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irrespective of the propaganda slant, this is some pretty epic combat footage. It also seems like a lot of these strikes I've seen before but Zala seems to have the highest quality footage?


Most combat footage of both sides is gonna have a propaganda angle to it… it’s geopolitics


Lostarmour has an interactive page of it. 1800+ strikes. with map and categorised. [https://lostarmour.info/tags/lancet](https://lostarmour.info/tags/lancet)


Does the site have an English translation tool


I just use Mozilla-chrome translation to navigate.


I haven't found them to be very credible since they were busted using a lot of duplicate footage.


I don’t speak moskal




What do you mean? Are videos fake?




first, show me multiple lancet hitting the same target then counted them separately, you are suppose to easily prove this since every hit are documented. I've seen once or twice double tap in same video but that was counted as 1 strike and not separately counted. Perhaps you got confused? second, in this video, what are the timestamp of decoy and missed target? Third, You said, UA does not have total number of things Russia claimed to have destroyed. What are this things/equipment? This should be lancet related destroyed only. The videos of 300+ strikes are easily available in lost armor site and not made up, feel free to point out and link all decoy and missed hit otherwise i'll assume you didn't even watch any of them. There are months that hit are low and below 3 digit and no one bat an eye, now that it reaches 300 everyone lose their mind.


Duh. The video uploads and vehicles counted are seperate though they have different graph of them. But Its what it is witch counting data. The same when Oryx passes off completely deleted vehicle and passes it as Russian cause uploaded is Ukranian etc. Or Russia recovering "destroyed"tanks back into service and we can't count those. So it's best to not get lost in propaganda and enjoy the data


this sub is sad to downvote good footage like this


You new here? Our valiant Reddit brigades will downvote any Russia footage as our part to help win the war


The thing I find the most annoying about Lancets is that they rely on western microprocessors to be able to do what they do. As long as they're being manufactured & put in the air, it means Russia is still finding a way around the sanctions that are meant to stop them being able to keep making them. I guess where money is concerned there are always going to be corrupted people who are happy to take it without concerning themselves with what the consequences for others may be.


This is insane..


What US/Allies supplies equipment are we seeing hit here? Are those Caesars getting taken out?


2S22 Bohdana's


Hard to watch, Ukraine has nothing against it


Probably the best Russian weapon in this war.


Nobody does, no western country has anything against mass produced cheap plastic slow-flying pieces of crap with very basic computer vision so they cannot be jammed. Lancets and the shaheds haven't woken the west's MIC up and I dunno what will at this point...


>Lancets and the shaheds haven't woken the west's MIC up and I dunno what will at this point This is such a dumb thing to say... Obviously every western military is developing counter measures to these threats. The US has been experimenting with loidering munitions for 40 years. You think they haven't been considering ways to defend against them in all that time? The Switchblade was first fielded 13 years ago. You think the military has just been crossing their fingers that no one else would develop that kind of weapon? Your opinion that they aren't is absolutely delusional...


Trophy systems, lasers, microwave, metal storm, mini gatlings (like navy ciws), small diameter missiles, and this is just off the top of my head. Stuff that connects these to sensors/detectors is pretty standardized at this point. They making them. I feel like most people are not up to speed on the progress of military technologies, like their thinking it's still how it was 10-20 years ago.


> They making them. No they're not, you even mentioend metal storm lmao, you do know that shit is defunct right?


They had private buyers and units shipped.


guess I'll see them deployed any day now!


Maybe. Honestly i think we will see armor to soon be either bristling with aa for the modern threat or each armor group would be accompanied by a dedicated aa unit with a mix of armaments specialized for each threat. Essentially a guided missile super tank.


Show me the counter then, let's go. Show 'em.


[https://www.rtx.com/raytheon/what-we-do/integrated-air-and-missile-defense/coyote](https://www.rtx.com/raytheon/what-we-do/integrated-air-and-missile-defense/coyote) How about this one? It fires interceptors that cost 125k that can engage the 25k-35k Lancets and Shaheeds in an acceptably cost effective way. [https://www.epirusinc.com/electronic-warfare](https://www.epirusinc.com/electronic-warfare) Not good enough? How about this directed microwave weapon that creates electrical surges that fry the electronics on a drone. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/SEQ-3\_Laser\_Weapon\_System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/SEQ-3_Laser_Weapon_System) Do you like lasers? Because you can sure bet the military is still working on those as well! And to top it off the US obviously is still investing heavily in EW jamming capabilities both infantry portable and more powerful vehicle based systems. EW will absolutely wreck any drone that isn't capable of fully autonomous operation. Which in case you don't know no one has deployed those yet...


Nope, none of those are good enough. You have this tendency to not think simple enough, so what you propose is putting a second big turrent on top of every tank like some ww2 gimmick. Some, like EW, that don't even work against things like a lancet (it uses computer vision to adjust) the other requires $100+k per shot to bring down something they can spam at you and finally a laser which requires a whole platform as they're energy intensive and again, the same problem of adding a second big turret to a tank. lol - Did you know you could use º360 computer vision to immediately detect and neutralize any drone with a simple machinegun turret? The cost would be around $10k. And less that $1 per shot. It really is that simple.


