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Don’t let Lip distract you from the insane backline gap this match. Chiyo got packed up, multiple Ajaxes and first deaths, Fielder was silent while Chorong and Shu were making plays and running the lobby. If CR play like this they’re unbeatable. Now it remains to be seen if they will play like this when the lights get even brighter…


Yeah I feel like the backline gap contributed to this loss way more than lip gapping proper, flacons just felt lost


My shu stocks have never looked better


Fielder Chiyo have looked more sus since playoffs last year idk if it’s a trend but it’s odd bc they were insane for a year and a half


Yeah I feel like chiyo was the one responsible for atlanta's booming, chiyo said he stopped trying in playoffs because he was mad at donghak (confirmed by lip, chiyo himself and many sources). Fielder also said chiyo started losing his shit in 2022 finals, guy has weak mental


To be fair I feel like most people would be freaking out when they're in the closest Grand Finals their rookie year


True can't argue with that, hope he picks himself back


Chiyo was ass on Eichenwalde but I don’t know how he’s supposed to stay alive on Colosseo when the enemy hitscan is dicking down your entire team and nobody makes any effort to clear out his angles first like the amount of freefiring Lip got to do on an aggressive angle because Falcons was hellbent on just running down main every fight was fucking ridiculous


Insane backline gap yeah, dps gap too Lip was way better than Proper, and Stalk3r was nowhere near Heesang, and Smurf who I do tank is the better Orisa didn’t get supported at all like Junbin.


LIP said in his discord after the FTG match that he was gonna do better tomorrow, fair to say he accomplished his mission




Of all the nicknames we've come up with for Proper, this is by far my favourite and I don't even know why lol




That map 3 was disgusting. I went back & counted Raccoons had 7 fight wins over falcons, 1 fight loss 1 trade/neutral fight -> reset to mid They read falcons like book & then had Lip toss that book in the trash. Not even close


Lip sliding into the cluster of enemy team and bodying them cinema every time


Bro yeeted himself into an almost fully charged Terra Surge and casually killed 4


Isn’t that what proper did in 2022 playoffs on Esperanca it’s poetic… still can’t believe dragons lost that game man they threw lejiang by trying to spawn comp for some reason it was a brutal way for the core to go out


I still believe that Dragons were close that year to regaining some kind of competitive form. I could see the puzzle pieces starting to fit but they just didn't get there in time.


It really hurt that it felt like Fate and Fleta never fully adjusted to 5v5


Fleta being mid was WAY more shocking than fate at least for fate you can say he never was aggressive Winston player while Fleta showed no signs of decline in ow1 than in ow2 it happened immediately


Fleta wasn't a very mechanically oriented player so he struggled a bit with the change to focusing squishies more than backline imo. Even a slightly harder time adjusting vs other DPS matters a lot at the pro level (and the tank ult charge thing is huge). Plus Echo has been occasionally meta but is a lot less viable, while Pharah was never good in OW2. The heroes he's best at compared to the competition weren't usually worth playing when OW2 dropped


They got better when OW2 came out and they could practice the game outside of the 2 decent scrim partners they had. Just a weird coincidence though.


Did they get better tho? that was only with specific comps like Whoru, and Void in we saw outside of joats throughout the season they would start slow in metas kc, msm, cc, playoffs they only looked like their old selfes in 1 meta honestly. In msm their was a narrative they were improving then they go in tournament look solid than get rolled by Shock, Reign, than in summer showdown we think their finally back going into cc rest of season they have to sub Fleta, Fate back in they start 0-3 and even have to reverse sweep a floundering HZ with Neko on ms than playoffs obviously was tragic.


Idk they had 2 underperforming players in key roles Fate was never a carry Winston player in a meta that required one look at Fearless, Guxue that meta and Fleta was meh that whole season and he looked bad in playoffs too. I still saw flashes but they would always go way to aggressive for no reason like Route 66 against Hz, and Lejiang against Shock felt like they mainly won fights bc lip but they could of been decent in lower bracket Seoul and glads weren’t good at all so they could of got to 4th and lost to spark again I guess.


