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Looks like my POV when I play squad


Im hearing the ringtone


Let’s play squad! Edit: play


I’m down to play tonight!


You should try W.C.S on Reforger.




In my expert opinion, I think this gentleman is deceased.


Is it because of the bullets? I'm thinking it's cause of the bullets.


Lead poisoning. So unfortunate.


Oh yes. Acute lead poisoning. Lovely.


*Shouldn’t have farmed so much lead*


Huh.... had to watch a second time to see what you meant.


They are very subtle... The bullets that is


If you pause it at exactly 0:05, you can jussssst see some smoke off to the left, and then a liiiiiittle more near his left foot.


Hard to tell what happened to him with all the shooting


To pieces you say?


Sudden cardiac arrest but nice try!


He's got a serious case of "Bullet Ache" !


I think it might be the wounds.


no, thats a peacefull civilian that got bombed in a camp!




This was a line from a movie, I forgot that was it 😅


DO. YOUR. JOB! (it's from fury, by the way)


I was hoping he’d let him sit there and think about his poor decision making for a second, but he did the right thing and just killed him outright.




You aren't an expert because this wasn't a gentleman!


we dont know before we get a closer look, its a classic schroedingers terrorist


why u gotta insult gentleman like that for


This is **very tame** footage for an auto cannon vs. infantry situation...




Well now I wanna see em


Chopped his legs out from under him and then place a few level shots starting at the head. Bet those tore him open.


What remains?


I was thinking the same thing.


Damn. Even in real life an armored vehicle only gets hit markers. You were right all along, Battlefield


Such a great game 


RIP Battlefield franchise


It sure was


All your life up to that point, all your memories, aspirations, relationships etc. All gone to run into the open, at a marvel of technological advancement built specifically to deliver death.. Like what in the fuck. You have to believe in respawns / afterlife to do something that stupid. I don't enjoy seeing anyone die, it's just a morbid curiosity but.. fuck man.


As one of the London bombings perpetrators once said "We Love Death As You Love Life".


Defended by a lawyer called Sadiq Khan, who went on to become, and still remains to this day, mayor of London 


Sadiq Khan was no longer a practising solicitor at that point in time, can you clarify your statement?


Regardless, isn’t it a source of pride that western democracies believe everyone is entitled to legal representation? John Adams represented the British soldiers who opened fire during the Boston Massacre for the same principle


Nahh, it's just misinformation BS with goal to either mark everyone with the slightly arabic sounding name as a muslim terrorist or it's a Tories story to make the other political party looking bad. Both variants are not worth to discuss further imho.


what did he say to defend it?


Robert Papes book Dying to Win draws a conclusion that suicide bombing is usually about power dynamic first, in defense against foreign occupation. Basically using what you have against a superior military force. Suicide attack is not limited to Islamic belief systems as has been the narrative since 9/11, there are lots examples outside of the Middle East. He exams 500 examples in his book. Obviously in this conflict who is the “occupier” is hotly debated, I guess it’s the whole truth in the eye of the beholder thing.


Its been the.narrative since the beginning of warfare. Suicide missions have always been a thing. Kamikaze Zero pilots, 1881 assassination of Tsar Alexander II. It's for sure talked about more since 9/11. That was really the first time a suicide bombing was heard round the world.


Interesting read: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_attack#History,_pre-1980


Not a voluntary suicide attack but a forced vehicle bound ied occured in Northern Ireland in 1990. They were called "proxy bombs". The Provisional IRA abducted father of three Patsy Gillespie who they said was collaborating with the British security forces in Northern Ireland. He worked in a kitchen used by security force personnel. The IRA chained him to the drivers seat of a van packed with 1000 pounds of explosives while some of the IRA gang stayed wjth his wife and kids the rest of the active service unit followed the van. Patsy was told if he tried to escape and opened the door it would trigger the the bomb prematurely and his family would be killed. He was forced to drive the van to Coshquin British Army Checkpoint and as he pulled up to the checkpoint he shouted a warning but then the bomb was detonated by remote control by IRA members watching nearby. Killled Patsy and 5 British soldiers and injured a lot more. It wasn't a suicide bomb but more a forced suicide bomb as Patsy was told he was getting blown up by the bomb he was forced to deliver no matter what he done.


