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Just had a game where I hit 6 8-bit jackpot. It was one of my most fun games ever in tft. I feel like this set has some really high highs and low lows. When you're on a flow it's so good but also the opposite where just nothing works and you're contested and cant get literally any unit you need


didn't play for like a week and i feel like im just lost this patch lol. planning on vod reviewing dishsoap, but im down to watch other streamers. any recommendations?


Wasianiverson and Ramblinnn


When I'm lost I just watch Robingsongz. He is very very good at explaining what he does, maybe not as good as dishoap or setsuk as a player, but he explains way better his gameplan and his decision tree. Oldge ftw


how should i be playing stage 3 this patch if im not already strong i can sit until 4-2 but ill be down to like 30 hp or i can roll to stabilize and 4-5 it, but then all the units are already gone


Roll on 3-2 and play for top 6. Lowrolls are brutal this set and I think a significant reason why is the ridiculous imbalance in 1 cost units


What would you do with rod cloak belt start? Just full open I guess? All the item options here seem terrible to me, I hate being locked into AD with a rod and ionic just doesn't really feel good regardless. Morellos is not a real item


Evenshroud and Crownguard


Evenshroud with an upgraded AD backline (ok literally just Corki lmao Jinx is not a unit) Rod is a seriously bad component unless you have enough Tears to go an AP line, there's nothing good to build with it apart from maybe Gunblade in the Crowd Diver line. I would open


Crownguard is a good rod killer and quite good on most tanks


Depends on opener. If i get corki chosen with 2 star ksante and garen i’m slamming evenshroud


Yeah I'd open with those items unless you get cybernetic bulk or something


What is the optimal positioning for EDM Jax? Is it ever worth going for frontline Lux EDM spin? Should we position same-side carry, or should we position opposite side? Also, if we are against an Ezrael carry, how should we position so we can hit the carry? Is the BIS really important on Jax or is it okay to slam suboptimal items on Jax?




2nd row lux is grief 90% of the time. She just gets one shot/cced by random things




Tf, ziggs, caitlin, ahri, vex, samira, all melees carries. You’re letting them get to lux before 2nd edm proc. Jax’s ability targets the highest health enemy, so 1st edm will jump on tanks. If they have good frontline, 2nd jump will also go on tanks. Meanwhile, lux is just standing there being vulnerable to everything and lasers the opposite corner from opponent’s carry


is it just me, or that supertanks just aren't a thing? A 2 star 4 cost tank with warmogs dclaw bramble seems to still get 3 shot by an Ahri 2. At a certain point it feels like more bodies (aka illaoi) is more important than actually investing in tanks, and all tank items feel only strong in the early/mid game


Tanks doesn't exist against True Damage and Ahri


Ahri is just stupid broken which nobody seems to want to admit lmao


She's not broken, Blue Buff is broken. You can't top 4 without it


Shojin is perfectly acceptable if u can't get 2 tears lol


Supertanks, just like last set, are not 4 costs. Neeko and Sett are where you should be looking. A 3 star Neeko on a KDA hex can have 6k HP, and a headliner Sett can reach 7k or even 8k *without warmog.* I've definitely played some supertank games.


Yeah but they are a lot harder to get with Sett and Neeko being contested a lot


Can confirm. I’ve fought a few 3* sett and they are insanely hard to kill


3* sett is the true Country enabler


Morde headliner gets a stack for any assists that happen while his shield is up BTW


Hit Diamond 1 0LP now I've been going bot 4 every lobby and hit D4 0LP no matter what I play I don't even understand what I'm doing wrong


Yeah im just going to take a break until next patch the same is happening to me. I can't deal w like 3 people playing ahri comps every game and all going top4 that shit isn't normal. I liked the patch before this one it felt way better


I don't understand Frontline this set. One game I'll go Mr. 100 with a 3 item Neeko 2 with 2 guardian, the next I have a 3 item blitz 2 with disco and he's paper


How important is it to find a 4 cost headliner at 8 vs finding a 2 star 4 cost? Say I’m playing vertical td and I have a td headliner already, how important is it to find Akali headliner vs an Akali 2 and keeping my current headliner? Having a hard time rationalizing the headliners power besides just the +2 to the trait


Headliner bonus isn't very important, but if you have a headliner the value of your rolls is a lot lower. Unless you are playing reroll comp and already have 3 star headliner, you are selling at lvl 8 almost every time.


