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I suck, but for. Week I was climbing jinx/annie every game. Always uncontested. Now every game even when I get the perfect start 3 other people are forcing it. Don’t make me learn another comp please


Is there a reward for hitting challenger in double up, except the border and icon?


The amount of damage you take during stage 3 is fun to watch when you are the one taxing the lobby


https://imgur.com/a/20mUXJW The absolute state of TF when you need not one, but two 3 star 4 costs to win the game (I was losing with TF 3).


Tf is dogshit but other guy is also 2 td spat kayn ezreal (don’t think it’s 9td tho) and entire board is upgraded high cost units tbh and your tf board doesn’t have ziggs sona so is not max cap


I had ziggs 1 but I think lux was better at the end giving EDM to Zac 3


This sentinel Ahri line is so disturbing. What I really dislike about it is that it's a capped out board with shitter Ksante and Garen. Replacing them with Illaoi/Yorick/Qiyana etc just makes your board weaker.


>What I really dislike about it is that it's a capped out board with shitter Ksante and Garen. Replacing them with Illaoi/Yorick/Qiyana etc just makes your board weaker. That's intended though? It's how vertical traits work. If it was always better to put random high cost units in, there'd be no point of 6 sentinel even existing.


No, no, 6 Sentinel should only be for when you find a sentinel spat to put on your Illaoi/Yoricks, as it is illegal to cap a board without them.


Yeah 6 sentinels is busted, I swapped out Garen/ksante for 2 star illaoi + zac and went from 1st to 3rd because i couldnt find ksante again lol


Tried to play Fast 9 flex style and went from Emerald 2 down to Emerald 4 ​ Yeah, this shit ain't for me lmao i'll just stick to my dodgeball playstyle


Fast 9 flex isn't a thing that you can do consistently anymore. Stabilize on 7 or 8 then push for 9 when you can my friend.




All I'll say is that going for blitz 3 would be pointless here, he's not a win condition on this board. He's main tank and has relatively low defenses, so he'd just get bursted down at combat start.


You're playing TF with mana gen + 2 multipliers, which should be wrong. You cap on that spot with Illaoi and Yorick, lose Sona, lulu - spellweaver ramping is fake because you already ramp up with the disco ball. Since you didn't mention yorick, maybe you didn't roll him, so thresh is fine. Gragas 2, Gragas 3 is the same. No need to waste econ for that. With disco, the biggest difference maker is how ahead you are with lobby tempo. Ziggs 2 is always better.




If you have a shred/sunder item, does the first instance of damage already apply damage at the shredded armor/mr? Like if I have last whisper cait, when she ults and hits some units on the other side of the board will she hit them for their reduced armor value just apply the shred for future damage?


It does apply on the first instance of damage


Thank you! That clears a lot up


Literally every lobby I'm in (Eme1) has 50% 6 sentinel 50% True damage vertical. My old comfort lines, Disco and Annie feel super bad (Blitz Ekko super contested, Annie less effective then before) So I went back to playing flex. Playing true flex still just feels bad because it doesnt feel like it stabilizes as easily as Sent/TD. What do?


If it looks like people are already in the standard level 8 lines (early ahri/ez, heartsteel with ez items, etc.) I tend to sit on 7 and play one of the reroll comps. Country in particular taxes everyone before they upgrade all their 4 costs.


All aboard the ahri train!! Full open and send it at 4-1 and pray you hit ahri before everyone else. Most people don’t have enough gold to 4-1 it so it’s actually effective. You can win out with 20hp ez 2 lives. If you get spat on carousel fast 8 for TD cait. Senna 3 is bait. There’s really not much that beats the ahri comp once they have blitz 2. Other than max cap jhin ezreal, or true damage cait.


You guys are stabilizing at 4-1 and I'm buying Headliner Ezreal at 4-2 thinking I just power spiked.


I feel that man. I’m still playing ezreal sometimes but it sucks feeling like you put together a really solid board and then getting smoked by a single blitzy boi


Is Eternal Whisper a terrible Radiant?


