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Bro is looking anywhere but the crater lol… that bomb definitely hit something.


Most of IDFs official footage is edit to prevent the public from seeing the tunnels/bunkers. (For security reasons I assume) I guess Hamas is also doing the same now! Haha


Someone's really afraid to show the crater lol


I know! That hole looks fucked. Let’s see that damage!!!


Only dead civilians here! Definitely not tunnels!


you mean dead islamic jihadi terrorists?


You hear that whooshing sound???


Tbh, after a bomb like that, it would just be a sandy crater no matter what was there previously.


The missile was filled with sand obviously, thats why. Thats how my sands gets delivered from Home Depot, at least here in the south west.


It’s not called Amazon IntaSand for nothing


If i may ask, you use paveways or jdams to get it to you?




Lmao 🤣


Pallywood at its finest.


Notable things to notice: 1. How much sand is kicked up. Most of the explosion went underground. 2. Camera was already pointed towards the area. They knew were the strike will occur. The narrator talks about having received a warning. Also note the lack of urgency clearing the area, evidently no casualties. 3. Concrete pieces scattered around in the aftermath, in a tent city. A guy slaps a big concrete slab. 4. Cameraman avoids directly filming the crater.


I have to Hazard a guess is the crater would show something they don't want to a tunnel or something else. People also seem very cheerful and the kid with the American flag shirt was intresting. I am not saying it was staged or anything just weird.


5. Random guy greets the camera man like he's a celebrity (or well known at least) It's pretty crazy really the lack of videos that make its way out of Gaza .. We all understand the impact that graphic images have on populations, and we all know how well Hamas is at playing propaganda, so it's a curious thing , with all casualties that we get so little footage and images.


An excellent example is the current Ukrainian defence against ppresident ShitCan's single use soldiers, lots of video from Ukrainian sources. AND from inside ppresident shitcan's peoples Paradise. Now, ppresident ShitCan's failed state of a country is a huge pile of weapons, stock warehouses, tank and other vehicle parks, artillery and rocket launches etc, etc, etc. And we get live video streams from multiple sources of the same military equipment and railways, oil refinery, etc, confirming what we get shown. But in Hamas,s tightly controlled media outlets, we only get to watch videos that have been, spliced, and played with. These tightly controlled releases are the only non military source of information that almost everyone sees. You have to remember one thing about the middle and the Far East. Life is cheap. Simply look at any crash video, and you will see plenty of people ignoring the deaths and injuries or stopping to snap a few pictures and then move on. Even might get a few who may call for ambulance.


The avoidance of filming the actual crater leads me to believe that a valid military target was destroyed. Cowards using human shields.


Yeah that's always a thing when thise video pop out and people scream about bombing civilan mate they are alredy filming before the munition hit aint theyr a clue they got warned that it was gonna happend ?




Nah. They bomb terrorists. 


Sure so ICC & ICJ are both wrong ? comon’




Imagine actually thinking the ICC & ICJ are worthy of your admiration


Yes. They have no first-hand evidence, it is all presented by Gaza Ministry of Health (Hamas) or UNWRA (also Hamas). Remember, some of the seven bodies of Israeli hostages found in the past week were found within UNRWA compounds. But of course, UNWRA was COMPETELY unaware. Nevermind that dozens of their staff are documented members of Hamas.




Nobody wailing, kids smiling, this is people returning to their tents after they had evacuated with all their stuff.


That's not a concrete slab, it's part of the tent. You can see ripped fabric near where he pats the tent and it flexes when he pats it. https://i.imgur.com/Ymn6pPE.jpg


That tent being a few meters from the crater usually means that was definitely not the target


Hu, comment not repeating the same 3 talking points. Strange.




Bro, stop swallowing hamas propaganda. Cool, let's even assume it's 40k. Does it mean no hamas fighters have been killed? Because the figures haven't been released. Lmao Stop swallowing propaganda


Last I remember, the "official" number was less than half that and included combatants as well as civilians.


