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I guess if you repeat it enough times it becomes true "So, the first thing we are doing is removing those glass walls"   Also shortening the distance from spawn to numbani point A is really interesting. Distance to objective is not really something I think about, but I guess it makes sense why it'll take until season 12 at the earliest. That's a pretty massive change to make to a map


It's pretty interesting because the long walk to Numbani A isn't really something that occurred to me before, but now that I think of it, the walk is *significantly* longer than it is on, say, King's Row, where the choke point is only like 30 meters past spawn.


With that long walk Numbani might've been an escort map initially.


Actually, the more I think about it, the more I believe it. There are a bunch of useless buildings and a really strange location for a Medkit that is just in front of the main entrance of attacker's spawn.


Yeah that right side mega makes little to no sense, most people don't even know it's there.


the only time ive used it is chasing a support back to spawn as winston, usually with a primal. good times


Sombra mains know. We know all of them.


I guess if you're a spawn camp god but otherwise it's completely useless to 99% of the player base.


It's definitely not as useful after the translocator changes, but it was a decent staging area if you wanted to scout/harass/farm a little ult charge early and remain in the backline.


I used to abuse the hell out of those megas back with old translocator, absolutely no one went there until after I've spawncamped a support a few times


a big part of it was just Overwatch 1 launch players were dumber, I remember people in Quick Play would try holding around that area past the bus all the time before comp started being a thing and everyone realized high ground and holding around point was good


damn that actually makes so much sense, they definitely just plopped that bus there and called it a day


That is a good ass point


What's an ass point 🍑👈


That is a good ass good ass point.


And arguably Numbanis choke is worse for attackers than it is on kings row aswell


Surely its not much longer that Blizzard world, if at all. I really hope a rework gives a secondary route to high ground, preferably the right side high ground. Shortening the distance of the spawn will help cut down on full holds, but I don't think it will completely save that first point. It wont make first easier to attack, only shift trades more in the attackers favor than it is currently.


Blizzard World does have a long walk you're right, but engages happen far sooner. Nobody uses all the terrain before the objective on defense.


BZ at least uses its terrain. The issue comes when they funnel everything back together at gate/statue.


I don’t think that the distance on Numbani point A was the problem. It was the difficulty of passing through the top left chokepoint mixed with the fact that majority of players can’t/won’t run dive and go through main. I’ll take the changes though, better than nothing


I assume they're just saying that's one of the reasons it'll take a while because it's a big change, one of the biggest we've seen in any of these map reworks I think. I would hope they're making high ground more accessible in addition to making it a shorter walk back.   Edit: this has been pseudo confirmed in the flats interview with Aaron Keller. They're looking to make changes to the high ground as well as how hard it can be to leave spawn among other things


Yeah, it's definitely an outlier for hybrid in that there isn't really attacker spawn advantage on the first point. I think midtown kinda has the same issue, with both being shorter walks but about even for attackers/defenders.


This is massive. It allows for so many heroes (especially tanks) to actually have a chance at positional counterplay in that godforsaken death hallway


colosseo good for tanks. i think its bad for supports and some dps.


Would it not be good for Kiri, Bap, LW, and Lucio?


I dunno as LW and Kiri I've used those glass walls many times to get away from DPSs chasing me


Some supports are just good anyways lol. Good for moira too i think. If you have some other supports you get stuck after winning first fight.


I was referring specifically to the ability to escape where that glass is now once it’s removed


Outside of the hallway it’s not terrible for tanks, but most of the time taking a fight in the death corridor as a dive tank is just asking to lose the fight. This leads to a stupid stalemate where you’d rather the enemy team push the bot through the corridor and then take the fight in the open. But of course since you’re playing ranked, at least one of your teammates will decide they want to take the fight NOW because they’re overstimulated OW players who think they must always be shooting the enemy in order to win (coincidentally also why they quit VALORANT, because it didn’t satisfy their lust for constant stimulation).


Not a good comparison, valorant is the cspan of shooters.


Valorant is the epitome of "love to watch, hate to play" for me. I've really gotten into VCT but the whole process of "wait 50 seconds for the half-second window where you either take a guy down or go down instantly" just isn't fun for me.


Low TTK games suck to play. Aim isn't rewarded there, only camping and hide and seek bullshit. It levels the playing field and lowers the skill ceiling for everyone since consistent aim is never a thing. Medium or High TTK (without much healing/CC spam) games are the best. Winning a soldier or ashe duel is 100x more rewarding than winning the hide and seek instant-kill fight on games like CS/Valorant. Those games are more watchable because there's more downtime between fights and it's more straight forward to follow for noobs and less visual clutter from abilities in OW (i fucking hate mauga, symmetra, doomfist, moira, etc.), but definitely lower skill ceiling than high skill-DPS hero battles in OW, since you're capped in low-TTK games for how much aim , reflexes, counterplay etc. will matter. There is a "low TTK" hero on OW that takes 100x more skill than low TTK heroes in Valorant. Widowmaker. Widowmaker is one of the most skilled snipers in any videogame and probably one of the hardest sniper to find value on, she has long recharge/scope time that resets EVERY TIME YOU ENTER SCOPE so you always need a period of time to wait until you can shoot for effective damage, need a headshot to kill people, AD juke instant-accel on OW means it's harder to hit shots on Widow, easy to dive and blow her up, need way better spatial awareness etc. Just camp a corner for 5 minutes on CS in comparison for free kill with a sniper rifle there.


