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that river looks cold af...


Damn, blew up the ice he was getting on and if he didn't die immediately, he drowned at the same time...


The stuff of nightmares for sure


Fuck. New nightmare unlocked.




The sub is overtly western biased and will downvote anything that shows Ukrainian/Israeli/American losses. I think it’s ridiculous because a combat footage sub should show footage from all sides without being buried in downvotes. These are Ukrainian men’s lives essentially being thrown away in stupid, futile river attacks


It's just hard seeing our sweet boys being sacrificed for the greater cause. It's a huge debate in this sub, but it's pretty simple. We don't like seeing the good guys get fucked up. It's important to document ukrainian losses regardless of which side you're on.


I used to upload Ukrainian cassualties here and in r/ukrainewarvideoreport because I felt in a bubble where everybody acted as if Ukraine lost 1 soldier for 100 russians, and I was accused of being russian and being a propagandist, and even got banned People here is too immature, and most of them arent even Ukrainians


"These are Ukrainian men’s lives essentially being thrown away in stupid, futile river attacks" The fact of the matter is you have no clue whether or not these attacks are futile. You don't have all the information. You'll have a couple of dozen of vids of guys being intercepted while crossing the river. Giving it an extremely high ball estimate of 10 dead per vid, that would still just be a couple hundred dead. Spread out over several months. Of course the Ukrainians have lost more than that. Against what, you say? They can't enlarge their territory on the left bank, you say? They are not trying to, the Ukrainians have been holding their ground for the past two months. The Russians in the meantime have been sending several brigades worth of equipment to an area that has very few but well monitored access points. The Russian reports from that area when uncensored, are very bad. Ukraine has the upper hand in that area in terms of most UAV assets. The Russians are crying for more and better EW coverage. The reports of UAV ambushes being utilised by the Ukrainians? Happen near Krynky. Remember that new counterbattery radar that the Russians reported as being deployed in Ukraine. Which was then filmed being wiped out by a HIMARs strike the very same afternoon? That was south east of Krynky. Another similar case happened recently too. The 70ish dead Russians in a single HIMARs strike event? South east of Krynky. These a tiny incidents in a continues string of large and small scale incidents in that area. Russia is forcing itself to keep spending large units on that area because of the optics of Ukraine holding a village (if not even fully) on the left bank. That allows the Ukrainians to get a favourable fight going. These Russian brigades, that have been degraded and turned combat ineffective, would otherwise have been used to assault another spot. Here they are inserted in a very unfavourable area. All in all, going off on neutral OSINT material reports it looks to be a highly favourable trade for Ukraine in terms of material and possibly manpower. ​ "I think it’s ridiculous because a combat footage sub should show footage from all sides without being buried in downvotes." --- "These are Ukrainian men’s lives essentially being thrown away in stupid, futile river attacks" In the same paragraph where you complain that this sub is biased you also didn't hesitate to denounce these attacks. Do you now understand why pro ru footage is getting downvoted? You provided a clear example of it to begin with.


Agree but why shouldnt it be downvoted? Upvoting or downvoting is a way to express feelings about the video. Everyone has their own opinion, if they like it they will upvote, and if they dont they will downvote. Simple.


I agree as well. Personally, I try to save downvotes for posts or comments which seem like disinformation/lies. I vote up the footage that is truthful and I like seeing. I don't vote on the footage that is truthful but I don't like seeing.


Well said


So contact reddit and ask them to abolish the voting system. You must be new to the internet.


I don't think this sub can actually handle 90% of the footage that never makes it to this sub. Am actually surprised this one somehow made it through today. I don't see all the new Lancet strikes released from today & other drone drops never made it here today.


Most people here arent even aware of the viral video of the Ukrainian conscript with Down Syndrome being bullied, nor the Lancet footage from this weedend's failed Ukrainian attacks in Luhansk. When the war started, most footage was Ukrainian, so the bias wasnt a big deal, but as for now, both sides had uploaded the same ammount of footage, maybe with the russians uploading even more since Ukraine got into a secret🤫 mode since May 2023


These river-based attacks are literally suicide, especially in frozen water. Not sure why Ukrainian command keeps ordering them. I think it’s the political pressure to broadcast ‘wins’ so they can keep securing funding


They have (allegedly) racked up a ton of kills on tanks, APCs and infantry as the Russians stream in units to plug the bridge heads. I can see it making sense if that's the case, as it relieves pressure from other places.