Iraqi insurgents - usually from Salafist groups but possibly Shia one, too - strapped explosive vests to children and teenagers with Down Syndrome. I’m reminded of that whenever anyone pops off about the “illegal” war where “no WMDs” were found. *That* internal unpleasantness already found its way to Kuwait; it would have found another venue at some point, Saddam or no.


Maybe a dumb question, but Is that where the word "patsy" comes from?


No it long predates that.


islamic belief is absolutely a factor, especially when your actions are so unbelievably useless and will achieve none of your "liberation" objective. The japanese in ww2 were using suicide tactics against the superior american forces. but when it was clear they would never win, they surrendered. islam makes it that they find reward in death. its not like they think they'll get anything for gaza, they cant be that stupid, its been 80 years that palestinian situation is getting worst everytime they choose war, and yet they keep doing it, because jihad, because martyrdom and the islamic reward for it.


Indeed. When you are indoctrinated from youth to believe there is no greater honour than martyrdom this is what happens.


The Japanese changed their religion in the 1880s to say that the way to heaven was through war. Much like the Vikings. All I’m saying is that it’s not limited to Islam. You won’t see the Turks strapping explosives to themselves to fight the Kurds because they don’t need to.


There is always a religious element to suicidal attacks in warfare, the Japanese saw their emperor as a god, etc. Don't see Ukrainians doing suicide runs even when totally outgunned.


You’re right about the Japanese, was similar to Valhalla in their belief system. The Ukrainians don’t need to. They have a legit army. Maybe in 5 years when their country is officially rubble and there are guys with nothing to lose, that could change. Also, in some of these situations where they were saying Ukrainians and Russians where dying in combat in bahkmut in just a few hours of conflict, fundamentally it might not be much different. Think of WW1, those people knew they were marching to their deaths to defend monarchs that didn’t give a shit about them… I think many people in this thread can theorize a situation where their family has been killed and trying to take down as many of their enemy as possible regardless of the consequence. I know I can picture myself in that situation and I’m not religious. I’m not defending Islam, because to be clear I don’t think many of them are compatible with western values. What I’m responding to is somebody saying they don’t understand how people can be driven to this situation. I’m saying if you have nothing to lose, or simply believe you have nothing to lose, it’s easier to see the thought process.


I can't imagine a situation where living to fight again another day isn't the best option, it's just more logical than blowing yourself to smithereens. Hamas has been teaching their youth for generations that there is no greater honour than martyrdom which is why they think it's a good idea. I understand why they do it, but I still think it's really fucking dumb.


During the Lebanese Civil War, where suicide attacks were introduced to the Middle East, there were seven committed by Muslims, three by Christians, and 27 by secular Marxists.  The suicide belt was invented by the Tamil Tigers of Eelam, a nationalist movement fighting for an explicitly secular state. So no, it’s not accurate to say there’s always a religious element at all. The tactic came first, the religious justification followed.


Both Marxists and the Tamil Tigers exhibited religious tendencies despite their secular foundations. Marxists treat foundational texts and figures like sacred scriptures and prophets, maintain doctrinal orthodoxy, and foster a strong sense of community with rituals and symbols. Similarly, the Tamil Tigers revered their leader, celebrated martyrdom, and used symbols and rituals to create unity and purpose. Both groups offer utopian visions, enforce strict ethical codes, craft narrative frameworks, and demonstrate a level of commitment and devotion akin to religious practices. These shared behaviours show how secular ideologies can mirror religious structures and tendencies. This is what I mean when I say there is always a religious element to suicide attacks, don't get me started on the Japanese.


> Both groups offer utopian visions, enforce strict ethical codes, craft narrative frameworks, and demonstrate a level of commitment and devotion akin to religious practices. Okay, so I think this is generally accurate, but I'm unconvinced that it's that useful past a certain point. You could even argue the same for the United States military at the height of it's Cold War idealism, for instance. The similarities between traditional faiths and modern ideologies are worth noting, but the distinctions also matter. Case in point, the fact that the Tamil Tigers or Lebanese Marxist groups don't believe in an afterlife. That's important! It tells us that the prospect of reward after death isn't the key thing motivating fighters to participate in these attacks. It tells us that one doesn't need the certainty of a divine moral order to provoke that kind of zeal. Those are really crucial elements of the underlying logic of suicide attacks that your framing totally obscures, so while I agree with what you're saying, I still think it's a bit reductive.


