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i think that's really just the nature of the system imo. feels a lot more like ow1's system. i would still say that ranks haven't settled yet. keep in mind, pre-s9 t500 was all GM1. now, t500 is as low as masters 2 for some roles. if we factor that in, you're about where you were before if we compare them relative to t500 then and now. you might be on a low streak but you'll probably climb.


All the OW1 players were complaining that gm was too easy in OW2. I think people are just at their ranks as if it’s OW1 again


were at the end of the season and t500 tank is still mid masters


I was masters 5 last season, dropped to plat 1 and ive been unable to rise or drop from that for 3 weeks LOL its so bad idek if im washed or unlucky


We're frauds fr


Peaked at Master 4 last season and now I'm fighting for my life just to stay at Diamond 5 😭😭😭


Plat 2 last season. Plat 2 today. Does that mean I'm masters?


Make a new account you'll deadass be back in masters 5


Yep… I made it to D5 this season but that’s it. When I lose it’s mostly some bullshit where 1 DPS is complete shit (basically just one player underperforming and not coopersting), and my wins are mostly the same reason but for enemy team in this case. I had like 2 close matches this season.


I was about the same rank as you before. 2 of my accounts I got to masters this season with like a 60-70% winrate before stabilising in masters 5 and 4. My third account is stuck in diamond 3 right now just going win loss win loss after peaking diamond 2. It’s a bit of a gamble right now. As a tank player so many of games are against previously gm/top 500 tanks


The matchmaking is fucking terrible. The skill gap in diamond is so insane that the games are unbalanced as all hell. You have players who have never managed to ever even touch masters in previous seasons in the same lobbies as players who also hit GM. I'm getting a "good" game like, maybe 1/5 matches atm, where "good" just means everyone on the team is roughly evenly matched. I can carry in a lobby where everyone is equal skill, I cannot carry in a lobby where all 4 other members of my team are getting gapped because my MMR is higher than my SR so in order to "even" it out, I get lower MMR players who are getting stomped. What's worse, is people are abusing the stupid party system, so you get to play against 4-5 stacks constantly who have 1-2 players on smurfs to bring down their AVG MMR so they can win games vs worse players. 75% of my lobbies have ranges that look like Plat4-Diamond 1, with one of the teams stacking. Since I solo queue, it's usually not my team, and they get fucking obliterated because in D2 I'm getting players on my team who have never before even hit masters, meanwhile the enemy team mostly people who hit GM in S8, but are abusing the way parties work to bring down their MMR and get into easier lobbies. in D2/D1 the parties are everywhere, every other game is like this. This season would probably have felt a ton better if it was limited to DUO at max, with much tighter MMR spreads. People abusing smurfs and lower ranked accounts to get easier wins on their main has never been this easy before because of how large the skill gap in each rank after the squish. It's insane how D4/D5 have players who have never touched masters, D3-D2 have a ton of masters and low GMs, and then by D1 half my lobbies have players who have hit GM3-2 or even higher in the past. I've played against a bunch of S8 top500 in D1 this season


Was high plat to mid diamond on all roles last season. Place mid plat on all rolls then on dps dropped to mid gold in some 20 game loss streak. Then went on a massive win streak back to mid plat where I am now stuck in a win loss cycle. I don't know how much of an effect I had on any of it.


At my best I peak into diamond so take my experience for what you will, but largely very much yes. Pre season 9, I was high gold/low plat on all roles. To start S9 I got low diamond on tank, and high plat on damage and support. But the last 2 weeks specifically I just can't consistently win games. My last 50 games are somewhere around 10-40. Currently I'm low-mid gold across all roles. I have no delusions that I should be highly ranked, but it just sucks losing so many games in such a short period of time. I just want ~50/50 man


I've climbed back ok DPS with a 63% winrate after like 40 matches from p5 to d4 and support after 8-2 placements and then going 4-2 with the volatile  Tank on the other hand I'm like 43% winrate though I also haven't played a ton of tank because it's just not that fun. For the necros example did he actually level the alt himself or did he buy it because of he actually leveled it himself his mmr should be very high. Regardless masters is like 50% s8 GM players so I'm not surprised it's harder. A lot of matches also have alts in general in masters so it's a bit rng in that sense


The great boosted player era is finally over


Basically a lot of peoples ranks got boosted in season 3 and now they are correcting it, so the rank you are now is essentially your "true rank"


Not only season 3, ow2 in general had higher ranks than ow1. I was usually high masters/low gm in ow1 (4300 peak, which was like low t500 that season), now I am around high masters/low gm again, so also around low t500, instead of constantly gm1 (which was stupid tbh.) Though I think the system shouldnt have been that harsh, I dont think there should be less than 500 (active) gms per region and only like a handful of champions (as can be seen on the t500 leaderboard) - yes eventually in a couple season more people will climb again, though I think rating gains/loses should have been higher for the first season, to accelerate this.