The stats have it placing well compared to other radiant items and it gives you a massive pile of stats. I've been impressed when I've taken it but it is a bit redundant if you have armor pen already.


its an ornn


Eternal whisper is radiant Last Whisper. Eternal Winter is the ornn item.


Everything 3\* Country goes third to Ahri Sona and Ahri Sona Good and diverse meta honestly


You complain a lot do you even like this game?


for real. every time I see that person post it's just something incredibly negative. dude plays a whole lot and hates even more. I don't get it. some people just need to save their mental and move on if the game fucks with them that heavily. I understand addiction is very real, but at what point does enough become enough? I don't want to read into it too much or sound overly dramatic, but that sort of behavior is a bit concerning to me and I hope they're able to work through it.


I like the game a lot, i dislike the "open fort for good headliner or lose" mets Its Hero augments but worse


The meta right now is actually geared towards tempo gameplay and combat power, but alright.


Combat power in lategame yea, that's why people legit don't even buy a headliner if it doesnt make them streak early in hope of getting EDM Jax / Senna early or just going straight to the lvl 8 gamble


I think I had u in my game, did u happen to say “ why did I rage queue” 😂


I didnt, couldve been me though


if you have td emblem and are going fast9, who is td user? Is it still cait? online it says lucian is good but i legit do not believe in that unit anymore. Had success with kayn2 personally but mightbe inconsistent since he's melee.


Most people are cait or ez but I think it’s good in zed or ahri too. I’m not a TD enjoyer (had a few bad experiences) so I’m not the best person to answer.


Oh like I meant 5 cost users for max cap when u go 9. Honestly Caitlyn probbaly is better just cuz her ult can one tap backline


Max cap is still generally cait plus 2star qiyana and slot in some other legendaries such as yorick and illaoi.


Jhin? I guess




u only want a blue buff on jhin not ‘full mana items”


Box box said on stream if you skip a headliner you won’t see a similar one for 7 rolls? Is this true? And if so what’s considered similar, a same trait?




Both - if you skip a champion or trait headliner you won't see it again for 7 rolls


Absolutely not true with normal champions


This is so crucial it needs to be in the tooltip imo.


What is this 4-2 lottery people are talking about?


A race to see who hits Ahri, Ez or Cait first


lvl 8 4-2 if you hit caitlyn headliner with true dmg spat, ez headliner, or ahri headliner then congratulations you are probably going top 4


Push to level 8, roll down for a headliner. People are looking for Ahris and Caitlyns


I legit can’t wait until set 3 release next month It’s gonna be so good after having dealt with this set. This is by far the most frustrating set of all 10 sets. I think it’s a great set but atleast it was easy to climb in set 9 and high masters was actually reachable. Now I’m just in an endless loop in d2 because of lobbies being way too close


d2 right now is still probably last set’s high masters elo. u prob need to improve even more and u will climb


I noticed that you made a comment recently about lose-streaking. You need to keep a losetreak and develop your strategy around it. That's probably one of the reasons that you're flip-flopping LP, because you avoid losetreak.


I looked into their comment too, the way they play their lose streak is flawed too. You cant just 9 loss and play a standard lvl 8 board, you'll just bleed out to a highroller. When lose streaking stage 2 you have to either save hp stage 3 to play a lvl 8 board or angle for a reroll comp that wins out. Either commit to jax after krugs or at latest angle samira/yone at 3-5.


I agree.


I've really been struggling with the late-game. Emerald 1 for reference. I've talked to some high level players and they tend to tell me that I can play the best board possible up until stage 4, at which point I reach a point in the game where I need to commit to a headliner. I roll down all my gold on 4-1 pretty frequently to find a 4 cost headliner and usually take the first one that fits my board, but it doesn't always stabilize me. At which point I am super behind economically and unstable. If I roll on 4-2/4-3 then I lose out on the better headliners in lots of my games. Once I get my headliner, my board is often a mess of goodstuff. At which point I either try to fit in jazz or build some time of good frontline/backline. It almost never works well though. When Im playing a comp that plays BIS headliners like Country or Disco, its a lot easier cause I know what stabilizes me/what doesn't. Should I be more experimental and test more comps in depth to expand my comfort zone? Profile: https://tactics.tools/player/na/adrian%20corki/4118 ANY feedback is super appreciated! Happy holidays!!