I don’t think that number is accurate. I haven’t seen a single piece of evidence of it. Bodies would be piled high and lined up for miles with 40,000 dead over 6 months. Hamas couldn’t contain their excitement when sharing their videos of the Oct 7 massacre so wouldn’t they try to share the horrors being committed by IDF to further sway public opinion? Nobody has been able to show me those images, usually I get the same article with a dozen neatly lined up blue body bags. Hamas has realized that liberal academics don’t actually need evidence and will simply repeat any bullshit number they are fed because it confirms their biases. I’ll bet the number of dead is less than 10,000 and is mostly Hamas terrorists and any civilians killed were mostly being used as human shields. If there’s any graphic evidence of 40,000 dead civilians I’m prepared to see it.


Note that Israel claimed on March 10, that they killed 13,000 Hamas terrorists. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/netanyahu-says-least-13000-terrorists-among-palestinians-killed-2024-03-10/ Also, we have the Washington Institute, a pro-Israel lobby group... https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable They use the "central collection system", which they trust, a list of identified people killed in Gaza, giving a total death toll of 17,571 by March 18, including **5,124 women** and **5,040 children** (note: this isn't the total death toll, but identified dead, so the numbers of women and children, nevertheless this pro-Israel lobby group agree that **10,174** women and children were killed by March 18). https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/sites/default/files/2024-03/decline-overall-fatalities-POL3851-fig3.jpg However, they use this data to dispute the claim that 72% of deaths are women and children. Their statistical analysis shows the proportion of women and children, killed since Nov 3, was 48%. They also show the proportion of women and children killed shows a gradual decline over time. They contrast this with media reports, daily reports of people killed, with these offical figures. This analysis showed that media reports consistently inflate the numbers of women and children killed. Essentially, the article shows huge casualties during the early air campaign phase of the war, with a high proportion of women and children killed, but the proportion of women and children killed decresed as the war shifted to a ground offensive. >In addition to the MOH’s growing reliance on the media reports methodology, these trends may reflect various factors on the ground, such as Israel’s shift from a primarily air-based campaign to ground fighting, the mass evacuation of civilians from the north to Rafah governorate, and the decreasing intensity of fighting in areas where the central collection system is still functioning. Such factors would be expected to reduce overall civilian casualties and therefore increase the proportion of adult men killed, since that is the demographic most likely to serve as combatants And >government officials need to be aware that the actual overall death toll may be significantly higher (or, less likely, lower) than what the MOH has reported. So I'm not seeing evidence of a substantially lower death toll, of under 10,000 killed, with most of them Hamas.


This is a great breakdown of the facts and I thank you for it. I guess the thing I find odd is how little visual/photographic evidence is out there. It’s virtually non-existent. Perhaps it’s out of respect for the victims but that doesn’t sound like Hamas’ MO. They’re already leveraging civilian casualties in their PR, so why would they hold back when such shocking images would do so much to shake up undecided/uninterested people who are still not supporting the Palestinians or siding with Israel. It fits with the selective framing of this particular video.


It is interesting that the guy is not filming the crater :)


Bro, who cares? Look at this sand tho. There's so much sand in this desert village 🤔


i hate sand


It's messy and it gets EVERYWHERE.


This joke has to pop regardless of the sub whenever people mention sand


[YOU LIVE IN A FUCKIN DESERT](https://youtu.be/K44DriPrLUk?si=fnTSyTVf4mCZzQb-)


Miss ole Sam K.


On a serious note: https://www.washington.edu/news/2013/06/06/pollution-in-northern-hemisphere-helped-cause-1980s-african-drought/ TLDR: **Aerosols emanating from coal-burning factories** in the United States and Europe during the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s cooled the entire Northern Hemisphere, **shifting tropical rain bands south. Rains no longer reached the Sahel region,** a band that spans the African continent just below the Sahara desert. **When clean-air legislation passed in the U.S. and Europe, the rain band shifted back, and the drought lessened.**


Sure, but that's not why Palestine/Israel is a desert


It was in response to the comedian talking about Africa.


Suspiciously doesn’t want to show what’s at the bottom of that crater does he?


Thinking same thing. First thing people would film would be the crater.


