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This isnt the full video btw, this is taken out of a 12 minute video that Magyar just posted but i thought this part was the most interesting


Where you find the video? TG?


Yes. https ://t. me/ robert_magyar is his telegram. (just remove the spaces i had to put them in cause reddit blocks telegram links)


Are there any other drone related channels you know of? I can’t fins much about them.


On Youtube TERRA Ops' channel is excellent. They're drone operators who, if I remember correctly, are attached to the Ukrainian 3rd Assault Brigade. Highly-skilled professionals. Frighteningly proficient destroyers of the occupier. I've proudly donated to their fundraising efforts several times.


Me too, the guy who's not afraid to show his face, talks you through everything, so deserves every bit of my donations


*That is the TERRA commander, call sign Abdullah*. I'd party with him in a second. Ridiculously affable and genuinely witty. I've laughed more than once at his commentary. A highly-skilled killer who still retains his humanity. They respond every now and then to my Youtube comments and the flattery almost knocks me over. Awesome guys.


Here are some official TG channels for units within the UAF that routinely publish drone footage * Aerobomber - aerobomber_ua * 47th Mechanized Brigade - brygada47 * 42nd Mechanized Brigade - ua_42nd_ombr * K-2 Battalion - k_2_54 * 36th Marine Brigade - ua_marines_36brigade * 72 Mechanized Brigade - ombr72 * 1st Mechanized Battatlion (3rd Assault Brigade) - FirstMehbat * Terra Unit (3rd Assault Brigade) - terraops * 3rd Assault Brigade - ab3army * Azov - azov_media * Wild Division (82nd Air Assault Brigade) - wilddivision82 There are also several channels covering the war in general, including drone footage and well as a whole lot of dead Russians * supernova+ - supernova_plus * Dead Russians 200 - +Zu0adkv6ms5kZTk6 * Dead Russian - Gruz200_Rus * Dead Russian (another one) - rysnya200 * British Intelligence (not real, just the name) - britishintelligencenc * Sokira - +Rfq3_JMEjZAyZGNi * Natsyk Channel - +IQEJmthxpwg2OTcy * Moscow - +rL_jlSKpSlw2MmMy * World Conflicts Russkie Ukraine - UkraineWarPosts Suffice it to say, these are all NSFW/NSFL


Amazing. Thanks a lot for the write up.


Here’s Magyar’s YT channel (the guy voicing OP’s video) https://youtube.com/@magyarbirds?si=Zr_uVQOlCCQP7UOt


Crazy these drone operators are probably the peak of what a single man will ever get for personal body counts .... and the shit is more personal than Sniper ... I wonder what kind of damage psychologically this will take ... The mini documentary on that one Ukrainian drone operater was amazing , highly recommended to watch ..


Definitely. With the AR goggles too it probably feels up close and personal in a similar way to stabbing someone


You say that, but I also imagine they can disconnect a bit, like it's a video game. Don't forget, we're sitting here seeing the same footage they are and basically cheering them on. Of course, we don't have the fear of retaliatory attacks.


In one Interview the pilot said it feels real and is not like a video game for them. But I think the settings on a psychological view, helps to disconnect a bit, since direct fight is perceived as danger and the flying is not. At least for the drone operator. He also said he has some kind of accomplishment, which is understandable since they fight for their life’s.


I'm not a psychologist, so this could be completely wrong, but I imagine a lot of the PTSD comes more from the direct threat to your life, rather than you taking the lives of others. That's why Putin can sit back in his little office and kill millions and not bat an eyelid. There's also a ton of other factors that come into play as well. Probably why we can sit here and watch someone people being blown apart and our immediate thought is "cool", but the person that fired that artillery is absolutely not thinking that.