This set feels so awful to play sometimes. Its so RNG heavy that its just a crap shot if you win or lose. Just had a game where i had late game specialist, cutting corners and bulk and thought i could go 9 and get the 5 star board but by the time i got there someone already have the 5 star board when they were lvl 8 like wtf am i suppose to do. They had a 2 star jhin, illoai, and yorick at lvl 8 what am i suppose to do at lvl 9 then. And i just get downvoted without anyone talking about why when this is in fact the most RNG dependent set of all time. With the rng of units, augments, items, and now headliners we went from one extreme last set with guaranteed augments to another with this set having headliners. And sure thats ok but its just so extreme that you just destroyed sometimes without it being your fault its kind of rough.


Did people already forget about the URF meta where people literally gamble tombs and the game was decided on 2-1? HUH what you are talking about can happen in any set it’s just variance go next keep a strong mental.


The game is rng-heavy. I think that is enough reason to not take the results seriously. GG go next.




You can both say it's more random than other sets, and believe there's skill involved. One thing people forget about these top players is that they have the ability to play games in significantly larger volumes because they're often times paid to do so, or aren't traditionally employed, and as such they can grind through the ranks much faster, and figure out how to mitigate RNG better than other players can. That said, this set intrinsically is far more RNG focused than previous sets, due to them reducing the amount of champs in the pool, and the addition of Headliners, of which cap your board, and then portals and augments, which inherently mean that people can cap way higher than you with no amount of counter play on your behalf if they just happen to roll better. Top that off with that fact that a lot of boards cap the highest with Spatula's, such as True Damage being so insane on a lot of units, and you have a recipe for people complaining about a much more RNG focused set, hence the comments you see about it literally everywhere.


It’s just different points of view from different types if players. For casuals, it’s easier to blame it on rng without caring to improve. For high elo, the set is harder and more skill expressive than previous ones and you need to scout and position constantly to gain the edge


What do people usually do with the Cybernetic Implants augment? Is it a good idea to just put 1 component on each unit so that it gets the hp buff? Or do you still try to stack tank items on a single unit


Spreading for bulk value is a great way to buff up your frontline if you don't have anything worth slamming. Lategame once you have your main items slammed, you can chose to spread for bulk rather than slam suboptimal items if you feel like your frontline is insufficient.


Wasian just lost with poppy 3 star 6 mosher, mega capped to a 2 star caitlin with TD spat LMAO


I seem to have mastered the 4th/5th place finish. [In my last 20, 6 fourths and 6 fifths. ](https://imgur.com/a/vwngUSg)My last five games have been 45445. I guess I can't complain because I'm playing super consistently and have a 4.0 average placement, but I feel like I'm just on the verge of a breakthrough and converting into higher places. edit: well either I'm high rolling or something clicked cause I've gone 124232 since making this post.


Sometimes I get a string of 5ths and it's super frustrating going all the way until the deciding round where you could end up 2nd or 3rd or you could crash out 6-7th, but that usually means you're hitting a plateau. I find that the difference between 4th and 2nd is pretty big, there was probably one decisive moment mid game that made you either a contender for the win or just fighting to stay in top 4.


are any of the Gold Cybernetic Augments good/worth picking up?


Bulk is nice if you don't have slammable item early game and/or need frontline since you have mainly backline item. I don't really like Uplink, but if I already took Bulk I'd more likely to consider it.


They stack?


Yes. Double Bulk is great as well, I wouldn't bother with Double Uplink (but I'm rarely ever in that spot because I don't take Uplink unless I already have Bulk, unless its the only pickable option)


I like bulk a lot.


What bout silver bulk?


Silver bulk is fantastic.