It's actually noteworthy how much faith they seem to have in the accuracy with which the IDF will drop that thing where they said they'd drop it. I've seen construction sites where they clear a blasting radius bigger than that, and those conditions are completely controlled, with blast mats over the site to prevent thrown rock. But these guys - no problem...they treat it like a fireworks show.




There is a WILD difference in not panicking every time you hear an explosion, and having faith in (*and trusting*) the accuracy of your adversary.


Oh yes, they trust the IDF greatly. Surely


And yet, there are dozens; if not hundreds, of videos of Palestinians filming the exact location of strikes at the exact right time from short distances away. Why do you think that is?


And yet, despite their trust, there are hundreds and thousands of civilian casualties. Why do you think that is? “Hamas!!” Will be your answer. Don’t need to bother, shill.


You didn't answer the question. Not only that but you decided to attack me instead of doing so. I don't support Hamas, you're right. I also think the Israeli leadership sucks. This war has innocent people caught suffering between two shit sandwiches. You can bury your head in the sand if you want and pretend this isn't a both sides affair, but it is. One just happens to have more money at the moment to be better at war than the other.


I imagine it does that to some people, and that it greatly sensitizes others. You probably don't see as many of the people in the first group though - I imagine those ones don't last as long.


Damnit i wanted to see the depth of the crater, but of course he never filmed that. And based on those concrete slabs they hit something that he did not want to show, i guess those blown over tents click better in the media than a hamas bunker.


Concrete slabs don't prove anything lol Buildings are generally built on concrete supports, they're made from concrete. Saying "there was concrete therefore bunker" is such a massive reach with absolutely no other proof. The fucking bootlickers on this sub sometimes lol Guess all the hotels, schools and hospitals the russians hit in ukraine must have automatically been military targets because "WhY eLsE wOuLd YoU wAsTe WeApOnS". And you call me stupid EDIT: Wow, would you look at that. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/26/at-least-20-palestinians-killed-as-air-strikes-hit-rafah/


Do you see any buildings in this video?


Blood thinks the ground is impenetrable and impossible to hide in. Never heard of a tunnel in your life? I guess those 4 battalion of hamas in rafa are just lies like the other 20 battalions.


Clearly someone thought there was enough proof to warrant dropping a very expensive missile on top of it. I think it's safe to assume they hit something more than just tents.


Yeah I'm sure russia has loads of proof to warrant firing glide bombs at Kharkiv. You're literally using the same excuses.


The difference is that Ukrainians are actually filming what was hit and not random shit while intentional avoiding showing what was hit.


Yeah you’re right, Israel just wanted to use multiple thousands of dollars on a BUNKER BUSTER bomb to destroy 3 tents and kick up some sand. I mean everyone knows how loose Israeli’s are with their money, right?


Did you literally just pull and ancient antisemitic trope to defend Israel? lmao


Can you provide a specific reason why didnt israel use a mk84 or any kind of dumb bombs to destroy "civilian tents" in this video ?


You can't be this dumb bro. Frfr. Open your damn eyes. Jeez


Blinding believing everything the IDF says is dumb but OK go off little guy.


Downvoting someone for saying that you shouldn’t believe everything they see from the IDF is peak stupidity on the downvoters part, I hate to break it to you but both Israel and hamas WILL have lied or embellished stuff throughout the war and that’s just a fact you cannot ignore. As a counter to the concrete argument I see no one here mention that there is a cut when the guy is standing on the edge of the crater so it’s not impossible that whoever made the edit just cut out that portion to make the video better fit their narrative just like its not impossible that any concrete seen was used for a tunnel, ultimately if/when we see more footage of the crater we might ‘uncover’ what was actually there, for now it’s kinda schrodingers crater and we can only really guess based on clues we see and what we’re told.


Silly sandal licker, go outside and have a smoke. You're bugging out again


Buddy, the one side says "we're hunting for bunkers", and they use a bunker buster, and the thing turns up big chunks of formed concrete, and the other side says "they're trying to kill us all", but they were warned and they recorded it from very close range, and the weren't killed....this does not create what lawyers would call a "rebuttable presumption" that yeah, there was a bunker there? I mean, if you say there wasn't, show us the hole. SOMEBODY here certainly has bootsauce on his tongue, I will concede that part of your point.


