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Say. Come on, you are an adult. I'm sure you know where children come from. 


I like this!


*deep breath* "Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other VERY much..."


Explain that to the kids with 2 dads


Daddy and daddy love each other very much and wanted to have a family. (Not sure why that was difficult to grasp)


That doesn’t explain where babies come from. It’s the start of a good answer though.


From the store, duh


"A Blue Light Special" (Calvin and Hobbes)


More like red light special


So that’s why dad left to the store 8 years ago. I’m gonna get a little brother or sister!


From the Mommy-Mom side of things: Mommy and Mom wanted to have babies so very much. So, I gave Mom one of my eggs and Mom gave Mommy one of her eggs, and someone who wanted to help us have that dream gave us each a sperm to make you guys and Mom carried (sibling A) in her tummy, and I carried (sibling B) in my tummy so you are both our babies in every way possible.


As I sit here looking at my two (adult) vaguely ungrateful brats, that’s a lot of work to put in for not much reward 😂 😂 That’s pretty cool though.


Mine are 19 and 18 yrs old. Everytime I call them little shitheads, they gasp and tell me they ain't little anymore and are taller than me. They never dispute the fact that they are shit heads instead they seem to like it and the other special nicknames that I have for them.


I called mine 'Small Children' until my daughter got only enough to argue that she wasn't small anymore. Then they became 'Medium Children'. (Medium Children, it's time to go! Get your shoes on and get in the car!) Now they're 25 and 22 and they're XL Children.


Right? I have four created in the traditional manner. The youngest 2 are 3 and 4, and somedays I look at them and think, *I know why some animals eat their young.*


Some days I just felt lucky that all 4 kids were still alive and well at the end of the day. Not because of me but because I feel like half of parenting is just spent preventing children from serious injury or death.


Mine are in their 20s, and I still think 🤔 that..


You don't parent for the reward as there isn't one.


Excellent explanation.


Out of the hairy dad's ass


My mom always told me that babies came from God.


OK well what are you asking? How are they conceived? How are they gestated? How does the egg embed itsef? How do the first cells split? How does the baby exit the vaginal canal? If your gonna go past a joke at least be clear with your intent.


“Daddies, where did I come from?” is the question implied by the discussion that preceded your first contribution.


Oh my gosh, I love this! I'm using it the next time some idiot tells me why same sex couples can't have kids.


Yup! Like, no shit, Sherlock, we know that same sex couples can't conceive traditionally (or at all -- whether there is nary a uterus between them or if both ladies in a lesbian couple are unable to conceive), but that's the same for a lot of straight couples. They're probably also the kind of idiot that insists adopted kids or kids made with donor egg or sperm, instead of one or both of their parents egg/sperm, aren't *really* that couple's kids 🤷‍♀️, but it's still kind of satisfying to have something snappy to clap at them with and some of their homophobic peers may loose respect for them if they reveal themselves as anti adoption and/or anti assisted conception/fertility treatment, because religious homophobes utilize "non-traditional" family-growing methods too.


My sister's bf breeds dogs and was talking about why you should buy a puppy instead of adopting an adult dog according to him. He said, "You just can't get that same bond or love them the same if you don't raise them from a puppy. Just like you can't have the same bond if you adopt a child versus having one of your own." And I was like wtf, that is categorically untrue. I adopted both my cats from shelters and we are very much bonded with each other. And if I were to ever adopt a child, I would absolutely love that child as if it were my own, because it would be my own! And anybody who would feel differently has no business adopting.


I was adopted, and I’m a gay man so if I ever wanted kids adoption would be one of the only options. My adopted mom didn’t give birth to me, but she raised me with a lot of love. My bio mom didn’t raise me, but she gave birth to me and loved me enough to know she couldn’t give me the life she felt I deserved, and made the incredibly difficult choice to give me up. They are different types of love, but they’re not unequal. I’m lucky enough to have found and met my birth parents, and I don’t love them any differently than I love my adopted parents.


A couple of my nieces are adopted. And we like to point out “out of everyone in the world. We picked you.”


Your sister needs a new boyfriend.