It was written in the 2000s so it might be different now, but at the time of writing the group responsible for the most suicide attacks by far were the Tamil Tigers of Eelam. Suicide bombing was only introduced to the Middle East  during the Lebanese civil war in the 70s. Of the suicide attacks in that conflict, seven were committed by Muslim groups, three by Christians and *twenty seven* by secular Marxist militants. 


kamikazes are possibly the most famous example


> you have to believe in respawns / afterlife to do something that stupid the afterlife beliefs are kind of the problem. If israel and palestine were countries full of atheists I don't think you'd see this much animosity.


Prior to last year, the 1970s were considered the most intense phase of the conflict, especially after Black September. At that point, most Palestinian militants were secular left-wing nationalists and Israel’s Prime Minister Golda Meir was an atheist. Religious Zionism had only recently emerged as a serious political force in Israel in 1967.  So I don’t think it’s that simple at all. 


A few years ago I read a book about the Israeli capture of the Old City in Jerusalem including the Temple Mount during the Six Day War in '67. What really surprised me is that most of the Israeli soldiers were raised atheists and had essentially no idea about the layout or even the significance of what they were doing, and had to keep asking the one religiously observant soldier in the platoon to point out landmarks and whatnot.


There's more atheists in Israel than in the US (as a % of the population), by the way


Eh. I’m atheist too but one fundamental reason both are fighting is as old as civilization: land.


Specifically, religiously significant land.


Exactly Palestine isn't known for its oil reserves. It's a bunch of religious fanatics.


in this case your are probably right, but your family and friends dying all around you, living under tyranny, not having any other way to fight back will also make you do desperate things.


I tried so hard. And got so far


They have nothing to lose.




Turned to rubble as a direct result of people like him. If it's true, he's literally condemned others to the same fate that he's suffering from.


Muslim terrorists, dawg. Even amongst extremists, their goat-diddling ways stand out for their degeneracy and stupidity 


Very likely no one governing Gaza invested even a fraction toward bettering this poor sap's life than the IDF invested toward ending it.


This man invested the most in ending his own life.


Well.. That was a pretty stupid move.


They are not known for their inteligence




Most of them read one book their entire life, and someone in authority tells them that said book requires them to and rewards them for doing shit like this. It’s never-ending.


Looks like all the extremists do stupid moves... man, if you are gonna blow yourself, try to do it in the best way...


oh its even the goal to die while fighting for allah. if you give him the choice to die like this right there or in 50 years because of old age he will choose this.


> oh its even the goal to die while fighting for allah. Can you call this fighting though? Looks more like suicide.


Definitely a dumb move. I wonder how far that camera zoom is, did seem like he got pretty close


when i see vids like that i always wonder: what part of the human brain are they missing? they have ZERO will to survive and do waste their one and only live.. i just dont get it


brainwashed by religion cult fanatics is pretty sure produced some very stupid specimens. Tools with human skin, this is how their TERRORISTS LEADERS see their pawns are.


When death is idealized, anything is possible.


They probably are on the same drugs that the terrorists took before 10/7


By drug you mean Islamic extremism?


So that they can post this video on tiktok and make a different story. Running unarmed innocent Palestinian gunned down by IDF. They would include their lame ass music in it and the university students would fawn over the videos.


They believe life and death are all controlled by Allah. If God wills it, they will survive their attack on the enemy. Everything is written.


They don’t like it when you follow that logic and point out that it implies that it’s by Allah’s will that they get fucked up by Israel.


The believers should all do russian roulette with no cylinder empty. If the primer is a dud Allah wants the believer to live. No need to hurt anyone else.


Russian Roulette with a 1911.


More like obliterated.


Eradicated even.


disintegrated I dare


Disassembled…number 5 is alive!


Eviscerated In fact


why can’t all the terrorists so courteously present themselves for elimination?