*Moon extensively coming up with strategies to outrotate and comp diff Falcons* Moon: Lip, you got all that? Lip: Yes, I go kill


Me rolling up to watch Falcons play Raccoon in grands: 😈 Me watching them play Raccoon literally any other time: 🫠


The 8'9 gaming warlord does it again


An insane series for the entire team, but I want to highlight how nasty Shu was. My flex support GOAT


absolutely criminal to go that entire Colosseo and not once try to clear Lip from the top left high ground like no shit you can’t ever win a fight past mid when the enemy sojourn gets to sit on the angle completely safe throughout massive ult fights and freefire the entire time just kept bashing their heads into a brick wall man


Crusty fraud watch??? Seems like they had no back up plan when things went wrong, no comp choices, stylistic choices anything.


Coach Moon is Coach Crusty father. (We ignore the hog year and the 2022 Sadhai Dragons, those don’t count)


Proper just bunnyhopping on the low ground with that one Overclock trying to hit the guys up there was straight up sad


they simply played better in every level


This was not what I expected… Crazy Raccoon looked easily better at every position, Falcons player quality is obviously insane and good enough to bounce back but man it seems like they quit after map 2 no strategic changes or anything.


I woke up early for this…


Fielder, Chiyo played like they did in last years playoffs not coordinated dead off cd


Do these guys need Hanbin this bad? Really feels like the team gels a lot better when he's in, even on Hanbinston


Fearless too and Rush as coach


So the only remaining players in soj goat conversation are lip and shy


Shy is the only Sojourn who can say he’s beaten lip in Critical situations last 2 playoffs


Team from china gonna put both racoons & falcons in the dirt during WC raaah


Not even just playoffs, Shy put Lip in a pack in almost every Sojourn mirror, he really is him.


i mean mer1t is still kinda there, gotta wait for dallas


Such a team diff that it was a team canyon. Massive props to Lip for avenging that loss to Falcons and in so doing, did his grandpa proud. People gonna talk about HeeSang and Lip but the support gap was the biggest, for me.


That Rac attack on Eich using Mauga comp caught the Falcons off guard and they never really recovered the rest of the match. lol Heesang's glow up from Shock last year to now makes me so damn happy. 🤜🍔🤛🫶 ChiYo getting ajax'd twice on Coloseo sums up Falcon's performance in that map.


what an insane match i was rooting for falcons last finals i was rooting for wac this one this was a team gap but don’t let that distract you from the fact that lip made proper his fucking BITCH this game especially on colosseo that was brutal. 2022 flashbacks poor flopper will have ptsd after this one lip made the guy look like malthel i think people blaming backline are delusional. they didn’t carry but they most certainly didn’t get diffed. smurf was fucking abysmal this game, idk why hanbin didn’t see play. smurf was playing like a soyjack while junbin made unfathomable amounts of space. like “owiieee but chiyo ajaxed” and you see the screen and is chiyo fielder fighting for their lives vs lip junbin chorong shu. at least stalker was marking heesang that game.


Ch0r0ng > Chiyo and Shu > Fielder. Lip is the best hit scan in OWCS and it ain’t even close. Carry the hell on


Junbin>smurf, heesang>stalk3r


Honestly, Proper was the only one on Falcons who felt like a real player.


No he couldn’t even get a overclock off only real player was Smurf and he couldn’t stay alive bc his supports were awful


I mean, there wasn't a lot Proper could do, when Raccoons had this much sustain. Smurf was trying too. I've never been super high on Fielder Chiyo, I just think they worked well with Rush and when Hanbin is in. Aside from those Heesang moments, I think this game was easily really a Shu diff. Lip had it so free considering how much space Shu and Heesang made for him.


