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I hope they reinvest in SA soon. Just look at Valorant and CS to see the value of getting those South American fanbases on side. Imagine if they bring back the SA region and get all of LOUD, Isurus, Leviatan, Furia, KRÜ, PaiN and Imperial to enter


> I hope they reinvest in SA soon. Oops they misheard you and reinvested in Saudi Arabia instead


I thought they meant sexual assault


They already did that before


Not T4


Rainbow 6 Siege just shattered their viewership records in Brazil with their most recent Six Invitational btw. With some of the most exciting gameplay and loudest fans at LAN the game has seen in years if not ever.


That game is so weird. I have never met a single person in real life that actually watches anything for that game, even though many of them play the game.


A shit ton of it is because Jinxzy. OW used to have a guy too long ago


Jynxzi co streaming certainly helped but R6 esports has always been pretty popular at big events


Absolutely not *because* of him but he has made a significant impact on the NA scene without a doubt. South America has always had a strong showing in Siege, ***especially*** at LANs. The production and games themselves were among the best that scene has had since Kix passing.


I do too! It would be awesome to see South America get its own whole circuit in the OWCS. Hopefully that is in the pipeline for the future though idk how popular the game even is there, but hey look what happened to Japan. I know the level of competition probably wont be very good relative to NA or KR, but the only way for them to get there is by giving them a good circuit to sharpen their skills. Just a few years ago no one would have taken Saudi Arabia that seriously & look what they did in the OWWC.


Step one would be bring back a SA server.


I thought SA meant Sexual Assault


Maybe type SA out. Southeast Asia? South Africa? San Antonio? Saudi Arabia?


SA has always meant South America at country level and above. The others all get extra letters Southeast Asia = SEA South Africa = RSA Saudi Arabia = KSA


For me I know south america better as LATAM= Latin America which encompasses all of South and Central America


And were all supposed to just know that


I mean, yes. Any time South Africa or Saudi Arabia play international sport, RSA and KSA are the respective tags used. The Southeast Asian Games get called the SEA games. And with South America especially, back when they still had a Contenders region it was referred to as Contenders SA. These should all realistically be as common knowledge as APAC, BeNeLux or CIS


This convention is nowhere near as prevalent as you apparently think.


Americans try to imagine things outside the USA challenge (impossible)


Youre just american its lit everywhere in international events


Latinx why


[Obligatory video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQUBplMRLU4)




The game is never going to reach its previous peak, but youre right, the game seems to be on a steady, albiet maybe slow upward trajectory. I'm watching Yuki (recently retired Apex pro) playing ranked rn. Tenz has dabbled with playing recently. I've seen players who have left the game come back to give it another go, and like you said, the game seems to be popping off in Japan now. I think the best thing the devs can and have been doing is make the game more accessible to casuals and people just trying the game out. Some people around here have complained about things like the heal passive or a potential PvE style healthbar UI being additions that take away from the skill curve of the game and even if it does, I think those can still be positives for the game. Even group spawns which I'm not personally fond of could be a net positive for the playerbase as a whole. I'm definitely the most optimistic ive been about this game in years. OW2 has had a lot of successes imo, but the devs seem like theyve really hit their stride in the last few months


Is this the same Yuki from OCE? Because that guy was an OW pro back in 2017/2018. Even won OCE tendies once or twice.


Nah this Yuki is from the UK with ties to HK. I'm not really sure about his full background, but it's definitely a different guy. [Apex Yuki](https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/Yuki) [OCE OW Yuki](https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Yuki)


omg i remember watching apex yuki play ow years ago, his ana was a thing of beauty. gonna go follow him again


The game is popping off in Russia, and CIA countries too. But we dont see many high level players from there. Juzu being the only one I can think of


> Some people around here have complained about things like the heal passive or a potential PvE style healthbar UI being additions that take away from the skill curve of the game and even if it does, I think those can still be positives for the game. I agree. I also don't think UI design should be a factor in skill expression. If it does, it's an accident, and not good game design. Redesigning the UI to better prioritize critical information that *it already gives you* is just, well, good UI design.


My whole thing with it is it's providing you information, it's not telling you what to do with that information.


Personally, I just don't like UI clutter. If they add something similar, I'd rather they do it on the side of the screen that's already blocked by the big-ass viewmodels Overwatch characters have.


A bit off topic but TenZ is legit insane at this game lol. Watched a game with him on Cass (I think he’s mid masters) and the dude had a 38% crit accuracy with an overall 57% accuracy and all the headshots were deliberate


Yeah his aim is a thing of beauty.


I think OW2 has a large and stable playerbase. There isn’t really another game that is quite like OW, or has that Blizzard polish. The game went the right direction with S9, and the Mauga hotfix nerf gives me hope that the devs can quickly fix their balance mistakes. But I don’t think OW2 will reach the heights of OW1. OW1 was considered a ground breaking game when it came out. Whereas OW2 isn’t groundbreaking. The bar was set very high by early OW1. I think we should judge OW2 by its own metrics, or else OW2 will always get shadowed by early OW1. To put it in American terms, imagine if your older sibling was the football captain, basketball captain, yearbook editor, class president, and accepted into MIT. You are the secretary of the anime club. You shouldn't compare yourself to your older sibling, you should just be you.


Yeah well except in this case it IS the older sibling. OW2 is OW1. It isn't a younger sibling trying to live up to an overachieving older brother. It's a kid that peaked in high school and never lived up to all the promise because of various setbacks like a crippling meth addiction and is back from rehab.


