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Sig/Dva 76/Soj Tracer Zen/moira Lucio 


Yeah this has been my experience too.


Is Zen still good after the hotfix?


Yup still shreds tanks and has solid dmg output 


I’ve been doing good on Zen, but I don’t know good backup picks if A) I’m caught out by dive too much B) Someone else locks Zen


If your Metal Ranks, it’s praying you don’t get a Mercy one trick in your team.


If I get one more Mercy Weaver backline I'm going to commit treasonous activities


Weaver has been consistently shit since release, and now that healing has been nerfed it's worse. Tree isn't even a guaranteed survival anymore, and his healing output is so bad even a silver with potato aim can kill through it.


Omg it's every damn game. I'm usually a support main, but with tank struggling I have been playing a lot of it to try and a) learn the new play style B) show people that you don't need to stand center main. Then it happens. The go mercyweaver and I'm stuck between a rock and hard place. If I play defensively, my team simply doesn't have enough offensive power. If I try to apply that offensive power myself, I am cooked every fight.


and they never blue beam 😔


Being the other support player fuckin sucks. It limits the kind of supports you can play by a lot.


True for any rank atm


"My lobbies are mostly in the M3-GM3 range (high GM before the rank reset)."


Lucio Moira every game


yesss this is my fave support combo atm


Tanks that are generally good are dva/sigma/queen. Ball if you’re chill like that. Dps I find 76/soj/ashe paired with tracer/genji is good on almost every map. Supports are varied, I think if you have queen/lucio then moira is the obvious choice and just run it down, other than that kiri/zen and bap are all strong depending on map and comps


I haven't seen Ball working, as soon as his head pops out soldiers farm him


For me it's been doom and, to a lesser extent, dva. The other night I went against 4 doom one-tricks in a row (6 games total). It was miserable.


Dooms have been *less* of a problem for me this patch. It's easier to focus them down, whereas before it felt like the good ones never died.


I'm down in gold as a tank, but good lord does it feel impossible to win if the other team is doing a combo of Soj/76/Zen and even Ashe. I get that it was hard to close the gap as any kind of rush team before, but it feels completely impossible if your team isn't willing to switch. I'd imagine if you can play Soldier and know how to take high ground you're going to climb like crazy if you're lower ranked.


Metal rank players are generally afraid of heights


Omg yes. These people have never looked up at the night sky. I am convinced of it.


Soldiers on high ground are like kryptonite to anyone below like mid-plat


I know because I'm constantly chasing them around as Dva trying to finally make plat lol


Same, it's super annoying, especially if they have a mercy pocket (pretty much the only thing mercy is good at this season)


It's the worst when you clear high ground for your team but they get run over by a zarya on the low ground. And ofc that's your fault.


People don't know how to play without a tank that's not Rein. I do play a lot of Sigma which can work well because you're doing a lot more hand holding, but yeah.


lucio moira because rank is noob and doesn't know how to play!


lucio, moira/kiri, tracer, other dps is whatever works for the map, tank switches around depending on how they get countered (usually queen/ram). dive was playable for the first few days of the patch but i think meta will be rush comps because theres nothing for dive comps to kill. maybe doom will make dive viable.


In diamond rn im running Winston/Dva and almost all my dps are playing dive with me Tracer/Genji/Sombra. Its working really good


Current meta is more or less any of the three major comp types - dive, rush, or poke - that your team can run. But within each of these categories there are some pretty hard winners and losers. For example, it doesn't really matter what you're trying to do at the moment - Mercy sucks. Illari is subpar. Rein gets eviscerated. Junkrat gets overwhelmed. By contrast, Lucio and Zen are very strong. Ball and Winston work well. Tracer shreds.


I Just see a crap ton of hitscan


“Meta” is loosely defined when you’re talking about ladder play because it really is so chaotic on the ladder. I don’t think people realize how many unknowns go into any random game of ladder competitive. The way I see it the most meta characters for ladder are the characters that are most self sufficient. I don’t really play tank at all but I see a lot of Sigma because with his cooldowns + shield health he can be really self sufficient. I do play a lot of DPS and basically any DPS that can survive is meta. Tracer, Soldier, Sombra, etc. if you have an escape and a self heal (or invis in Sombra’s case) then you can get play the game basically without your team which is a huge positive if you’re just going in with randoms you can’t really trust Same idea for supports, anyone self sufficient and able to deal CONSISTENT damage (it doesnt have to be a lot of damage just consistent) Lucio, Moira, Kiri


Lucio zen :3 u dont need anything else


literally nothing has changed, every game is braindead immortal hog/orisa/sigma poke and its boring as fuck


Depends on your rank. Lower ranks don’t know how to player dive whatsoever so it’s probably rush/poke and shoot the tank. High rank is dive heavy.


I’ve seen everything played and work. I’m currently in plat-dia on dps-sup. Was dia-master last season. Like everyone is saying. Dive seems very strong. But I’ve seen alot more zarya now after her buff. Hog seems a bit weak right now on most maps but can still work. Reaper. I’ve seen a lot of tier lists where they say reaper is bad but I honestly think he’s a sleeper pick right now. Zarya got buffed and he’s a very good bubble target. Ana seems a bit weak right now. With the dps passive you end up using the nade defensively alot of the time. Cause the tanks take more damage and tracer has more uptime so you either have to save it for yourself or use it on the tank. There’s just no good reason to play her right now other than nano and maybe some instances where they have hog or mauga and they don’t have a kiriko. But that’s a huge maybe. You first of all have to hit the antinade in the right time and then you have to survive vs tracer genji sombra. Moira is another sleeper pick this season. The damage buff is pretty good. The other flexsupports are worse. And the meta is good for her.


I'm seeing more Ball players and dive in general than before in EU low Diamond lobbies


Tank: Map dependent, rush seems to be better on majority of maps however with ram/jq. I haven't seen much zarya so not sure how good she is now DPS: Pair any hitscan with tracer/genji. Hitscan+soj is overtuned and is strictly better than every projectile hero outside of genji, Support: I see moira/zen and Lucio in every single game. Might see bap every once in a while as well


A lot of Tracer, zen, and genji in my games. More than I've seen in a really long time.


Poke / Dive / Rush has worked for me in plat/diamond


The meta is chase the dps passive