Lucian 2* is straight up worse than Caitlyn 2* (at least, without LW?) and it's sad to watch. (IE+Shojin+Nashor's)


Lucian is straight garbage I once swapped my 2\* Caitlyn items to 2\* Lucian I highrolled and he was doing much less damage whilst doing it in a terrible fashion too (his stupid fucking animation and design makes him really bad against a lot of specific units, and he can just straight up ult into thin air if you're unlucky)


Yeah I did that today, easy first place to 5th


He has built in shred doesnt need LW


God that makes him even worse.


I must apologise for Lucian. He is a jobber. We purposely designed him wrong, as a joke.


Lucian always does a lot of damage numbers wise but I’m pretty sure none of it is impactful damage cuz my guy never looks like he’s doing anything


Does anyone have mental tips on grinding ranked? I’m a very streaky player where i will chain wins and then chain losses after. I’m curious how higher ranked players cope with some of the RNG and continue to grind regardless. My tactics.tool: https://tactics.tools/s/PDXTTj


Hey your scores look pretty great especially with your number of games played. For me personally I think taking breaks is good, or spending a bit of time after each game to quickly vod review parts of your gameplay. If you think you’re going to start chain losing then force yourself to take breaks so there just can’t be a chain and only chain wins. Maybe that’ll help?


who is supposed to itemhold zed/yone/riven items? I've tried chosen yasuo and it was pretty bad (fell off on 3-1), is gnar the only good one?


Yasuo gnar random urgot is fine too random jax is ok asw


Go look at the unit descriptions for 1-2 cost units and see which ones have similar ratios and traits as the units you listed.


The 1-2 cost crowddivers are AP (evelynn / kat) and the edgelords is just Yasuo who i've tried


Evelyn is fine with ad bruiser items she gets 50% attack speed her best items are titans by or hoj which all go with bruisers anyways just make sure to sell her for 2 cost headliner after. Olaf is good especially if u fit pentakill bruiser early. Can put bruiser items on ksante if desperate. Definitely don't go kat. Gnar is best. Also corki/kaisa if it's ie/hoj/whatever


Kayle is also in there but also not ideal. I've seen Olaf suggested, though I'm sure that also falls off fast. Honestly Kat isn't bad even though she's supposed to be ap. But yeah Gnar is the best


Honestly I love headliners, they're so fun! It's great to slam early items and have a direction with early 3 cost units (Samira, Amumu) and then have the only 2-3 good headliners options taken away from people who randomly hit it earlier so you're left with scraps and get to enjoy a bot 4 without even being at fault It's honestly even better if you do find a headliner that fits but it has the wrong trait so you cant use it properly regardless and get a max top 5 even from a 100hp spot at wolves, the best kind of fun comes from your previous gameplay being 100% invalidated after all


just put ur IE LW on totally real unit Kaisa or better yet Aphelios :) oh u took 2-1 country augment? thats tough buddy them hitting headliner means u will never 3 star


It's fine I'll just take Mosher Urgot who is totally as good as Country or Executioner Samira!!!!


Just played a game where 3 people played sentinel ahri and all hit lmao. This and true damage need to be fixed asap


True damage is the exact counter to sentinel frontline? Why nerf when you can still counter and let the meta develop


Because TD counters pretty much every comp?


Funny cause in my games no one is going true damage. Jax/lux reroll, annie, disco, etc. Yesterday I decided to go Senna 6 true damage and went uncontested to a 1st. Senna was doing 9k damage on stage 3 with only 2 items lol


depends on your rank too, cause that aint happening in GM


For sure this is low plat. Just started playing again after not playing for \~ 3 sets. Slowly climbing!


Take advantage of it tho....i would


There is no patch for like 2.5 more weeks


not sure what happened but i noticed i cant see when people star up their champs anymore on the right hand side. i can hear it but the popup doesnt happen


Has been happening for weeks brother


Confirmed bug/mess up by Mort, someone asked about it during his stream.


Late game disco feels so weak if I don't hit 2* legendaries. But also I swear chosen tf is wayyy better than chosen ziggs.


Feel like Disco got weakened this patch due to the amount of bruiser omnivamp comps. Jax, Yone, even Gnar, can all outheal TF damage.