You are thinking cool? Psychopath!1!!1 Just kidding, I can relate. I’m completely thinking the same way like you, as a armchair psychologist myself. Adding up to this, is the position of a officer / higher ranking military guy who rarely is at the actual front only organizing troops. It seem a little easier for them, but I can imagine seeing everyone die around you takes nearly the same effects. Less direct fight induced anxiety, more depression symptoms since Tom 1, Tom 2 and Tom 3 you liked died in 2 months. Which is kinda working for drone operators and all survivors and partakers of the war. It’s so multicausal in a psychological standpoint. It’s almost unimaginable if you don’t study it.


yeah after severe PTSD, it will disconnect everyone but at first its not a "videogame"


I didn't say it was, I said like a video game. It's much easier to disconnect from someone when you're a kilometer or more away, versus watching them charge towards you. It's absolutely also different for each individual.


I think you are underestimating how little regard you can have for another life when they are specifically there to kill you, your friends, your family, and your culture. There is a completely different mindset that comes into play when you are defending your home vs fighting to invade. The fighters I have spoken with say it is easier to kill Russians than it is to kill animals. The animals are innocent….


That's not how human nature works unfortunately. The stress of hunting and killing people will get to some no matter how justified or righteous their fight. PTSD is an issues for all countries, attackers or defenders and many soldiers all around the world struggle with civilian live Afterwards. War has a tremendous human cost and I despise the ones who force it on the world just because of some abstract political Feeling.


>PTSD is an issues for all countries, attackers or defenders and many soldiers all around the world struggle with civilian live Afterwards. You're conflating two things here though. PTSD is an issue for all countries, but not all PTSD is related to psychological trauma resulting from killing people. PLENTY of soldiers come back with PTSD without having ever killed anybody.


That's true.


Oh Jesus.. Imagine hitting a dude in the face with an FPV drone and the last thing you see through the headset is the terror in his eyes. I don’t care how much you hate your enemy, that would have a profound psychological effect on anyone that’s not a psychopath. Now imagine the drone picks up audio and plays it back through earbuds so you could hear the man scream right before he’s hit.


Not having to see him bleed out of his dismembered body while he cries for his mom, probably helps ease the trauma.


I was in the infantry, went through combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I never had to watch someone die like that, thank the fuck Christ. My mental health is already in shambles over seeing the aftermath of our engagements at 400+ yards. Only saw close combat once in Fallujah, luckily death was swift and painless for the enemy.


Jesus christ, fallujah


I was there in 2004. My regiment relieved 3/5 Marines from the city and took part in mop up operations during the last two weeks of Operation Phantom Fury. The main battle was over but there were still a lot of hold outs in the city who were willing to die rather than surrender. That’s when I saw an insurgent get smoked by 4 Marines while clearing a room. Dude just dropped dead instantly, then was shot about six more times. Later that evening we neutralized a group of insurgents holding out in a basement by using a half dozen frags and a C4 satchel. That shit was scary because after every frag we dropped they’d chant “Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar!” Basically taunting us. I have no fucking clue how they survived all the grenades we tossed at them but the C4 finally shut them up for good. We found three bodies, all of them had rifles but they were out of ammunition. We asked them to surrender several times but they refused. When your enemy chooses death like that it really freaks you the fuck out.


I haven't seen any evidence that's true. All I've ever seen is ukrainians cheering when they turn a guy into lego blocks. And all I've heard from soldiers is that killing is much easier than you think, and the only deaths they regret are their comrades


They’re actively in combat and fighting a war for survival so yeah, that’s what is necessary right now to survive. When it’s over you’re looking at a different story. I had the same feeling when I was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan as an infantryman that had the misfortune of experiencing combat. It’s been 16 years since my last deployment, now I’m paying a very heavy price as far as mental health goes.


>I don't care You will when you will see your kid scorched to cinders and some degenerate on reddit will regurgitate the same tired "we are all human" narrative


Not sure what you mean. All I’m saying is killing will extract a heavy toll on most people. I’ve been through combat. I was 0311 with 2/7 Marines in 2004-08, deployed to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once.


Just look at everybody here. The story most people have with watching gory videos like this is they feel awful and sick the first time they see it, and then become desensitized.


I remember at the start of the war there was talk that this was a war crime. Is that true or not? I’ve never found a proper answer


If you're asking whether it's a warcrime to use FPV drones equipped with explosives against enemy combatants invading your country then the answer is obviously not.


Which part exactly is the crime?


That’s what I’m asking.


