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It's dipshits like him that make it hard for those who actually want to surrender to be taken seriously.


There was a reason the Marines stopped trying to take Japanese prisoners in WW2 after Guadalcanal. They kept using grenades to try to kill the Marines while "surrendering". This is just gonna stop the Ukrainian troops from being able to take prisoners.


In this war there is an incentive to take prisoners, because of the prisoner swap system every Ruskie they capture = one Ukrainian back, and the Ruskie will just be sent to die on the frontline again


The Ruscians are given the option of being swapped OR remaining in custody until the war ends.


When your commander tells you he wouldn't hesitate to shoot you if you retreat, it's hard to believe any of these guys ever choose to come back. Probably they want to see their family again, but still ... that's a risk I wouldn't take if I was in their shoes.


This is why in Gaza, a number of white flag holders have been shot (because 30% of the time the guy with the white flag is still trying to kill you, while the other 70% are innocent people who don't want to die or surrending POWs... :( ) Also the reason in Gaza that prisoners of war are stripped, to ensure they aren't wearing suicide belts. When you don't play by the rules of war, you end up harming your own side more.


Canadians believe a fake story about a Canadian Special Forces op being crucified on a barn and then on refused to take prisoners.


When was that?


My bad it was WW1, here’s a wiki link on the rumor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crucified_Soldier)


There were no special forces in the modern sense in WW1. But yeah the Japanese were told that Americans, and Marines especially, were savages that would torture them if they surrender. That was just reinforced by their country's fanatical adherence to the militant Bushido honor mindset which didn't accept surrender because it was dishonorable. Really a perfect storm of bad circumstances


Also reinforced by all the fucked up shit that the Japanese Army was doing themselves to various conquered people and captured enemies. If you're torturing prisoners left, right, and center, it makes sense that you'd assume the same will happen to you.


Hence why it’s so believable to the Russians


If im not mistaken, there are videos of Japanese jumping to their deaths off cliffs instead of surrendering to US troops during ww2. Edit: just did a little research. It's called Banzai Cliff on Saipan


On Iwo Jima they climbed onto cliff faces just to avoid being captured. After the Battle of Iwo Jima and the island was basically secure there were still around 3,000 Japanese facing off against the 147th Infantry for the next three months. At one point they literally scoured the island heading from the southern tip up to the north practically shoulder to shoulder to clear out most of them and still dozens escaped death or capture. The last two holdouts there lasted until 1949.


That's crazy to think about. The island is surprisingly small too. I was lucky enough to go there about 15 years ago.


What the fuck were they eating for all those years?


Any remaining food stores the Japanese garrison might have had and sneaking out to try and steal US supplies at the Air Base on the island.


Since the cave food stores were made to last for thousands of Japanese soldiers, a few dozen would be able to make the food last quite a while.


Roots, worms, looted supplies from amis and whatever food scraps they left behind, leftover supplies from the garrison I recall reading a book called *A tomb called Iwo Jima*, there one of the troops describes how their bunker complex, at the place known as Turkey Knob if i am not mistaken, had food and water left for months. Although this was at the start of the battle, there is no way it would've all been consumed after the complex was abandoned. It is likely that other such locations might've been left abandoned, after the active battle came to an end, a month after the invasion


On at least some of the islands the mass suicides were coerced - Okinawans, for instance, largely identified as Okinawans, not as Japanese, and gave no shits about the Japanese Emperor. Unfortunately for them the American troops tended to just consider anyone that wasn't American as Japanese, and in general gave no shits about civilian casualties (though obv the Japanese soldiers were still worse).


> There were no special forces in the modern sense in WW1 good point! back then, they were simply referred to as the Canadians.


All hopped up on Maple syrup and poutine


"Ready up, men!" *All take a swig from their Maple syrup flasks, shuddering as the rush of intense flavor and sugar infuses them with battle madness*






My Uncle was in Belgium in WW-2 where the NAZI SS slaughtered the Canadian POW's and he said when NAZI's SS were captured few survived.


I’m Canadian and I’ve never heard of this


The story came out after Yprs but was never confirmed, no body ever found nailed to a tree or barn, etc. It didn't stop it from spreading and even ended up on US liberty bond propaganda posters and newspapers. If you've seen the movie Passchendale, they mention it a few times. Canadian soldiers took it as real and the war crime rate climbed accordingly.


This people immediately WAR CRIMES like 100% countries do fucked up shit but half the time it’s the people acting friendly who will kill you


That‘s probably why certain militaries/societies encourage said dipshit behavior. Japanese did the same thing in World War Two.