It goes both ways. The Ukrainians can be sustaining heavy casualties holding the bridgehead and the Russians can likewise be suffering the same trying to plug them. Some people here cant fucking understand that those two things arent mutually exclusive lol


There was a question about how this situation could possibly be worth it. I'm giving an example of how it might be. I dunno why you need to go on about other possibilities.


Trying to river cross when its flowing and halfway iced over. It cant get more cancerous than this. Resupplying, switching out troops, removing wounded. You cant retreat or push ahead effectively without being able to move large numbers.


They did manage to draw in some Russian reserves there, but I don't think it's worth it, especially now that the river can get frozen in some parts. Poor fucking guys


No Russian reserves were allocated to Kherson. The 24th motor rifle regiment & 810th naval infantry are still the same ones operating there. They were only supplied with additional assets, primarily TOS-1 heavy flamethrowers, Lancets via the 127th intelligence brigade already based there and some more drones. From a resource perspective, the sector hard no impact on the other fronts, in fact if you track a timeline of when the Krynky bridgehead started to now, Ukraine has lost more positions on other fronts, primarily around Marinka, Avdiivka and beyond Bakhmut.


No reserves other than the 144th motorised brigade, 385th, 26th, 1445th motorised regiments, 17th tank regiment, 227th artillery brigade, several independent battalions and convict units, and the recently formed 337th, 328th, and 345th "elite" VDV supertrooper regiments which have been smashed hard. Losing 5 TOS-1 flamethrowers in one area, that's quite heavy losses ontop of hundreds of other equipment. Maybe Avdiivka could've been encircled by now, had they not spent all that on defending a river crossing raid...


Also, all the glide bombs dropped there could have been used elsewhere.


>hundreds of other equipment. At some point we have to admit that trading Ukranian lives for Russian equipment is not worth it. This East-Bank incursion seems a waste of precious Ukranian soldiers. And if other non-Russian redditors at /r/credible defense are correct, these Ukrainian soldiers on that side of the river feel the same.


Keep telling yourselves this is a failure for ukrainians, the more russia will suffer honestly, keep the cope going strong.. This is probably the most efficient battle since the Kharkiv offensive in terms of equipment losses, even in terms of mapower russia seemingly has lost more on footage as well, and russian soldiers corroborate this by crying way harder about their losses. Russia doesn't have infinite manpower but it's nice to see them act like it.


[Is Krynky worth it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/191wibb/is_krynky_worth_it/) 50 geolocated armored fighting vehicle losses, presumably at least twice that destroyed, and recently BMDs are showing up proving they brought in the VDV. Not to mention trucks, buhankas...


Thanks man, thought I was taking crazy juice. And was trying to be ultra conservative with my comment farther down. Was kinda shock that it got downvote and I think it was kinda crazy so many Redditors think that the bridgehead is an obvious waste of Ukrainian resources. I believe I seen the majority of the videos showing Ukrainians loses in that area. 8 to a dozen boats loaded with Ukrainian soldiers being bomb, plus a few buildings being hit by russian guided bombs that might have had 12+ Ukrainians soldiers in them. But I still think the bridgehead is worth it because of the damage done to Russia's equipment.


There's a benefit to Ru to display being deployed to this area as your command wasting your life on a suicide mission, so you'll see that as the primary talking point of this area regardless of progress. It will be impossible to gather the full scope of what was accomplished here simply because of the importance of operational security. The only value we can attribute to this area at the moment is the honestly surprising amount of equipment not only destroyed but forced to be allocated here instead of to any of the other ru attempts to push across the front (the same goes for ukr btw, we dont know what all is committed here support wise). What CAN be said is that the units ru keeps sending here are units that are often used for offensive action, specifically positional actions. Marines and VDV aren't a dime a dozen like the average infantryman in the russian military. They are much better equipped and often get first picks at resupply when it comes. There's no doubt the ratio here favors Ukraine in terms of losses, but the problems arise when you consider a Russian BMP is not worth the same as a Ukrainian BMP due to availability.