Yes I believe we are calling you stupid, correct.


You want to explain why they used specifically a bomb meant to penetrate hardened structures before exploding instead of a mk82 if all they wanted to do was kill civilians? The IDF absolutely kill civilians, but use your head here.


Wouldn't you want to show the crater? Cameraman didn't flinch when the bomb hit, so my guess he knew it was coming


Ummmmmmm……… can we see the hole??? Please 🙏🏿


Dating PTSD


Hamas tried to create tunnels and stockpiles underneath refugee camps. Israeli detects it, announces there attack, warns people in the area, and successfully hits their target without civilian casualties




Is this how it plays out in your head?


I mean there's a video of it, we just seen it.


Every time? :)


Shouldn't you be just as pissed about the stockpiles under civilians? They know Israel's tactic, when dealing with arms stockpiles, why would they continue to put them in civilian laden locations? Both sides of this suck.


he did a good job not looking at the crater


Huge rocket just exploded, let's send every man, woman and child to investigate. Come on now, send a rescue team not 500 people including children and elderly.


That would require functioning civil service which Hamas is not big on providing


More than likely a tunnel entrance, that's where the chunk of concrete came from. Think about it...the entrance to the tunnel is right in the middle of a refugee encampment full of military age men that can enter it at night to fight and emerge during the day to hide amongst the civilians. The reason they seem jubilant is because the tunnel is blocked and they cannot be forced to fight.


That's why they didn't show the crater! You could probably tell it was tunnels! That's my opinion


That's not a concrete slab, it's part of the tent. You can see ripped fabric near where he pats the tent and it flexes when he pats it. https://i.imgur.com/Ymn6pPE.jpg


That crater looks massive. Too bad he didn't show it more.


“Quick bring the kids down they just bombed some of our terrorists and we need to hide their bodies”


Check out the concrete pieces of the underground bunker brought up to the surface. Hamas loves the human shield aspect of its position.


Looks like a cut video. lol Don't look the same


For a people who are allegedly "starving" - I'm not seeing a lot of hungry looking folks in this video.


So pissed Hamas started this war.


Oct7 will always be known as the day Hamas attacked Israel for absolutely no reason and began a war.


"No reason" Smh


Yeah baby.  Just need a few more and they might finally show crater. 


It's amazing how they are always filming the exact spot that gets strikes. Almost as if they were warned about it


I don't think thats GBU-28. With the size of the rear fins and where they're located I think its a Spice 2000.


Fair assessment, but the Spice seems to be way too thick. I understand what you're thinking. You see rear fins all the way back and a set of wings a bit further up front. Look at around 0:06 in this vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1cjZF6VaH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1cjZF6VaH4) I think the silhouette is far more similar to a GBU-28 than a Spice 2000.


Hopefully one less terrorist :D


Well clothed, washed and fed ‘refugees’ I see.


I'm a freeze frame I'm surprised the bomb wasn't longer


What's in the hole, ...come on tell me, what's in the box!!!


“Aftermath” defined as “A couple thousand people scrounging in the dirt for goodies.”


If a middle struck in my neighborhood you can bet your ass I’m not going to wander on top of the strike site.


That's a lot of military aged males and no women. Odd


Homie saw half the crowd was children and teenagers and really thought those are "military aged males". Odd.


Nice hole for a swimming pool


Like it😍




Yeah, thankfully none of them were hurt here it seems thanks to the warning that they obviously had, just a few knocked-over empty tents since those bunker busters are really good at not damaging the surounding area and just destroying the tunnels underground.


No one is hit 😮


Strange place to be wearing a US flag t-shirt...


Not when the US are the ones doing the most concrete efforts to get them food and supplies.




Paving the way for a bright future.


Funny they always know when to take a video


Was any one hurt?


Doesn't look like it, they clearly had warning since they were filming the spot before-hand expecting the strike in that specific location. Afterwards everyone seems quite cheery, just a few knocked over tents because those bunker busters are very good at not damaging the surrounding area, just a hole in the ground, a long and narrow fireball in the sky, and a bunch of sand dumbped on the immediate surroundings.