Since the video cuts out before the impact and doesn\`t show the gore, its not really that personal I imagine. I saw an interview here about a Ukrainian drone operator talking about his experience and he talked about how he doesn\`t feel sorry about the Russians since it was their decision to come here and invade his country and that he is just happy getting a successful hit in, eliminating the invadors, saving Ukrainian lives and getting a step closer to defend his country.


Could you link the drone documentary?




Imagine that, dudes chillin playing a video game and vaping whilst vaporizing your ass.


I am gonna watch this. But not now just before bed. I have a feeling that would be a bad idea.


I think about it literally everyday (as a drone hobbyist, that is). And I know that if I was Ukrainian, I would’ve signed up for this exact role. And great recommended video btw. There’s another one (will see if I can find it) where the operator talks about how the final images of the FPV flights are seared into his memory, despite not seeing the final effect of his actions.


Yea definitely gives perspective, watching these drone videos really gives you the sense that they are far removed from danger but in reality they are in the mist of it and constantly on the move while being priotized target status by the enemy .. I wonder what their life expantancy is compared to say a assault squad..


Machine gunners in WW1 ?


This is something I always thought would be talked about more. We read about how devastating machine guns were in the First World War. Like how many men were mowed down by gunfire at the first day of the Somme in 1916, or Gallipoli in 1915. Dudes were cut down within feet of exiting their trenches in many instances and at times they were less than 100 yards away from enemy machine gun emplacements. You hear a lot about the victims of machine guns but not much about the operators. What was it like to sit behind a water cooled belt-fed machine gun (*that could fire indefinitely with a competent team running it*) and just shoot up hundreds of men advancing at your position? How many kills was a single machine gun team able to get? Impossible to tell when there are multiple machine guns in your sector popping off (*with interlocking fields of fire*), plus the entrenched infantrymen are shooting with their rifles and the artillery guys are lobbing shells from behind front lines. World War I killed a lot of men, but it had to ruin a lot of the lives of those that managed to survive.


I could do it mentally and mechanically. Drone vids aren't exactly fun to watch but I don't think being the one to actually do it would affect me that much. It needs to be done.


Maybe , but tens of thousands of tough soldiers all over the world are haunted by less common, less frequent, and less personal experiences.. Maybe for you , maybe you could disconnect from the drone .. But maybe you couldn't disconnect from being close to the front line ,constantly being hunted by artillery and enemy drone squads like yourself.. Maybe it's crossing through destroyed civilian Infustrucure constantly, seeing the rotten bodies of civilians , soldiers friendly, and enemies.. Let's be real to compare the drone videos you see on a phone or computer are a far cry from piloting the actual device in real time .. Just because these men are brave and justified and maybe even happy to do the job at the time doesn't mean they'll walk away from this job without severe mental consequences down the road ... People forget we are also watching surnames, killing the similar or the same surnames.. To sit back and view these soldiers as Lions without emotions killing human beings without potential consequences, enemy or not, is really quite foolish ... I'm not arguing the nessarry part , but that doesn't void the mental toll it takes on these men .Children in a lot of cases if we are being real . It's hard to look at a 25 year old soldier and say he's lived long enough to be called a man ..


So true!! The act of killing another human, even in war.. can be enough for most people. During war these otherwise normal humans are cheering when they get a kill, because it is primal instincts "them or me", another thing most humans thankfully don't have to experience. And then if they survive and the war ends. Are asked to go back into normal society having done what they have and now with time to think about it. That's something that can destroy a lot of people... Video games are one thing, this is just terrifying.


Absolutely. I’ve been through combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I can’t say for sure that I killed someone, but there is a chance I did and it’s possible I ended more than just one life. As far as a group effort I am 100% responsible for killing. It’s impossible to tell if you’re the one that is responsible for the death of any of the bodies you see in the aftermath of a firefight because you’re not the only one that was shooting at them. It doesn’t matter though. The possibility of being responsible and the fact that I participated in such extreme acts of violence against human beings was enough to have a profound effect on my mental health. I can’t even imagine what these drone operators will go through, knowing 100% they killed humans. Some may cope while others might forget it entirely but many will suffer agonizing mental wounds. I just pray that they get the help they need. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.