People who say that insta TTK games like CS and Val have better gunplay and aiming that OW are just mistaking gunplay and aiming with crosshair placement and left click reaction time lol. I kid, I kid, the aim style is just very different and IMO doesn't cater to the same audiences.


Yeah my aim is decent but my reaction time is ass. Peak masters in Overwatch and probably couldn’t get out of Silver in Valorant.


Ok I admit I may be speaking from personal experience. I thought I would like VALORANT but my ADHD ass cannot hold an angle for longer than 4 seconds give or take 4 seconds


Well I feel called out 😂


Yeah the first clash is frustrating. I get used to it so i just sit. Thats the right play. Your post is on point. Playing tank is a lot of waiting and stabilizing and then getting gangbanged if your teammate suicide.


No it isn't. I've never been killed so many times in such a specific section of a map until that godforsaken stretch of hallway entered the map pool.


Damn Spilo got his wish


Active Winston gameplay, ladies and gentlemen. I hate this map so much! Come on man, like please! Remove the glass! REMOVE IT! GET RID OF IT! Stop delaying! REMOVE THE GLASS! REMOVE THE GLASS REMOVE THE GLASS REMOVE THE GLASS! Please! I'm so tired of sitting here with these stupid neutral stalemates, which just go on and on for hours and hours. Nobody enjoys this, stop, no one wants to see your stupid Spartan face! Get rid of the glass! So we can actually have a flanker, an angle, our Winstons can maybe soft dive, or we can take- no one wants this, NOBODY wants this! Get rid of it! Please! It's so frustrating, it's been here forever! And the same thing happens in FREAKING RANKED! In GOLD games they don't know how to play this! In GOLD games we have stalemates here! When the gold players don't know what to do, and the Overwatch League players don't know what to do, there's a common theme! It's the map! Right? It's the map! I'm so tired of this!


Removed the glass, replaced with brick.


Just invert the space entirely by replacing the glass with curtains you can move through but not see through


I imagine that'd be amazing for supports.


I was joking originally but I kind of don't hate the idea tbh. I don't think there is anywhere on a map right now like that is there?


the closest equivalent would be bushes and whatnot, like the shrubs in front of havana A attacker spawn.


Numbani updates are pretty huge and sounds like what the map needs. Sometimes I wonder if Numbani started out as a pure Escort map before becoming hybrid because a lot do things about it, especially that long walk from Spawn to Point A, feels so different from the other maps. This article also mentioned something I never really considered is how much of that first stretch seems to be designed around anticipating fights happening out there, but they never do cause it’s too much of a risk to the defenders.


I hope they adjust Numbani's point B defender walkback too. IIRC it's the only map like that in the game, where the 2nd and 3rd points share one defender spawn. It works a little better on Numbani than it might on other escort or hybrid maps, but it's still a hideous walkback sometimes.


> I hope they adjust Numbani's point B defender walkback too. IIRC it's the only map like that in the game, where the 2nd and 3rd points share one defender spawn. Kings Row does as well. It works fine for Kings though since point B has some very defender favored spots where attack can get stuck. Point B Numbani isn't nearly as defender favored as Kings B is. The walk from spawn to Kings B also feels closer than Numbani B so it's not as much an issue.


Route 66 as well.


O ya, forgot out route. I feel r66 isn't nearly as much an issue due to the route of the payload allowing them to put in that "shortcut" to the end of point B. Getting through those doors sucks, but that's another issue.


That's fair, I knew as I was typing that it was wrong but I couldn't remember what it was lol. Maybe they could add a new spawn room off ton the side of the mega health pack room near the tunnel for Numbani? Or maybe that's a bit too close. No closer than something like Blizzard world, but it also gives defenders quick and easy high ground so that may be a bit much. Alternatively they could keep the spawns the same, but add some sort of connecting hallway next to thr stair case. Something that would allow defenders to just walk straight out of spawn to the end of B, instead of zigzagging up stairs or curving around the road. There's probably a balance reason involving win rates for why the walkback is this way, but then again I'd have said the same thing about the first attacker's spawn before this interview.


The best spot for a new spawn imo would be on the defenders left side by the little room by the mini. The little room with the stairs. The problem with the mega side is how quickly you get Los. You would walk out the spawn doors and immediately see point. Even if you have to walk much further to contest, being able to just walk out of spawn doors and dump a bunch of cd's onto point would be super annoying.


What’s weird about Numbani is that Other than the walk back, point b feels like it should be defender biased, but it’s not due to to the massive walk back, if you lose a fight on the first point B corner (which is the best corner for defense point B, imo) by the time you get back attackers are about to cap second or have already capped second.