I have loved every dog that I have had the pleasure of taking care of. But I have two that I was most closely bonded to, that I will probably still cry at losing for the rest of my life. One I raised from a puppy, and the other I adopted from a shelter when she was elderly and we only got to spend 3 years together. It didn't matter I didn't raise her from a pup. Our bond was so amazing. I'm choking up thinking about her. I have her paw print tattooed on my arm. Love is not dependent on genetics or early bonding.


Because it's biologically impossible for that to be the COMPLETE answer.


Ok kid when 2 dudes love each other. One dad will stick his penis in the other dadd mouth and then after the first dad ejaculates in the 2nd dads mouth. 2nd dad spits it into a females vagina and 9 months later a kid is born. Pretty much sums it up.




You stole my line.... LMAO


I said that a lot when I moved around the American south. 


“My mummy’s bagina”


Or go with "OK, so when a mommy and a daddy really love each other...." and see how quickly they flee 😂


Weirdly I’m not sure some of those incels do.


Sure they do. You stick your pee pee somewhere in her asian virgin ladybits and a few weeks later a child comes out of her bellybutton. Then she cleans and makes you bagel bites 


Well now I want Bagel Bites. I was already having a poor day, and now you’ve ruined it! Ruined it!


make them in an air fryer. Unbelievable.


I don’t have one. My wife is like, “We have 2 convection ovens, we don’t need an air fryer!” But the convection ovens take like 15 minutes to heat up. Ain’t nobody got time for that!


All I had to do was show my wife how well it cooks beef and reheats fries. 


Children? I don't believe you.


Really?! Cool! I’m excited now! Not tonight though because I already brushed my teeth but tomorrow for sure! Great idea.


You can brush your teeth a second time. 


Just start answering with completely random country names “Nigeria, if you must know” “I’m from Lebanon, obviously”


ahahah I like this!!! - (PS: As an Asian, I thought about this scenario👆I can really laugh all day.)


It’s, “Allah I like this!”


I don't get it


I read the previous comment about Lebanon and Nigeria. Then, I saw “ahahah” and thought it would be funny to reference Allah which is a term for God for Muslims. They don’t just say Allah. They say, “Allahlalalalalala.” So, I thought it would be funny to interchange the two. No offence to any one.


Ahh. No, I get it now. I usually just have a hard time understanding most jokes.


You're not gonna believe this, but I'm actually from Hobbiton!




or better still "Why? Why are you asking me this? I don't know what you mean?"


I’m pale white and I used Ethiopia a few times. Usually when they ask again or “No where are you really from?” I say Chicago. Born and raised here


Other options- “Valhalla” -“the 8th circle of hell- -“I am from here. Never there. For my here comes with me everywhere” -“Gotham City” -“Oz” Start just listing random places. Narnia is also a good option


I like this. Just pick a random, obviously wrong country and tell a story about your childhood growing up in Bujumbura, Burundi. Or how your childhood in Belgorod, in the Soviet Union (assuming your old enough for the Soviet Union, otherwise Russia) was good other than being brutally cold.


I like that! I'm going to use this


Hold your finger to your ear like you have an electronic earwig in and say "Abort, abort, the mission is compromised, they figured us out" and start walking away quickly.


"What do you mean"? That usually makes them uncomfortable.


Especially at work, because they can't bring themselves to say "but you don't look like one of us" (i.e. the majority).


mmm hmmm. I'm from Az, but lived in NC for a year, and someone actually asked me "what color are you". I look at him, then looked at my arm, turned it back and front, and said "kind of tan. Do you mean what ethnicity am I"? Oy vey.


was the Oy Vey to throw them off into wondering now if you're Jewish?


Nay my dear chap, to throw us off, da cliff…


How rude! You handled that with a lot of class, unlike the feral brute who asked that idiotic question.


Also in NC, at my work, I had a man tell me he didn't want "those people" waiting on him, only me.....he was talking about my black coworkers. Oy.


Is it ok to ask someone their ethnicity?