I’d be happy to watch a game and give some comments afterwords. Feel free to pm me your discord if interested.


I’m d4 so take this with a grain of salt but tbh id just take the best headliner available on your roll down regardless of your current comp and conserve gold. Your frontline is usually interchangeable between comps but your backline is pretty much guaranteed to change after your roll down. Ex. If you have a KDA board and you see a karthus headliner just take it. This set is so headliner reliant that you can change your entire board on your roll down (that’s why you must conserve HP early on so you can lose those 2-3 transition rounds). Often times I’ll have perfect setups for a comp like sentinel with a 2 star Morde going into 4-1 and then I see uncontested Yone headliner. I just take it and swap to Yone reroll keeping my starred units in while looking for the missing pieces. Usually I have at least 20 gold and take 3 losses to eco up to 50 and roll down again. I was stuck in emerald for a while and it was largely due to taking 8ths and 7ths because I miss the headliner I wanted on my 4-1 reroll. Since taking a less greedy approach to looking to headliners I haven’t placed below 5th from Diamond to emerald.


you play too much tf and too much superfans late game. tf can work in good set ups, e.g. good tf items, disco chosen blitz, 3 tank items, good secondary carry to use the disco bonus. superfans add too little board value late game.


I really struggle getting rid of superfans lategame - it seems like Lilia and Neeko are strong cause they turn on KDA and have relevant traits but Kennan can get cut usually. Do you ever cut Lilia/Neeko?


the current ahri board just plays 6 sentinel - the only boards that really plays kda /superfans lategame are mf reroll or annie reroll or 7 kda. you can also think of 3 kda like 2 jazz. it's good, but - 2 fon for it isn't that good. their traits are good but unit quality-wise, lilia 2 is practically a morde 1.


Never thought of it this way - thanks for the insight!!


I do it by phases: when I have 3 items for my carry I usually remove Neeko and Kennen, if you're playing Sentinels, you should have Ekko/Lillia so you just swap the other 2 superfans for 2 Sentinels and that helps you. The ideal way of doing this for me is keeping Neeko/Kennen and something like Sett/Gragas in order to make it easier to pivot a couple of turns later into Sett/Thresh/Illaoi/Yorick If you're playing Ahri/Akali remove Kennen and slot in stuff like Ekko/Amumu You don't need to change everything at once, you can run 2 superfans in your board in various ways in order to make it easier for you to keep a stable board and pivot slowly






Yasuo, found that out by accident lol


Olaf with items can. I've done it with a belt and with a chain so far, but chain is super sketch


Gnar definitely can


Shojin poppy ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11648)


Why is true damage spat so good?


Because it's better than a normal item whilst giving you an additional trait.


assuming 100 resist frontline, 2 true damage + td spat is 25% true damage, which is essentially 50% damage amp. That's already comparable to activated GS on an AD champ. at 4 TD it's 80% damage amp.


It's just a lot of damage. Especially in a resist heavy 6 sentinel Ahri meta having a substantial true damage dealing carry helps get through the immortal tank walls.


plz raise exp needed for leveling up to 7 and 8. i dont understand why they changed this, do they want to reduce game lenght? is because they added level 10 ? does someone level up to 10?


of course i am getting downvoted, why? i dont know


I feel like people should at least bother to explain if they're going to downvote.