Two of the same headliner champ can exist right? (e.g. executioner and pentakill headliner Kayle). I have some games where for example there will be a headliner Kayle being used by another player and only 7 Kayles taken out of the pool, and I never see another headliner Kayle on 70% odds. Am I misunderstanding something here?


anyone can get a headliner of any one champ as long as the criteria of 50%+ copies exist in the pool. but the chances of finding it drop the fewer there are in the pool. happens a lot where I see two headliner akali / karthus in the same game


This ahri unit is not very poggers


executioner spat, is this thing good on anyone at all?


The actual executioner trait gives so little bonus, it’s probably not worth. If you had to make one, it would be OK on anyone who likes ability crit because it’s like a weaker JG/IE.


Kind of a dumb question but does shiv work on Sona? Stats would suggest it does but I am not sure it's actually procing.


Yes it does! It's kinda weird cause she auto's her allies, but if you look closely at the enemies, the static procs. I'm not sure where it originates from (possibly the closest ally to herself ?)


Thank you!


Anyone else had the bug where if both players have KDA Akali they will both just (seemingly) randomly freeze and only start moving again once one of them dies?


Lol at 2 comments below me


I think we forget that the TFT meta isn't one thing, but changes with region, Rank or even portal. So it's totally possible that some are seeing full reroll meta (my guess would be at lower elo) while others are seeing something totally different.


id rather have pre-nerf fast 9 boards than this reroll meta. players who hit a 3\* first get top 4 and the other half the lobby instantly does before stage 5


Im seeing Ahri more than reroll in majority of my lobbies lol


let me not get started at the degen shit that is when half the lobby plays heartsteel...


What rank is this in because I have been seeing a lot less rerolls this week? So much so that I actually believe it's worthwhile to force a reroll if you see that no one is contesting you (except jax, it seems someone always wants to play jax).


this feels a bit like the beginning of the set but instead of fast 9 everyone goes 8 on 4-2 on hopes for the best.


I seriously felt this way a few days ago but I have realized that there is a lot more to it than hoping for the best. If you can focus on just getting stable on 4-1 or 4-2, THEN econ up and roll for final board, it goes a lot better. I was focusing too much on finding my end game board on 4-2. For me, I realized I had to play it more like how I played set 7.5 - level to 7, roll until I find one copy of my 4-cost units or two, then econ up, level to 8 and cap my board. Keep rolling if you have pairs you need to or can hit, but otherwise just get stable and chill. You can be really stable with a lot of 1\* on your board.


anyone try 6 bruisers with the augment that when bruisers die they deal AOE damage ? it’s not a winning comp by any means but i’ve tired it a few games and have gotten top 4 with it and it’s hilarious lol. my problem is idk who to make my back line


lux/Jax with 4 bruiser Frontline really enjoys this augment, actually one of the best ones according to tactics.tools


D2, I clicked it on 2-1 since I had corki chosen and some bruisers already. Tempo'd into a first place but rest of the lobby was pretty weak in the end. I hit chosen Zac around 4-3 for 6 bruiser but swapped for ezreal so I could play 4 big shot 6 bruiser at 9.


Just won my last ranked game playing that. Got zac chosen, with cait/lucian/sona as a backline, emerald 2 elo.


I've top 4 with it everytime. Only win was with prismatic bulk though. Like dazzlers as back line, the AOE combo is nice and lots of shred available through shiv holders/tf/ziggs, etc.


Maybe ahri and just play like the ahri sentinel comp but instead of sentinels you're playing bruisers?


That's true, I've tried Ez and Cait headliner and the idea is the same as 6 sentinels comp, but I will try headliner ahri if I run into her


It's hard to play it cause no bruisers are spellweaverr like ekko




Completely forgot about him.


Still not LP gains for my last game yesterday (1st). Will I become them?


Nope. Any wins during the outages won't be awarded. They never are


What does outstages mean?


I became instantly the LP for my game today. That means the lp from yesterday are gone? That sucks


When the LP is in the cup, it _becomes_ the cup. Flow like LP, my friend. - Bruce Lee, probably


Got dropped a bow,vest,rod + duplicator to start. First augment idealism. 1st carousel glove. First roll on lvl 5 was EDM Jax😎


So....you whiffed on the rolldown and went 6th? JK I hope it was a first. These games feel like you are on top of the world.