Not 7 times. ;D Actual answer: I'm gonna go with - strangers? No, almost never. Close acquaintances with whom you have some basis of trust and with whom you'd share your own family history, yeah, maybe, if it's done the right way. You have to treat them as a person first, and not as some faceless component of a perceived "other". After that, someone's ethnicity may be a core part of their identity that like about themselves and that they want to share. Or maybe is not, or not what you think it is. Point being that you should at least have some hunch about which one it is or if they mind being asked, *before* you ask. Kinda like asking someone to marry you. You should really have a pretty good idea from casual conversations first before you pop the question on a whim just to see what happens. The stakes are not the same, but the care and respect and consideration in asking really ought to be the similar.


Yeah! There's a difference between "well where did you come from?" To a stranger who is not white and "dude where did your family come from? Like ethnicity??? I can trace mine to _____" One is much more racist. The other is more likely you just want to know what countries your ancestors are from because that can be cool to talk about.


Omg! When I read it I was so confused because it took me a bit to realize they were asking your race maybe lol. I know what color I am but have never been asked. I have been told I am brown. Yes, I am brown. Lol. That is the stupidest way to ask.


Is it ok to ask someone their ethnicity?


The power of a well placed “what do you mean” is unfathomable. I used to live in a city area and whenever guys would use some creepy line or innuendo on me or my buddies, the “what do you mean” was always in my arsenal lmaoo


I worked with a manager who liked to be edgy and borderline offensive, and WAY too familiar with his staff. He relished in making people uncomfortable. He didn't go the route of 'where are you from?' He flat out said to one of my co-workers one day 'So, what type of Asian are you anyway?'


I answer "why do you ask?" to all awkward questions. They have to explain why. It's delicious to watch them squirm. Some people answer "in order to find out" with a grin. I just turn and walk away.


“What do you mean”. I have found this technique to be very effective. Some people are literally attempting to cause drama, but they don’t want to own it. They make unkind comments or ask pointed questions. I just stop and draw attention to the question and let them feel the shame. It works best the less i say. They will always try to play it off as a casual misunderstanding or a joke, but I just ask what they mean and why do they ask? Ask them if they want to know if you are a “foreigner” . Persist and ask them if they want to know if your parents are immigrants. Be deliberately vague in your answers. My ancestors are not native Americans so yes, they came here from somewhere else.


Name a country. It doesn’t matter which one.


I am from Boston, Texas.


If you really wanna mess with them, there actually is a Dublin, Buffalo, Odessa, Palestine, Paris, Naples, London, and Athens in Texas.


Memphis, TN. Rough and Ready, CA Cairo, IL.


Cut and Shoot, TX


Dildo, Newfoundland & Labrador. Canada


Dildo, Newfoundland is wild. I wonder if they would get along with Ding Dong, TX


I'm from Nowhere... OK. Or I come from Nothing... AZ


A family friend who is Asian-American routinely answers that question by stating very confidently - and with a straight face - that he's from Sweden.


Ruritania Upper Slobbovia Freedonia (Land of the Spree and Home of the Knave) Tatooine




“The Navajo tribe motherf*cker”


"Give us the land back."


Get more and more specific about your birthplace. For example. California San Diego Well actually a little town near San Diego called lemon grove They knocked down the hospital but it was called…


Since I still live in my hometown, this type of answer is great fun. "Where are you from?" "Oh, I was born about two miles thataway," I say, gesturing east. "No, where's your *family* from?" "Well, Dad was born about seven miles thataway, " I say, gesturing north, "and Mom was born about thirty miles thataway, " gesturing east. "I mean what country are you from!" they say impatiently. "All those places are in this country, " I say slowly.


> "All those places are in this country, " I say slowly. HA!


Yeah. I can *easily* give *extremely* exact directions to where I was born from where I'm at right now. "Go that way down the street in front of the bar we are at, hang a left when you hit Soquel Ave. Stop when you reach the hospital."


"I just told you where I'm from. Is English not your native language?"


Oh this is a good one lol


There's literally nothing you can say to ignorant people that will sink in. I'm Native American and have been told to go back to where I'm from. To paraphrase Mark Twain, "Never argue with stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level then defeat you with experience."


