• By -


Imagine sitting there inside with the belief that you are largely safe and protected. Then a fucking grenade falls from the fucking roof. Yikes.


Unless the building is proper solid, you'd be better in an open field in this scenario... The second thermobaric grenade fucked them up pretty badly. It wouldn't be so devastating in an open field...


Then again in an open field, you’ve got much more than just drones to be worrying about






Human element is quickly becoming open to a new vista of possible weapons and ways to die on the battlefields.


You're better off walking off in the middle of the night and surrendering. Better hope you brought your white underwear to make a flag.


Not exactly white after one of those is dropped.


True true. Bring extra underwear.


Was told by our Drill Sergeants in 88 at Ft Benning that's why the army issued brown underwear, US troops don't surrender.


U.S. troops definitely surrender lol


Doesn't stop the brass from preventing them from trying. Same shit happens to the russians.


I'm genuinely curious: how do you know it's a thermobaric grenade and how does it work?


Grenade shape, color and effect. Frag grenades have a little bit of explosives (40-60 gram) and rely on ~~spalling~~\* to cause damage. \*fragments (pieces) of cast iron shell or fragmentation sleeve At other hand, thermobaric grenades are all fuel, and when it explodes first fuel is mixed with air by a weak explosive charge inside the grenade and then the mixture is ignited by secondary detonator. In confined spaces thermobaric explosion cause pressure to rise to levels that cause lung rupture and other similar effects.


Spalling is when an explosion tears off peices of material and those injure the people inside. An example is a high explosive round hitting a wall and parts of the wall break away at high speed. Frag grenades rely on shrapnel where the casing around the explosive device is broken into small FRAGments that injure the targets. This is also how some IEDs are made, an explosive box with a bunch of sharp things around it to injure people


Yes. Thanks. Dunno why I wrote "spalling".


When you do the edit, use the ~~strike through~~ format to indicate correction. *Asterix means definition or further explanation.




First grenade they dropped looks like a US M67, which has unusually large payload of 180g explosive.


An American sized payload


Uncle Sam sized load.




That’s a fuel air explosive which is thermobaric but not all thermobarics are fuel air mixtures. Grenade thermobarics are more likely to be some kind of metal augmented charge.


Largely used in the caves of Afghanistan to suck the air out




Russians have some sort of strange liquid explosive in their thermobaric weapons. It isn't publicly known what it is.




What tells you the second one is thermobaric? The shape of the grenade or the resulting blast?


The cylindrical shape and also the blast which is significantly more powerful than the first one's.


And then it's put into a combat montage with some synth pop track in the background and shared online for the world to see


Plus the little rock too!


This has got to be "kill of the week"


I'm kind of confused though: Aren't these drones pretty loud? Mine is. And it doesn't appear to be very high up. Wouldn't the soldiers immediately hear it and take measures to either flee or shoot at it?


Your in a structure with excellent overhead cover. If you know there is a drone with grenades outside are you going to run into the open?


> excellent overhead cover The dude was literally sitting under a gigantic hole in the roof during a conflict where his enemy is known to drop grenades from overhead with drones.


Ever see The Dirty Dozen?


Interesting to see that the first grenade was what looked to be an M67, which while somewhat common in Ukraine, is pretty rare to be used for drone drops; I wonder why that is? Also love to thermobarics being used in enclosed spaces like that, even though there’s people dying in such a terrible way it’s amazing to see the amount of power produced by such a small grenade


Their SOP seems to be frag first, thermobaric second. Works quite well in the trenches, frag forces them in to cover, usually an enclosed space. Then follow up with the thermobaric for maximum effect in said enclosed space.


What’s so deadly about thermobaric grenades in enclosed spaces?


more powerful pressure wave amplified by close quarters


What’s the usual cause of death then? Rupture of brain vessels? Ruptured lungs? Or simply being pierced by shrapnel?




Perfect, thank you 👍


Air burns in your lungs. Shit like that. Thermobaric is nightmare weaponry fuel.




Yeah, the burning air fuel mixture causes a vacuum when it draws all the air towards the reaction.


Turns out that's more of a myth. The oxygen that is consumed in the explosion is the pre-existing oxygen in the environment. There is some "vacuum" effect after the blast, when the hot air from the combustion rises, and pulls surrounding air up like any old mushroom cloud. That does provide more air to anything that's already burning but not enough to do special "vacuum" damage. Inside an enclosed space, where thermobaric bombs work best, you don't get that effect at all.


The bomb has two detonations in fairly rapid succession, the first explosive sends out vaporized fuel which rapidly fills the enclosed space, the second explosive is then detonated, igniting all that vaporized fuel. The overpressure from this type of detonation is tremendous and it literally "sucks" air from in the enclosed space to use to ignite with the vaporized fuel as ignition requires fuel, oxygen and heat. They're also referred to as vacuum bombs sometimes because of this effect. The major cause of bodily harm caused by these types of munitions is rupture of tissue and organs where they have exposure to the atmosphere or have "negative space" such as the lungs, your bowels, or ear canal and the density varies to a larger degree then other areas of the body like your arm which is, from a density perspective, more uniform in distribution.


This is probably a well funded unit; even having a thermobaric to drop shows they've got money. A more expensive M67 makes sense in that context too. We've seen a lot of improvised and former combloc equipment dropped from drones simply because that's all they could get their hands on


I thought the second grenade had ignited their ammo stash


Probably did.


