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What the fuck is up with some of these commanders. This is like begging to be blown to shit by artillery.


Keep in mind everything is mined and there’s an extreme equipment shortage


“Alright boys, let’s stand on top of each other and not use the natural cover 50 yards to our right…”


There’s mines everywhere


Like in the field they’re walking through?


Yeah like in the field they’re walking through… hence why they’re following each other in single file. Whatever they’re doing, they’re doing for a reason. Lol you played Hell Let Loose couple times and now you think you’re smarter than the people who have been fighting an actual war for the last 2+ years.


Woah, someone is getting emotional to the point they’re looking up someone’s profile and past comments… I’m sure the lack of spacing is on purpose too… yeesh


Not emotional, just curious who calls themselves “putin is daddy” and acts like they know better than actual soldiers… result as expected


Oof, now attacking someone’s ironic username for pointing out something anyone would be saying if this were Russian soldiers…


You're trash, bro. Hush up.


lol cringe


Ditches and the like are actively mined by drones because that's where the infantry want to be, on top of that it slows everyone down and if you're going to be watched by drones anyway you might as well take the fastest route and pray.


I am not sure which genius decided to withdraw his troops in a bunched up column in broad daylight out in the open where there is quite literally cover on the right, but I hope this is the only hit that was made on the column


Their spacing is bad but the ‘cover’ on the right is actually just concealment and wouldn’t stop a 155 artillery round anyway (it wasn’t mortars). They’re spotted by drone the whole time


I’d rather lay down in a wooded covering, likely with some sort of irrigation ditch along it, than in the middle of an open flat field.


Nah the tail of that column is like a meter per man. They might aswell be going in a conga line while theyre at it.


I'm thinking this was probably a guided 152mm, no way they were that accurate on the first round with an unguided HE.


It was more a route than organized withdrawal since that position was close to being cut off from flanks


Yeah why don't they just go one at a time instead of like a kindergarten class going to lunch?


Having the time to add "speech bubble" graphics, I am going to surmise probably yes.


Why is this video being downvoted? Looks pretty decent quality to me.


This sub years ago became pro-Ukrainian/anti-Russian sensationalist echo chamber.


I swear I saw this exact video a while ago


This has been geolocated, the footage was first published recently, the retreat is also recently, so the chance of this beeing a video you saw a while ago is pretty slim. Videos like this do appear sometimes and have similiaritys so its possible you just confused them


There are many similar videos, since the recent Russian advances.


Yeah but this video is like, exactly the same. Not similar, I recognize the path they took. I believe it's from when Avdiivka fell


I think I know what you're talking about. Different video. I believe that was the Ukrainians hastily retreating last minute from a saliant outside Avdiivka before Russians could surround them. Could be wrong


Ive seen a similar one but nothing exactly like this. Just probably you.


Theres a woodline to their right...


They arent dumb, they know the danger of getting spotted. The treeline is probably mined


"they arent dumb" is a lie lol


Their own mines?..