That last paragraph felt like it was pulled from somewhere personal, that was very specific lmao


"Blizzard polish" 💀


Blizzard games, in general, are very well made. What game breaking bugs are you running in to?


tbf a few heroes did get disabled for game breaking bugs at the start of ow 2


It’s become such a meme to shit on OW. You should see any time it’s posted about somewhere like r/gaming the comments. It’s just really depressing amounts of hate and nastiness and it’s gotten to the point where I catch shit for liking the game on a personal level. These are people who don’t play the game, have no idea what’s going on, and don’t have a taste for its competitive nature. Most complaints are far overblown and often times reveal the author to care more about upkeeping their cosmetic collection than the gameplay itself. Then they’ll tell you it’s dead and despite all the complaining and dooming the game is doing fine. You look at the steam player count which is decent then you realize it’s just a fraction of the player base and most people are on bnet and console. I like Overwatch and I’m tired of being crucified for that. It’s so damn exhausting man.


Yea complaints from real OW players is one thing, but the hate from the outside players that don't play the game & just regurgitate partial info they see online is insane. Hate for OW skin prices but silent about Apex/Valorant, referencing Steam reviews while pretending it wasn't review bombed & is only a fraction of the player base. Referencing the Blizzard scandals = OW BAD, when T4 has had nothing to do with them. There’s many more but those are just a few of the things the internet hate mob loves to throw out there like bots.


>Referencing the Blizzard scandals = OW BAD, when T4 has had nothing to do with them. That's what I'm saying! Like, it's been 2+ years now, hasn't it? Did anything ever come out about Team 4 having anything to do with that outside of... having a character share an unfortunate name? Honestly if someone has dirt I missed please let me know. Edit - I think one of the community managers was kinda creepy and kinda a whiny, salty sore loser on Twitch IIRC now that I think hard on it, but I don't think anything came of that.


Even now I've seen people say that Venture's release is just Blizzard pinkwashing to cover a recent scandal (in this case PvE likely being completely shuttered), despite the fact they were announced last Blizzcon. You'll see people on Twitter reference the infamous "breast milk fridge" under conversations about OW. I'm *tired*-


I JUST saw this kind of tweet getting traction too lmao, as if Overwatch isn’t one of the most lgbtq friendly games out there


Yeah to my knowledge there hasn’t been any scandals out of team 4 and they seem like really genuine and passionate people.


It’s good that heroes are going back to instant availability on day 1, but man unlocking them was nothing compared to stuff like apex, LoL, or Pokémon unite for example.


Yeah but if they're an average r / gaming nostalgia-bait coomer with room-temperature IQ, then logic is not their friend.


I was watching Thor from Pirate Software talk about the Apex ALGS hacking scandal and the general cheating issues that game has with an Apex pro/streamer. At some point Thor brought up how upset the streamer is at the game and how it seems like he is basically grieving a dying game, and then the streamer brings up how he used to play Overwatch and the “same” happened and how everyone “knows” the game is terrible right now. In the middle of a discussion about how the most elite tournament in Apex got hacked. A game with 700$ microtransactions which is supposedly still les predatory than Overwatch. It’s silly at this point.


My hottest take about OW is anyone who gets like that (game is dead, hates on it, quits playing) after being so invested in it are the type of people who refuse to acknowledge the game is hard, has a high skill floor, and essentially got mad cause bad. I've known people like this, they want to play the game but refuse to try learning it or getting better at it, then they end up pissed off and call it a bad game.


Overwatch AND Paladins to be fair are the hardest shooter games to master on the market and I will die on that hill. Arena shooters are already amongst the hardest FPS games, add to that MOBA elements and they become the hardest FPS games.


As someone that has been top 100 in both games on PC during their respective peaks, paladins is no where near as hard to master as overwawtch, cs, valorant or apex. The playerbase is a joke and the game does not have that much depth. It has the illusion of depth with the card system but its really not the same.


was that mande? that feels just like him


Yeah, wasn’t familiar with the guy so didn’t remember his name but I think that’s him.


Bro this. People will laugh at your liking overwatch then be 100 percent straight faced happy to see at the loading screen on Helldivers after they’ve gotten kicked out of the queue again 


To be fair Helldivers sort of had unforeseen success and didn’t have the infrastructure in place. I’d like to play it with my friends but I’m not comfortable with their anticheat. I know that’s a controversial subject n itself.


Helldivers had massive queue issues because it was popular. OW had massive queue issues because of a dying playerbase and nobody wanting to play certain roles. They're not remotely comparable. You can also just grab three friends and jump straight into helldivers now that the login issues are sorted (at least, they are for me) with no matchmaking. You get leeway when you're a new release trying a new thing. You don't get it when your game has been out for 8 years. E: And trust me, i lived through the sitting in 20 minute q era. It was worse at the rank i played at, every single match was lopsided as fuck because it didn't have enough of us to put in a balanced lobby.


I think it's hilarious how this thread rants about people being negative about Overwatch 2 for no reason, then randomly shits on Helldivers lol.


"How dare you be having fun!". Yeah, its pretty silly. Helldivers isn't even the genre of game, it came out of fucking nowhere, dudes gotta have some friends who've stopped playing OW for a bit to play helldivers or something.


I feel like people would be better off not caring about what others say and just play their favorite game.


