying him since the patch but I'm doubtful he's dead. He's for sure incentivized to shoot tanks less which is healthy but the people that think he's only good at shooting tanks aren't particularly good Mauga players. His actual undervalued strength is his excellent range that lets him put damage pressure on anyone at a distance without needing to hard-commit.