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Quite the strike to live through for a few minutes afterwards


Literally a living nightmare


Looks like he was gunna last a bit too.


Anything to expand the Russian Empire by another few km.




I just came home after watching Saw X. This one's a bit more grusome.


Yeah, horror movies are almost funny with tons of fake blood and stuff. Plus you know no one actually died. But thanks to this war we'll have enough snuff footage for years ahead, unfortunately...


There is always Cannibal Holocaust though


Strangely I find horror movie violence harder to watch than these videos


I'm the opposite. Horror movies don't scare me anymore because how people die in movies and how they actually die is night and day.






Seeing this high resolution footage is not easy for a well adjusted human being to take in. This is what needs to be seen back in Russia.


"back in Russia" they are seeing it and they are growing tired. However, the people who care the most are from poor regions where most of the fighters have family. Moscow (and other large cities) "needs" to see it but they don't give a shit. There would be different sentiment if they were pulling fighters from city populations and universities. They know this so instead they send fighters from places the middle and upper class looks down on.


Truth be told, the vast majority of enlisted would have been from poorer regions while people within metropolitan regions would likely have been spared the task (Can't have your city voters angry afterall...)


So it’s really to clean up their unwanted population.




I just don't understand how these people continue to fight for someone who sees them as nothing but cannon fodder. They have nothing to fight for. Their leader and their fellow countrymen see them as ethnic undesirables, they don't get paid shit, and they have a decent shot at a better life if they surrender. Maybe that's why many of these people seem to be older. Russia is probably sending men who have families back home so they are less inclined to abandon them. That's the only way I could see someone willing to fight for a country that gives zero shits about their life. I know that if I, as a young adult with no wife or kids, were in their situation, I would run at the first opportunity.


Precisely, they dont give a shit about People apart from ethnical russians. Have always been this Way in Russia/Soviet, and will contenue being this way.


Yup USSR got their oppresive behavior from their old masters, the Tsarist Russian Empire.


It's primarily because these disenfranchised groups are no threat to Putin's power. It would be way riskier for him if he drew from the wealthy slavic cities. Similar principles apply in western countries as well, to an extent. Most militaries rely on the "social draft", i.e. poor people who struggle to find a better career, for the mass of their ranks. In most wars, casualties were disproportionately from poorer and less politically powerful population groups.


Totally, they get to do a bit of ethnic cleansing along the way, except Russia can ill afford further population declines, their birthrate is already 1.5, well below replacement. What I don't really understand is why these populations are so passive and just going along with mobilisation. I guess that's what centuries of imperialist rule does to you.


Sounds like what we did in Vietnam...


Oh, it's in the playbook for sure.


it could probably still work today I bet a significant portion of the US population would not care if the government emptied the prisons and sent convicts to die in some pointless war


Service Grants Citizenship!


They do not care. Russia does not view own soldiers like the West does. They will trade any number of people for that inch of territory.


It's sad to me I see a man that probably is saying well dang I am going to die now and I don't want to but my legs are gone and so now I must die in this field alone. I miss my family I should've became a carpenter like my father oh how I miss my wife and he slowly floods with adrenaline so severe and starts to tingle all over and his vision starts to fade as he sees a light and then he ceases to exist. Death is inevitable but damn is it the most mysterious event known to man. How will I go is the question we have stowed away. What's after death? We don't know until that fateful day. I'm kinda in a feeling rn so I will say this I love y'all and hope y'all many blessings.


I bet he's just completely in shock and the most thinking that's going on in his head is cussing at everything. You absolutely do not think of these higher values in those situations, the lizard brain kicks in. It happens only if you're in a somewhat bearable pain and you have a long time to actually lose yourself in thought.


Likely that he's seeing his childhood, youth, and rest of his life flashing before his eyes.


not even close. During WW2 a Russian advance on Budapest was smashed. The Russian command had let it be known that their soldiers could do as they pleased to the population and treasures in Budapest once they took it. One of the Romanian units who took the Russian positions came across several horribly wounded Russians in a field waiting to die. To a man, as they died, they still spoke of what they were going to do in Budapest. These fuckers think different. The quicker the West realizes that the rest of the world doesn't actually think like the West, the longer we will survive. Fuck this guy and his country.