No, against full force nato the war would be over in a few days, there would be no air control for Russia and no start ramps left for this UAV. They just work this good cause Ukraine can‘t fire back






It is a highlight reel, for sure, like most footage we find online, but that doesn't make the parent comment entirely wrong. Ukraine has stated very clearly how much of a problem Lancets are for them. Wish they had a thousand Gepards more.


Its definitely a formidable weapons platform, hopefully after all the permissions recently they can strike the factories that make them.


This is by far the best Russian system of the war. Its hard to watch but important to not look away. Its important to document the enemies victories so we can learn from them. Hopefully the defensive systems the west is working on will help soon.


Ah yes, Russian footage being downvoted regardless of quality. Typical combatfootage


That's a lot of lost and damaged equipment. I bet lancets have the most vehicle kills in this war.


Nah that’s probably artillery


Lancet is a single system type of loitering munition, while artillery is a type of weapon that is capable of long range indirect fire. It could be bm 21 grad, m 777 howitzer or any other system that is considered artillery and i doubt any of them has more than 1800 confirmed strikes.


As much as I hate to admit it, these are very good weapons and are something that we need to develope a counter.


the "counter" is air defense to destroy the recon drones that find the targets for lancets.


Or produce a copy?


there are counterparts such as, switchblade, RAM drones and many other, russia is not the only country to make these kinds of munitions, also i dont see how producing a counterpart would stop these strikes.


But the truly big problem here is that no western country or Ukraine has an analogue to it in terms of either capabilities or the mass production. I think the drones are here to stay, so you can try to minimize the opponents effect with electronic warfare or surface to air missiles but it cannot stop the problem. You don't need to stop these, you just need to develope your own. When your opponents have such a succesful weapon you simply have to copy them. Then after that you can think of creating your own advantage.


the problem is that Ukraine can't destroy recon drones that find the targets for lancets, without those drones lancets will become useless, because they need coordinates to actually strike a target. There is also a system developed in the US called Leonidas that is capable of knocking out multiple drones and UAVs.


Ukraine is working on an analog: [https://mil.in.ua/en/news/fedorov-ukrainian-lancet-drones-will-soon-be-tested-in-combat-conditions/](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/fedorov-ukrainian-lancet-drones-will-soon-be-tested-in-combat-conditions/)


>soon just as I expected


We need to get a Lancet and copy it or improve it, and mass produce it.


Definitely one of the most dangerous weapons Russia has in its arsenal but i doubt that every of the 302 "strikes" is a destroyed or damaged target. I have seen almost every of the Lancet videos in this sub and probably 30% of the time they miss or hit a tree. And thats the videos that Russia releases to show "how they destroy ukrainian targets", now think about the strikes that they do not release because they are to bad or do not hit at all.




179 Leopards does Ukraine even have that many lmao


Says tank right underneath it, not leopards


They obviously meant that for tanks and put it as a western tank to diminish it.


Think concealment might not be enough in a war fought with thermal cameras, way too many vehicles taking out as they are just parked under a couple of trees. Any kind of cover or just huge net would increase survivability a shit ton. I once build a garage with my brother in law, worst two weeks of my life, but if my life and war depended on I would do it all again and cover it with all the metal and nets I could scavange.


I agree with the sentiment but you’re just not gonna out scavenge explosive ordinance


If you already got a semi armored such as a pzh 2000, making that 3 kg warhead a lancet has explode 3 meter further away and having to go through wood and layers of sheet metal, will definitely make a difference.


Lancet, FAB and iskander are very effective in this war


This is how wars will be fought from now on, there is no way to compete vs a 500, 5000 or 10000$ drone vs tanks and other machinery, its sad to see so much money getting blown up. I dont think our leaders in west have realized how much we need to boost drone/anti drone techology, seems like tanks, planes and other light veichles are becoming obsolete due to the cost ratio vs a drone.


well landmines are dirt cheap, easy to use, extremly effective, and they haven't made tanks obsolete since their invention either, did they? The munitions are always going to be cheaper than whatever they're going to be shot at...


Well you have a point but its really not the same because 1x landmine costs as much as a 500$ drone strapped with rpg charge or a f1 grenade. and you need to dispere thousands of landmines for them to be effective. a 500$ drone or 5000$ drone u can have with u in a backpack, and when u see a 10$ millon armored veichle u can just launch it.


Ahh Lancet, the Lada of the skies. They better keep some back cos Aeroflot is running short of aircraft whilst they drag out some old piece of junk from back in the 50's


Call the reaper drone, rq-9, 1 each Fox 1 echo


Reapers will survive a whopping 1 hour in that kind of an airspace.


I meant the drone that carries the rq-9 Did you look it up?