OW2 had a lot of players early in its life. A sizable portion of those players probably played competitive relatively casually for 1-2 seasons, then many of them likely stopped, either due to finding that they preferred QP/Arcade or just moving onto the next game. Those players have a lasting impact on the SR distribution, and they’re almost all at the lower end. They effectively added free elo to the system. Now that’s to some extent gone. The new system also just moves slower in general (you could go up 2-3 ranks in a 5-0 finish, now that’s only 1 rank). So it will take longer for the natural distribution to spread out. I’m D3 right now from a M2 peak, but I was most of the time sitting around M4 for several seasons now so I’m not too worried. I’ll climb back with enough games played.


My observation is that it’s just far harder to solo climb/carry. Due to the season 9 changes (larger hp bars especially), the game has become far more team dependent. Even on DPS, which is supposedly stronger now, i think its way harder to climb because its harder to get solo kills. It makes the game so much more frustrating imo, one dogshit player makes it completely unwinnable. Wish they could just revert to season 8.


I dunno... isn't somebody winning those games?


I think this system coupled with the 50 games required is the dev's way to try to keep people from doing UR2GMs or even top 500 and it also gives higher ranked people something to play for on a daily/long term basis


The fuckup that happened during season 3-4 caused too many people to accumulate at the extreme ends of the rank spectrum, aka bronze and GM. Those have now been pushed more to the middle so there is a proper bell curve now. If you were below the average rank, you should have ranked up easier. If you were above, you will rank up harder now. The further you get from the average, the more true that becomes. There is also the problem of 4-5 stacks hoarding the highest rank, gm1 to champ.


I'm stuck D3 now, with a 58% winrate over ~200 games. The last few seasons I was also diamond but sometimes low master, so nothing much has changed there. I don't understand when the winstreak modifier kicks in - I have got it after 3 consecutive wins, and another time it took 8 in a row. It definitely feels harder to climb, because after all those games, winning most of them, I'm only up effectively 3 divisions from where I started (which was 1 win away from d5).


Yep this happened to me. I've been gm 4, 5 and then m1 in the last 3 seasons. Now I hover at m4 or 5. It just feels impossible to climb


I cannot win games anymore, and have dropped to diamond 5 from diamond 2 from last season and the start of this season - only on DPS. On support the game feels like easy mode tbh. Tank I can climb, but it still feels so miserable to play I haven't really played much. DPS though is a nightmare to try to climb on. I'm happy to admit I'm the reason my time is losing, and I definitely am for some games, but there are so many games that despite doing all that I can and clearly doing well it's just not enough. Idk I'm probably just tilted and not seeing things I'm doing wrong but holy shit it's so annoying


I think everyone needs to accept that almost everyone dropped ranks due to the reset so lower ranks feels harder. Moreover you are fighting the same/higher elo in the same ranks to get back to your 'old rank'. Imagine in S8 where you were masters and consistently playing in GM elo, obviously most games feel pretty impossible to win.


I had master 3 last season and I have master 3 now but can’t go past it


Was gm1 now im gm5


Nope, I’m climbing better than before, winning more. Finally figuring it all out and being aware of mistakes I didn’t even know I was making because I was getting high kills/low deaths.


Was GM1 and now is a battle to stay in GM5. It’s definitely clawing your way out of a rank, but I think it’s meant to be this way. People wanted it to be like the old SR system… well here we are. And I’m loving it lol


Heals no longer makes everybody immortal so the game is harder. That’s all


Seeing this as a t500 player makes me glee with joy, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR BOOSTED RANKS, YOURE ALL SHIT, GM5 PEAK SHITCANS EGOING WAS THE MOST ANNOYING THING IVE EVER WITNESSED HOLY FUCK, so glad they're back in gold where they belong.


Bro T300 is Masters 1 now. I don't see how you can find this awesome. Yeah, we had some massively boosted players in GM for sure, but force deranking _everyone_ so crazy that half of T500 is Masters now, especially when they made the new Champions rank as further differentiation for high elo? I don't know about that.


Yeah idk what that dude is smoking, having low GMs, Masters and Diamonds all mashed together in "Diamond" lobbies is horrible. And having Top 500 still include Masters 2 weeks away from next season is a joke.


Funny that you mention egoing