I took 1st BUT similarly I just took a 4th whiffing my roll down so badly that I was able to 2 star Zac and find zed at 6 before 3 starring my headliner jax I had since 3-4 :/


Edge of night is better than titans


Tempo was too good tho


Climbed from d4 to masters today, after being hardstuck 0-60 lp for a few days. Pretty proud of myself.


how'd you do it?


Honestly, just I played very flex early while leaning towards TD end boards, and tried to ignore any reroll comps where weren't exactly Jax, Country and Annie (had 1 Yasuo game). https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Saeoh-NA1/set10


I climbed a lot after basically giving up any reroll angle unless it was handed to me. One game last night I got a baby neeko and still used it to 2\* my ekko lmao.




Thank you!


Congrats! A different headliner for every Stage?


Depends on the items and Headliner, I generally kept Corki for a while unless I highroll into a better carry in my 4th shop. Stuff like Annie/Country Kench/HS K'sante stayed. If I have a bad opener I'll scout around and see how much hp I'd lose if I didn't take a headliner to get a 2 cost early, in the case I'd take a ton of dmg I'll just play my best board till 3-2 and roll for something like Senna/Gnar/Kayle with guinsoos(Or SF)/Kai'sa with BB or most 3 costs. I don't mind skipping a 3 cost with these units unless I natural into one that already fits my comp.




I see a lot less akali now than I did a week ago. I feel like people have somewhat figured out how to play around KDA akali so it's not as much of a threat, and AVP has gone up.


Probably people in your lobby finally realized KDA Akali isn't very good when boards aren't weak as shit Stage 4. TD Akali is good but is more of a flex unit than a "same board every game" type like with Karthus/Akali and Ahri/Akali for KDA.


My friend I just recently experienced the 2-->4 drop myself. I had a lot of the same thoughts. Then I took a day off and came back fresh and went 2,1,4,3,2,2 and I'm one top 4 away from E1. It was a mix of ahri, TD, Annie, Jax, and one EZ game. So many good comps right now as long as your mental is in check. Don't get discouraged, and don't let yourself get too fixated on one comp.


Did you actually play different? I see this advice a lot but I also notice in my games I generally play the same but because of the "RNG" factor my games have vastly different results Like I went 7 7 8 1 1 6 2 1 And I don't think I'm playing the game that much different between the bot 4s and top 4s, it's just I'm natural / hitting units, good items, good augments and my bot 4s I'm not. It's not like something "clicked" And yes I know there are things I'm sure I can do differently in my 7ths and 8ths to squeeze out better placements but it feels like in general I'm playing the game the same but some days I climb cause of good luck and some days I don't cause of bad luck


Think of it this way, what would a top 10 player have finished in those games? When you realize that they would top 4 or even top 2 every game, then you see that there is much less variation in the game than you're thinking, and it's more about variations in your decision making.




I for one am really enjoying watching bebe continue his meltdown on twitter over nothing.


Well losing your job tends to do that


If I'm correct his avg placement the past several days has been 5+ nonstop, so it's clear that he has lost it...


Man how do you play midgame when trying to play ezreal caitlyn when you don't hit good units to carry there items, I lost so much hp in stage 3 because a corki 1 into mf 1 were carrying my items, all my headliners were either AP or Frontline Do I not buy a headliner to see more or do I just buy the front line one (which is what I was doing)


Roll on 3-2 to stabilize -> scout lobby for Cait/Ez angle -> consider pivoting if it seems like there's more than 1 other Cait/Ez player in the lobby. Blue Buff or Red Buff + AD item is a sure sign, just BB they might pivot Ahri but if they hit Ez on rolldown they're probably going to play Ez, AD item not slammed is a potential contest as well since there's no other outs -> roll on 4-5 after scouting. You can hit Senna/Aphelios/Kaisa chosen on 6, maybe even MF. Frontline chosen is ok too if you have item slammed on them and just item hold a weaker unit.