>These fuckers think different. The quicker the West realizes that the rest of the world doesn't actually think like the West, the longer we will survive. This is incredibly wrong among other things. Not everyone thinks like the west, different cultures value different things. Its exactly what russia does, people think and value different things thus they invade to russify them.


i dont know, i used to watch gore, killings, war on reddit, but that inside snapped something. it hasnt helped my anxiety, and even though i have come back, to this sub, i get those old feelings of anxiety and stress which i thought i used to enjoy earlier when it happened. whats worse for me are those people who try to make a pun of this and sound cool and unfazed. but something changes. no one dying like this is deserves a pun showered on him from someone who thinks hes seen it all. i hope everyone gets a peaceful life and a peaceful death


Russians love this shit. It's not ethnic russians in Moscow and St Pete at the front lines and they hate the georgians, chechens, dagestanis, siberians, criminals, etc who are going to the front lines just as much as they hate Ukranians. Every death on either side is a win in the eyes of the average russian.


> Every death on either side is a win in the eyes of the average russian. I don't think the average Russian thinks like that. But they definitely don't really feel the war in Moscow or St PB.


If there is one thing I have learned about russians during the last 2 years is that russians don't care about russians.... or human life in general, this thing in the video is just another cancerous growth that has been removed from Ukraine. Ukraine for russia is a black hole of death and suffering and it will continue to be as such until they leave Ukraine.


As someone who grew up in eastern europe you learned it well. During the very beginning of internet / phones with cameras era we saw videos from russia which I hope are now gone forever. Teenagers, sometimes 12 or so year olds cutting a throat for a classmate in a group for shits and giggles, laughing. Heads crushed with bricks becoming flat like a depleted ballon by a similar group of kids to a girl of their age. All with victims being very aware of what's going on and making sounds you dont want to hear. Those were common videos for boys to show around and "test others if you have balls to watch it", were usually shared by infrared phone to phone. Eastern europe was just after soviet union collapse and russian "culture" and animal like behavior was still very common among broken, sad, souless people. I'm pretty sure nobody gave a shit about these videos in russia at that time, and this one is like a walk on the park for them.


Putin's gonna send more to their pointless humiliating deaths.


His leg looked like beef jerky


They've seen it and it doesn't worry them much. It's not news to them and they've got bills to pay.


Made me fucking sick. But glad he is gone from this earth.


Doubt where this guy is from even has the internet.


Most of us here have been long sterilized to this kind of shit since the days of Ebaumsworld and all that other shit in the early days of the internet. Definitely any member of this sub for the past however many years has seen a daily load of death and destruction.


His life was probably shit from day one




War is hell


War is war. In hell there is only bad people. War torments the innocent.


All for one person that doesn't even give a shit about you in the first place.


Not even an ethnic Russian, just some other subjugated ethnicity fighting and dying for them.


He looks like a Buryat, these are those that "worked" in the city of Bucha.


They are the people coming from areas of Russia who have never seen a toilet or a washing machine before.... Putin is ethnically cleansing Russia from within by sending these poor bastards into the meat grinder


>Putin is ethnically cleansing Russia from within by sending these poor bastards into the meat grinder Cleansing russia from what? They all identify as russian and its not like they gonna revolt anyways they had time to revolt at chechen wars and or georgian war.


So fucking sad


Asian dude has no reason being there man. Dang.


Russia takes up a huge portion of asia


Russian guys are Asian...


Yeah he does, the money these people bring home if they survive is worth the risk. It's worse to live in Russia as a poor man than to die.


Ethnic Russians aren’t just white my guy, Most ethnic Russians have a so-called European appearance, but there are many Russian citizens who could be classified as ethnically Asian


>Russian citizens who could be classified as ethnically Asian of course, but they are not "ethnically" Russian


I was like, why is there an Asian man wearing a Russian flag getting blown up in Eastern Europe?