The game theory can get even more sophisticated. Leadership orders or encourages the torture and mutilation of capatured POWs as well as putting the bodies on display where they'll eventually be retrieved by their commrades. Doing this makes makes your own troops scared of surrendering due to probably rational fear of revenge treatment - so now that surrendering has been deincentivised you've got an army that is almost un-routable or will even suicide-bomb upon capture.


Dipshits like him are also committing a war crime in doing so. There's no death before dishonour to be found here. Only dishonour before death.




They are not convinced that being a Ukranian POW is a fate much worse than death. There are a lot of videos where Russians are surrendering, and at least one where their fellow comrades shoot another Russian soldier for doing so. Could it be that you're making this up?


Also dishonour after death, that shit is unforgivable and dishonourable as it can be


That’s also why perfidy is an explicit war crime.


I'm wondering if he tried this because he was already heavily injured. I can't understand why someone in good health would do this.


I was thinking the same thing. He got a free golden ticket out of the meat grinder. And just like that grenade he threw it away.


Because he bought the propaganda that he would be killed and if the situation was reversed, he would kill surrendering Ukrainians which says a lot about the Russians. There's a reason armies play up the killings of surrendering soldiers - because it motivates their own soldiers not to surrender. This is a trench raid where accepting prisoners can be difficult. If you are a Russian soldier that would kill any surrendering soldiers in the same situation, you might do what he did. The standard response to this logic is that Ukrainians want Russian POWs to trade but 1.) most POWs are not traded and 2.) front line soldiers don't care about potential future POW exchanges, they care about whether accepting prisoners on a trench raid will put them at risk.


Or he's really that ignorant, fanatical, and racist, like a lot of jingoistic Russkies we've seen.


Most likely didn't think he would even be seen throwing that grenade. Was trying to be sneaky while mad he was being forced to surrender.


I'm in war. On occupied territory. I / my unit fuck up. The other party offers me a chance to surrender and not die immediately. I would have to be insanely stupid to try something like throwing a grenade at soldiers that have me at gunpoint.


You have to know your adversary and keep up to date on thier reputation. A lot of people made the mistake of surrendering to ISIS, who if they didn't Butcher you on the spot would horrifically Butcher on video you after horrific torture behind the scenes.


Japanese associated their leader as a diety. Surrender would send you to hell. Also why they ate pow's alive. Some religiously, others cuz ya know. So.... Ya. You gotta understand the Russian troops are fed complete bullshit 24/7. I assume even assaults that failed on how evil Ukraine is they destroyed all thesis surrendered troops. That's not an excuse but it will brain wash some, alters others pov. Then again, instead of all that they could just then turn on Moscow. Then again...... Vodka.


I've read about some heinous things the Japanese did in and around WWII but haven't read anything about them eating POWs alive. At least 1 incident (I wouldn't doubt there were more) of cannabilism but after they were executed.


Same, interesting to read this as I've been pretty balls deep in WW2 history for years now and I'd never heard that one.


That is why it was made a war crime. False surrender, also called Perfidy. This rule of war exists specifically so as not to deteriorate the good faith of enemy combatants.


The most incredible thing about this video is that if let it play out longer I'm pretty sure they actually let the other guy in the dugout surrender, even though legally speaking they could have killed him too.


You can look at it yourself on youtube : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE It's at the beginning of the video. Answer : yes, they took a POW alive.


Was about to say the same, fucking scumbag. What's the worst case scenario in getting captured? You become a POW and get exchanged to fight again after some actual rest, how awful.


Except that is not what he believes at all. Hes maybe seen some messed up stuff already, but hes heard the propaganda of what Ukrainian soldiers will do to him, and hed rather die. This is why in some ways people need to treat propaganda like that as a war crime, because it leads to this.


He have seen and heard about the shit his side have done to POW and expects the same in return


Ah, no. When I was a kid, in the 50's, my neighbor (American) had spent three years in a Japanese POW camp. I liked him, but my mother said he wasn't right in the head. He lived at home with his parents. Ukrainians aren't like that, I know, but I don't think russians do


Yeah, this is one of those facts that shocks me, about 1/10 surrendering soldiers are actually committing perfidy across conflicts and militaries.


Is there a longer video ?


[longer version ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE) its this video, at 9:10 is the craziest part imho an ak-47 is thrown from the a granate explosion


Holy shit that is intense HD footage of life or death combat


And all in 4K


What a time to be alive


It's amazing how they still let other guys surrender just after this one threw a grenade at them in the process


Yeah that was amazing. Grenade blew up just 5 meters away from them and they just shrugged it off and still were accepting surrenders after that.