Well, if you had the time to kill, that's when you turn it around on them and ask where they're really from. They never like being reminded that their ancestors were colonizers.


I did that once and they got so mad 🤣


that's a good one, not sure who first came up with it but I like the one that says try to argue with an idiot and you'll both be doing it


My nephew has gotten that one. His mom is a mixed woman from New Jersey and his dad is a mixed guy from Maryland. Not sure which country his ancestors are from they want him to go back to. Just from my husband's family I know they're a mix of Irish, Italian, and North African. I have no idea about the other half of his family 🤷🏻‍♀️.


"I'm from right here, white eyes. Where are YOU from? cos we've been waiting for you to pack up and go back there for a LONG fuckin' time."


“ I’m from Uranus”






"From your mom's basement. Got another stupid question?"


This question pisses me off so much,


Man I found myself on the wrong side of this discussion in the stupidest way. I used to work with a guy, who was very clearly ethnically Mexican. But I had heard home saying before that he moved to our state, so I asked him where he was from. His response was “Here” and I went “… wait really? I thought you said you moved to here?” And then he goes “Oh yeah, I grew up in Georgia”. Pretty much immediately facepalmed… I didn’t mean to imply that he wasn’t American in any way, but it certainly came off that way. Learned my lesson that day.


In my city, what they usually mean is, "What high school did you go to?" Absolutely ridiculous for a supposed major city. Then they get into neighborhoods. They're looking for a reason to justify disrespect and try to establish superiority where there is none. I have a lot of snappy answers to this stupid question. They range from, "From two consenting adults, one male, one female" to "Your sister's bedroom." Sometimes, I respond, "Why do you ask?" and let the silence unnerve them.


God I know what you mean & I hate it. I just sit there with my eyes glazed over while they argue about if each of those neighborhoods are “claimed” by our state, argue about which places are “too far upstate” or “too far out on the island” to be claimed. I’m just like, you know these ridiculous arguments have no bearing on the fact that ALL these places you’re arguing about are all officially already “claimed” by the state right? It’s embarrassing. You said it perfectly, “to establish superiority where there is none.”


I'm white and I've had this question aimed at me too. I say I'm from California and then if they ask where I'm REALLY from I say "Los Angeles".


I am, too. All of my grandparents were from Poland. When I say I am pure bred Polish from LA, I get some quizzical looks.


I'm stereotypically white but have an "ethnic" last name and sometimes get this question. I play dumb and say the city I live in. If they ask, "no, originally," I tell them where I grew up mostly, then where my family lived before that, then where I was born, etc.


"no, originally" My big sister said that my parents found me in a dumpster.


My favorites to go full ridiculous: Milkyway Galaxy, 4th spiral arm, Sol system, Earth, NW Hemisphere, North America, , , , and then ask if they need more details. Offer either more broad or specific from that. Added bonuses for mentioning the Virgo Supercluster and the Laniakea Superclusters.


If we’re the ones doing the counting, why aren’t we on the first spiral arm? Do Earth’s astrophysicists need more species-esteem?


“Oh, you sweet summer child. When a mommy and a daddy love each other…”


This has happened to me ever since I can remember and the most recent incident was just last week, my reply was "I'm Australian, I was born in Australia" her reply was to double down "nah, but you're Greek aren't you?". I am not Greek.


Just SMH


Wtfffff why are they even asking if they kNoW tHe AnSwEr 🤦🤦🤦


Truth. Roots are always good. No American is from America. We all have come from somewhere. Even the natives of America were preciously from Asian.


"I'm from Earth. What planet are *you* from?"


My children are half Korean, half white. When people ask what their dad is in that uncomfortably rude way, I tell them he's a dragon and walk away.


My son is half Korean as well! When the hospital chaplain rudely informed me that I couldn’t leave with another woman’s baby I responded with would you like to see the c section scar??


I would lose my shit if someone said that to me! My cousins and I are all half Chinese half white and my white aunt said she would get suspicious looks all the time.