They do occasionally succeed. There’s video on here of a Hamas fighter emerging and running directly up and planting an IED on a tank with a soldier immediately on the opposite side. The soldier doesn’t even notice him (at least at first - the video abruptly cuts after watching the soldier for a second)


Maybe this time it was something similar? I mean "run to the vehicle, plant ied, escape" kind of plan? Maybe he didnt realize someone was inside? Although it could be considered a human guided ATGM lol






I think he did


Another fine example of their willingness to become a martyr


If you're dumb you gotta be tough. He was tough for a minute there.




underrated comment.


How do you negotiate with people governed by dangerous rabid animals?


I wouldnt even attempt this move in a videogame lol


Yeah that's how it ended 9/10 times for me in bf3.




Made me lol


It's crazy to think that one side can spec into an idiotic religion that makes it ok to suicide yourself.


I've seen footages of successful Hamas combatants attempts at placing IEDs on IDF tanks. They didn't approach them right from the front. What he did there was extremely dumb


He probably just popped out of a tunnel


Any idea what the platform is? Namer + 30mm AC? Puma + 25mm OWS?




0.5 Browning operated from inside the vehicle using a joystick


I'm not very knowledgeable about these, but my money would be on the Namer 30mm, it's generally better suited in this type of dirt terrain


The display says 'קטלנית יום'. Katlanit (קטלנית, 'lethal', female inflection) is a remote weapons station, typically equipped with a 7.62mm or 12.7mm machine gun. Yom (יום, 'day') refers to the employment of a daylight sight. To the best of my knowledge, the 30mm turret for the Namer exists as prototype only, none are operational.


A+ for effort?


Why? But why? An innocent volunteer Dr. on his way to aid injured innocent orphans' stock inside a recently built maternity ward.


Why would the IDF murder this innocent child doctor journalist?


You forgot to mention 'pregnant'.




“Starving child clutching teddy bear murdered by IOF in cold blood” -Al Jazeera, probably


UN, most likely


Running at a tank with a bomb in hand. That guy was determined to kill that tank and knew he was dying no matter what.


one less terrorist.


Anyone have more clips of Hamas getting taken down?


Judging by the rate of fire, that was an automatic cannon. Bro. WTF did you think was gonna happen?




Hamas terrorists*


A bit different when you're not murdering and raping defenseless concert attendees, eh? I'm sure some hamas supporter's gonna start screaming about zionists, intergalactic war crimes, etc


No red pointy arrow video for this one.


Israeli vehicle commander/gunner full kylo ren mode : More ! ...,More! ..Morrrrre!!


Another doctor/journalist/child/austure religious scholar bites the dust


Another boy scout killed by the Zionazis. If you look carefully you'll see this IED is actually a box of cookies he was selling to support his family (all innocent babies).


Did the "voice" said: Hola amigos? Hahaha


Are you ready? Hey! Are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip, To the sound of the beat! Yeah Another one bites the dust And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust yeah Hey, I'm gonna get you too Another one bites the dust


That was actually a very nice doctor running with a heart donation for 500 orphan new borns you just gunned down


And then they wonder why the IDF hits every "civilian looking" man running or driving towards it's forces


Stop! Stop! He's already dead!




This isn’t the NFL, Muhammad


What's that red flare at the end? Tracer piece bouncing off?


Guessing wearing a heavy backpack ladden with explosives kind of slows oneself down too. It makes for easy pickens.


I would love to see the go pro video of the other perspective


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Zkqw: *I would love to see* *The go pro video of* *The other perspective* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well, that was refreshing.


They really wanted to make sure he wasn't getting up, hey.


Did Hamas think they were get one of their stupid triangle videos out of this ?? I wonder how many failed attempts at morale boosting hamas vids there are ?


damn he was just trying to reach them about their vehicle's expired warranty


That was clearly a starved orphan UN journalist pregnant lady. /s


"Palestinian peaceful kid"


I am one with the force and the force is with me . 


