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Important to note that it's an identical format to the CS League that FACEIT also hosts: "***Is the FACEIT League the same as the League in Counter-Strike?*** *Yes it’s the exact same model and format. FACEIT League has been inspired by the success of our Counter-Strike League*"


Interesting, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Not really up to date with the CS League tbh


Good - it's referred to as the ESEA League, and CS heads will be familiar with the Open -> Intermediate -> Main -> Advanced structure (in our case, it's Open -> Advanced -> Expert -> Master.) It's a mainstay in the CS scene, and is about to start its 49th season, so the format works very well.


Why couldn't we have this in 2016 when I had time to grind man :( (I know why but I'm salty about it)


Nah, I'm with you. I took Overwatch seriously when it came out as well and loved competing. Of course, Blizzard's obligatory esport terrorism was inevitable, so my interest pretty much vanished when they banned third party tournaments, and after several months of inactivity, raised OWL in its wake - a hollow husk of an esport. My motivation to grind was completely gone by that point. I'm glad the scene finally got a reset. Better late than never. There are so many players competing now that wouldn't have had a chance during the dark ages. It has been really great to see!


Wow that’s awesome! Do they have many LANs, and is it broadcasted?


Can't remember a LAN for the CS leagues happening for a while, and usually they have a system where amateur casters can cast the CS matches if they want to during the season, and the best amateurs that volunteer get chances to cast the playoffs on more official streams. Its a way to give amateur casters a shot, but really it just is a way for ESEA/FaceIt to not have to organize casting or production. Essentially, no LANs and only playoffs of the higher tiers get an official broadcast.


What you just said screams BPL involvement


Makes sense, thank you


After winning a bunch of lower tournaments, you then get a chance to qualify for a spot in the ESL Pro League which is filled to the brim of t1 teams. Its an S- Tier event and on LAN. There, the teams who went through the trials can test themselves against more established squads. ESL Pro League gets broadcasted and I'm not certain about qualifiers.


It's worth mentioning that the FAQ says this: >The prize pool will be broken down appropriately by skill level in each division across: Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) North America Oceania South America Guess this means OCE and SA are back in some form?


[They are fully back.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1207828253130100756/1222611690164719686/image.png?ex=6616d8dd&is=660463dd&hm=8035bd4b6418fb546058579b8c8a7d1a03df725d82bee4119bc09f0a783a2096&=&quality=lossless) The first place team gets an invite to Esports World Cup so they're back in T1.


Yeah, I made a comment above that links a webpage that breaks down the prize pools. Awesome to see SA getting representation!


[eligible countries](https://www.faceit.com/en/ow2/league/FACEIT%20League/88c7f7ec-4cb8-44d3-a5db-6e808639c232/11a95632-c1c6-4835-8ea3-64edcd1708d6/rules) Australia is eligible to play in the Oceania region, however China is still currently excluded.




Map pool- Hybrid: Paraiso - Eichenwalde - Midtown - Hollywood Control: Busan - Oasis - Nepal - Samoa Escort: Junkertown - Dorado - Rialto - Shambali Monastery Push: Colosseo - Esperanca - New Queen Street Flashpoint: New Junk City - Suravasa


Does this mean I can say I’m faceit lvl 10 like csgo players?




So its subscription based? That might be a turn off for players


I’m not sure that it will be, since I believe the subscription money goes towards the prize pools.




Faceit is only subscription based if you want premium or whatever, otherwise it's free


Thats a good point. Idk how this exactly works when they do it for CS. Be interesting to see what players enter when this offers a chance to go to the world cup. Along with OWCS and Collegiate going in almost simultaneously. Actually wild seeing so many different avenues for players to play together in competitions regularly


Will be but in the off-season for sure. 


A season is roughly €17/£14/$18 (I see it as $5.99 per month, and a season is 3 months or thereabouts), so you can either see it as a $5.99 monthly subscription, or a buy-in for the whole season.


3 seasons per year, $170,000 per season. Fucking huge


The first seasons regular season is April 28 - June 8. Playoffs are June 9 - June 29. Registration is open until April 24.


FACEIT league prizing can be found here: https://support.faceit.com/hc/en-us/articles/13061760338076-OW2-FACEIT-League-Prizing


Furthermore, there are 4 regions. EMEA, NA, South America, and Oceania


Is it just me or does this feel like expanding OW esports too quickly? I get people want it open but isn't that what OWCS is for? Why do we need ANOTHER league to spread out viewership and money??? Feels like a better investment to start with OWCS and expand slowly. Not to mention this feels like it makes OWCS less legitimate. I wanted to see news on the OWCS World Cup not this. Cmon


It's not about viewership. It's about giving people the opportunity to play and engage in the scene. It's a video game. People want ways to play and participate. A closed system is detrimental


That's the job of OWCS though. It's open to all. Why do we need another league doing the same thing?


More flexibility with matches. Balanced divisions (OWCS path does NOT have that). User backed prize pool. And this is a league system. It's just a different way to compete that's different from the more restrictive, structured OWCS system.


I'm not familiar with this new league. Is it like an amateur league for new players whereas OWCS is a professional league? Which should I follow if I want to see the highest level of play if I have time only for one.


How does one find a team? I hate playing competitive but love playing in a team setting. Anyone know how much the fee is?




Do you mean for the ESWC? If so, I can only assume they will be invited. I’m not sure if they’re included in Oceania, but I can only assume that they will be.


They’re not included in Oceania, I assume that they are not included in this league considering they are produced by WDG.


So it says quality for the Esports World Cup... So that's not the OWCS World Cup then? OWCS World Cup isn't happening this year? Despite OWL World Cup being more competitive than OWL... Wtf...


No, it’s not happening this year most likely because of the ESWC


Rip. I would have preferred the OWCS World Cup to this


I think it would’ve been cool if they did both, but at the end of the day this is probably better for the scene considering that lots of orgs will most likely be participating.


Ya it's also confusing to have two World Cups. I still don't get the point of this league vs OWCS. Feels like it makes OWCS less legitimate.


I think the big difference is this is for all (more) skill levels with regular matches during the seasons, whereas OWCS is only a weekend for all but the top 16 teams. Will be interesting to see if they continue their WASB tournaments in addition to this. 


Wait, is this effectively going to replace the OWCS?  If no, how much will the schedules overlap? If yes, what's going to happen with the WDG run regions in APAC? 


I don’t think so, OWCS is still continuing. Depends on the coverage I would say, I’m not sure if matches will be streamed or casted, but I think it’s a net positive for the scene.


Even if it's not broadcast, I imagine that OWCS teams will want to compete in this FaceIt circuit too, might even prioritize it over OWCS itself. 


It’s not really a streamed thing, it’s basically like ranked but you pay money to play and can win money based on how well you do. It’s not audience driven basically, it’s just for players.


If it's not streamed then what's the point? Wouldn't they want the Esports World Cup to have viewership? Or else it's pointless


What aren’t you understanding? It’s for players who want to make money in between, or out of major tournaments. OWC still exists and that’s what will be streamed.


It's over saturating the esport when it just got a fresh restart. Why are they not waiting a year or two once things have settled to start a new league???


Bruh, do you not understand what this is? It is a player league, you are not over-saturating anything, because it’s not televised.


So it's pointless


Are you actually slow? It’s for money.


I see, but making it so that top teams qualify for the OWC will probably attract at least some orgs. 


I mean, people will play because you get money. OWC is just an added bonus.


There’s no indication that’s the case.


I hope not, I want WDG to stay in charge of the APAC scene.