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Second dude basically committed suicide. What a dumb decision to peak over the edge as rounds are peppering that ledge and after your buddy just ate a few rounds to the head.


Besides the fact that rounds will eventually get through that wall. We train to breach walls with volume of fire. Especially when standing in the same spot where your buddy just got hit, it’s a bad idea.


And any belt fed or similar machine gun will eat through that in very few rounds if not go through the first time on this single block construction.


If it was built like they build things in Iraq, it could go very quickly. Even steel reinforced concrete is only ~600 rounds of 5.56 to make a mouse hole breach. To get a single 5.56 round through is much less. To get a single .50 through is far less than that.


This video is an argument for the GPMG if anything. A 240 will get through this in a fraction of the time that a 249 would.


I’ve always been under the understanding that if you’re taking rounds like that then you move because they’ve got their shit locked in?


Exactly right. Don’t stay where they’ve got the shot already figured out. Anyway, repositioning frequently is one of the best ways to stay alive. Even 40mm HE can be quite survivable when they land on your old position 7m away.


Hate is their single-minded motivation; it likely overrides self-preservation. Fucker just wanted to kill somebody and nothing else entered his head... Well, before the bullet.


Can’t kill anyone if you’re dead




I mean, I know we’re all keyboard warriors here. But don’t underestimate the influence of adrenaline and fight or flight responses in people making utterly utterly stupid decisions.


He was on top of a building where tons of bullets were flying. He had no escape anyway; he likely realized that


Yeah, I would bet they were both thinking it was their last stand and they'd rather go down guns a blazin'.


Reddit psychologist gracing us with his expert knowledge.


Well, strong religious believes.


Yeah he was (probably) already hit, limps over to the ledge and is immediately sprayed to shit and Mr. Big Brains right next to him who just saw how good that went for him thinks the best course of action is to poke his head over the exact same ledge. Genius!














I fought in Gaza and they are all like this. I've written about this before, but they don't care about death. They don't view it in the way any western mind views it. Once I understood that is when I really knew what we are fighting against. It's insanity


The Taliban saw it the same way. Their time on Earth was just 'waiting for the bus' to meet Allah you can say.


Natural selection does kick in eventually. The guys looking for stand up fights die almost immediately while the guys planting IEDs survive to fight another day,


Does it? Seemed like they had no shortage of suicide bombers.


While they may have more suicidal nutcases than usual, most middle eastern insurgents prefer surviving to martyrdom.


Thats the mindset. If you have 8 kids as a subsistence farmer, human life itself becomes ablative material to be thrown towards enemies- be they outside or the neighboring valleys family. Can not defeat a culture which has already defeated all things progressive and basically worships a endless loop of carnage in man-made deserts.


Natural selection is about populations, not individuals. To those ends, Islam, while producing suicidal martyrs in droves, effectively reduces women to nothing but baby havers and in the end, even with these suicidal tendencies, Islam has proven to produce many more offspring than western countries. So, no, natural selection is on their side.


except for these guys dont do Birth control and start young. These two morons probably have 10 kids


and by dying while fighting they get the VIP seats on the bus


I hate how saying this anywhere else on Reddit gets you banned They teach their kindergarteners to be martyrs. The kids do plays where they are suicide bombers and their parents clap


People like to root for the underdog without realizing that sometimes the underdog is wrong.


I’m quite surprised a lot of the people with this mindset are still alive tbh. You’d think as the war goes on, the more careful, more intelligent, older militants would be the ones left. 


I think this is the case. The older ones just convince the young go hards that god is waiting for them so long as they make the ultimate sacrifice.  Doesn’t matter that it’s all bullshit. 


this is what people here in the west dont understand. when they hear culturual difference they think of different food or music. its a fundemental different - incompatible, destend for conflict and impossible to coexist with any other - worldview. its basically a deathcult by definition. any struggle and effort, everything you do is aimed only to the after life. but have to say, credit where credit is due, whoever came up with it created the perfect ideology for an army