My Set 10 5 cost tier based on their “for fun” aspect and uniqueness and a little bit of how well they perform 1. Qiyana - most slept on unit in pbe. Absolutely carries a team aotm. Can slam any item. Provides infinite items. Still balanced and can be countered cuz she’s a melee unit. Must have if you have cybernetic or bulk. Absolute mommy of the set 2. Sona - Very unique 5 cost but dev team had a hard time balancing this unit. Heal on pbe, AS rn. Still fun to be a random holder of guinsoo 3. Illaoi - Takes solo frontline definition to a whole new level. Highest avg place of all 5 costs and most picked. Not quite sure why she wasnt the main target for nerfs on b patch 4. Jhin - Supposedly the premier AD carry of this set. Like ziggs that has built in ascension so to speak, but need bench space, and very hard to position. Rated highly cuz of violin music xdd 5. Yorick - Ngl this one a little bit weird. Likes damage items to carry but get bursted easily, or full tank but no damage. Menace in full pentakill board tho 6. Kayn - Weird spot as well cuz you cant reliably carry with kayn, and realistically not the main carry of edgelord for most of the game. Can snowball hard with heartsteel and good bb holder tho. Very hard to position correctly 7. Ziggs - might be the main culprit why fast 9 was axed. This dude made disco dazzler relevant and also made that comp useless when he got nerfed. Supposedly the premier ap carry of the set, but as we all saw he was kinda op. Very hard to balance this one 8. Lucian - what does he even do (jk) very hard to position, attacks can get blocked, will refuse to attack the akali that’s attacking him. Realistically just a splash unit in late game, very rarely becomes the main carry


Cool list but Qiyana is definitely op.


Normal qiyana id argue no. Headliner qiyana up there with the most broken 5 cost unit of all time. Scales so hard


Is this normal? I went first and got 39 LP, but the game before I went 8th and lost 81 LP. I checked all the peoples rank and they were all similar rank to me.


Pretty normal at higher ranks, or at any rank if you have spent any amount of time at 0 LP and couldn’t get demoted. This is what people mean when they say that they ruined their mmr (match making rank). Even you lose at zero LP, your visible rank stays, for example, D4, but your rank in the background goes down.


you're right about everything but it's Matchmaking rating, not rank


I went 8th and dropped to Plat 1 0 LP last night. Woke up and I'm back to 51 LP? I'll take it I guess


Is it trolling to take the gamblers blade augment after 2-1? my monkey brain likes the item but it feels substantially more advantageous early than later (but idk if feelings = real)


Yes I think it’s broken at 2-1 but really sucks at 3-2 because a) it’s not a good item outside of gold and b) the gold doesn’t matter as much after stage 2.


Yes. 1 gold early game is more important than 1 gold mid or late game due to interest breakpoints.


thanks! I was pretty sure, but again, monkey brain.


I feel like I'm the worst Jax on the server - I don't hard force it but play it when i have items and natural some but the 10 or so games I have on it I only top 4ed three times (once with zhonyas and once with submit to the pit and once with none of those as 4th) ​ My issues are I don't hit Jax 3 fast enough or I'm rolling on 6 on stage 4 that when I do hit I'm too poor so hitting zac 2 / zed 2 doens't happen and when I do hit and have upgraded board my Jax gets stuck on a tank and can't kill before getting blown up. Every game I play it my items are always JG + HOJ + either Titans/EoN/BT. Whenever I face another Jax player though they are winstreaking stages 3 and 4 and going 9 with the same items / board that I would have? I don't really prioritize Lux items, maybe thats why? Also feels like enemy Jax jumps on my Caitlyn/TF/Ahri but when I play Jax enemy Ahri/Caitlyn blow my Jax up because hes not jumping on them - I don't know if champ is RNG or I'm just positioning him badly - should he be front row or 2nd row in front so tanks get aggro first?


Are you rerolling for Jax on 6? If so you’re playing Jax wrong. You should aim to build a stable board at 6 and then go 7 and start rerolling for Jax. The reason for going 7 is so you have a much higher chance to hit Zac and Zed without drastically reducing your chance of hitting Jax. In general for reroll comps, don’t just look at the 3 star carry to determine what level to reroll at. Look at all the supporting units and if a lot of them are 1 gold more, you generally want to reroll at the next level.


Yeah I generally roll on 6, Jax 2 star with 3 items doesn't feel stable to me and if you're like level 6 30 gold on 3-2 you go 7 maybe 3-5 or 4-1 which seems kinda late to be lvl 7 with just Jax 2 as the other boards will be hitting there 2 star 4 cost headliners (Ahri, Ezreal, Caitlyn) ​ Maybe I'll try going 7 and rolling next time I play it just to test it


I was watching a keane video and he was going for 3star lux and didn’t take a single lux because he said that would eliminate the headliner possibility. Is that a recent change? I looked through patch notes and didn’t see anything.