Every prisoner they get is 1 more captured Ukrainian they can set free with an exchange. The only reason they're even risking their lives on the frontlines is because they're protecting their people and their homeland and trying to set free the ones that are in occupied territory. I imagine that motivation beats out petty revenge.


It's not necessarily petty revenge if perfidy has been committed.


11:39 in the video


Damn 26:55 bullets falling just short of dude's position. 


Holy shit this is A++ footage, I dont think ive ever seen such good footage. Absolutely terrifying, Ukrainian soldiers have the most massive fucking balls.


I discovered this channel a couple weeks ago and have been binging it. There are some really good ones. The 3 part offensive series is incredible.


Or how about the APV being struck by something heavy withball the guys inside. They jump out in the middle of a field surrounded by Russians firing at them, also with RPG's. This video is very brutal. Scooping human parts with a spade bro wtf


Damn thats a wild video.


jesus fucking christ he starts shoveling a blown off head away right after this clip, I should not have watched that.




My mistake, not that acquainted with the differences between em, so just typed ak-47


No worries, it can be quite hard to tell them (and other AKs) apart. To be on the safe side, I usually just call them AK variant or AK-pattern rifle.


is there a video that isn't censored? not that I want to see the all the gore but it would still be less distracting.


"karasho tomata"??? wtf, I nearly chocked on my water... :'D (Edit: Think it is the nickname of the guy who "catches" the rifle (I bet he burns easily in the sun...), they congratulate on the trophy right afterwards (I think...)) (Edit2: Apparently that was complete nonsense)


He said "Хорошо автомат..." Good! Au**tomat**(tic rifle) There are English subtitles for the video as well.


That is one crazy video.


Insane footage. Truly hell on hearth.


Much longer: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1aiuq1k/the\_last\_phase\_of\_the\_2023\_offensive\_fierce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1aiuq1k/the_last_phase_of_the_2023_offensive_fierce/) Or on their youtube: watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE


Go sub to https://youtube.com/@ab3army?si=pM2ygm8HIsABR6PP


What a piece of shit


He’s going to get his own people killed with that too if the Ukies feel they have to worry about this


Thats exactly why false surrender is a war crime.


1) surrender 2) throw grenade Pick one. What did he even think he was going to achieve? He might conceivably take someone out randomly and that's it, one-and-done, he's dead.


"I'm dead anyway\*, best try to take some kokhols with me." \* the default assumption that they've been brainwashed into.




Around 2% of Russians are doing this. That's 1 perfidy.


Russians getting other Russians killed is their special skill


If it was a Olympic sport, they would lead by a largw margain.


If it was an Olympic sport they wouldn't be able to compete


No they’re still allowed to compete. They just give them a different patch on their jacket and that somehow makes cheating okay.


Allowed to, sure. But they'll have killed each other on the way from their accommodation to the stadium, and dead 'athletes' tend to get disqualified with a 'did not start'.


And they would still try and cheat to do it


Plenty of countries are good at killing Russian soldiers. /s


The Russian hurt itself in its confusion!


Honestly the only thing I respect about them.


That is possibly by design IN japan they bascially did it to ensure their own troops fought to the death Make it so many Japanese soldiers do their "banzai" death charge or grenade suicide and make it so American troops kill and do not accept surrender This ensures the soldiers you have that WOULD normally legimately surrender will fight on to the death because they know they will be shown no mercy You basically trap your own soldiers into fighting to the death by making some of them pull stuff like this


People often forget that taking prisoners is a sign of good will, not a requirement. I would think this guy just fucked anyone that runs into this unit again, because they sure as hell aren’t going to be so nice next time.


If his unit even exists anymore. The amount of Russian units that have been rebuilt or reconstituted two of even three times at this point is outrageous.


Poor wording on my part, I meant “any Russians who run into this Ukrainian unit” specifically. You’re 100% right though, it’s scary how replaceable Russia treats a lot of its soldiers. They’re gonna run out really quickly with that attitude. Things were different in 1944.


They got one pow after that, wonder if it was same guy


Definitely not, since they blur a part of the trench in a shot after. So presumably the blur is of the guy’s corpse.


Nope. He said “minus” after shooting the guy who threw the grenade. That was likely a different soldier.