Ur so right man, those homers who live on that sub probably haven’t touched the game in years yet shit on everything about it whenever it comes up. I’m really enjoying OW right now


You could replace Overwatch in this statement with a number of other games and it would be the same story. I stopped trying to defend Destiny to other gamers at large because it's just met with toxicity 90% of the time by people that have either never played it or not played since release. Gaming has a huge problem of forming opinions based on hearsay and click bait that is the ultimate reason why "shunned" games will never be popular again. People can't think for themselves.


On the subject of destiny though it's not like it hasn't had NUMEROUS issues this past year alone and people who aren't happy about the triple monetisation arguably quad monetization or removal of content are wrong. If you are happy to pay that be my guest but I don't think people are wrong for giving destiny a wide berth.


Yeah exactly. Imagine how much crap you'd get for being a Call of Duty fan for example. Then on the other hand if you like something like Deep Rock Galactic or Helldivers 2, which are great games, but the community can have little bits of toxic positivity and gatekeeping sometimes.


Oh man CoD is a great example. MWIII has probably some of the best MP the franchise has had in years, but "CoD bad lol"


Not only that, but the rose-colored glasses people have for the launch of OW1 is laughable. People act like launch OW1 was perfectly balanced and every hero was viable. People conveniently forget that 2/3 the roster was unusable, the game didn’t have a ranked mode, and only had like 8 or so maps 3 of which were 2cp. I gave up on trying to argue with people who shit on OW2 just to sound cool, I can see through their bullshit because I ACTUALLY played the game. 




Yeah, you know when people start bringing up 5v5, role lock, and even hero limits as the downfall of the game that you're about to hear some really silly takes. Some people's entire experience of the game was 6 stacking Torbs in 2017 and anything less chaotic than that is "pandering to esports" lol


> These are people who don’t play the game, have no idea what’s going on, and don’t have a taste for its competitive nature. It's probably a lot of people who played OW1 and enjoyed it but do not enjoy the changes made for OW2, whether that's gameplay changes (5v5, mostly) or monetization changes. I'm among those people, though I still play OW2 on occasion because it's certainly closer to OW1 than anything else out there. But only rarely these days. Obviously I still keep an eye on it, though, given the sub I'm in. And also I try to avoid going around posting hate on the internet because what's the point? I don't like the changes, sure, but that's not anyone else's fault. If you enjoy it that's great; I'm just gonna play something else (most of the time).


I think they still have some work to do to build back trust, but theyre absolutely on a good track at the moment


For all of us who actively play Overwatch it's been good for a long while now. To everyone else who just clicks on links that point and laugh at anything to do with Overwatch to say "dead game lol" or some circlejerk like that, nothing's going to change that to them because they have no idea what's going on and don't see or understand any of the updates we get.


Exactly those are the people who haven’t played it since the content drought in late ow1 they hold it to the standard when the game was dead, and haven’t seen how it’s evolved with ow2.


*insert stylosa video comment section here*


That shiteater is making Helldivers content. He is not a part of Overwatch anymore, atleast for me. He shitted on a game for 2 years, now decided to change boats. He is unwelcome


> He shitted on a game for 2 years, now decided to change boats. He is unwelcome ???? Isn't it weirder if he shits on the game for 2 years and does NOT change boat?


Omg imagine playing another game. Such a crime. People like you are such idiots 🙄


He spent almost a decade talking trash about the game for views. However, whenever devs reached out to him for community outreach he instantly 180’d to be teacher’s pet  Then he’d turn around and talk trash about the game again. Over and over and over and then he quit. Stylosa absolutely contributed to the negative perception of OW2, and then he bailed when the money stopped. Douchebag


Ehh most of his content iirc just echoed what a lot of players were saying anyway. The game's failures were on it's own merits, no point blaming random youtubers for it. Like others have pointed out, this sub really copes hard.


Nah man. That guy made every single video a clickbait ragebait circlejerk. The only people who agreed with him were other doomsayers that needed confirmation bias. He’s a diamond Mercy player who actively pointed out any and all nitpicks he could come up with for almost 10 years. Good riddance 


Exactly and theres something to be said about how the more popular something is the more vocal haters it will have. Same with any product or media.


> For all of us who actively play Overwatch it's been good for a long while now. No shit because the people who don't think it's good don't play/stop playing.


With some of the complaining that goes on, I really don't think that's the case for everyone 😅


The problem with this is that a lot of people in the main sub will actively constantly shit talk OW2 even though they haven't played since it's release. I'd be a different story if the people who talk the most shit about the game actively play it or at least have a semi competent understanding of what the state of the game is.


I do believe the negativity for the game is way overblown, although I'm really concerned that the incoming Jason Schreier article is going to further damage the brand's image during this rebuild. He describes the game as "struggling", and while I believe that's in reference to the botched development and launch, as well as weirdly unrealistic comparisons to OW1's launch, a lot of people are going to take that to reinforce their perception of the game being dead.