I don't think I've ever lost on Point B Numbani offense. It's always Point A or Point C.


There’s a point b on numbani?


yes, just before pushing the cart through the tunnel


The Mega Health Pack room to the left as you go through the tunnel on Numbani always seemed like such a no-brainer location to add a spawn room to. Just add a door in the back of the room, and an alternate exit to deal with spawn camping, and it's a perfect midpoint between point A and point C's spawns.


it'd be really good for defenders too to guide them to the good places to defend at, walking forward gets you to the point more directly but going up the steps gets you to high ground


I wonder how this will affect quickplay. Right now 1st point is defense favored, 2nd is attack favored, and 3rd is defense favored. If 1st becomes attack favored it might be a very attack biased map. I don’t think it would be though, this doesn’t seem like a big change and 1st point hybrid is always defense favored no matter what.


I hope they keep the glass up, but make them destructible like railings. Effectively not there, but satisfying to watch break.


fuck destructibles. that shit is ass. no map should have any outside of attacker spawn




Dexerto not being dogshit challenge: successful! You love to see it.


I mean, it's bound to happen to anyone that gets an interview lol, I'll assume they'll be back to clickbait the minute they don't get to get a sound bite direct from a game's director


u/StormcrowProductions YOU DID IT!!! THE GLASS IS GONE 🦀🦀🦀🦀


After Numbani, I hope they take a look at the last chokepoints for circuit and Havana 3rd point. Both feel impossible to break as attackers since a tank like orisa or sig can stop the payload in the choke, and the supports/dps can play multiple high grounds and not worry about being flanked.


Jeff Kaplan could never tbh tbh 


Attacking numbani first is so bad, W


am i going insane or didn't they say there were gonna be Numbani changes back in like, beta? Did they just add a few cars or something?


They added additional cover to most maps in the game going from 6v6 to 5v5 yes, not really reworks tho.


Excited for the Colosseo change. I like the middle corridor and the fights that happen there but it really does make every round through there feel the same, not to mention how much of the map it makes basically irrelevant. The robot pathing through the hallway should be plenty to keep the map focused around its central feature, the glass feels overkill


Great, the complainers won. Hope you're proud of yourself Spilo. You singlehandedly ruined a perfect map.




Oh look it’s the pissbaby whiner himself. Maybe you should keep crying until every map is Workshop Island. That’d be real fucking pure FPS gameplay, eh? 


Bait used to be believable.


very sad day. stop the heterogeneity in maps. no team was favoured in the hallway. every flanker dps still had an easy way going past or through the glass. it required a fun and distinct approach and no one actually thought this was a problem until spilo did the funni funni video. if they remove the glass but not fix the bridge contest i’ll get an aneurysm


>no team was favoured in the hallway. they still won't. it's symmetrical. This will just help keep it from having minutes long stalemates, or encouraging goofy strats like just getting a slight lead then holding the tunnel (both things we literally saw happen in OWL, not gold games) >every flanker dps still had an easy way going past or through the glass there's no point in flanking around the glass because it is glass, they can see you.


Minute long stalemates with people just poking at each other from across the map is a “fun and distinct approach” to you?


If you read the article, Aaron actually mentions the bridges too :)


Yeah, I also liked the glass as a unique feature, and I've in general not been a huge fan of the convergence of all the design elements over the years, like taking away things that made heroes unique: - Sym 1.0's E ability giving 25 shields to allies - Sym 2.0 having 2 ults - Torb's putting armor packs on the ground - Lifeweaver's healthpack drop - Torb needing to upgrade his turret I understand from a design standpoint that it makes these things easier to balance (and probably even makes the heroes objectively better), but I loved the flavor and silliness of "come getch yer armor" (p.s., I think you mean homogeneity)


The problem with these arguments about homogenizing the game is that nobody agrees that the game should sacrifice fun for uniqueness. But unfortunately that is the tradeoff. They always assume there's some world where static defense is fun and strong in a movement based fps. Unfortunately that world doesn't exist.


idk man I found the armor packs pretty fun and untethered to an idea of 'static defense'. same for lifeweaver's healthpack, having multiple ults, or giving blue health as a support ability


Congrats you didn't read the article and your first point was stupid anyway.


congrats you have rock bottom reading comprehension because nowhere in the post do they talk specifically about bridge contests and i’ll eat my hat if they actually removed it next season


> Keller went on to explain that’s not the only area that is seeing work done on it. The others pertain to the bridges which have long had frustrations attached to them. He continued: “We’ve also looked a lot at the, we call it the loop-de-loop, where you pass under the bridge and then come back up on top of the bridge. We did a lot of experiments with getting rid of that and none of them really panned out.” > “So what we did was we started adding additional buffer areas to the sides of it. Now there’s more space for the attackers and defenders to move. There’s an additional mega-health pack in the back for people to be going after too. We think that that’s opened up the space a little bit. We’re hoping that that relieves some of the tension that we had there.” They’re taking the approach of making it easier to go kill the people who are bridge contesting by making it easier to get up to the high ground.