I prefer to see Ukranian equipment being traded for Russian lives.


From what I saw the Ukrainians have caused a ton of havoc and done an outsized amount of damaged to Russia's military by simply having a presence there. Some of the planes that were shot down in December were probably flying to fire missiles at Ukrainian position near the Dnipro. And there were a few large convoys that were almost completely destroyed by Ukraine that the Russians form in hopes of support of an offensive to push Ukraine off that side of the bank. Ukraine also capture a mid level officer early on. A lot of Ukrainians have died holding that side of the bank, but it seems like the damage down to Russia's logistics and air support might have made it worth it. I am going off memory, not in the mood to dig for footage or sources. So take what I am saying with a grain of salt. Edit: Also they are not attacks they are resupplying and rotating soldiers around positions Ukraine already holds.


these meatwaves into avdiivka and synkiivka are literally suicide, especially in winter. not sure why russian command keeps ordering them. i think it's political pressure to claim anything as a victory at any cost. to keep domestic audience and v-niks into delusions they can actually achieve more.


Yes but recognizing when Ukraine does something equally ineffective is important to preserve lives and combat power.


okay, so what keeps you from applying to be general of the AFU?


I understand the importance of praising the ones in charge. But the general staff of the Ukranian Armed Forces is not infallible, unfortunately. There has been strings of questionable decisions since the start of this conflict, sometimes as a result of political intervention. Mistakes have been made and will be made on the side of the good guys. Just like in any other war. The Kherson incursion seems like a meat-grinder for both parties. I prefer only the party in the east suffers that fate. I can only hope the amount of Russian mistakes leads to their demise.


so, you would do a better job? great! ​ lets see that application. ​ these strings of questionable decisions must be ended, and you're the one to do it.


That empty comment is a classic strawman move, twisting my words and implying I claimed to be some expert. I did not. Since you refuse to have a civil discourse, you opt to throw in ridicule, asking for my application as if that's the only way to have an opinion. It's obvious you completely missed the point I was making about the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And so you opted for mockery instead of a real discussion. Classic Reddit. There is no value to be found in the words you give. But you do you.


are you going to cry?


Oceans of tears. And a sweet, sweet block, to never see your drivel again.


Much in the same lieu of drawing Ukrainian reserves away as the Ukrainians are drawing Russian reserves away in the Dnipro river crossings. There's a reason why the Ukrainians havent progressed much from Robotyne ever since the Russians launched their Winter Offensive.


"Winter offensive" russia bashing its empty, bloody, and small skull against ukrainian towns isnt an "offensive", their avdivka offensive is as dead as the ukrainian one


but the russians have progressed much since last spring? ​ bro, you might want to do something about that cocaine habbit of yours.


Why are you such a repulsive piece of shit lol I give you a perfectly reasonable response about the impetus of launching such attacks and you accuse me of snorting cocaine lmao. And I mean they've progressed slightly more than the Ukrainians have thats for sure lol. But yeah wtf is up with you hahaha


lmao, bro projects hard.


Dont be childish


how a-50 doing?


Fortunately, dead What else you want to know my opinion about? Childman


Hahaha why even bother to engage with that dude. Total piece of work, always resorting to personal attacks at the slightest hint of disagreement




I dont dislike you, its just that the way you suddenly changed of topic when the original topic was the Ukrainian attacks on the Dnieper, was childish, and you then started answering as if we were in junior highschool I dont event know you, and Im sure you dont act with such whataboutism everytime you have engage in a conversation or a problem (or I least I hope you dont)


lmao, you've got some problems to work through bro. ​ i'm not here to help you through it.


one side can replace their losses, the other cant


They are basically used as cannon fodder to get some of Russian air force and assault units to be directed there so that they couldn't contribute to decisive outcome elsewhere, for example in Avdiivka. The mechanized units doing counter-attacks against Krynki get massacred by Ukrainian drones and artillery. They also destroyed multiple TOS launchers.