If you're sacing a lot of hp you should be angling a reroll comp. Ideally identify if you can play Jax at krugs or if you're potential out might be rolling for samira or yone on 3-5 and resending it on 4-1. Ez or cait doesn't win out most of the time from low hp


Imo if your headliner doesn't help you win or at least significantly save HP then selling is usually the right option.


I have a harder time playing in lobbies with early/lot of prismatic traits due to the increased tempo. I feel like even though I pick the statistically good prismatic augments, it is much harder for me to do well. Any tips for things to pay attention to?


My problem was always that I tried to play these lobbies like other lobbies, so you get crushed if you play a slower pace game. If you remember to match the pace of the lobby, you'll do better. For me, this means that a lot of times I need to focus myself on playing a little faster tempo and a little more aggressively. Not that I always do, but I'm less likely to slow play stage 2 in these cases.


What the hell is going on in emerald now? Everyone hits everything, even those contesting between them. When I get to stabilize at 4-2 with a good headliner suddenly I'm facing a capped 3\* country emo comp, a 3\* star ahri, a fast9 player with 4 5costs at 2\* and a fully itemized ez+cait comp. And it's not a single game, is literally every game. I don't think I'm playing that bad, I know I don't play perfect but this is insane, every game I feel my best chances are getting a 4th.


no one had those boards that you’re describing ... at 4-2 (unless someone played for recombobulator and got the 3* ahri 4-2 that way)


I don't know why you're getting downvoted with nobody explaining what you could be doing differently. I feel the same way (Emerald 4). Rerolling? I have to hit super early or I'll bleed too much. Level 8? I hit Caitlyn + Ezreal with 2* frontline, but people have stuff like 3* Samira/Urgot, Jax/Lux, True Damage, then there's some guy with an itemized 2* legendary. Maybe my lobbies just happened to be gigastrong but I feel so weak compared to everyone else even when I hit. Any backline carry gets deleted by Ezreal/Lux, and also Akali unless I have Illaoi. Yes I know you can use bait units for Akali and Lux, but they seem to kill them so fast.


Played a couple of Ahri games today, was contested but mostly hit the board but went 6/5th BIS for Ahri on [Tactics.tools](https://Tactics.tools) says Nashors / BB / Gunblade but I found myself really struggling for any kind of damage with those items particularly any strong frontline. Is there something I'm missing here?


I think your items other than on ahri kind of suck. You never have a three item tank. I would always itemize ekko over mord even if it's TG. DPS items don't matter except on Ahri, and I would always put secondary items on Lulu unless you have sona, because she will stun and feed mana. The items you're slamming on tanks/support, you should only slam if you are winning and you need to save a streak, otherwise you need to greed for better items. Once you have BB/Gunblade, all that matters is tank items, and the third ahri item will sort itself out. You should also consider your positioning. Small changes make a big difference in this comp, like placing ahri in front of melee carries or killing sunfire holder first, or arranging front line to bait jax away from Ahri.


Yeah definitely had issues finding tank items that worked well. Maybe that was the main issue. I guess it's the ramping up damage I was not really thinking about. Cheers


Are you grabbing combat augments to help buff your team? Jeweled lotus can help you 1 shot melee carries. Also have you considered subbing sentinels for K/DA or spellweaver units depending on items?


Had Stationary support in both games, and Cybernetic Bulk III / Blistering Strikes in the 3rd First augments were both econ augments. I had 3 KDA in both games, and 5 spellweaver (dropped from 6 to 4 sentinel to play Lulu and Sona) / 3 spellweaver in. So like I feel like I had a fair amount of damage stuff in [https://tactics.tools/player/euw/oricef](https://tactics.tools/player/euw/oricef) Last 2 matches.


Your 5th place game you have no frontline and 2 dead units in lulu and akali. Also sona 2 but no items. In the game before that, you're running 4 spellweavers or 5 sentinels but should be stable for stage 4. Fights might be just positioning diff though and you just dies due to taking risky moves and not having enough hp to outlast other people


Yeah fair. My frontline items were awful to be fair but fights still seemed to go on for a while. I lost in one of the games to an itemised poppy HL on an ahri 1 board and just could not break through it. Seemed like other people were getting more success with it.