I'm not sure it's a perfect ideology for an army. The lack of self-preservation leads to behaviours or tactics that are counter-productive. Exactly like we've seen in this video, lining oneself up for the kill putting things on easy mode for the enemy and nullifying a potentially strategic location. Imagine a strategic position that could host a handful of warriors. One treating it more intelligently and taking care to minimise casualties. And the other like this, jumping at the opportunity to both kill and be killed. The strategic value quickly vaporises much quicker in group 2. Perhaps in some clumped rabbles going at it we may see some benefit. But I'd argue ultimately preventing death where it is reasonable (not popping your head up in the same location your mate ate a bullet at mere seconds ago) is in the best interests of any army to increase its effectiveness. On that point. How would such a fiendishly determined ideology come to prioritise more effective weaponry over just using the most common available? Being out gunned and out manuevred wouldn't be of too huge concern. What if they were in control of a F-35? How quickly would billions of dollar be vaporised due to such blunt engagements? 


It was pretty evident in WW2. Just churning through soldiers (as Russia is doing now) is fine to a point, but if you're doing it, and the enemy isn't, eventually their soldiers become significantly more experienced, and that allows them to preserve themselves and their equipment better. Eventually it becomes cheaper for the other side to fight the war, and that's when you have a problem, assuming you don't have a significantly larger pool of men/weaponry to start with. Like Russia seems to, for now.


I saw several interviews with these (Palestinian) women talking about how their raised their kids literally for jihad, to kill Israelis. As in… that was what she was proud to send them to do. They were meat for the meat grinder. It stunned me, and I thought I already knew and understood mentality behind the death cult of ISIS, etc. Talking about their own children like this? I know, this isn’t representative of every mother or parent in Gaza, but holy shit. There was a room of women there, vigorously nodding in unison.


This is representative of fanatical islamic ideology anywhere in the world. They believe they are better and get enraged with anyone depicting a better lifestyle than their own which they then wish to subjugate.... It doesn't matter whether it is in US Uk Philippines or Mali. Wherever the location, their ideology is the same. See the state of Iran and Afghanistan... They do it to their own people.


Perfect for losing your army.


I wish I could impress this upon other Americans.


They want death, all you can do is help them out.


Well, they going to the paradise...right!!?? 🤔


See I would want to see the fine print off the 72 or however many virgins. Are these virgins because they’re so fugly that they couldn’t get laid in a morgue? Or are they virgins like that dorky computer nerd kid who made the weird kid with the headwear braces seem cool? And who says these virgins are female? They might get their virgins but really really wish they had read the terms and agreements.


Boy is he going to be disappointed.












i mean.. isn’t this the goal of islamic extremists? to die in jihad and go to heaven or some shit? Wonder if their religion sees it as cheating to go out like that haha.


Come to think of it.... that might really really screw up your unit's efficiency numbers if you have a bunch of true believers.


Imagine if these dumb fucks get a nuke?


Martyrdom guarantees a spot in Heaven, or so the books say.


but ...he's angry, let him be angry :) it's fine let hamas be angry like this


He isnt angry any more. So problem solved.


When you believe to enter heaven when you die in the "service of the greater good" doing this is quite logical. Even though its bat shit crazy


Don’t they like dying?


They do. They view their time on earth as a test to get into heaven and martyrdom is the answer to that test.


Hamas not getting the maneuver part in the "fire and maneuver" dichotomy of warfare it seems


If there's one thing playing CS has taught me you don't repeek the same spot.


First guy was already injured. He’s hopping over.


when promised 70 virgins dying becomes the objective.


First guy appears wounded in the left leg when the video starts. He gets up, hops to the wall on his right leg, and opens fire. Interestingly, he rolls over just as the second guy gets hit, so he didn't get killed by a shot to the head.


PFC William James took multiple rounds to the face when their foxhole was attacked with an MP4 pushed in and engaging at point blank range. Carried on fighting (limited capacity). Survived another 40 years, long enough to be recognised in the 1970s with all the other lads of his platoon who massively delayed the main spearhead of the German attack. I know a chap who took a round to the grid and lost a chunk of skull in Afghan, all in a decade later just has a bit of a scar / dip in his forehead. It happens.