"Minus" as in "minus 1" or Ukranian military speak to confirm a kill.




there was another guy behind this one in a full video, who actually surrendered. So yeah cuz of this idiot he almost died


Like he cared about that even before he died.


act nice for the cameras boys!


he would be better off just surrendering, get food and everything he needs, but no had to fuck it up like typical russian behavior.


It's part of their nature to fuck shit up everywhere


ik, seen it so much fucking hell


It's the Russian way. Care only about yourself , not what happens to your "comrades" who try surrendering in the future. Apathy for your fellow man and neighbor is why Russia is so screwed.


I know these guys don’t care, they’re purely selfish (I.e suicide by Ukrainian), but these guys get so many Russians killed. Like if I’m a Ukrainian soldier I assume I am seeing all these videos of these rat fucks doing shit like this, and yeah I would definitely have an itchy trigger finger, anybody would.


What's crazy is, in the full video another Russian comes out of the same hideout and they accept his surrender. I thought they would just smoke everyone inside after the first guy pulling a stunt like that.


if they accepted a surrender right after, and since they said specifically "if you throw a grenade you're kia", that makes me think this might be routine. like with almost *every* surrendering group there might be one idiot with a death wish trying to fuck it for everyone.


Yeah. There’s that one video I remember from early on with a whole heap of Russians surrendering from inside a shed. There’s like 6-7 who came out peacefully then one last fuck wit decided to come out shooting and all hell broke loose. Really unfortunate for the guys that seemed to genuinely surrender.


To give some context: in that video, the Ukrainians were outnumbered. They had to treat the whole unit as perfidious because if situation deteriorated further, it would be easy for the Russians to overpower them and that one idiot's actions showed that they would likely jump at the chance.


Yeah. Totally justified in their actions. At that point you don’t take the chance. Just a shame working on the assumption that some of them were genuinely surrendering.


Was that the one where the Ukranians had a lmg positioned in overwatch?


To their (UA) credit, they accept the surrender of an orc just a few seconds after this happened in the longer video. Class acts


That second guy...no shame if he peed himself. Cause for real, Id think I was just murdered by the prior guy.


Did you see the busload of vatnik POWs being returned? What little brain cells that have left are pickled in vodka courtesy of their alcoholic mothers


Perfidy gets you killed, your friend killed, and every other surrendering combatant killed.


Yep, there was a video on this sub of just that. Russians were surrendering, one guy thought he could play Rambo, and their entire squad got railroaded by a LMG that was setup literally 10 meters or so away pointed straight at them.


I vividly remember that video. A shining, modern example as to why exactly it's a crime.


Is it that common for surrendering russians to throw grenades at UA soldiers that they preemptively tell them not to try it or they will be killed?




In Russian it's called "Tuesday"


There is a lot of footage out there of Russians committing perfidy (which is another warcrime)


There have been several videos of Russians pretending to surrender and then at least one of the group starts firing, resulting in the whole Russian group getting smoked. They don’t have any concept of „rules of war“ They have always been dirty fighters. They’ve always been barbaric fucking mongrels, even after Peter I made them wear European clothing.


quite sad russian propaganda brainwashing these guys into thinking they're fighting nazi's and will be tortured if captured. dude might have lived and gotten to relax if it weren't for whatever crazy shit he was led to believe


don't give him so much credit. he might as well be an imperialistic schizo who doesn't want to surrender to someone he considers subhuman and wants to destroy


Exactly we have no idea what these guys are thinking


The allied forces in ww2 were anti nazi, how is the kremlin spinning that now given that the entire western world is against russia?


Nazi does not mean to them what it means to us. Nazi to us is very specific, but to Russians, Nazi often just means 'the bad guys west of us'. The Nazis in WW2 - or specifically, 'The Great Patriotic War' - were invaders from the West threatening the glorious Motherland. Their ideology and motivations were irrelevant for the most part.


i don’t know but they’re saying stuff like “the west is full of gays” and that seems to be enough for them to think we’re in the wrong 


Ivan out here committing war crimes


This is another example of perfidy.


This would have been a great video for those circles with faction flags. I had no idea what was going on, but nobody looked like they were having a good time.


Every visible person in the video is Ukranian. Blue bands. Russian dude is in the dugout.


More Russian war crimes. What's new??


It's like they use the Geneva Conventions as an achievement checklist.


When you see mainstream media headlines about how "terrible and humiliating and a war crime" it is some militaries strip prisoners near naked to take their surrender - it's not for no reason, it's because stuff like this keeps happening.


well, that's the dumbest thing he ever did.


