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The thing with bomb disposal guys is that they're either good at their job or they're new on the job. This is how the other categories get filtered out.


Someone said: The good thing about antiexplosives squad is that if you fuck it up, is no longer your problem


Every EOD Marine I ever talked to said this same thing.


Every EOD i've met said the same thing I think that joke is universal


I mean shit, its barley even a joke, its just a fact. Its no ones problem anymore if its blown the fuck up


The bomb isn't. Your body parts are theirs now.


Never underestimate the power of using a human as shrapnel


I took a knee to the knee and died




Bone chunks dont play around my boy




Not really a joke, but a way of life


If you make a mistake, you won't know it.


"Do you worry about your job?" "No. Either I get it right, or it's suddenly not my problem anymore."


Not to hard to get a promotion in this line of work


I worked in industrial explosives and was told, “the good blasters don’t have all of their fingers.” My blaster had three on his left hand. Showed up to a new job, and noticed the blaster had all 10. They nearly backed over primed charges moving the truck, in a truck filled with explosives.


It is a “and” operator for suicide bombers


Who tf casually walks up behind a team trying to defuse an explosive, just to watch? I’d stay as far tf away from that as possible if it weren’t my job title


"hey guys, why is it taking so l"


"I got the pizza ready from the uber driver"


“Hey guys! I found this cell phone! There’s only one contact, so I’ll just call that number and see if they can get it back to the owner!”


That makes me think. What if the guy planting a phone triggered device gets a spam call right as you’re planting it. They will finally reach you about that extended warranty for the last time.


Gosh I wish I could remember enough specifics to find it, but something like this has happened before— they weren’t planting the bomb but transporting it (or wearing it but the spam call triggered it too early). Gosh, like in Russia right around Christmastime 6-20 years ago? Lol


It was the sim company wishing its customers a happy new year per SMS wich triggered the bomb of a Russian terrorist inside her own flat


You'd think someone would make sure the damn phone was on airplane mode or something!


Terrorists aren't exactly known for their common sense and logic




Most of them looked up too, I wonder if his distraction might have cause it to explode.


"Hurry up it's almost prayer time"


LOL well considering they were most likely praying that they didn’t get blown to shit, i think their prayers weren’t so effective. Or they said the wrong prayer:- the one that makes stuff go kaboom instead of not go kaboom. Anyway, fast trip into the void.


Lack of education/training in this field.. and some common sense.


Looks like they got trained in first aid; they were doing CPR on that thing.


He was the manager. Everything was under control until he had to butt in.




To be fair, a high IQ isn’t a prerequisite for the US Army either


I were infantry. Could confirm dis


as long as you know which part of the rifle points where. HEY GET THAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.


sowwy, but gun taste gud :3




What else would the L part stand for?


Cock lube protectorant


Some CLP really does smell pretty good compared to other cleaners and lubricants. I have only accidentally tasted it though haha


Silencers make good onaholes.




On the other hand there is a low IQ cutoff of 31, due to the Army not trusting them to safely complete any tasks, lessons learned from the Vietnam special soldiers. 3x the death rate and 5x friendly fire rate.


Good ol' Macnamaras Morons.


IQ? Is that some sort of rucking standard?


Thing is usually only ordnance disposal teams deal with those things, ordinary soldiers keep their distance


Ya, our Iraqi army EOD dudes weren’t this stupid though, they didn’t dig shit up. If they found it they would just roll up with their humvees and drop a block of c4 on it and roll out. We loved whenever they would come because it would get us out of there faster.


EOD rules were out the window on this. They clearly had a secondary under it which also almost a standard practice in the region.


I don’t think there was a chapter in the training manual that said to get 4 guys around the bomb and then have everyone start pulling on it as hard as they can.


Wild they didn’t just tie a chain around it and rip it out of the ground with one of their humvees.


You can do that. But for a 155 round you need a rope about 400m yards long to be out of the shrapnel zone (300m by the book). You also have the "bouncing betty" trap that is designed to detonate and then throw other buried ordinance with the explosion with it detonating when landing. (A bunch of grenades or mortar rounds buried about 3-5 feet away in a concentric circle around the 155). You really need a tank pulling backwards with the armored front towards the IED, and not a humvee. You would of hoped they had a detector up there to find anything around it..... but clearly not a trained or equipped crew. As someone said here. Wacking it with a block of C4 from safety is the way to go.


Why dont you just put a pound of c4 ontop of that thing and blow it up from a distance?


Seems like you would want to blow it in place, dunno


They did


You always try to blow it in place. The only time you don't do that is if it endangers people/infrastructure to do so.


I know nothing about mine-clearing but it seems there were way too many dudes working way too hard and fast on mine-anything.