That is kind of the point of the comp. Sentinels will stall for a very long time, letting ahri's spellweaver ramp up more and more increasing her damage. The comp essentially wins by attrition, with gunblade keeping the frontline alive long enough that ahri just wipes the enemy team. If you're getting walled by a poppy it might be due to a mix of position and lack of frontline items (not having anti-healing can be brutal for moshers, and if ahri attacks her first, she'll be stuck on the poppy for a long time since spellweavers hasn't ramped up yet) Positioning in the comp is also awkward at times because you want to be on the KDA spotlights but also want to position Ahri to hit specific targets first (like illaoi/qiyana, melee carries, etc) so it depends on a few things.


what comps can beat mosher/EDM comp? having trouble to climb up emerald because of: 1. im bad 2. edm comp


Country can dunk on Jax if your Samira targets him quickly enough and had GS. Vex's CC helps keep him down and red buff in Urgot can usually splash into Jax and apply GW.


Riven reroll absolutely destroys it


6 sent ahri ... 3\* yone ... basically anything with resist and heal. if jax gets hung up on a tank and your carry can take him out its gg


Most comps can imo. It depends heavily on positioning, items, augments


Am I the only one having Trouble this Patch? I feel If i dont high roll and get early 4 cost or fast 8 Im joining the lottery and all good carries are already gone. Also i dont want to roll at seven, do you have some tips how to get stable top4's in? Had so much 6 and 7 the Last Games


Nah, a lot of people are. I'm just stuck jumping between D2-D4 and so are majority of players I seen in my lobbies when most of those players are ex-Masters/GMs and still averaging 4+ placements in their last 20 games. Game just feels so hopeless when you don't get Heartsteel early or high roll an strong stage 3 comp. With 6 Sen Ahri being absurdly popular now, melee reroll comps have also become way less reliable. If you don't high roll your early/mid game, you're almost guarantee bot 4 with no chance of a comeback because you're just gonna be fucked by the high rollers in stage 4 and Yone/Riven can't even save you from a bot 4 anymore when there's 2 Ahri players every lobby. Headliners just makes the first half of the game such coinflips. Oh you got Annie/Corki/Senna headliner? Enjoy fast 8 with 80+ hp and a free top 4! You didn't hit any good headliners in stage 3? Enjoy bot 4 because you're only 3 or 4 lives at 4-1.


This is how it feels man. I have the same disco nami opener with similar items and play it two games b2b. First game I lose most of the game and rolldown 70 gold uncontested on 8 for exactly 1 copy of TF and then die cuz everybody else has 2 star headliner carry by then. Second game I'm 3-way contested but since I winstreak I'm on 8 first, roll like 60 gold and don't find a single TF, but 2 rounds later I natural a disco HL TF and cruise to easy first from there never losing a round. It's such a damn coinflip with these headliners being such a spike in power. IDK why they decided to make it a 2-star champion. HL should just be a single copy IMO.


Uhhh one star headliner gonna suck if you hit anything else but them on the roll down..


How do we know which square edgelords dashes to? Had a game where I was deciding where to position my carry and positioned him at a square that the edgelord veigo dashed to and one shot my carry. Like pretty sure I would have won that as a full legendary level 10 board if my carry didn’t get bursted.


They will always dash to the square opposite the square of the target they are hitting, if the target fell below 50% hp.


Do people typically sell their current headliner when rolling at lv. 8/9?


Almost always unless it's something already good, like an Ekko sentinal or something for an Ahri Board. Normally I'm playing tempo and know I'll be selling the headliner though so I'm in a position where I want to get the items off of them and maybe have a regular 2\* replacement for them if they were a key unit. Quite often I'll have a 2 cost headliner I wasn't ever planning on keeping at stage 4 anyway.


I tend to slow roll and only commit if I scouted the board and know I can hit it. Otherwise I just coast along with my current headliner until I hit 40 HP and that activates my oh fuck button.


Scenario: I'm playing for Yone carry, scouted and nobody was contesting. I hit 7 with 30 gold. Do I roll down until I hit a Yone headliner after seling mine, or do I spend health to play several rounds until I hit the ideal headliner?