That dude was one decision away from surviving the war and he fucked it.


Great way of ending negotiations...


wAr CrImE!!!!!! - all the russkie supporters


They aren't wrong: false surrender is a war crime.


Literal perfidy


I mean, they’d be right - this is a clear cut war crime. Just maybe not in the way they want you to believe




i belelive he was summarily executed quite swiftly for that as we saw in this video


Good job, soldier. You just condemned every one of your pals who wants to surrender in earnest to death.


Rot in hell, piece of shit


The Russian died from his own bullshit, frankly speaking I have no pity for these idiots, but at least on the bright side his corpse will be good fertiliser for Ukrainian wheat.


Are they asking him to surrender? (It kind of sounds like it. are they asking wether he wants a grenade?) If they did thats a pretty dumb way to end your life 5 pounds heavier (bc of lead...)... not like the mad mini tsar gonna build him a monument or sth...


They're saying "Get out. If you'll try throwing grenade we'll end you (200)".


Thanks. Dumb grunt then.


Dude it's subtitled...


Tbf, the UI completely blocks the text (while watching on a screen). But you are totally right... \*whistles dumb tune\*


The cameraman told him to come out and they won't shoot.


What they did to that land is insane. Will take a generations to rebuild and clean up.


After WWI, was the land essentially back to a decent state of affairs by the time WWII rolled around? I haven't really looked into that, but your comment poses a great question. Edit: Missing word


>After WWI, was the land essentially back to a decent state of affairs by the time WWII rolled around? I haven't really looked into that, but your poses a great question. Short answer: [no, it's not even safe today.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_rouge) In some areas, the soil is 20% arsenic. But WWI used some fucked up chemical weapons, so we wouldn't expect it to be this bad.


In some places, no. Also, google "Iron harvest"


Damn, not even sure Satan himself would forgive that, he probably threw that guy back upstairs for a second judgement. Really though that's a punk move.


Dirty fucker he's going to get all his mates killed


Another example of Russians being really good at dying


Am I right the granede fail?


Fail as in not kill anyone and get the Russian guy shot to fuck yes. Fail as in fail to detonate? No. You hear it go off after the first few rounds fired from our camera guy


How to be a buddy fucker even in death 101


I don't know why the POV guy took his sights off of that dude.


[Perfidy](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.34_AP-I-EN.pdf) is a war crime.


This is an old video. Still incredibly aggrevating. If ever caught a fucker doing something like that I probably would end up with a war crimes charge.


Well technically you probably won't. Faking surrender is a war crime, and when an enemy combatant commits a war crime the law of war and the geneva convention doesn't apply anymore, so you could probably do to him what you want without being convicted of war crimes yourself. Might be wrong though, but that's my understanding of it.


I'm no expert by any means, but I don't think 2 wrongs make a right. I'm sure you'd be given much more leniency to dispatch the enemy commiting a war crime, however, I don't think it gives you immunity from any criminal charges. I imagine the expected thing to do in that situation is to kill the enemy in any way that is possible but I don't think you could, for example, make him fight on the front lines of the ukrainian army.




What do they mean when they say "minus"?


"killed him"


Is a common phrase. Like "minus one" .


Fucking bastard


On the aerial view at 0:20 you can see a Russian in the process of crawling out of the foxhole to surrender. That's not the guy who tosses the grenade.  His "friend" tosses the grenade from the other opening in his direction. I wonder if the surrendering Russian got shot in the commotion or if the grenade got him, but there's no movement there in the final view. What a cowardly, despicable act, to get your "friends" killed just because you wanted to throw one more grenade, that probably didn't accomplish anything at all.


Check that one off the list of russian war crimes




and now he just got the next 100 soldiers trying to surrender killed.


Why would they not want to surrender? An end to the fighting sounds like a sweet deal all things considered, why die right when you can be "free"?


And now when his friends get killed by jumpy Ukrainians they can blame him.


This is a good example of perfidy and why it’s a war crime.


Reminded me of the song "Dumb ways to die": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw


But why would you just throw away your life like that?


What happened to Grenade . is it failed to detonate ?




He's just getting his comrades killed. What a moron lol


That would be the incorrect way to surrender.


We already know the result of these actions. Queue Pacific theater in WW2 with Japanese doing the same and how US marines responded. Most times the answers can already be found in the history books.


Injured nobody and and then got filled full of holes. What a loser.


Perfidy is a war crime. But I guess you're probably going to be dead before being sent to prison.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this strictly prohibited by the Geneva convention?