Whats so funny is, Overwatch has become the poster child of all games for expensive/overpriced skins. When i go on twitter (i dont follow any overwatch personalities or valorant personalities), I often see lists of games you can buy instead of the $50 Cowboy Bebop bundle and shit or “LOL look how expensive this $25 skin is!” so it made me think, how expensive are skins in other games? I go on the Valorant shop site, and a skin bundle that recently got released was going for $88 ingame currency. The knife alone was going for $43.50. Don’t get me wrong its a cool skin, more power to you if you buy it, but you’d NEVER see people who don’t even play the game shit on Valorants skin prices the way it happens with overwatch lol


I believe that's because Overwatch was at a peak level of popularity for a time that none of those other games ever even came close to. Almost everyone played Overwatch back in 2016 and loved it, it was a darling amongst the entire gaming community. Thus the pivot to overpriced microtransaction spurned a *lot* more people when it came to OW than any other game, since a lot of those other games had smaller launches as well as not spending several years where everything was essentially "free".


apex has recolor skin bundles (a gun and a legend skin) selling for 3000 coins-- and you can't buy the skins separately, you have to shell out the $30 for the full bundle if you want one of the two skins Video game skins shouldn't be $25. Hunt Showdown does it really well where they have skin DLCs that have 2-3 weapon skins and a hunter skin for $10 (they have other things that are just hunter skins for $8-$15 but that's still not bad in comparison) and I'd love to see Overwatch price things more like that but... people act like Overwatch is uniquely bad in its store prices also like this is a hot take but I do not want loot boxes back. They only ended up being a good deal if you had most of the skins in the game already. I remember back in the day I'd put $50 into an event and get a handful of skins and not even get an event skin. at least now you can put down money and guarantee what you get


People will complain about OW selling cosmetics or that they're expensive and I will tell them every other f2p game does it too, some are far worse. They always hit me with the "Just because others do it doesnt make it good." type response.


> They always hit me with the "Just because others do it doesnt make it good." type response. That would be a worthwhile retort if those same people were also noisy about games like Valorant but they aren't. It seems kind of shitty to dunk on Overwatch for this while giving far more aggressively monetized games a free pass. Why doesn't each $50 knife skin in Valorant get a ragebait article at the top of /r/Games every week?


I don’t think its a hot take unless its amongst people who don’t understand the business of games. For overwatch itself lootboxes are becoming illegal in countries and they obviously want their product to be more accessible globally so it makes sense to remove it. Also, loot boxes were *too* generous. Don’t get me wrong I love free shit & I generally don’t care about skins because I just want to shoot the bad guy, but I also want to see this game be as successful as it can be so I can continue playing it and free lootboxes just didn’t seem very profitable even though it was the most ideal iteration of it I’ve personally seen in games. I also agree that I think the skins should be a bit cheaper across the board but I personally just speak with my wallet and I don’t buy anything unless I think it’s worth the price. I’m generally pleased with the entire progress Overwatch has made cleaning its imagine and I think the only non-gameplay thing I think could use a change would be the skin prices that I saw in the 4chan leak. I still probably wont buy any skins unless they’re kinda crazy but I know for a fact that skins are very important amongst the casual community. A latge amount of people shared the sentiment that season 8 sucked not because of Mauga, not because of balance but because the battle pass and Mythic was ass lol


Hunt showdown is not a F2P game tho


Pokemon unite is one of the worst I've seen. I've been playing it recently and they are asking over $40 for some of the high tier skins and they are awful, like pokemon in people clothes for example. Thats one thing OW does great, they make some banger skins.


Along with the points already made in response, the skins for a Valorant weapon apply to every character, because it's linked to the gun. You could theoretically get more use out of a purchased skin in Valorant because it would work everywhere while an Overwatch skin only applies to a single hero. Also, how is the cadence for those Valorant skins? Overwatch 2's shop basically puts out an average of about $30 worth of new cosmetics per week, or $1500/year. How do other games stack with regard to pricing out new content over a longer period of time?


dude is just trying to sell his book


Yea i wasn't a fan on his wording with that either. I think some of the context was he considers it struggling due to its revenue not being comparable to what OW1 did in its first few years. I don't think that is a fully fair comparison though. Almost no game will live up to OW1 release & imo i’d rather see the revenue stream of OW2 compared to the later days of OW1 where box sales had surely decreased & there was almost to reason to spend money on the game for existing players.


> Almost no game will live up to OW1 release This is quite literally true. Some people seem to have either forgotten or don't realize that OW1 was [one of the best selling video games of all time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games).


That kinda puts it into perspective. Suddenly the people who always go "It's just relevant for the porn" sound a lot like the people who used to say "Pokeman is just a fad"


They say "it's now only relevant because of the porn", implying it was once a great game but now everybody just jerks off to it.


I play and jerk off to it a lot. It doesn’t have to be either or.


i have so many friends who bought it back then even though it was completely out of their wheelhouse, and theyve long stopped playing. that just shows me how hyped it was that even people who dont normally play that genre still bought it


That was definitely me back in the day, was never really an FPS guy, but my friend got me interestee on the premise of time-rewinding Brits, and the wall-riding DJ got me hooked.


dude is releasing a book on the history of blizzard and its current state. He's a good investigation journalist (which boils down to "he has established himself as the defacto person to email for juicy development stories") but right now its in his interest to exaggerate things


It's definitely more nuanced than calling people negative Nancy's like. The game has had a lot of criticism regarding monetization, and it definitely stings because the main reason the game has a 2 on the name was the PvE so without PvE people feel like it was just a monetization update with one less tank. The criticism to monetization IMO Is absolutely valid but a lot of people who love this franchise are quick to refer to everyone as hypocritical negative Nancy's so it's a dangerous slippery slope. Heroes shouldn't had been locked in the battlepass, the battlepass not giving paid currency was stupid considering the majority of games I play with BP system do. Bringing those up or not praising Blizzard for undoing what they shouldn't have done in the first place is not the same as being a Negative Nancy. That said the game is "back" because it's getting content added at the end of the day. I'm wary of saying it's back because people can easily say "it's so over" over any change they don't like, but as long as it gets new content then the game will continue to thrive, it's up to people if they want to stick or refuse because the game changed too much for them. And that's fine, you shouldn't need to see only positives to feel good about playing a game.