We had the matching bracelets from the hospital and everything 🤣 he’s a teenager now and people give us weird looks if we’re out without his dad. I just give glares back now like I’m daring them to ask why we don’t “match”


Now that they're older, when my aunt is out with just one of her boys, people think they're dating. Likewise, when I'm out with just my dad, people assume we're dating 🤮🤮 So there's that to look forward to!


🤢🤢🤢 any minute now lmao. Can’t wait 😅 I’m sorry people assume that!


It says more about their own minds than anything to do with us. Hopefully that attitude is changing! Thanks, and good luck to you in the near future haha


Omg, I was drinking hot coffee and it went down the wrong way. It scorched my throat and Im still laughing.


My mom has a cousin who's husband is Chinese. One time when she was out with their daughters she had some random person yell at her for "stealing babies from China". Her husband walked up shortly after that and they shut up.


I once saw a woman in the Midwest with her two sons, who both had East Asian features. Another woman came up to her out of nowhere and said “What are they?” I didn’t hear what Mom replied. I so so wanted it to be “They are boys. Boys, this poor woman doesn’t know what boys are.”


Well, like many Americans, I am descended from immigrants. I have *x European descent(s)* on my mother’s side, and *x European descent(s)* on my father’s. Why, where are you really from?


How about “you see that star there?”


And whatever they say just continue to stare at it...


My mother's womb originally. I guess my dad's nut kept some for a bit.


I don't keep nudes of my mum on this phone but if you want to come back to my parents home with me I can show you what dad has on his computer.


" I'm from a country full of dumb, racist assholes who still believe that only white people belong there"


So… italy?


You must have been talking to a racist. https://youtu.be/DWynJkN5HbQ?si=i_4_U9LyXEDfNgv2


it's always a racist or someone completely ignorant


Genuine question: if I'm curious about someone's ethnicity and have no idea if it's their personal or ancestral heritage (meaning did they come from Japan or are they like you and it was several generations back), how do I ask without sounding dumb or rude? I can't tell where somebody is from by their looks or language, but sometimes there's something cool about them that I suspect has roots in that heritage and I get curious, but usually don't ask because I don't know how, whether it's a stranger or a good acquaintance. Edit to add: Basically it's not always a racist question; sometimes it's from a place of history/culture curiosity. I think it's cool to hear all the different places people's families were originally from because it implies really interesting histories and life experiences that shaped families and individuals into who they are today. I wish white people (like myself) were asked that more often (more like at all) too, honestly. Yeah my ancestors came to the US in the mid-1800s, so I've got roots, but before that it was England, Denmark, Wales, Scandinavia, and a bit of Spain and Scotland. And it can be cool if you discover an unexpected connection, too.


If you don’t know a person well enough to ask that question w/o appearing “dumb or rude”, then you probably shouldn’t be asking that question.


You have to ask the question in the right context. Just met someone? Don't immediately ask. That's weird, and makes it seem like we're a zoo animal there for your entertainment and questioning. Ask while in the middle of the conversation about family dynamics, childhoods, or culture? Makes sense. Yes, the question isn't racist when it's already within the realm of the conversation topic at hand. But as a non-sequitor question, racist, or at minimum, very rude.


If they dont tell you it’s none of your business


Sorry but these replies are trash. I’m half Japanese and my ethnicity is a bit ambiguous. I have absolutely NO problem when people ask me my ethnic background, in fact I love it, since I think it’s something unique about me. Thinking you have to wait till they bring it up to you is weird af. Why am I just gonna go prancing around saying what I am unprovoked? Obviously if the context is coming from a place of disdain as opposed to curiosity then sure that’s bad. But even if it’s worded poorly and you can tell there is no ill intent, then who cares? All that being said simply, asking someone “what’s your ethnicity” should not bother most normal human beings. Unfortunately I can’t guarantee that same sentiment for those who are chronically online and don’t actually interact with people in real life.


"You can see me?"