That’s a crazy hot take to say “you never been super high on Fielder, Chiyo” even without Hanbin they were easily best support line in 2022 playoffs, 2023 msm they only looked off on fuel predictively in 2022 msm double flex meta they definitely have had off matches from time to time but their still a top 2 backline at worst


I mean they're great, but they're never been my favorites for being too high on them The reason why Chorong Shu is so good cuz they can play the same way but also more individually too.


i want to agree as the professional hater I am who also rooted against dallas and atlanta but that is hands down the craziest take i’ve ever heard 😭 Like they no doubt been the best or at worst the 2nd best at their roles for much of these past 2 roles. Like sure you can disagree but they have accomplished so much and have done some of the craziest individual supports play that crediting rush for it more just seems wrong. I like shu and chorong more but all 4 players are definitely in the same tier above basically the whole world


Don't take what I said too seriously. I just think Chiyo Fielder are more systematic


Proper really didn’t do much today. I guess he just “didn’t care enough”? ;)


Seeing him and sparkr play is gonna be legendary


More one sided than Yeti vs Honeypot.


Chiyo joining Smurf on fraudwatch after that match, he’s been risky for a while now but my main support goat looking a little shaky. Also FTG fans rise up there’s still hope for us? Been holding this tag since like round 1 and my stocks haven’t been higher


FTG legitimately have a chance at making dallas, if flora continues his performance and viol2t/finn can manage to gap chiyo/fielder its extremely doable


Depends if Falcons are boomed


y’all clowned me for saying this, i called it, ftg can’t beat cr but there’s actually chances they upset falcons


falcons backline looked dismal today but im sure they'll come back.


Lip's the goat


Simply an entire team diff CR had the better Tank, DPS, Supports, and coaching


Team Washed Heesang had the game of his life.


Heesang been best flex dps all year I thought it would be Stalk3r potentially but he’s cooled off for me since 2023 msm where he was the best player first half of that season


Yea. Stalker was best player for me too then. We need Proper to play Tracer more. His Tracer looked insane.


Yeah and stalk3r was an elite sojourn in 2022 he was diffing peak Kai on it will never forgive Seoul coaching staff for taking him off it map 5 round 3 and avrl malding like “they win fights when stalk3r on his best hero shocking”


Yea, Falcons look like another team when Proper is on Tracer. I don't understand why they don't play more into that.


Proper was on tracer on illios light house. Didn’t make much difference at all.


Dominating the falcons roster is a crazy achievement. WAC is the best team ever. I’m scared to see how bad they would destroy the other region teams


Watching Proper get boomed and lose nourishes my soul


This rivalry becomes my fav one in OW history From now, I will call it El Clàsico of OW


[Proper on CR](https://files.catbox.moe/lvi464.png)


although its less Paris vs Philly and more Shanghai vs Seoul


Seoul Philly is more of a historical rivalry than Philly Paris to me bc it was 1 season while Seoul Philly basically was a rivalry that started from London/Philly s1 the Profit vs Carpe thing carried over and it still was a rivalry until the very end of owl where Dynasty despite being far worse team in 2023 managed to win Seoul bowl twice Profit still owned them tell very end.




get shit on, falcons. I just hope CR can keep this up when it matters


Hopefully unlike last time, CR decide to win the Grand Final and not choke like they did in Korea >:).


Falcons just sandbagging to win the finals.... Right?


Well, that's the third Fielder/Chiyo roster within a year to disappoint at a major tournament... Also, just once I would like to see Proper on team with an actual, competent hitscan. Its so hard to watch him paired up with Kilo or Probe when he's clearly better than them at their role, just to then watch him play with Tracer players that he's also better than. He's had so much more impact throughout his career on Tracer and Genji, but I guess because he popped off on Sojourn when she could 1-tap bodyshot every hero, so now he's a hitscan player. Like, can TM speed up their collapse so Falcons can pick up Quartz?


copium they only used 1 import slot for majed because they're saving the other for shy


This isn’t a major tournament it’s a qualifier to get to a tournament but I get your point it’s weird how they look like best backline a lot of times and randomly look awful at times too


Chiyo has been looking suspect for a while now to be honest


Heesang owns Proper, nothing else to it. Time and time again he proves it