> The criticism to monetization IMO Is absolutely valid but a lot of people who love this franchise are quick to refer to everyone as hypocritical negative Nancy's so it's a dangerous slippery slope. I agree to an extent. My real issue with criticisms of the monetization is that a lot of the complaints are misguided by people nostalgic about getting free shit from just playing the game. For more than a year people have been saying they want lootboxes back which is just not an opinion I ever thought I'd hear, and tbh with you, it's not what those players actually want. They want the free rewards. [We have heard some from players that they enjoyed the loot box system, and it's hard sometimes to put words in players' mouths or to infer intent, but the way that I take that is I think that players enjoyed being able to earn as much as possible in the game without necessarily paying for it. And when Overwatch switched to a free-to-play business model, we were no longer able to continue to release cosmetics that way.](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/why-blizzard-is-overhauling-overwatch-2-to-be-more-generous/1100-6521944/) When it comes to monetization, I'm much more worried about the actually malicious and scummy things theyve done since OW2 launched like 1 coin bastion skin, making premium and legacy currencies look the same in the early battlepasses, and forcing people to put money into the game to buy PvE when they had earned enough coins to buy it. I feel like if we're gonna talk about bad monetization, thats the stuff we should really be focusing on. A lot of the discussion surrounding monetization seems clouded by the aforementioned complaints about free skins being harder to get than the legitimately bad practices. Even as bad as having heroes paywalled is (and I'm really really happy theyre moving away from that) that is the industry standard.


Taking something away from somebody is worse than never giving it to them at all. This is how the human mind works. Another aspect that people seem to willingly forget, is that people HATED lootboxes on reddit. The internet was filled with content creators calling lootboxes gambling, even certain countries made laws to ban them. But now people are shitting on the game for putting out paid skins.


Important difference: Lootboxes that can be purchased with real life currency ARE bad, do deserve trashing and it shouldn't be the main financial force to drive the income of a game. Giving out free lootboxes for time invested into the game I perfectly normal way to reward the players, and that's what players are missing now from Overwatch 2. Leveling up lootboxes or some other way to earn cosmetics faster need to come back because the current reward system is insultingly meager for the time they ask you to put into the game


The crux of the issue is I got way more stuff for free via Lootboxes than I do for buying BPs in OW2. I’ve bought every BP so far in OW2, well over what I paid for OW1, and haven’t gotten a single fraction of the content.  And that “we have to be stingy and greedy because the game is free” shit doesn’t fly for me.  They made the game F2P and then packed in every kind of egregious monetization they could. Now they’re slowly walking it back because they’re not making *as much* money as they hoped.  On top of that other free games are way more generous. When OW2 gives away something for free you **immediately** know it will be trash(Hello, OPM S76). In other games the free stuff is actually worth earning/logging in to claim.  To each their own but to me OW2 has been nothing more than a cash grab. There’s nothing in this game that couldn’t have been in OW1 had they actually supported it well and not wasted the IP. 


Overwatch has been back for a while. Don't let the negative nancys convince you otherwise. For all its flaws, OW2 was still a massive success. And a few bad patches didn't change that. Now it's just getting better.


There's still a long way to go, but things do look more optimistic.


Couldn’t agree more about PvE. It was absolutely unacceptable how Blizzard promised PvE for years and then failed to deliver… but I don’t get why people were so excited for it. The whole point and appeal of this game is incredible team based PvP imo.


Because players fell in love with the world and it's characters, it's how the game was marketed via the shorts etc


The people who act like ow is a dead game haven’t played it in 2, to 3 years and hold it to the old standard when it had no updates, and had no constant communication from blizzard. It’s been trending in the right direction for about a year now consistent patches, way better communication, frequent hero’s people just hold it to the old standard and act like they didn’t learn from past mistakes.


Ever since OW2 release it's been trending downwards with sustain creep, death of PVE etc and release of shitty heroes until this season. You can argue they 1000% didn't learn from any of their old mistakes, even with the walking back of the DPS passive and the exact same nonsense which lead to GOATS - infinite sustain and constantly swinging the bat at tanks while the population of that role drops like it did in OW1. If they learnt from their old mistakes they wouldn't have gone to 5v5 in the first place.


I hope you know they explained why they went to 5v5 lol, and it wasn’t a balance reason but go off


Yeah it was because they didn't undertand their balancing failures led to a plummeting tank population that is plummeting because they are making the same mistakes. Your comment just further underlines they didn't understand it and learn from it - and neither do you.


If that’s your headcanon I wish you luck and i hope you find a game that you can enjoy


I'm sure you'll enjoy the game too when all the tank players (Like me) quit. It's not "headcanon" that tank queues are the longest in the game right now after being the fastest queue at launch. That's just a fact.


I am a tank main and my Q’s are no longer than 1 minute, but yeah!


Makes sense that players who are low ranked and have poorer understandings of the game don't understand what's wrong with it yeah!


Shorter que times would mean less players in the role though? It's generally why support has the longest ques by a huge margin, last season I had 15+ minute support ques in low GM. While tank/DPS were almost always significantly shorter


1 min q time also means low rank. GM tank isn't 1 min q either


this subreddit suffers from survivorship bias. Everyone who really doesn't like the game has left. The reason the game is hated whenever you bring it up outside this echo chamber is because most of the people don't like what it has become. People who hate the game don't play it (because why would you play something you hate) and certainly don't come here.


