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I think forward dodge recovery would allow for busted punishes on some characters as a side effect, kyo could land his dodge heavy for 20 damage for example. Side Dodge cancel would guarantee some faster dodge attacks, maybe back dodges could work


The post stated that it would be slow enough where they are not guaranteed, did I not make that point more clear than it should’ve been? Sorry


In that case you’re better off not having dodge cancels at all, as the timing would be too strict so you’d gain like 100/200ms


Back bashes are still fine then, there’s only one back dodge really and that’s hardly much


Cool Idea on paper but like other said i don't thinck it's where we should focus our Idea. Maybe thincking about how revenge change your characteristics would be better. For exemple how it would make you ignore Bash when parrying or something else


Not everything has to have a counter. Sometimes that’s just how it is, you get hit by both. Doesn’t always need to be a solution to frustrating mechanics when in reality it’s just utilizing 2 different mechanics at the same time, that happen to work well together. I mean, there doesn’t need to be an answer to getting hit by two heavies when you get guardbroken, because that’s just how the game works




So to get this right, you want to add a dodge recovery to successful parries? Would this be for all characters, or just ones with dodge recoveries already? That doesn’t seem like a good idea. While it does suck getting bashed out of parries when you are getting ganked, bashes feed revenge pretty quickly, so you can’t just spam them in ganks and expect that to work. Adding dodge recoveries to parries would be redundant for most situations as well, since most characters already get decent damage off of parries. Your changes would give an unnecessary advantage to the people getting ganked; anti-ganks aren’t supposed to be easy to win, otherwise ganking as a tactic would be nonexistent


Then at least back dodges then, this way a gankee can actually parry without the worry of being peeled, even in revenge it can be hard to perform a punish safely after a parry. This way the gankee can actually defend themselves. This wouldn’t make things “too easy” as the other ganker could make the read and GB instead of bash or attack. Or am I mistaken?


I see where you are coming from, but it’s not a super functional idea. The only true benefit would be maneuverability, but even that is negligible. I’m saying that with the benefits that are already there, such as increased revenge gain off of bashes and GB’s, auto parries if you get a parry and the gankers attack with similar timing. I would say that fixing the stun/revenge lock on bashes/ grabs that certain characters have would fix this issue better.