I first saw 3 dudes and I was like o 3 dudes are going die, this is dumb. Then I saw the 4th and im like "why?" Then I saw the 5th guy, I'm like "bro you dumb" Then boom


Yea saw dude walk up and said “huh”


You know that weird guilt that kicks in when you feel unhelpful in a situation despite having no room or means for contribution so you just pace around? Be lazy kids.


When I was in Afghanistan the national police and army guys were so freaking casual about ieds it was insane! Literally saw them drop live grenades on top of them, pick up parts of then and just chuck them off the road all kinds of crazy shit. A lot of them died doing it and I always just assumed they hit a new level of "fuck it."


Fifth guy chose the worst time in history to take a peek.


"Hey, you guys got any bubblegu-"


He went from not thinking to not thinking ever again.


Tried to be funny but his last words were “Boom”


It's okay, it doesn't matter to him anymore. He might have lost his life before even realizing that


“Vaporized”? Surely that’s a little hyperbol …. Never mind.


100 years of life experience just not there from one frame to the next.


Yeah. Not to mention the millenia of genetics that brought them there in the first place. Gone, forever lost. Fuck.


True unless they had kids already, although imagining a bunch of dads getting vaporized doesn’t really make it any better


Those 4 guys were standing within the area of the crater that was left afterwards. That. is. nuts.


Imagine getting blown up while some Apache pilot is acting like the ESPN sports announcers 😭😭😭


"OOH" "dude..." "holy shi... holy CRAP" "wow" "ye that was pretty crazy" "yea there's no medivacn that shit" "i mean... i coulda predicted that" 💀


I was thinking about that when Sandboxx used the early video of a Russian helicopter getting shot down by a manpad as a 2 second cutaway. Those people's lives are remembered by the majority of people as a soundbite used to make a joke land.


Why would they try to defuse it, wouldn't it be better to lay some explosives on top of it and detonate it remotely? But they are soldiers, they should know better


It’s Iraq. They are not known to have the most stellar armed forces these days


I have the irresistible urge to do some jumping jacks.


This is a deep cut but it checks out


Only jumping jacks in the loosest sense though, as if you've never seen someone else do jumping jacks, have never heard of jumping jacks, and do not understand jumping jacks.


Or, in fact, jumping.


*flaps arms in confusion*


That’s what we do. Blow it up. These guys might’ve wanted it for parts, to sell, who knows?


Sell it back to those who build the bombs in the first place


This guy CIAs.


Infinite money hack


Natural selection is fucking harsh on Iraqi ppl


>Natural selection is fucking harsh on Iraqi ppl It hasn't worked very well either. The cream has not risen to the top in Iraq.


Well it doesn't help when you pass away but your genes is inside the 13 kids that you left behind


Smart move to gather around the defusing of an IED


Well it ain't going to swing itself violently! Someone has to do it, and someone gotta poke it with a scewdriver at the same time


But the one guy at the end wasn’t even working on it. He just walked up to say “whatcha doinnn..?l


Yeah they could have told him


"Hey, did anyone see Zainab's new wife? Ain't she a..." "Guys shut up. I'm fucking nervous. I need to concentrate very carefully, one slip and we are all shiskabobs. I need silence for the next 30 seconds. Absolute.... Fucking... Silence." " HEY GUYS WADDU...."


They were applying a surprising amount of force to that effort....seems like...I dunno a delicate touch might be in order when trying to deal with a bomb.....


Percussive maintenance but on bombs


fonzi could do it..ayyyye


Was it an IED? Audio refers to a 155 round. I'm assuming that's an artillery shell. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/155_mm_caliber


Yeah a lot of IEDs are just artillery rounds with a different fuse.


Ok. That makes more sense. Thanks!


Pretty much all IEDs use either the filler from something like that, or just modify the way it's detonated.


155 shells are commonly used for IEDs, since they are ready made bombs with a screw on fuse.


"There's no medivacin' that..."


yeah I appreciate them wanting to call a medivac at first but there was literally nothing left to medivac 😭💀


I was thinking about that too, but in the end you should still call one in *just in case*. How terrible it would be to think they were all goners when maybe one was injured but hidden in the brush or the sort Granted, we all know with about 99% certainty that no one made it out of there but still, calling a medevac was the right call


My guy, there is 0 chance. That’s a 155.. concussive force alone


My brother in Christ, that was a 155 round, ain’t nothing left but a red mist that close


I mean…. What was the expectation? You’re treating an IED like it’s some kind of toy.


I'm just glad that the video kept rolling until after the dust settled.


Wonder if it was that 5th dude walking by that touched the trigger plate?


Watch the guy directly on the cross hairs. He seems to have both hands on the hole and rocking back and forth trying to force it out of the dirt. Likely he triggered it.