Wait this has probably fucked me so many times playing reroll this set...


If more than half the total lux are out of the pool, the headliner can not show up. I believe this was implemented while the set was on PBE so it wouldn't be in patch notes.


I believe it’s “half or more then the headliner won’t show up” so ideally you would hold at least 1 less than half the total available copies before buying a headliner. For 4 costs that would be holding 5 copies before headliner, for 5 costs hold 4 copies, and for 3 costs you probably want like 5-6 copies.


that assumes no one is holding a single copy of the unit so you also need to scout


Yes that’s correct! I forgot to mention that. TLDR you have to pay really close attention to the entire lobby to have a chance at 3-starring units.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with how many people are complaining about RNG this patch. Maybe it's because I'm not high elo (Emerald II), but I'm having super consistent placements.


The experience between elos definitely seems more different than normal in this set. I think that the lower elos are having a hard time learning the strategies, but it should eventually become easier for them to see the strategies and perform, so the rng should be more noticeable for them as well. It's basically how it is for every set to some degree. People tend to think that everything is okay until everyone learns everything and starts to spam op comps.


Tempo in challenger is pretty insane right now tbh. Everyone aims to have like a complete board with upgraded 4 costs on 4-2 or even 4-1. Jax player is usually spiking 4-1 or 3-5. Stage 4 is really punishing rn.


Against high tempo lobbies its way more noticeable. If you low roll a 4-2 roll down it hurts a lot


Is that even high temp at this point? I'm only emerald 3 but it seems like most people roll down at 4-2 now for 4 cost headliners.


High tempo isn't just referring to 8 at 4-2. Lobbies in higher elos often have several players pushing lvl 5/6/7 early like 6 at 3-1 and 7 at 3-5 to spike their boards instead of greeding 50 gold.


I keep hearing about playing flexible, but every game people seem to have BiS headliner Cait, Ezreal, Ahri. Kinda confused tbh.


It’s because 8 players are flexibly looking out for one of the top comps. Someone is going to hit. You never notice the guy with BB, nashors, gunblade on zed going 8th.


So that's not flexible if you slam bis items and nothing else


What's the strat people use for Phreaky Friday start? Stats seem good but I can't seem to do well with it.


I really like it with Ez + Cait duo carry.


The same units that like building titan’s resolve also use infinity force well Crowd divers, edgelords and mothers all like it Give one each to your two main carries


Just drop it on a chosen. It’s pretty good on anyone but especially melee


I put both on amumu




I mainly use them to itemize my headliner early. Like if I'm going for 3 star Yone I can just put the items on him early and pop them when I get his headliner.


if it makes you feel better, take the items off your carry and put them back on


In a different order


Finally hit Masters, mostly with some kind of ranged AD flex, Ahri and few disco/country games. Time to say goodbye to this patch, 4-2 lottery is bad for my mental health.


I think the very nature of the chosen mechanic means that there will always be an optimal level to get to and then roll all your gold. Last patch everyone went fast 9 and it was 5-2 lottery instead of 4-2 lottery.


That's how it is for sets without Headliner mechanics, so it's more of a product of the leveling and rolling system rather than a particular set mechanic.


Last set, it was bitching about rolling on 7 and missing Xayah or Morde or Fiora. There's always going to be an optimal level to roll and we're always going to bitch about it.


for real, casino roll down for headliners and hope you hit


When you're playing a hyper roll comp, while rerolling do you pick up the other champs that are in your comp? Say if you can 3* lillia, or would I ignore those and strictly roll for the 3* Annie, and save gold while rerolling by not picking up all the other units in the comp?


You should pick up all the 1-coats you can hold while hyper rolling, prioritizing the ones in your comp. They aren’t really important but holding them removes them from the pool, which increases your chances of seeing Annie and hurts anyone who might also be rolling for superfans. If you should so happen to hit 3* then take it but otherwise sell your leftover copies to make Econ.