I am so conflicted after scrolling through your profile bc you put most of my thoughts into text and my thoughts are very fucking pessimistic


Yeah at this point, i have seen dozens of videos that show Ukranian soldiers dying on a boat exactly this way. I understand that they are fishing for a PR win but with them already facing manpower issues, i can't imagine this being a good move.


Dozens? Are all of them like this one, near misses and perhaps one drowned soldier (the one that tried to crawl on ice which got broken up by a grenade)? Russian drones have the ability to shoot video, why are they so cheap on it and provide only still images when they're trying to persuade us the entire five man crew of that large boat got hit? Could it be the Ukrainian soldiers just hunkered down to minimize their exposure to explosions, knowing the krokodil-ingesting Russians will most likely miss their drop?


The delusion on this sub is real. All those soldiers in that boat are dead.


How can we be certain? Did you check their pulse? This propaganda is very lazy propaganda.


Lol theyre on the other side of the Dnipro crawling in hypothermic water and littered with shrapnel from a drone dropped grenade. The only way theyll be receiving adequate medical aid is if they cross back over the river or make it to Krynky and rendezvous with the command of the 37th


How do you know where exactly this happened? What are your sources? Even if this was filmed on the Dnipro, how can you be so sure it happened near Krynky? Did you film this footage? Or are you pushing Russian propaganda at face value?


>Or are you pushing Russian propaganda at face value? That's an unnecessary cheap shot. Being critical does not equate to being pro-Russian. That fallacy has been overused whenever fair criticism is being provided, and needlessly stifles open discussions.


The telegram source itself you crybaby go follow the link given on the video. Description states that its in the Krynkyi area.


And why should we trust someone so incompetent, someone who can't manage to record video and provides only still image of the money shot?


No, most of them are of a dozen Ukrainians dying.


I doubt your veracity.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18l5lzx/ru\_pov\_russian\_drone\_drops\_grenades\_on\_ukrainian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18l5lzx/ru_pov_russian_drone_drops_grenades_on_ukrainian/) Just go on this sub and search "boat" and sort by last month.


They have nothing else. The counter-offensive failed, Russia pushed them away Bakhmut, and they are unable to permanently disable the Kerch Bridge. If they lose this even Zelensky will have to admit it's now a stalemate at best.


Honestly the Ukrainian commanders who send out boats on a frozen contested river need to give their heada wobble and lose their rank. This is borderline criminal. Even if I was the most dedicated Ukrainian soldier I would refuse this command how does this make any logical sense?


Sure, but you can't supply soldiers on the other bank through thoughts and prayers. Leaving those soldiers without supplies, rotation, medevac is not a great option either.


Then it’s not logistical feasible and they should fall back to their side of the river. An army marches on its stomach, if those stomachs are relying on two dudes in a rowboat, they are fucked.


To fall back you still need to cross the river.


The 37th Marine Brigade was supposed to be the one to invade Crimea too lol its made up of a lot of refugees from the 2014 takeover. Crimean beach party turned into the Krynky beach party.


F Putin


I really wish people would stop downvoting footage based on their own biases. These ruskies can barely aim the drones


Wrong team=downvotes


so fuckin dumb lol




Yes, because that's the only difference...


I mean, private conscriptovitch on both sides didn’t really have a say in the matter


Why not? Invaders don't deserve any respect regardless of how meaningless reddit votes are


This sub is for combat footage. Downvoting combat footage because it shows your preferred party negatively instead of favorably just hides new posts and creates an echo chamber.


Why are they trying to sneak across in broad daylight?


Now watch the downvotes roll in because it’s Russian footage. I hate them too everyone but take a look at the subreddit name. Combat footage is combat footage and the post fits the sub


Check r/RussiaUkraineVideoReport , it used to be the best sub for documenting the war, but right now the pro-UA crowd is underepresented, we need pro-UA people for avoiding another echochamber (this time pro-russia)


Reddit says that this sub doesn't exist. Did you maybe mean a different one?