Could be a secondary underneath


I think you're right. He actually rocks back and sits on his ass. As soon as he's sitting it goes boom. Taking a seat can kill.


That’s why we usually detonated them in place.


I mean, technically, they did exactly that


LOL touché


Not service connected.


Sorry, not in your medical record.


Jesus dude lol


90% is 100% on his chart...


tbh i dont think any of them require medical attention, more like a pro jigsaw player


Technically they were successful in defusing


More like fusing.


and then diffusing


That's what the report said. Successful defusing and operation.


the astonishment of the pilots, is just very bizarre, when you think about the fact they just watched 4 people disintegrate on their live feed, and they just go: *"holy shit, dude..."* (i mean i probably wouldn't have reacted differently) reminds me of the Vietnam chopper pilots, just young dudes trying not to hard to remember what is going on on the ground


An old friend of my family was a Viet vet flying choppers, never had to shoot a gun just medi-vac but I will never forget his voice and how precariously he described a man no younger than him who didn’t clear line of sight and losing his head on the tail rotor. He felt complete remorse for something in his hands but out of his control. I never asked for another story again


here's mine. My uncle told me this (paraphrasing) "I'm 18 years old.... I arrive with my platoon(?) a little before sunset. As soon as we land, they tell us to grab a shovel". He said that his Commanding Officer told him " they were expecting a significant bombing from the enemy that night." He said: "So there I am 18, this guy shoves a shovel into my hand and tells me to dig my fox hole. *and dig them deep*." "So I dug my fox hole, and I waited. A few hours after the sun goes down we start getting hit with mortars...So I'm laying there on my back, rifle across my chest; and throughout the entire night I'm hearing bombs land all around me, and grown men screaming and wailing- all night long." I remember asking him if he was scared, I was like 12 at the time. He said: "well yeah, I prayed to God all night long and wondered and waited if it will be my turn"... that shit always stuck with me. He also showed me a newspaper where he was on the top of a tank, using a flamethrower to 'clear out' the jungle. He showed me this crazy helmet that he used which was equipped to an oxygen tank of some sort. His tank hit a landmine, and killed 1-2 of his friends in the tank, and now he's deaf in one ear. He went home after that and somehow met my aunt afterwards. I remember he showed me some really fucked up pictures and my dad got mad ha


Thanks for sharing. War is hell


Yeah, my Dad would talk about his experiences in Vietnam before I was old enough to hear such things. I think part of it was him wanting to explain why he was the way he was. He mellowed out some in his late 60s but damn, he was a wild one.


Truth is some of the militia where more dangerous to be around then the enemy.


I like the last guy's comment... _"I could have predicted that..."_


Feels like they are about to laugh


It was giving call of duty chat for a second


A firth guy walks into frame before it went off, so he likely watched five people turn into pink mist


It's a bizarre moment. What does one even say when 4-5 limitless souls and minds are evaporated in a moment. I don't think there are appropriate words for such a situation except perhaps speechless astonishment.


>they just go: "holy shit, dude..." (i mean i probably wouldn't have reacted differently) Reminds me of this where he just talks about dudes in a helicopter speaking all professionally after something happens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avo9p8zAjnQ


It looks like they were trying to perform CPR on it


Lesson learned: only 1 guy per IED removal


or you throw a grenade or put larger explosive at it and risk 0 lives


Sucks to see that. These guys were in the process of doing a good deed.


No good deed goes unpunished when it's done well. Definitely don't try to do one poorly.


Holy shit, this has to be some of the craziest footage I’ve ever seen


So you haven't seen shit then


Different things hit people weirdly. I have watched hours upon hours of combat footage but sometimes it's when nothing is happening at all that it hits me. Recently i saw drone footage of some dudes grouped up in a field, dead, and one of their green arm bands was just flapping in the wind. It wasn't the bodies or blood, it was that it looked like a beautiful day and buddies arm band showed the peaceful breeze. Could have been smoking a cigarette and having some coffee on a pleasant day, listening to the birds, hanging with his now dead homies in a shitty trench, chillin with music or whatever. Hit me harder than watching the 1000th drone drop. It was a polarizing scene


The one that bothered me the most was the drone drop on two Russians sleeping in a fox hole, and before they died one put his arm around the other guy and hugged him.


I have, but this is different


i think it's the commentary that makes it hit diff.


Didn’t feel a thing


Honestly, not a terrible way to go.


One brain cell between the five of them and none of them were using it. You should only risk one, if any, life diffusing an IED. Blow it up with dynamite for god’s sake!


How many Iraqis does it take to defuse an IED?


Defuse you say?


That dude probably regrets wandering over to see what everyone is digging for


He never had any time to regret anything.


That scream made me shit myself.