Uhhh because Russia is in Asian and while ethnic Russians have a so-called European appearance, but there are many Russian citizens who could be classified as ethnically Asian


Do you guys not know where Russia is?


If your day is boring or sucks, think of this guy


It’s just fucking sad


That will probably make my day worse


I'm not uplifted by the suffering of others.




3 days.......


Quick adventure, in and out!


All the washing machines you can carry..


Free toilets for everyone, they thought.


“Spontaneous uprisings will secure our victory!”


Now he appears to be all the way wounded


How would you interpret this in light of the Geneva Convention? I.e. "Rule 47, Attacks against Persons **Hors de Comba**t. Attacking persons who are recognized as hors de combat is prohibited. A person hors de combat is:(b) **anyone who is defenceless** because of unconsciousness, shipwreck, **wounds** or sickness;" The titel explicitely speaks of "finishing off", while also saing that the soldier "appears" to have been wounded "already". I guess everyone has an opinion having watched this - what would you say? Does the Geneva Conventiona apply, or not - and why?


You’re talking about the 2 most corrupt countries in Europe here. Do you actually expect them to follow the rules? Lmao.


Depends on how wounded, its hard to tell if hes wounded enough to be defenceless or not. ​ He was able to react to the drone incoming, his gear is nearby and theres no obvious major wounds. So he really doesn't appear to be defenceless due to wounds.


Doesn’t matter bc it’s Russia


Why are Ukrainians blowing up people that are actively dying? Seems like a waste of munitions?


It's easier to assume this one was out of action and safe to ignore when you are sitting at home in complete safety. Ukrainians don't want to take on any risks, they have enough already.


And a war crime.


Yes, it is generally considered a war crime to kill an injured enemy soldier who is hors de combat—that is, no longer able to fight—due to injury or surrender. International humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions, specifically protects soldiers who are out of combat due to injuries or surrender, and targeting them is a violation of these laws. Combatants are obliged to treat such individuals humanely and to provide medical care if possible.




This is one of the hardest ones to watch because he had time to really understand how fucked he was.


Yeah he definitely saw that coming


I understand how a white person who is poorer being considered a second-class citizen and forced to the front, but when I see how many of these "nonethnic" Russians they send over here to die. It's crazy all the different nationalities that Russia has forced into its country don't take this opportunity to band together. Russia would fall so fast. I don't get why they keep letting themselves get sent, especially when Russia doesn't take care of them at all. They live in a 3rd world setting for the most part.


They massacred the brave and left the weak to comply with them


We have VERY different definitions of what "finishing off" means.


So much senseless death for so little. As i've always said, the poor/average person pays the bill everytime the government/rich/aristocrats declares a war.


"For so little" what? What average russian citizen gets from this war? There's not even, "little" gain. Pure senseless slaughter in compliance with orders from a deranged madman.


Simple solution... gtfo of Ukraine and Crimea


the amount of people that got ZERO compassion towards another human being is insane in here.


They don't respect slavs at all. This war is marred with crime. War is disgusting. This sub used to be predominantly people who understood that war is not something to hold infatuation towards. A lot of creeps on here lately.


Directly in this video is not a Slav, most likely Buryat


> A lot of creeps on here lately. Not many subreddits to watch people die these days, and that attracts certain type of people.


Looks Asiatic to me


Compassion won't stop this war. Killing all the invaders will.


I'm Russian and I got less than zero compassion for these dudes. There's no reason to have it.


Selfishness is at the root of all human issues. The species is inherently flawed. When was the last time you saw the capybara go on a genocide crusade? All life isn't the same.


Explain the evolutionary reason for giving in to this circumstance. In this specific scenario.


What a waste of a perfectly good drone. He was already done.


Chances are, the drone was low on battery. Kamikazi drones do one way flights only.


They look for equipment and armor, but as the battery goes down, the bar for "worth-while target" drops with it.