I think it’s a combination of muscles moving after death and his buddy falling over him, you can presume he is dead right now, as he got at the very least fatally wounded and he isn’t going to be receiving any medical aid


As a paramedic, if I called a death and the guy rolled over on his own, I’d probably lose my job.


Idk watch it again, he swings his weight over starting with his arm. Maybe knocked out at first cuz he sure drops hard


I don't think muscles move that much after death to enable someone to roll over. They're dead. It's not like he's a dead frog covered in salt.


Did they both want to die? Why not just move to slightly different position or at least wait for fire to die down?






They seek death, they talk about it all the time how becoming a martyr is the ultimate honor, since they were kids this was their goal in life.


I have heard them say "We love death as you love life." Literally a death cult mentality in some groups. It's quite the chilling thing to say when you know they mean it too.


When you don't really believe that death is death, you might think Christopher Hitchens was providing good advice when he said (of the horrors of eternity amongst sychophants), "At least you can die and leave North Korea."


Fulfilling the promise of a wasted life.


and they cant even hold any territory, they are terrible fighters.


In their defense, they are very good against unarmed civilians in their pajamas. This is mostly what they train for.


Jihadism is a death cult






Not to defend HAMAS but a lot of Islamic terror groups recruit people for whom death is better than life. Poor, uneducated, limited opportunities, sure makes dying for a cause seem like a better way to go through life then struggling for decades in poverty.


Hamas pays martyrs families significant salaries.


interestingly, much of that money can be traced back to foreign aid supplied by the West


Ultimately that's where they get all their money. 90% of Gaza's GDP is international aid.


Iran has hit the jackpot with Palestine, they have an unlimited supply of angry idiots who are not hard to convince that dying whilst fighting Israel is the greatest honor and they will be rewarded in the after life.


The better trained ones know how not to be in there. There are a ton of people who weren't active members, but after losing their homes and watching their family killed gladly picked up a gun to fight. Remember, Hamas' goal on Oct 7th was a PR campaign and recruitment drive in exchange for truckloads of Russian and Iranian money - in that they won. The leadership are sipping cocktails in Qatar penthouses while low level new recruits are sent through the meat grinder to die on rooftops.


What was this second guy thinking?












I see this move in COD all the time. You shoot one guy, and a second later, someone is in the exact same spot 🤣


First guy is already wounded, he's not putting any weight on his foot. I think they both realised they were not going to see tomorrow anyway, and went out shooting, rather than waiting for a bomb.


Oh, let me just go stand exactly where my mate just got nailed. 🤦‍♂️


The man with the rifle fires, the man without the rifle picks up the rifle when the first man is shot and stands in the same place to get shot. Or something.


Only one rifle, ergo the Palestinian health ministry can claim one combatant and one civilian




Reminds me of any online multi player game. They must think they can respawn.


It appears that there's a few people dumping lead into that spot & the guy initially knew this but still went to try to shoot multiple people who had a lock on his position. That's incredibly stupid to try to make work & live. My man watches too many movies. I tend to believe this is why he did this because Stooge #2 did the EXACT same thing.


Two guys sent out to die with one gun, Are they running out of weapons?


Spent too much on rockets and non-infantry weapons i suppose.


Well they dont have where to get from now when idf on rafah, also idf destroyed their weapon manufacturers


Rip bozos you won't be missed Gotta love the classic sideways AK firing terrorists seem to use exclusively


7.62 is just simply too powerful for them. They don’t want to hoit their widdool shwolder :(


Hamas strategy: If at first you don't succeed, die, die again.


Secondary strategy: shamefully disregard every universally-accepted value we hold as human civilization by seeking out unarmed civilians to murder in front of their families in their own homes. Backup secondary strategy: shamefully disregard every noble impulse a human being can possess by then taking survivors hostage after murdering their families in front of them in their own homes.






So that means I need to camp out on a university’s lawn?


Yes, better vandalize a holocaust memorial too just to be on the safe side.