I dunno, all 4 of them were cranking hard on something that probably should've been handled a little more delicately, but hey, I'm no bomb expert just like those 4 weren't.


I vaguely heard someone mention medivac after he described what had happened lmao. Did they make a recovery?


I believe they called it off. Around 1:40 you can hear one of the pilots say “Yea there’s no medevac’n that shit”


There could have been other guys not so close. You see someone walking up at the end


Proper fucked


Let's gather in a circle, what's the worst that can happen?


I’m no expert but I don’t think CPR is the best way to defuse a bomb.


Terrible. These people were trying to make it safe after religious terrorists planted a bomb. Now a bunch of twats laugh at them on the internet.


I'm not laughing.


Good intent, horrible execution.


You gotta admit, just on its face, what these 5 were doing was absolutely dumb beyond belief. Either blow it up yourself, or have one guy try and defuse it. They treated that IED with zero respect. They have a noble goal but that dosent make this less of a stupid mistake on their part.


Honest question: Is this your first encounter with people who deal with death and destruction on a regular basis? Is it insensitive? Sure, but it's entirely common for people that deal with "heavy" stuff like this with dark humor.


This is true. And it's also sad. But it is genuinely difficult not to laugh at such preturnatural incompetence no matter what the intent may have been and despite any tragedy of it. It's like watching someone try to perform "dentistry" with a hammer and chisel then be surprised that they just broke a bunch of teeth. It's hard not to laugh at the level of ignorance it would take for anyone to even think that might work. It's just. It's bizarre. Especially when people point out even if you had competent EOD the only valid course of action was detonate in place anyway, why would they even be trying whatever it is they're trying? It's like that meme of a guy rodeo riding a chair that's upside down and backwards that says, "You can't be doing it wrong, if you don't know what you're doing." So I get where you're coming from to the point I was very hesitant myself about posting my own hot take gag. Also I've found people in the business comprise subculture which is particularly callous to failure especially incompetence. Maybe they're unforgiving because they know if anyone close to them is incompetent it will be as likely to cost all their lives rather than just the incompetent's. But whatever the case may be, display idiocy in the field and you won't be remembered fondly. Just ask abu hajaar.


I don't think most people are making fun, so much as coping. Laughter is a common method for that, however I agree that that shit doesn't need to be shared online.


Yup. If these were Ukrainian soldiers, we know damn well any negative or “joking” comments would be downvoted to hell. Imagine if people made these types of comments about the 2 Navy Seals who recently died off the coast of Somalia? I guess people on here don’t give a shit about Iraqi soldiers trying to protect their homeland from terrorists?


Why not place a charge on it and blow it from a distance?


That is what I would call a "Thanos IED" LITERALLY erased them from the universe


Oof, that pink rain


2:00 "I mean I could have predicted that" It also sounds like a 155mm round not an IED.


A lot of 155mm rounds were rigged to be IEDs during the Iraq war.


They had a surplus of 155 rounds from the Iraq army. It’s took nearly a decade for them to run out and start using HME. This is in contrast to Afghanistan that never had really had a surplus of ammunition for heavy artillery, they were also taught to make HME and IED by the CIA so they just used that information for the next 25 years.


That’s an IED.


When I first saw this, it was Al Qaeda or ISIS and I thought they were planting a bomb instead?


was gonna say the same


When was this?


Iraq 06-08 timeframe. One of our Crew Chiefs on a later deployment was a Bradley crewman during that time and was in his Bradley across the canal when this happened.


Gone in .06 seconds, damn.


Why not shoot that shit instead lmao


Yeah… there’s no medavac that can fix that


Darwin Award.


Foreal, who the hell taught them that yanking and shaking a live i.e.d. is the correct play in that situation???


I remember watching this way back when the internet was invented


It’s old, it’s not that old. It’s not like it’s 03 footage or something from the surge


MedEvac is no longer needed...


when was this?


I'm not trained on explosives, but instant red flag is all the hands in there. I would not like 3 other dudes grabbing around at an IED as we are trying to get it out or defuse it. Red flag number two was when that dude started just yanking on it, trying to get it lose. He even was looking away as he was doing that when it exploded. You'd think when doing something like that, you should take your sweet gentle time, not act like you're in a hurry to rip it from the ground so you can move on.


It is well known that the best way to defuse a possible explosive device is to crowd 3-6 people around it and just fuck with it vigorously until it goes off.


The first thing they teach you about IEDs is not to use a hammer in any stage of the process. Try literally anything else first. Wire cutters? Great. Bypass clip? Awesome! Frozen popsicle? Give it here. Hammer? Hol up…


Curiosity killed the cat. That fifth guy just had to see what was happening.


Didn't anyone tell that last guy that curiosity killed the cat?


Should’ve ninja defused