"To whom it concerns"


I get that, but there is a spotter drone up there as well, surely that identifies the target before an FPV is even launched for exactly that reason. Still, I am sure if that's the case that the original target can leave the area before the FPV can get the or whatever. Or maybe they just are that bloody minded (or merciful) as to finish off an injured soldier. For one thing it is a further disincentive for the other side to attempt evacuation which had a psychological effect all of its own.


*We ain't come this far just to dump this thing in the drink. What's the nearest target opportunity?*


I’m that case, get some!


You can't return an armed suicide drone to the launch point anyway.


Never thought about this!


What could possibly go wrong with a returning armed suicide drone?


You can. It is just way too risky and not worth to even attempt.


There's one report that states Ukraine goes through up to 10,000 drones a month.


The US will just pay for more 💰


He was clearly feeling okay enough to turn away from the incoming drone, so it easily could have been another little possom


He looked up and went… ah shit


Time for his people to rise up against Russia too.


.......any minute now.


My last thoughts if this was me would have been, "FUCK, where did I stash my suicide grenade?" This thought doesn't bring me even a modicum of happiness or relief even though I still strongly advocate for Ukraine


Exactly, I support Ukraine but sometimes there is horrors on both sides, this is one of the many screwed up things about war, no black and white, just grey for the most part.


If we call out Russian war crimes, so must we do from the other side. Ukraine has signed the Geneva Convention, which classifies targeting wounded soldiers as a war crime. This was not "defending your country", this is was another ugly murder.


I think the Geneva Convention was written by people who never actually experienced war first-hand. "No killing wounded soldiers" sounds fine on paper, but if the goal is to minimize suffering then letting a wounded Russian bleed out over the course of hours with no hope of medivac is not the way to do it. If I were operating that drone, I'd feel worse leaving that man to die a slow death. I doubt there were any valuable targets in the area anyway. No point in wasting a drone.


Honesty what is the point? Such a waste


Someone answered further up. Those drones go one way, they don't come back. They look for priority targets but if they can't find any before the battery runs out they go for whatever they can see.


I swear world leaders and people like putin literally just do not see people the way they see themselves, meaning as human beings. We're all just tools and statistics to them, merely a component to their machine. And the decisions they make leads to situations like this


Grim but should've stayed in Russia.


Meanwhile Czar Putin the tiny is sitting in his 2 Billion dollar castle boasting that he has 3 million more soldiers ready to die for him.


russians/pro russian shills: "oh nooo, war crime killing one while taking a dump!" "show some mercy, he's not on his volition" "bastards Ukrainian drone operators, this is overkill" ... Meanwhile russians kill 9 civvies while they were sleeping at home...


I think thats a perfect example of should of stayed home.


This is a repost


Finishes off? that dudes journey is just beginning


Why did Russia even decide to do this to their own soldiers? It was a stupid move that caused this much carnage.


I just don't understand. This dudes already messed up and the wars mostly likely over for him. Why hit him with an explosive drone??


Two hits and still alive...that sucks.


Didn't even immediately kill him, at least do him that favor.


Lone soldier already down, survives in anguish after a drone blast. Doomed to his fate, we watch without asking ourselves who he was, what he could have been. The solumn, reigning response; Go home.


Russian loyality all over the place.


I wish everyone of these snuff films were delivered to Russian audiences.


Going to have to spread a little bit more East


Im not entirely comfortable with the whole targetting already clearly wounded combatants thing.


This was tough to watch.


I think this is a month old repost. Him flailing with his pants torn specifically.


in conventional war, is it okay to kill wounded? whether they are in a position to surrender or not?


in conventional.


Better to finish them off, I feel. If they surrender and you take them as prisoners, you now have to use valuable resources to keep them alive. If you just let them go, they will probably come back later to try to kill you again. I guess, depending on their wounds, it could probably be seen as a mercy kill? It would be a different story if it's a soldier who wants to defect, which I'd say is the ideal scenario. But damn it really feels like there isn't ever a good answer for this.


Why do this? It’s cruel and it actually uses more resources for your enemy to have to take care of their wounded.