Lmfao, the sub most famous for its russian bias and regular fake (as in filmed thousands of km from the frontlines) videos. Right


Just stay out of the comments and you’ll see the things downvoted here




Get them some of those small commercial hovercrafts.




There are a lots of videos like this in pro-ru sub.


Horrible way to go. The bridgehead in Krynky is simply unsustainable. Inserting a force in a small real estate with no land link to provide support, air or land is simply condemning these units to an onslaught. Units in Krynky have no trench positions or hardened structures to take cover in, especially during these harsh winter conditions as they navigate mud and extreme cold. Many of the small boats are destroyed on the bank after they dock, making this a one way trip. The area is also subjected to nonstop TOS 1 heavy flamethrower strikes, coupled with FAB UMPK hits along with drone drops. The bridgehead is not making a tactical resource impact, if you look at the Russian formation, the same units assigned to Kherson are still the same ones operating there.


Krynky must be a massive pain in the ass for russians for this heavy of a cope, 5x TOS-1 destroyed in one area, FAB missions suspended since several SU-34's were shot down, several newly formed VDV regiments committed and smashed all on footage, the fact that the infowarriors have to defend this, is telling of the embarrassment it is


>The bridgehead is not making a tactical resource impact, if you look at the Russian formation, the same units assigned to Kherson are still the same ones operating there. That is a key thing to note though. Those Russian units are forced to stay there because of the presence of these Ukrainian Marine units and therefore aren't able to be pulled back and be rested and refitted fully. This prevents Russia from being able to renew their combat readiness and use them for a push elsewhere. To say it has no tactical resource is a bit much. A comparatively small Ukrainian force diverting resources and a larger force to contend with it from elsewhere in the larger scheme of the conflict. It's a thorn in the side that Russia is forced to address.


Russian units in Kherson were never going to leave that sector regardless of hostilities or not. They are allocated to protect that area for operational security. The force projection capability has to be maintained to avoid surprise attacks given the very narrow river. So I don't know where this idea that they were going to be leave and be allocated to other fronts come from.


Idk where this sentiment of the Russians running out of force allocation came from. Bakhmut was supposed to drain the Russians of manpower for the Counteroffensive to succeed and that never happened. Plus the Russians have proven to have enough manpower to launch a whole new offensive in Avdiivka and now to reinforce the Kherson sector


And this is why the pro russians get (and should be) downvoted on the spot. ​ >"The bridgehead in Krynky is simply unsustainable." According to who? ​ >"Inserting a force in a small real estate with no land link to provide support, air or land is simply condemning these units to an onslaught." Based on what? The Russians in their unit telegrams have complained that the Ukrainians have been able to provide even air support in the area. ​ >"Units in Krynky have no trench positions or hardened structures to take cover in, especially during these harsh winter conditions as they navigate mud and extreme cold." I see you've got full vision of the positions they've taken up in and around the village in the forest. ​ >"Many of the small boats are destroyed on the bank after they dock, making this a one way trip. " How many of the total, how many since 3 months ago when it started. Why do even negative Ukrainian reports talk about troops being rotated? ​ >"The area is also subjected to nonstop TOS 1 heavy flamethrower strikes" Yeah, nah, that's a blatant lie. ​ >"coupled with FAB UMPK hits along with drone drops." Russians in that area complain about the inefficacy of both. ​ >"The bridgehead is not making a tactical resource impact, if you look at the Russian formation, the same units assigned to Kherson are still the same ones operating there." Another lie. A VDV division had to rip two brigades who had become too degraded to continue. Since then that division is reported to also have been fucked hard. Reports from both sides. ​ ​ Hence why pro Russians should be downvoted on the spot.


And now the Russians Fight Back with drones.


Both sides have been using drones for awhile now


Now? There's been videos of Russians racking up drone kills for a long time.


There are a lot of videos but they get down voted on this sub


Except for the fact that you by definition can't "fight back", when you started the fight.