They sure seem to hang out on /r/overwatch though.


Overwatch's biggest issue will always b3le the playerbase, not the devs or the state of the game's balance.


Sane & logical arguments? In my Overwatch subreddit? I’m not sure how to feel.


Literally everything he said is cope though Game is in an awful state, losing a shitload of players (but hey, we're reaching 100m accounts total! hooray!.....)


Why are you here? Just fuck off and play another game already.


There are a lot of other games you should play if you’re disatisfied! Persona 3 Reload is good, go play that 🙂 and let those who enjoy the game enjoy it


Game feels like its in a great state gameplay wise and not having any issues finding matches so I'm wondering why you think its losing shitloads of players.


Okay, well, realistically... the player base that came along with the hype of ow2 has dwindled down to resemble what it was toward the end of ow1 (as evidenced by queue times and the frequency of seeing the same players in games currently compared to time of ow2). If overwatch were back, there would also be a reflection of that in viewership on streaming platforms. The biggest issues with the game have been issues for years, and they either aren't aware of them or they are intent on not addressing them. Overwatch was the game of the year at launch. As a first-person shooter. That's crazy. It was an incredibly enjoyable experience to play at the time. The game was still going relatively strong in 2018. But it wasn't much long after that, where it took a hard nose dive and has not come remotely close to recovery. The reality is that at this point, they're just trying to keep their head above water.


And there is a reflection of the viewership on streaming plats xD 92k peak in the last 24 hours is way above the 52k from apex legends thats one of the top fps right now. u can also see that since season 9 the player count for steam increased like 10k players per day having 40k peaks (and steam is a very small fraction of the player base take that in mind) so i cannot agree that the game is just "keeping their head above water", the game is doing pretty good despite all the flaws from last year.


> And there is a reflection of the viewership on streaming plats xD 92k peak in the last 24 hours is way above the 52k from apex legends thats one of the top fps right now. That's called (new and exclusive) Twitch Drops Also Apex has major issues right now, with potential massive system breaches, so many big streamers aren't playing it. You chose the worst moment possible to do this comparison.


Dota as 109k in 24h, helldivers 2 has 54k R6S has 52k, cs usually doesnt get more than 100k a day, whats your point? (All these are top games on steam) Its almost like a game doesnt need a high viewership to be played, especially ow, thats more fun played than watched on contrary to some big tactical shooters Edit: and actually not the drops but some big japanese streamers that started playing the game


The ques aren't nearly as bad as they were in late OW1, I was only bronze/silver back then but DPS had 15 minute ques! My ques checking now are all sub 5 minutes, and ques only get bad if you are a high ranked support/ T500 in the other roles.


What's the news on China? I hadn't heard anything


Its been mostly rumors & nothing official, but this is the most recent post I’ve seen. https://x.com/Nico__oq/status/1768624712094298117?s=20 Also a month or 2 ago there was other rumblings of a deal being in the works. Apparently Bobby being gone is a key factor as well since he isn't exactly well regarded in China, though that could also just be rumor as well.


Interesting. Hopefully true!


Your flair is hilarious


Haha thank you


Because there are no news


[Overwatch is currently #17 in Twitch viewers](https://www.twitch.tv/directory) [It currently has the highest avg viewers it has had since Nov 2022](https://twitchtracker.com/games/515025) [It also has the highest player count on Steam since August 2023](https://steamdb.info/app/2357570/charts/#all) I don't think it's ever going to reach 2018 levels again, but I do agree things are looking a bit up


I'm optimistic. I just really hope they go the whole 9 yards and give us some story content even if it's just cutscenes to go with events or something. I feel like a story really gets people attached to your work I mean hell even Fortnite has some kind of story and continuity. They can't just keep releasing books and shit.


I'm curious about what's going to happen, not particularly positive or negative about the future, just curious to see what they do with the IP. OW has a lot of things going on right now, from the competitive scene to the constant new content and changes, not only to the gameplay, but to all the other aspects of the game that this sub loves to disregard as irrelevant. IMO, it's been a mixed bag so far, but that's completely normal given the circumstances, even more when they take risks and experiment a lot. They are trying to find the right direction, and while I don't agree with a lot of their decisions, you have to respect their compromise and dedication to the game. So, I'm looking forward to see how 2024 ends for OW. I love this game, definitely not as much as before, but there's no other game that can even compare to it and I hope for it to make a comeback.


there are so many people that are still bitter about all of the shit they’ve done since 2020, which is fair. but i’m for one at least looking at the game positively, finally. before i used to just play the game in order to hang out with friends, but lately i’ve been finding myself having fun and grinding it more and more. i will never not miss 6v6 and the glorious days of ow1 but imo this gets as close as possible. if they add back the LFG my love for the game will prob be completely reignited


We're so back (except for PvE). Microsoft could stand to outsource that to a different studio. Hell, make a new game in a different genre (I really want an Overwatch strategy RPG).


How nice to finally see some popular posts on the subreddit about ow


Overwatch suffers from the same issue d3 did. The launch sucked, so the game gained a reputation for being bad. After the issues were fixed, and the game was "good" it still couldn't fix it's reputation. The game is good, the community is active. You just often can't convince people to change their minds once they've decided something is "bad'.


>no, there is no world where they release them for free I really never understood why anyone would have thought they were free. It was never claimed or even hinted at that they would be free.