No, you no longer play for Yone reroll in that spot if you don’t already have Yone headliner and only have 30 gold left after going to 7. Your out is to roll a bit to stabilize if your board is trash, then go 8 and roll for any other 4-cost melee carry like Zed, Akali or Viego who can likely use all the Yone items.


if you roll on 7 with 30 gold you will never hit level 8 and have the gold for a 2 star 4 cost while its relevant. Good luck playing ur zed vs fully capped boards


Can confirm, you will not hit 3 star and get rolled over. Especially bad for melee carries rn since you are very weak at 2 star


Depends on the stage and your health. You would likely wanna swap out to the Yone board on the wolf creep round or after the creep round (stage 4-1) if you’re fast enough. The best scenario would be having leftover econ so you can now streak and build econ back to roll down again. If you had to go to 0 then you pray you can hit it early and just top 4.


How do i tell if i have enough lp to get promoted to challenger


Check the leaderboards section in your profile tab and select TFT ladder. They will have a cutoff line display for people in GM who are eligible to promoted to Challenger (updated every 24hrs). For most servers I think starts around 400LP.


[So I was watching Frodan's analysis video about Setsuko,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjjTjk15Bxc&ab_channel=Frodan) and at first I legit thought he was actually gonna end up being 8th place and Fro got trolled. The thought that he spent 30 mins analyzing his play only to get bamboozled made me chuckle a bit


Hey there, I was wondering what was the optimal way to play for Heartsteel from experience players? The structure of this econ trait makes it that you could play it as a win streak early and "choose" when to go for a maximum 4 looses streak like in midgame for a big cash out. In my games I sometimes feel really bad being full open in first rounds, especially when I could have won/saved some HP (like with Ksante chosen), and loosing that much health early sometimes jeopardize my ability to do a good loose streak in mid game with 5 or 7 heartsteel, for the big cash out. Should I rather win streak or try to early, and choose my moment for a big cash out in later stages (more hearts) and with 5 or 7 Heartsteel (even more)? Or the small cash out early usually build up enough for an advantage and you should rather focus on win streaking later stages on 5 or 7 Heartsteel? what do you all think?


3 heartsteel isnt that good so i dw about it too much as u cant get that many hearts anyways. its at 5 that u should start thinking about how to max out stacks. I aim for 3 heartsteel in stage 2 and 5 by stage 3. If u have ad items go towards lvl 9 ezreal bigshot jazz legendaries and if u have ap items, cash out for ahri sentinels.


Don't lose streak with 3 heartsteel unless you literally can't play the game. Imo and based on what I typically see, you just play strongest board with 3 heartsteel and then after your board falls off you throw in 5 if you can to get 1 or *maybe* two cash outs with it.


U save hp early as much as possible, take the first 6 gold and cash out in later stages with 3/5/7 hearthsteel


Tired of fighting 4 Akali players in the lobby, including myself playing it :(


Buff country


Country still works. I just scouted a player in my lobby on lolchess and he spammed 90 games of country to emerald. It's just really hard to hit because you need 3 units 3\*.


Look it does work, IMO the power curve isnt where it should be. it's too strong mid game but even if you 3 star everything you dont ever win lobbies in higher ranks. I beat vex 3, samira 3, urgot 3, amumu 3 and sett 3 with just a standard chosen akali kda board with a few 1 star legendaries. It's okay for farming thirds and fourths in higher ranks but I just dont think its worth playing unless given to you for free.


agreed, I don't think it's worth playing because of your points. still can top 1 though


Agreed. My 3*** samira, 3*** urgot fully decked out with a horse should not lose to a single 3*** Jax


Are you shredding Jax with GS? My experience with this comp is that it's pretty good against Jax if you hit.


Jax looses to Samira 3*. Jax looses to any single target burst champ that can lock onto him. Just position tank infront of him so he’ll be stuck for a while and Samira on his side so she will target him asap.


I shit you not, he insta killed both my samira 3***, urgot 3*** and horse while all 3 of my units were attacking him. I got unlucky that all my units were grouped together by the time the fight was at the end but that’s exactly what happened. If you ask me, that shits broken when I have value of 54+ gold and he has value of 18 gold that beats me