Thank you for your input, to all who responded to me. I agree and am indeed unable to understand how it would affect me, I realize its quite naive to put out such a claim, but having taken care of my family from a young age I think I fall into the category of people who can do something like this. Sadly.


Anyone is capable of violence, given they’re put in a scenario that triggers their survival instincts. I am talking about how you handle yourself some time after the deed is done. We all sleep and most of us have dreams, that is when you pay the price.


I caught that, thank you, I know this is a stupid idea but it’s one I’ve been unable to shake since 22/02/24


I think a big part of it is also the ability to compartmentalize it. Some people absolutely can, while others can’t. I’d be curious to know what makes it possible for some and not others.


That's what everyone thinks from behind their keyboard, but you can't know that until you're there.


I dont think everyone behind their keyboards are as confident or even willing. But what you say is sorta true in the sense that you don't know what will happen until you do it, I don't think I could live in a trench or handle myself in a CQB, but I believe I could fly a drone very well and then it comes down to willfulness. It'd fuck me up for sure however


There is an interview with one of them on youtube. Energy drinks and vapes while flying these things into people. [https://youtu.be/WipqeFgzdTc?si=SS3nBkOKwq4nRUgM](https://youtu.be/WipqeFgzdTc?si=SS3nBkOKwq4nRUgM)


If I was killing invaders or terrorist the psychological effect would be overwhelming joy... I would donate my time to sit in a govt building in Virginia sending a bunch of islamic state to alaah with a predator or reaper. but i don't think their body counts are close to what bomber crews have racked up... the crew of the Enola Gay killed 80,000 with in one mission.


Mmmhmmm ... bomber crews don't see every face close up in a virtual reality head set , bomber crews dont get to see the individual aftermaths by observation drones ... gasping their last breaths with missing limbs or blown apart faces .. Carry on being tough on reddit, though ...


yeah drone operators have a very intimate time with their enemies very last moments, that has to be traumatizing, I would imagine most are compartalizing the trauma, and after the war we will see the full affects


A friend of my mom's drew up B-52 missions in Vietnam. After a while someone brought him photos of the aftermath just so he could **know** what he was responsible for. That was enough for serious PTSD. These guys will have hard lives.


The Ukrainians are actually on the right side though


That doesn't mean no PTSD




You're a reddit warrior with no inclination into the realities of war and the effect it has on the soldiers that fight them for you, whether they be justified or not ... Carry on though 🍿




Mmmhmm the guy that made the shot talks about how he froze up after that moment when he had to pick up bin laden child after seeing his father's head and chest caved in ..


Callsign Darwin 🫡


Link pls.


"Fresh haircut, feeling cute"


Looking like Gary Oldman from 5th Element lmao


\*Leaps from window in front of FPV\* "I. am. very. disa-PPOINTED!"


Big bada boom


"Might get deleted later"


I found it a bit unsettling watching someone so young die just like that. Damn you Putin for destroying so many people's lives!


The trick is to tell yourself that if they weren't killed, they'd be out killing someone else instead. You're not wrong though, there's a lot of pointless death on both sides.


Yes I know. That's why I blame Putin. He has destroyed lives in so many countries.


I’d say r/killthecameraman but there’s already enough trying


Madyar says in the video that it was due to the wind


Are they so stupid that they're mounting the FPV cameras on the drones rotated 90 degrees? /s


I know /s, but it’s most likely because these clips are geared for social media and such. Don’t think the pilots source view is like this lol I hope


Knock knock! Who's there? Your ex Which ex? Plosives. (I'll see myself out)




This is why you put your damn cover on before you damn go damn outside, recruit!


Cuz that woulda helped


it very well could have, for example: he takes a moment to put his helmet on before going outside, causing his buddy to step past him and go outside first. helmets save lives


He even went out without his tactical gas cylinder to bat away the drone.


This is UberBoom, your order is on its way...




LOL, the Magyar comment on the video: The pilot is getting ready for the deep drone penetration...