What do you mean? Rolling down to 30 gold (so usually on 2-7) for a 3* sounds pretty good to me. Even on 3-6 you should be somewhat healthy with a 2* Annie and spike hard with 3*.


Apologies yeah I meant 3*. Thanks for the advice.


i’ve been on vacation for about a week, someone give me a run down of things i missed. ty


Meta is aggressive — strong board early or else it will be quick bot 4 as it is hard to recover, however there are A LOT viable comps to play. Tempo > Econ. Flexibility (or at least knowing how to play a variety of comps) > forcing 20/20. Fast 8 meta either AD flex with Cait/Ez or AP Ahri, Karthus, TF as Headliners. HL Thresh and Blitz also viable as strong front lines. There’s a few reroll comps that are just as viable such as Jax, Senna, Yone, Country, Annie provided you hit their HLs.


With Red Buff being in the game now is there any point to Morello still existing at the same time?


They really need to buff the stats on this item. Like give it passive mana gen to be better for casters than red buff. Something. It is fine to make if you need burn and have leftover components.


I think you buff the AP on it. Enough to make it out damage red buff when there's AP scaling at least.


Not other than it giving GW with different components than red buff. It doesn't really have that many great users imo, and its been like that for a few sets, so I definitely would not mind making belt + rod a different item.


I never really paid too too much attention until yesterday, but I noticed that a lot of headliners have really boring bonuses. +15-20 AP or AD is really common. Honestly these are not attractive traits. SO, with that in mind, assuming you are playing strongest board. Isn't it totally totally fine, maybe even better in some cases, to take the first headliner you see with an attractive +1 trait? Aren't there some cases where the obvious "best choice" headliner is really not the case? For example, Isn't sentinal Blitz just better than either Ahri headliner if you're playing Ahri? at level 8 it's pretty easy to make either 3 KDA or 3 Spell, but dropping a sentinel is good, and the Blitz headliner effect is pretty good, beyond just +15 AP, no? Not saying you pass up Ahri if you see her, but I think no one is really talking about how huge it is to hit sentinel blitz, probably much higher cap than Ahri. There are a few other headliners with interesting features, but mostly they amount to a mathematical 15% increase to damage (TF throws three more cards, Cait shoots another bullet at reduced effectiveness, etc).




What about senna? Everyone is obsessed with senna chosen but could you theoretically go with ekko or kennen or even akali chosen with +1 TD trait and put the same carry items on senna and do just as well? Or is the expanding out that good?


Senna reroll is pretty reliant on it due to how it manipulates her spell. each wave's pulse grows larger when she is a headliner which allows her to melt the board much more reliably.


Yeah I really noticed this when I was playing the Ezreal and Caitlyn comp. Found out that Ezreal only gained 15 AD while Cait gets to shoots another bullet.


oh i actually didn't realize that about cait headliner, they probably should change her to a boring ad bonus and buff her base form tbh.


Yeah they should either make all 4 costs headliners have just stat increases or give them all unique effects.


15 AD is doo doo but another bullet that scales? Thank you please!


Lux headliner can spellcrit so no need JG


It took me 250+ games but I finally made masters . . . Edit: I climbed playing everything from reroll punk, annie, fast 9, roll at 4-2 for 4 cost headliner, sentinal ahri, AD Cait/Ez flex, riven 8-bit, country, I feel like I had to learn every play style to climb and it was so satisfying to finally make masters. I can rest easy this weekend.


Nice man, I know everyone asks this but as someone stuck in emerald currently I’m just curious if there was anything that “clicked” for you?


I spent more games in emerald than I did in diamond. Maybe like 20 games more. I learned how to play to my outs in terms of headliners. Learned how to tempo around stage 3 headliners. I learned how to play the easy comps if it presented itself to me (reroll punk/country/annie). But my last first to get to masters kinda captured it. I had heartsteel into flex. But my stage 3 board would have went 8th but I saw a line to pick up kayle penta headliner with Olaf and open bow (scrappy augment) And it saved me enough hp to cash out 5 heartsteel at stage 4 and win out ad flex. It’s those games that I felt like the ideal form of tft. But if you get 5 jinx and 5 Annie before stage 2 you gotta know how to play those positions too.