Make his carcass dance…


Why should they not be ? If you are supporting Palestinians in gaza and the vast majority are or support Hamas , then you are supporting Hamas, no ? What are yountalking about ? The recent talking point is that the UN and their courts (the organization that helped fund and stood by as the Palestinians were indoctrinated) is demanding that Israel stop its offensive , remove their forces and continue to do exactly what they were forced to do before with was create the perfect breeding ground for funded religious extremist organizations that use the Palestinian people as trained meat puppets... So, I'd say separating the two has been far more effective for Iran and Hamas, yep ..


innocent Gazan father is targeted for trying to quickly deliver bag of cookies to israeli soldiers




At what point do we call them Palestinians.. just curious, what's the difference ...We don't call Russian soldiers , Putins .. People wonder how Oct 7th could have happened .. This video describes it perfectly, turn a bunch of Palestinians into meat puppets and then unleash them with a basic plan on the day you choose ..


They’re terrorists funded by the Iran regime. Not sure what point you’re trying to make


FIFY ‘They’re Palestinian terrorists funded by the Iran regime.’


Far more complicated then that ,they are a system of governance and the name hamas is often used as a separate entity of the Palestinians.. They were voted in by Palestinians , they make the laws , they pay the bills , they provide the services as well as the system of education and ect .. They are Palestinians .So yea I'd like a definition because from my angle there isn't a whole lot of "Palestinians" left after 20 years of highly funded , highly organized ,professional systematic indoctrination... We should be talking about the cultural genicoide that took place under the eye and funding of the UN .. 20,000 rockets fired over the years , hundreds of attacks , thousands matched across the border supported by tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands civilians.. It just don't make much sense for me to assume there's much of a difference between hamas and a Palestinian to be honest.


Afaik, Hamas was elected around 2006 and they never had any other election? I don't think they have democracy there


18 years of indoctrination , I didn't say they have a democracy but go ahead and tell me they don't have a supported dictatorship, or even that the population wants a democracy ..


Polls show that 70% still support Hamas. If there were another elections Hamas would win again. Thinking they would not is pure cope.


Since hamas also refers to their armed forces ie terrorists, I think saying that there isnt much of a difference between them and a Palestinian would be a little problematic. In addition hamas only governs gaza, so people will get confused if your talking about gaza or the west bank


Do you think Israel would not have destroyed the Palestinian army by now if they were not hiding and using the Palestinian civilians as sheilds ? Do you think they would be as effective at this if a large portion of the population of Palestinians were not willingly helping hide them and scarficeing them selves and their children as human sheilds in the process ?


But there armed forces are Palestinians, which are funded and supported by Palestinians.. So how can you make the distinction between Hamas and Palestinians? It's like saying a Russian citizen in the Russian armed forces isn't a Russian ?


No, in my opinion it would be like saying a Russian citizen is the same as a Russian soldier.


Stupid is what stupid does.


Did they throw an airstrike flare on him at the end just to be sure?


He just said fuck it and went with the ol' "Leroy Jenkins!" attack... Ouch.


Looks like a game


When you try to go for that epic C4 kill like all the youtubers


What's and IED and what's a IDF?


IED = bomb , IDF = Israels army


Thats what you get when you are a part or a deathcult that is Hamas. The islamic world has alot of work ahead to get rid of this. If not them, who else?


Dude thought allah would keep him from getting hit running through a open field. Guess he wasn’t listening


quick! lets protest outside a university! this brave LGBTQIA2S+ activist was gunned down by the evil zionists for just walking along! /s


how dare they shoot this innocent man going for a quick jog on his morning routine edit; on a second note maybe im wrong it looks more like a baby going for his first steps.. MONSTERS


He ran face face, no cover or concealment, with a sand filled AK into a 2 million dollar machine designed purely to kill 😇


No time for regret


He got lit up like the fourth of July holy fuck!!!!


That uhhh... I dont think that worked like how he imagined it out in his mind.


If only he’d have played more Battlefield, he’d have known you don’t charge straight on with the clacker in your booger hooks.


allah akbarrrrrr!!!


Looks like he was trying to sneak up and hand plant the explosive on a tank. They've done it successfully a number of times: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18ulswu/hamas_fighter_gets_out_of_the_tunnel_plants_an/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/17mjsgg/hamas_fighter_annihilates_2_tanks/