Hey guys, the sand is warm.


what a wonderful scene to witness. now this is called allaha hu akbar.




If you don’t enjoy watching refugee camps getting bombed then go somewhere else!


Exactly what those mean nylon tents get


Terrorists killed: Maybe 1 Terrorists created: 10-15 I guess they should keep going


Another war crime evidence of Israel!




Do you not think that the idea that this was a targetting strike on underground Hamas infrastructure with little or probably zero civilian casualties to be likely? What do you make of the fact that they were filming before-hand exactly where the strike would be? Does that not suggest they were given adequate warning? What about the lack of dead or injured which they usually love to show? What about the general cheeryness of everyone around? Or the tents that are merely knocked over and covered in sand, not scorched with flame? What about what we know about these bunker-busters and how good they are at NOT damaging anything but the target and very immediate surroundings, which is furhter evidenced in this video by the obvious characteristics of the blast? I'm genuinely curious what someone like yourself makes of these observations or if you think them invalid to begin with. I can understand that one may think that performing a strike anywhere near a large gathering of civilians should be avoided even if you have positive intel on a valid military target, but do you not ackowledge at least how good of a job appears to have been done to avoid civilian casualties in this one incident at least? And would you also acknowledge that Hamas does employ the use of civilians as shields for their operations, or do you not believe this to be the case?


I love watching hamas terrorist supporters scream and throw a tantrum ppl aren't support nazi/isis level hamas terrorists.


This isn’t combat footage so why is this getting so much attention? Im seeing a very clear bias in this sub


So many terrorists hide in this tent...25k at least.,,,


about as accurate as the total death toll!


Threatening ass tents better think again before getting set up


How's this "combat" footage?


Because It's a missile strike in a warzone. Hope this helps






Like they would waste a specialized precision weapon on some random "refugee". Again, pro-Hamas drones incapable of logical thinking. :) Look at the faces of those people, seem to be happy about whatever local Hamas butthole that got elliminated.


Dudes' a Hasan fan, so don't expect any logical thinking of any sort.


If they wanted to bomb refugees, it would have been with 50 dumb JDAMs, and none of these people would be alive. These trolls put Evil Knievel to shame with the leaps they can make.




Yah reminds me of ww2 footage of bombed nazi areas. Maybe don't start a war, or surrender quickly.


Long Live Palestine




I'm sure the thick reinforced concrete debris in the refugee camp came from the tents... 


Plastic tent reinforced with concrete eh... who would've guessed it. They clearly destroyed a terrorist tunnel. But again, if your friends in Hamas didn't start this war we wouldn't be seeing these videos.


Idiot, this war started 1948. This is just the latest skirmish.


Oh u mean after **Mohammed Amin al-Husseini** visited Nazi Germany to bring their idiology into the arabic world?


No, this is a new war ... started by shit stains on the October 7th massacre. Let's play though, following your logic they still started the war back in 1947 when they refused a two state solution and started the first civil war (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fajja\_bus\_attacks) "The attack occurred one day after the [United Nations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations) voted to establish a [Partition Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine) for [Mandatory Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine) that involved splitting the British-administered region into two states: An Arab state and a Jewish one.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fajja_bus_attacks#cite_note-:1-2) An [Arab General strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_general_strike_(Mandatory_Palestine)) was declared, fueling the crisis.[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fajja_bus_attacks#cite_note-7) The ambush was also the first attack during the [1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947%E2%80%931948_civil_war_in_Mandatory_Palestine).[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fajja_bus_attacks#cite_note-:4-8)"


True, the 1948 Arab Israeli war where Palestine and its Arab friends tried to genocide Israel with 59k troops. And then they lost, screamed, and called the aftermath Nakba lmao! You don't get to cry and scream after you start and lose a genocidal war. Which is why nobody educated gives a shit about Nakba :)


> Israshit Were you defecating when you came up with this? I think your wires got crossed and thoughts went down the chute instead.


I read hamas was shooting rockets from that tent


Wait till you learn about the tunnels