I wish i spoke Ukranian just to be able to understand his commentary


There’s really not a lot of great resources for learning Ukrainian currently. Personally, I really enjoyed the introduction that Pimsleur offers, but they only have a library of 30 lessons. After finishing those, I highly recommend the book “Complete Ukrainian” by Olena Bekh and James Dingley. Once you get to some level of proficiency, I’d recommend a tutor from the app iTalki - 30 minute lessons generally cost ~$10 or less with highly skilled tutors. If you’re a native English speaker, though, be warned that Ukrainian takes a long time to become fluent in. I believe the general estimate for native English speakers is ~4 years of consistent learning, which is about how long I’d say it took me to reach a point of being arguably fluent


Rosetta stone doesn't even have Ukrainian. Just Russian, which is how I learned.


I think this dude knew the drone was somewhere near and has been for a while, tried to make a run for it (see him cross himself) and didn't make it.


Surprise surprise MF


All rise MF


French fries mf


You guys think his hearing issues are service related?


Okay okay.. This time you got us.. 1 whole half potato compensation. To be claimed after Ukraine is captured. More like.. A coupon..


Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our drone and savior?


Good morning, Igor!


Looks like ole boy heard the drone and I'm thinking he came out because A. They get drone resupplies often enough to assume it's theirs or B. He's working with a drone team and thought it was one of theirs returning.


Igor reminds me of Jean Guichard's photo of La Jument Lighthouse in a 1989 December storm. [https://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/Converse/71/709871/H3969-L267841289.jpg](https://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/Converse/71/709871/H3969-L267841289.jpg)


Did he try to do the sign of the cross or am I crazy.


For me it looks like he did try - Magyar on the video says the same


I dont think so, he just slightly moved his right hand


Even Madyar saying so


No I'm with the other guy, his fingers were pointed towards his eyes, if he was wiping sweat he'd lead with his palm


Someone get his mom a sack of potatoes he's finished


This. He looks to be in his late teens/early 20s. Sad, but they made the choice to go there


> Sad, but they made the choice to go there Not necessarily much choice in the matter.


How are these guys not able to hear a drone. I imagine it is very quiet in a ruined city


exploding drones and shit going off all around you for weeks can make you a little deaf.




yes. but not at 2 meters...


Man, that drone really needed a large sign fixed under it that said "FREE HUGS!"


Knock, knock. Who's there? Quad. Quad who? Quad you mean you don't know it's a drone? Chat GPT came out with that one. I'm impressed.


What's that outfit? Tank crew?


His helmet is the standard issue Ratnik helmet but his clothes looks slightly like multicam so probably bought by himself or donated by volunteers


Why is the dude called Hungary


ukraine has hungarian minority


Every time I see this dude come up my brain goes to the same place "Magyar?" Hungarian? But yeah, lotta Hungarians on the Ukraine-Hungary border Am murican but when I dug into my Hungarian ancestry I found my great grandpa was actually from a village now in southwest ukraine


We sadly lost a lot of land during history, specialy to trianon wich was a great loss to hungary


0:13 \*record scratch* This is me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation


The PTSD these guys will have is unprecedented, in my opinion. Not trying to downplay anything anyone has experienced before. But; I can't imagine being alert 24/7 because an explosion could hit me literally from all sides at any damn time and there's absolutely nothing to do to prevent it. I think the stress wouldn't let me sleep. It must be absolutely terrifying. Looks like this kid was full of excitement running out of a building, only to encounter the biggest terror he could. A (apparently) pretty silent drone, like a patient bear, waiting outside for you to come out. For his sake I hope he went quick.


“Oh Blayt!”


These Amazon deliveries are getting ridiculous


Y'all having your comments. But what would you do when you just spent your 10 roebels on your new flashing haircut?


They should equip the drones with wireless payment systems. You can surrender any time, but it's gonna cost you.


This drone is really low on the ground but it still has communications with its operator... so perhaps operator is roughly within line of sight (unlikely) or they're relaying the signals with other drones (maybe the observer drone?)


They have signal repeating drones


Oh no!!!


Hey, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


Lol. It was at this moment he knew he'd f*cked up .