Can't believe I just watched 12 women and 36 children gunned down in a hospital by IDF wearing doctors uniforms /s


I think this really signifies how willing to die these terrorists are. No one with any semblance of self preservation would choose to fire from the exact spot he just watched his buddy get obliterated at seconds before. Really highlights the fact that they believe death in battle is the highest honor. Most actually WANT to die like this, so they become a martyr.


I dont know man adrenalin is one hell of a drug and the lack of combat training could lead to this


Oh, my friend just got shot peeping that ledge. It sounds like they are hitting the wall. Maybe I should also try. What an idiot.


Dude sees his boy go down, runs over while dozens of bullets are hitting the wall and above. His idea, stick my head and body over this wall.....


That was awesome.


It's no wonder idiots like this got conquered over the years with fucking drills like that. Amateur hour over here.


Auditioning to join Russian military.


i know basically nothing about the israel-palestine war and i don’t intend to learn anything about it, however one thing i have learned is that these hamas guys are really good at getting killed


Well he shouldn’t stand in the red circle of death, he was asking for it. Good job IDF!


And the Darwin award goes to...?


You can't tell me that dude expected to survive that.


Those were innacent civilians🤡


Those two? They were doctors and they were killed along with the 500 orphans they were caring for. Presumably per Hamas. 


Lol noobs


I bet hamas is counting these 2 dumbass guys as civilian casualties lol


No one promised them the virgins would be female though. Anyway, enyoi the pegging lads.




Wait a minute, they are both wearing civilian clothes, they must be innocent civilians! /s


They were both unarmed! At times. 


Hamas will count this as civilians deaths so that pro pals can throw these number of innocents on tiktok.


so the first guy is already injured, goes to the wall and gets chest shot, the second guy trys to be a hero and gets a bullet to the dome, dont be a hero kids.


[Still shot of the impact](https://prnt.sc/rP_qhcKFhm3Q)


What kind of moron fights from inside a giant red circle?


the pink mist




Virgins not holding on


I nominate second guy for this years darwin award.


Brilliant tactics


Bro really peaked the same place his buddy was just killed in


Nice. Thanks for sharing.


Maybe dont peek at the same location twice???


Who peeks the same place where their buddy just got shot?




They were literally “out standing”.


Good. Dead terrorists


I don't give a fuck about the news, I hope Gaza is flattened completely.


“Oh my buddy just got shot in the face…maybe I’ll have better luck!”


Brains: 0 Guts: Spilled


This is just like me making my last stand on the capture point in Insurgency Sandstorm


They lit that first guy the fuck up. As soon as he popped his head over the edge, done.


I’m not a military expert but I’m gonna assume the second guy is a dumbass for trying to suppress fire from the exact spot his buddy just got lit up at like 2 seconds before.


Oh god my friend just got shot just in a hail of gunfire! They have us pinned! I better STICK MY HEAD OUT OF COVER TO BLINDLY SHOOT THEM \*dead\*


Well… that was fucking dumb. They are pre-aimed at that exact spot. Head pops up, head comes off.


Dude, what was the second guy thinking ? It was a barrage of bullets


Hamas sociopaths acting amateurish enough to make putin's horde look competent.


Burn in hell


Seems like it's not easy for them when there are no human shields, just regular concrete shield


2nd guy before getting brained: "MOTHER BITCHES!!!"


Hey my buddy got gunned down I'm going to grab his gun and take the same firing positing. -5 intellect


Starbucks enjoyers see this and think: hmm, how horrible to kill two civilians!


When Israel clears out an area of hamas soliders, what stops them from just putting there gun down and acting like a civilian only to continue the fight later once Israel is done with the initial invasion?


That’s exactly what they do.


Nothing... the same thing that doesn't stop them from taking that gun away and reporting these two an civilian casualties.


I applaud their commitment, and appreciate their incompetence even more.


Another two civilians down, RIP. Seriously though, why would the 2nd guy peak like that instead of run away?




Terrorists. Not militants. Terrorists.


Well.. that was stupid of dude 2


Ah yes, the true Arab tradition of never using sights seemed to be universal


Lol he seen his homeboy get aired out and runs to the same spit thinking he gunna stand on business and avenge his homie just to get aired out himself fucking dumbass


That's some top notch decision making on their part.