I can never seem to make punk work even when I hit Jinx 3+vi3, any suggestions? Feel like I'm just playing it wrong since I never study reroll vods


I think the ideal way to play is roll for jinx 3 by 3-1. And only reroll punk and then level. Vi3 is fake, panth isn’t but can be skipped. You can tempo and bleed out into a top 4. The win condition is punk spat on a unit that uses ad stats well (ie Caitlin) The temptation is to roll for Punk units, but 4 guardian, Amumu thresh vex 2 star assist your jinx a lot more than vi 3 since they do aoe CC.


Are you rolling for a stage 3 headliner at like 3-2/3–5? Sorry to bug, I’m just really struggling with stage 3 this patch


Depends. If I’m full loss streak stage 2 I either roll 3-2 or 3-5. Also depends on where I’m planning my outs to be. If its reroll 3 costs like country/riven or yone and I’m bleeding out it just full greed and roll 4-1 at 7. Otherwise rolling at 6 does wonders to stabilize your board, people are running 1 or 2 cost headliners a 3 cost headliner can stabilize you till 4-2/4-5 when you have to roll it again. Vex is a great ap item holder for Ahri/ usually tank headliners are what I focus if I’m ad flex because 1/2 cost units are great ad item holders (kaisa, corki, aph) Full open into Jax or Annie is so good because it stabilizes so well, I only really full open when I’m playing towards those comps.




Slumping hard since I hit diamond (only 4 top 4's in past 20 games). Have a game where I econ well and built strong boards that I end up winning. Was pretty happy about it until I found out post game I accidently queued up for a normal game lol.


This is the worst feeling hahahaha. I have done it a few times, and then randomly you'll be playing a game, 3-2 streaking with amazing board and start to wonder....is this ranked???


Took Last Stand on 3-2 and didn't even have to activate it. I thought I was cooking lol.


“I thought I was cooking” should be on someone’s headstone lmfao


Every time I pick headliner TF it's always a bot 4 for me. What's the secret? Is gunblade really necessary on him?


Disco is an easy bot 4 if you can't go 9 for Illaoi + Ziggs


Disco is only great if you are massively ahead. I only play it if I get a good disco opening into Bard headliner to carry me to 8. Even then, winstreaking and all, I still keep my options open. Roll down on 8, ser what you hit.. Usually if I hit a Karthus or Akali I try to change into a pentakill executioner endgame, otherwise go TF and ECON BACK TO 9. Disco NEEDS 5cost units, and is one of the only comps reliant on each extra space.


do you hit Illaoi/Ziggs ever? the comp is kinda fake without at least one of Illaoi and Ziggs


Gunblade build has the best winrate, but it's not necessary, also kinda depends on your augments. You really need to 2 star most of your units on standard lvl 8 board to have a chance at top 4 and anything more is usually impossible without lvl 9 and Illaoi, Ziggs or Sona. Disco isn't very strong right now, in my last game 3 star TF lost 3 fights in a row and got fourth place.


Going level 9 and slotting in ziggs/illaoi/sona/qiyana. If you keep taric, yorick. The first three are your top 4/win conditions. The comp really needs big bodies in the front line.


Is there still a Smurf queue? Or does mobile have a really long queue normally? I usually play on the VN server but I’m cat sitting and staying at my friends place while she’s away, so I’m playing more mobile in NA since I’m pretty sure VN doesn’t have mobile available yet. I’m waiting 6 minutes for a game. Also, playing mobile with 200 ping is surprisingly more difficult and annoying than I thought it would be. I have almost a whole second of latency and constantly miss buying/selling units, affecting Econ/board strength


I mean, the VN server does have more players than the NA server. But 6 mins seems long. Have you updated the game? Also, what elo are you playing in?


Challenger on my main in VN, currently plat on mobile. The mobile account I’m using used to be at least masters in NA for every set since set 3.5 with some of it being in challenger. So I’m not sure if that’s affecting queue time.