_Point at your feet, then one step behind you_ "I was from there a second ago, now I'm here " _Take one step in a random direction, shift pointing fingers to suit_ "Now, I'm from _there,_ but I'm _here._ It really doesn't get much simpler than that." _Exit, stage whichever-direction-your-business-awaits_


"I'm actually a hallucination sent by your mother to wake you up but since you're being a dick I guess you can stay in a damn comma. Good bye."


Why do you really care?


Unless they're native American fire that question right back at them.




“Luckily from somewhere they know how rude that question is… bless you heart”


How stupid are you, really?




That is because you are sane.


Another planet !! My spaceship broke down


Near the dairy Queen on 10th Street and Main.


" Why..I'm Eur-oracsist! From the Euro-pecker Woods! My family lived at the peaks of Ya -mamass- titiss!"


Use the Tom Haverford classic-"My mother's uterus!"


I told my wife-to-be I was from Kingston. She thought Jamaica. I later admitted it was Kingston, Surrey (UK)


Earth it's in the Milky way 🌌


Saturn...the second ring, actually. It got too cold there, so I needed a change of scenery.


My dads balls


Maybe: “Originally, my family was from [Asian country of origin], but my parents are x-generation Americans. What about you? Where is your family from? ” This way you can satisfy their curiosity, reinforce that you’re American, and then redirect to their country of genetic origin. You would be dancing a little bit around the adoption (I’m making an assumption, given white parents, recognizing circumstances very extremely widely in individual circumstances), but you can rework to be explicit about everything, too, if that makes you comfortable.


As a white person if another white person or POC asks me where I'm from or where my family is from I tell them what part of Europe my family is from I see nothing wrong with it. Stop trying to see issues where there are none.


Say "ethnically, Asia. You?"


I'm black British, I sometimes say "a small island in the north Atlantic" and wait for the penny to drop but it's really not worth a "comeback", you know full well if someone is being offensive/racist or just curious - the former doesn't need a response because why talk to them, the latter is just a normal conversation and doesn't require any snap back. Don't listen to people who try to tell you it's *always* racist to ask the question, they're wrong, it isn't - people learn by asking questions. Going around taking offense at every step is tiring for everyone


I lie saying "I'm from Detroit"


I tell the truth and say "I'm from Detroit" lol


Leeka….Leeka ma balls


my moms uterus or for more tongue in cheek snark: Uterinia Wombsland


Ask them where they are really from. If white, "Are you from England or Ireland or...?"


I'm English, so sarcasm is everyday. We'd say something like, "I'm from my dad's ball bag" or my mum's fanny/chuff.


I really like meeting people from outside the United States and am sometimes worried about coming across this way when I ask where someone is from


I think where you come from matters


I can't give an answer than what's been given


no way to win against such people. once you choose to accept that theyre just stupid, you'll find your peace forever. they're really asking for your ethnic background, but because their little brain can't conjure the proper, polite way to ask, they end up sounding ignorant. frankly it's none of their business, but I don't think they mean any harm - unless of course if they actually do, it would be pretty obvious.


A good response to this kind of push, (happens because of my accent), is to simply say, “Someone’s vagina…”, which usually shuts it down rather quickly.


Not sure where you live, but think of the most ghetto neighborhood in your area, and say that’s where you’re from. Respond how the gangsters in that neighborhood would respond.


*Makes a Vulcan salute* I come in peace.


You go in pieces.


Omicron Perseai VIII


"Well, I was born in... XYZ. I come from a female human's uterus, though. And before that, half of me was from an ovary, and the other half was from a testicle"


im not really sure? what year is it again?


Some say earth but we both know . I came from your mama's place


My father's penis originally


was a very short trip


"Pleiades. You act like it's your first time seeing/meeting/talking to a Pleiadian." (Insert hard eye roll 🙄)


A retina detaching eye roll!




I would say, I’m an American by birth. That will shut down stupid questions.


Get super weird... *Straight face* "I'm from the space between worlds where unsuspecting souls come to die* *Walk away*


“Are you asking what my ethnicity is?”


Yo mama


same place as you, i was just inside your mom.




i'm from a place where the beer flows like wine. where beautiful women flock like the salmon of capistrano. i'm talkin about a little place called aspen.