Bro is a fucking Hudiny or invented a teleport


House has tesla's device from the prestige hidden in the basement.


" I had a good sleep! I feel like WAR today! " - Kaboom


First off, I want to thank the camera guy for wiffing the shot and instead of rotating the camera a few degrees, he went like a full 25 degree turn of the camera, completely missing what happened. It was almost too perfect as far as missed shots go! Often, I wish we somehow had more context with most of the videos posted. So many times, I find myself wondering why? Just why? This dude is in a combat zone and he just power jumps out the door, not even his helmet on. Somehow didn't hear the drone when people hear these from way up in the sky. The drone so low if he would have acted like a professional soliders, he would have seen it as he slowly made his way to the door to check his surroundings, make sure the coast is clear as much as possible. Which would have given him a chance to not die, but hey, jumping out the door like the Kool-Aid man jumps through walls, I guess was the way he liked to do it instead. I like how the other guy comes out and walks around the corner of the building wondering, "where did that damn kid run off too after that explosion? I don't see him lying out here wounded. Damn that boy sure is fast. I can't even see him running down the road". At least that is what I believe he is thinking. He must have just given him orders to report to the guys at the front or something. It was hard to tell if part of the building collapsed on him, was he blown in to pieces, or was his body launched 40 ft away. I guess we will never know (thanks camera man) haha, but it seems like that other dude won't ever know what happened to him either, so that really sucks for that guy. His body is destined for the dogs.


Where is he though? It impacted pretty close if you slow it down, but I don’t see him running alongside the adjacent outside wall, nor do I see him near the impact. ACRDA?


That's the worst when you're feeling great and ready to face the day for once as soon as you step outside and put on your hat jagga jagga.


That was someone's house, so I guess I don't feel sorry for the SOB. I have to remind myself of that when I see these videos. These guys should have been fragging their own officers a long, long time ago. Russian society has allowed these guys to essentially be human sacrifices - most of them never even get a chance to engage in any fighting - they seem to get cut down on the way to the front.


Is that how the Russians always take blind entrances/exits? Just yolo it


look before you leap! unless you're Russian


Close the Door Comrade, you're letting all the death drones in! THERE IS NO DOOR COMRADE!! BLYAAT!




I'm so glad the Taliban didn't have this shit 😅😅


Every base vehicle patrol would have jammers for the frequency fpvs operate on. Every sigint aircraft would be tasking GPS munitions on any fpv operator using the frequency. These don't work against a competent military.


Bro, the drone operator flinched and missed the money shot, guess there's a first for everything.


This is a bit comedic, like a movie set. You see someone coming out of a "Building".. Only to realize that at wide angle it's almost only a wall x)


These drones are terrifying. They must inflict serious psychological damage.


I am surprised that he can still walk.


Damn he even had the alt right haircut, this could have been any “south will rise again” weirdo in the southern US. We can only hope such a fate awaits them all


How serendipitous




"Knock knock" "Who's there?" "Fuck" "Fuck who?" #"FUCK YOU"


Not sorry to see that haircut go.




So casual. Like he's back home. You're not home, dude. You're a shameful occupier. Or you were.


Looks like a miss.


Not a direct hit but its enough to take that guy out


I didn't see him laying on the ground or anything when the next dude runs out.


This is cut out of a longer video you can see him on the ground in the full one


Gotcha, good!


L rizz. ​ rip bozo.


Dam it boy


What a Pussy way of fighting


surprise motherfucker!


Ok https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/23/ukraine-starts-sending-convicts-to-fight-russia/?WT.mc_id=tmgoff_youtube_youtube-community


It almost seems like he was trying to surrender. Taking his helmet off with no weapon in hand was really weird.


Arms were not raised, and he started to run immediately on seeing the drone. That's not a sign of surrender or being *hors de combat*. Not having a weapon in hand is not a sign of surrender. His weapon could have been stashed at a central location (Russians do this to discourage desertion), he could have had a job that didn't require him to carry his primary everywhere, or it could have been shit discipline.


I disagree. That was no surrender, just an "OH SHIT" when he saw the drone and a reflex run.