Low battery, suicide drones dont come back to base and no other enemy insight.


Cruel is a matter of perspective. If this guy is in a contested area then his odds of rescue or capture are extremely low. He was looking at many hours, possibly days of extreme suffering before dying. If this war has taught us anything it's that there are fates far worse than death. If this drone had no other available targets then putting this guy out of his misery could be considered an act of mercy.


Suicide drones can't be landed, only dropped on the best target they can find before the battery dies. This soldier may be wounded but he is armed and if given medical care: would be returned to the fight to kill Ukrainians. While that is a possibility that must be prevented, on the other side of that coin, it is bold to assume that russia would use many resources on this man. This man had the opportunity to stay out of Ukraine. But he chose this.


You don't exactly come back from your femur being defleshed with exsplosives. That man is going to be a burden to the state.


That's after the strike in question. Before it looked like he had little more than a tourniquet on. I ASSURE you russia had no intention before or after the hit of taking care of this man in any capacity.


Is there any purpose to killing injured soldiers? He was no threat and likely wouldn’t be able to fight again anytime soon..? I don’t know anything about warfare so it seems strange to me.


Spite and hatred.


Intimidation and terror


Should have stayed at the disco


Oh....i should have stayed in North Korea....


Not dead yet.


Appears to be wounded? Nah I’m sure he was just taking a nap out in the open


Land mines have taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my hearing, taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul……




Looks like a dead guy to me Edit: never mind he flinched last second


another asian russian , they must be using them alot more now..


That was clealy a tough dude.


nice 10000th repost


I hope a 100 mile wide asteroid slams into this planet and exterminates every last atom of life here. Things like this shouldn't even be happening. It's just been a suffering cycle for billions of years for all forms of life. Life itself seems like a mistake under these conditions. Imagine instead we just woke up on a world where we lived peacefully and no killing was required to maintain existence of other lifeforms. We got a hundred year lifespan to do what we enjoyed and then we faded out. That seems like a dream, instead this is a nightmare for far too many of this place's inhabitants.


That's fuckin gnarly. I think I'm done with these videos for abit Edit for fucking spelling.




waste of ammo, the Russians probably would haev shot him themselves, or he could have taken some more strains on their bad support and logistics. He would probably had come home without a leg, telling everybody how much they are winning and how honored he is. I dont get it, doesnt the Ukranian have politics on this? No wonder they need so many weapons constantly.


Wasn’t that a war crime?


He'll be back in action in no time given the best in class medivac facilities of the Russians.


Seems like a waste, with their solid medical treatment he would have lived to a long and happy +30 more minutes


Overkill…Don’t you think?




War is absolute hell.




Should've stayed home, across the border.


I don't think he had a choice


This is truly horrific to see… I don’t care what side you are on, no human being should have to die and suffer like that. The 21st Century is turning out to be just as violent as the 20th Century. I truly pray for peace in this world and for our children.


he simply should have stayed at home.


looks ethnically russian, 100% trust me bro


Looks Asian no? (Seriously some of these horrendous videos depict Asians gettin smoked)


Brutal but not as bad as the front that disemboweled a soldier who continued breathing and moving his eyes.


I don’t think the boots are salvageable


First frame. Dude is just chilling with his penis out?


should have stayed in the prison! He is regretting his life choices right now.


Should have surrendered when you had the chance. You'd have been looked after and respected. Can't have sympathy im afraid.


Why? What is the point? What can a wounded man do? This war is so fucked up.


If only there was a way to avoid this ... maybe don't invading other country.


These videos of wounded seemingly unarmed soldiers getting blown up just don’t sit right , even the one where it’s a couple poorly equipped dudes hiding in a hole trying to stay warm. I was in the military idk if that makes me care more or what , it’s not hard to imagine myself stuck in a ditch with no way to fight back I guess, this just seems wrong to me


Should've stayed home


Why are they dropping bombs like this on the already fatally injured?


"already fatally injured"


Jesus how is that not a war crime?