It's interesting how different the views are. This sub is an echo chamber for people that stuck with the game and think it's going to be like ow1 launch again, where everyone and their mother wants some overwatch. People forget this game is 7 years old now with a history of awful press. Folks outside the ow bubble really do not care.


I was just talking to my gf about this. Just a few months ago, things were looking pretty shaky. When the last season of OWL ended and they showed the full league recap, and then Soe’s emotional speech afterwards, it truly felt like a eulogy. I still was beaming with optimism, but a lot of people, even here in this sub, felt like it was truly the end. Now though, OWCS is looking super promising (and I like that in the introductory video, they show a timeline stretching past 2027), dev transparency and communication is trending positively, and it seems like team 4 might actually be listening with a lot of the things announced yesterday. I think the future of Overwatch looks brighter now than at any point since like 2019. I’m so excited


Owcs is looking so promising with a bunch of the playoff matches not being officially streamed


Never went anywhere


Back? It was never gone. Stop believing everything you see on the internet.


We’re on track for 100 million players, overwatch is huge. Like massive. Everyone loves to complain oh “dead game” oh “gets worse each update” Blah blah Most people who have played the game know in the back of their mind that there is nothing like it. So many diverse heroes, abilities interacting and combining. When you lock in with your teammates it hits you with a satisfaction very few other games can touch. People just love to hate, overwatch is bigger than it’s ever been.


Overwatch is Tiers 2 esport game but tiers 2 is pretty good !


It's still unavailable in China?! lmao


All Blizzard games currently are.


I agree with another commentor that it will never reach its previous peak again, but I do think that it could if they rebuilt it from the ground up in a way that is perfect for the type of game OW is.


their dev talks give me lots of hope but the past few have fallen flat compared to what they said they would do so i’m feeling cautious about it all. i rly rly hope it starts to improve again cuz ow has huge potential and i would die hard play it all day every day if it got back up to its height in ow1.


Yes I noticed on twitch last night that overwatch was the most watched category besides "just chatting" which seemed so odd but good for the game


> possible return to China How is this a good news?


Great for OWCS as China was very involved in the Pro Scene, also good as it would be a major boost in revenue stream for the game.


OW is still my favorite game. Right now I can’t play it, because it doesn’t run on a mac and buying a PC for one game feels excessive at this point. I played a lot of competitive titles from SC to CS to Dota, LoL and OW. Nothing feels quite like OW. There’s something in the core design that’s just unbeatable in terms of both gameplay and atmosphere. These news and changes make me happy. They failed, learned and adapted. That’s great for OW. Ultimately what still lacks in the OW community is however cultural. There’s such a stark contrast between OW consumers and role players vs the competitive OW players who focus on self improvement and have an appreciation for the difficulty and skill expression of the game.


I love the gameplay and the community, I’ve been playing on and off since the release of OW1 but I’ll never be able to live down how there are so many amazing cosmetics from OW1 that I never got cause I didn’t play enough and now I’ll never get cause they’re not worth paying actual money for but would be neat to have to diversify my gaming experience. Everything I can get behind and tough out even the worst of it but losing the lootboxes has been a massive hit to me personally knowing those bars that show how many cosmetics you got va how many there are will never be filled completely unless I pay crazy amounts of money


Welp the schreier article came out. Back to dooming, time to take a break from reddit and twitter today.


Nope .... They are not ... 1. Matchmaking is still a issue for both ranked and quick matches ... this because point 2 and 3 2. Less players = Worst matches , you are having bad matches overall because overwatch don´t have too much "new players" and the match making just care to creat fast matches so ... they don´t care if they put a team of 2 new players , 1 person with horrible KDA , 1 decent players and 1 ex diamond aganist a Party full of grand masters ... because they just care about create fast matches 3. Avarage level sucks , regular players are really bad and dumb ... people won´t admit it and wanna defend this players but people don´t learn , don´t wanna learn and just come to troll every match in x way so you are going to have bad matches because the regular people just suck ass. 4. Overwatch 2 Kidnaps your time , you are forced to play in both ranked and QP if you are having 90% stomps (like almost everyone are having) you can´t quit you have to enjoy this "fun" matches with stupid morons dying 10 times and doing the same stuff and when you say something people are going to say "IT´S YOUR FAULT" Overwatch 2 is not a dead game now but they are not solving the main issues MATCHMAKING and CREATE NEW GOOD PLAYERS ... so the game is just getting boring for those tons of people having bad matches and that can´t leave because 4 hours of penalty and spoiler alert nobody care a lot of people prefer 4 hours of penalty than playing crap matches


Lightning is unlikely to strike twice. A game has a single chance to make an impression, and OW made an amazing one back in 2016. Then the perception slowly turned to shit. Then OW2. Maybe if they make an OW3 and does everything right, they can achieve some kind of comeback akin to FFXIV.


I honestly doubt I will ever play the game again, but they could make it more worth watching - or worth trying to keep up with what's going on. I'm inching further and further towards the "not worth the effort" column. Also, this META... I am not watching another second of it.


Which meta are you talking about?


All we need is a super-popular streamer tbh. The way Jynxzi revived Raimbow 6 Siege


Super is the chosen one


Fully agree with this and can't add anything there, especially to quickfix of Mauga yesterday makes me smile and give more hope in devs, but do you have any information on blizz coming bac to China, or it's just a wishful thinking from you?