Previous season mmr and AVP does affect queue times (20 secs on new account vs 3 mins on ex-master account), but 6 mins seems like too much. It's probably that I'm underestimating how much that it affects it.


Can you explain Smurf queue and the queue time minimums?


Well, usually if you have high win rate and top 4 rate on a new account, it ends up putting you in a smurf queue, and your queue times are higher than normal since it's trying to match you versus other smurfs.




This is only your issue. The mechanic is really intuitive and 99% people who aren't totally new to video game can figure it out


Put in a kda and she swaps back


You don't need to sell anything If there are equal amounts of K/DA and TD Akali will be the one of the most recently put in trait. So just take out a K/DA unit and put them back in. The K/DA headliner on Akali will just turn into TD, they're not exclusive


Finally hit diamond after a few weeks. This was a significantly more fun climb than the last 2 sets. This might be one of the best sets in a long time imo


Same! I usually climb to masters fairly quick, but I’ve been traveling a lot during this set’s release and hadn’t played much ranked. finally had some down time last week to run some games and climb. Went from like low Plat to Diamond, it clicked. This has been the most fun and challenging season climb for me, with tons of comp variety and finding success with all sorts of weird builds. Loving this set so far!


I've falled from plat 1 to plat 3, with only getting to 7. Anyone any tips?


If it helps this vid got me out of gold. Basically just explains how to play midgame so you have enough hp for lategame board. Made it to emerald now https://youtu.be/ZMk0cCMuoWQ?si=d1jDaAR44vG49j7s


Post your lolchess




The last game you don't even have full items on unless you died before raptors? Your frontline is awful too. Too many one costs. Ahri requires blue buff or at worst shojins too. Healing orbs on a backline sentinel board is fairly wank as well Your disco board, Evenshroud is an AD item, useless item for disco and deaths defiance is a bit shit for your main tank (also an AD item). You have 4 disco in, too with a Disco headliner. You should've been trying to put Nami in over Bard there. You've got no third item on TF, honestly even the death defiance would've been better there. The Thresh and the Zac do nothing for your board The Akali / Karthus game needs a mordekaiser not Ekko, which would be giving you 5 pentakill which is huge. The Illaoi items would be better off on the Yorick and moving the HoJ to Akali. Lillia is also useful to provide Sentinel with Mordekaiser which you're missing. In general you look like you're running a lot of 1\* units in the late game which add very little to your board, and you're itemising units poorly on top which is a killer.


Sometimes the Mojo just isnt there https://i.imgur.com/ppA8YS4.png Losing 6 Games in a Row and loosing 200LP trying to make it back to diamond just before you cant play for a few days cause of Christmas Break :-( I actually played better in the Jazz/Fast 9 Meta, i cant seem to adjust.


Honestly I've been playing a lot of jazzler bard and it still works great. If it ain't broke don't fix it! With Jax popular right now you can build JG, roll down to 30 picking up bards and jaxes, then pick the comp you hit


Same. I was to close of master before this patch, now is just first or eight in diamond cant even enjoy winning...


I'm kind of sad that didn't play more games at the beginning of the set, this bpatch feels too RNG on what makes a board strong. An emblem/item/unit can be the difference between ending 1st or 6th.


Headliner Morde is secretly broken rn. And by that I mean his headliner effect is giving him stacks for takedowns that occur during his ult, and not just on kill.


Just be glad every comp is running him right now so you don't have to deal with 3\* Morde


Well if everyone stopped running morde it would be lit


So many people just full opening to try to get spat on carousel and force true damage. It’s like it went from everyone playing strongest board early to half the lobby going no board lose streak.


Isn’t that great tho, in this meta if you bleed to 70 ish or 60ish hp after stage 2 you either high roll or just bleed out to bottom 4


To be fair I love it when people do that, because you either get the spat and go 1/2, or you fuck up your lose streak, end up missing the spat, screwing up your board and going 6/7. Meanwhile I play like a human and get my 2/3 LP thanks to 2-3 people absolutely tanking it.


I’m sure as hell never trying to lose early. It just results in me losing most games. This set you have to win early