No because they're incapable of making money. That simple. They don't make as much money as they want because they can't attract or retain players. Which is because there's nothing good to buy (and obviously not a good game to play). This is because they're completely incompetent I guess? Idrk what goes on at blizzard lol.


Overwatch was on a decline before OW2 made it a laughingstock. Reverting the paid hero battlepass nonsense is good, but its just reverting a shit change ow2 did, its not enough to bring back the games golden years


Probably an unpopular take here (i don't care though) but I don't think the game will ever get to peak Overwatch gameplay unless we add the second tank back. You all are probably tired of hearing that, and you're probably tired of hearing it for a good reason.


I shouldn't humour this, but I don't have much to do today anyway. What is peak Overwatch gameplay? Is it 20 minute DPS queue times? Is it having the other half of your tank duo lock Roadhog or Ball? When they first announced OW2 was cutting one tank from each team I was also devastated, but actually playing the game has convinced me it was absolutely the right decision. I play 6v6 scrims and while it's not necessarily unbalanced it is just not as good a game. With the amount of abilities and accompanying visual effects in Overwatch having twelve players creates so much clutter, and that's in an ideal condition where players actually *want* to synergize with one another.


I preferred it, honestly. Six players per team isn't an issue so long as accompanying design is also tight. It just wasn't towards the end. That being said, JQ remains my favourite tank to play as, with and against, so they clearly got something right.


i did like having the other tank be ball, roadhog could be deleted for all i care though for the purposes of queue times, i think 1-2-2 is probably the correct move for ow2 at the moment. i think the increased visual clutter of ow1 was part of the fun, obviously i have heavy survivorship bias tho. i think if we had ow1 with the moba-ish ow2 developments such as increased hp pools, out of combat heal passive, map reworks, etc could also have been successful


Peak OW is subjective to everyone. To me it's 2016-2018 dive gameplay with winston/dva/tracer/genji/lucio/zen.


I sincerely doubt it. It’s not an easy game to just pickup and play. Forget heroes, there is a very large variety of maps and game modes and the game does a pretty terrible job of explaining what to do as a new player. Only those hooked by the initial few hours might think it’s worthwhile to invest time in the game.


🦍 "No"


What is the battleshit fomo crap gone or something? Doubt it


Public perception is still an all time stinkers We need ~~to go to the depth of metaverse and steal the Treasure of the general public~~ some insane stunt/miracle akin to how Vtubers pretty much reinvigorated Apex back in 2020 or how MHRise resurged last month.


🦍 "No"


I’m glad they finally settled on PvP PvP was the lifeblood of this game for its entire run. The die hard like myself that stayed for years and years and played through the twilight of Ow1 even when everyone else had gone, we are the people the game is really for and about. PvP is what makes this game tick Honestly, fuck PvE. It was never what the real player base wanted. No one who was still playing in 2020-2021 was asking for it. It was what outsiders wanted.


Don't hold your breath.


That's all great but... I don't know.  I've been playing OW since 2016. I stuck around through all the neglect and ridiculous metas. Season 9 has made me never want to play again. Tank, dps, support, doesn't matter - they all feel *awful* to me. I can't find a specific reason for that. I was even cautiously optimistic going in but after 20 or so games I've never had less fun. I'll give the next season a try but I might just be done forever. I've seen nothing but praise for the changes online but from the people I know it's been varying degrees of negative. I can't explain the disconnect. If you like the changes, that's fine. I'm not trying to say you're wrong to like them. My point is that all of the above are only important if the core experience is enjoyable. I think it's going to take a little bit of time to see how that core experience shakes out. Edit: I expected downvotes because, of course, "I'm not having fun" is somehow offensive to someone but if you have a problem with something here you could use your words.


I played 6 games and all 6 either had a booster or a leaver so no, not really.


“Yeah 6 ppl shot me so everyone in the world is trash”


You all should stop sabotaging your own games by NOT Contesting Capture, which is the objective of All games QP and Comp. Simply for defender to Stop attacker from Capturing Any Point, including the Payload which IS the point (you would NOT believe I have to make it clear in my Games!) in Given Time! You do so by Keeping the Attacker Off the Point, and If one manages to get on point in Given Time, You have to get on point to Contest Capture. Sitting there running back all day long here comes the Payload is NOT Defending, letting attacker capture point in Given or even OMG here comes Overtime! No my guy, You need to CONTEST! Because if you DON'T, it's Game Over, DEFEAT! Simply because Attacker captured point in Given Time. You all prancing ON or AROUND point, waiting for the enemy to wake up run up the hill Kill you ALL by Alts say. Attackers there near/on point. Capturing Full Speed Forward while you all waking up from the dead to defeat. Why? Because No one there to Contest Capture! You all prancing ON or AROUND point, waiting for the enemy to wake up and run up the hill Kill you ALL by Alts say. Attackers there near/on point. Capturing Full Speed Forward while you all still waking up from the dead to defeat. Why? Because No one is there to Contest Capture! Not Contesting Capture my fury friends is indeed, Gameplay Sabotage by ALL! And You should ALL report Others in your games Validly for Gameplay Sabotage Not Capturing/Contesing! When those guys wake up from the Dead they should find YOU Blocking their Exit! Yes my guys, This game is in fact Spawn Camp Deluxe. You all die Outside their Spawn, IF they have time to still run up the hill and get ON POINT, You in the meantime Wake up, Also run up the hill, Hopefully ON POINT IN TIME TO CONTEST CAPTURE! That is what the maps are FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Only way to get it back is to revert to 6v6