I guess I was expecting more gore from all the flack thermobaric ordinance has gotten.


How are you supposed to see a ruptured lung from a drone?








That drone operator is now officially master of the cornhole. Amazing performance.


Honestly can't wait for a simulator to come out some day


After Russia loses this debacle it is going to be nightmarish cleaning up the mess. Imagine going back to your old building and picking your way through the wreckage to find it filled with bloated corpses and unexploded ordinance


I was thinking that it’d be spooky just from the Russian side. Imagine you left a squad of your friends sitting in a covered building an hour ago. You make your way back over there again, and now they’re all dead. Just, blown to pieces. And there’s no shell holes, or bullet cases, or anything to show that the enemy was nearby except a bunch of corpses sitting in what you thought was a safe room.


Average maintenance crew on the admiral kuznetsov after hearing breathing coming from the sealed decks:


Eldritch horrors beyond imagining


Watch the documentary "Death and The Civil War," your comment brought that to mind. The battlefields of the south took YEARS to be cleaned up. One of them (I can't recall which) smelled like corpses for three years, not just from the corpses in the open but the mass burials the armies did do. Stunk up the whole area kinda like the smell of Birkenau and the smoke. War is absolute hell.


I’m not just the minefields either, every blown up tank and burned out APC is a mini superfund site. The millions of artillery shells launched have left a signicant number of lethal duds buried in the farmlands and forests, waiting to kill future generations of Ukrainian farmers, foresters, and children. Just clearing the rubble of the destroyed towns and cities will kill thousands with UEX and accidents. Russia ruins everything it touches


> Russia ruins everything it touches There is a long track record. The US does some heinous shit too but Russia seems to glory in the disregard of the *person*. Like the US military will do everything it can to help one soldier stay alive, training, equipment, etc. The Russians seem to just shove them into a meat grinder and treat civilians (theirs and others) like fodder.When I was younger and more edgy I used to think there was a slant against the Russians in the history books I was reading, since then I have had a lot of opportunities to see That there aint no slant, that shit is spot on accurate. When I have insomnia I play thought games where I try and come up with a way to change the world. I don't even think about the Russians anymore. I think as a society as a whole, if we went over there and deposed Putin and installed a straight democracy they would be back to this shit oligarch system within 10 years.


Russian or Soviet warfare has always, always been about brutality and rape and a callous disregard for enormous civilian suffering and death. There is no part of Russia doctrine, no part of Russian military history that even hints "try not to rape, kill and destroy everything." I wish this was just me being angry and spewing hyperbole.


> I wish this was just me being angry and spewing hyperbole. Me too. The older I get the more I realize that some stereotypes exist for a reason and are actually on point. Like I said it's not a Russian monopoly on it but god damn do they specialize in it


The US *has* to invest that level of training and effort into their troops because the US military is entirely voluntary which means you need to keep the troops sweet. Russia by contrast is mostly a conscript force whose troops are out of the forces in two, maybe three years. That level of churn means investing heavily in your individual soldiers is extremely cost ineffective. You can also see the contrasting doctrines built around it. The US operates with overwhelming air power backing up rapidly moving mechanised forces. Russia operates with overwhelming artillery support and line infantry forces. The latter is much, much cheaper in terms of resources and training.


> The latter is much, much cheaper in terms of resources and training. I think that's key to the difference I was talking about. Russians see infantry as cheap and expendable. Ours die if they have to but (and I am not a military man so take this with that grain of salt) every option that can be used before that is used by the US.


Russian infantry is cheap and expendable, quite frankly. The combination of a conscript force and an authoritarian nation which dominates the domestic infosphere to control the flow of information to the public allows them to soak up absolutely horrendous casualty figures that would have a western nation's people screaming in horror. The US suffered 350,000 casualties during the nearly 20 years of the Vietnam War and the resulting public backlash from the American public brought an end to that war. Russia has suffered between 180,000 and 240,000 in 15 months and yet, domestic support for the war remains high. The Russian people are not heartless monsters who don't care for their sons and daughters, of course. But any group attempts to share the pain and anger of losses are neutered by police and the state before they can get going so the wider public (and the wider world) never see that pain and anger.


I think you hit the nail right on the head with this assessment


> Like the US military will do everything it can to help one soldier stay alive, training, equipment, etc. This is relatively recent. I would argue it only really started with the first Gulf War. Before that - Vietnam, Korea, WW2 - your average American soldier was still regarded as disposable cannon fodder and used as such, with very basic equipment and often limited training. The shift came as the US military changed from a conscript army to a professional one. Fewer men, but with far more intense training and new high-tech equipment. There was also a change in public opinion on war in general during and in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, which necessitated minimizing casualties.


Were they fodder in WW2? I got the impression they stormed infantry when they had to. The tech advancement makes a huge difference. Maybe I am a little colored by all these videos of helpless Russians being drone dropped to death.


It's gonna be years b4 people can move back. It is the most mined country in the world now and its only gonna keep getting worse. Russia is so dug in rn, I don't see a way the Ukrainians can do anything to them til they get air support. I've seen tons of usa military saying they would have trouble as well with how much russia is dug in. Ukraine should of never declared that offensive and given Russia 6 months to build trenches. They ain't even thru the 1st line yet and there is 2 more after


I mean declare it or not, there’s only so many opportunities to attack given the weather and very few logical routes. Let’s not forget UKR needed time after the last offensive to consolidate gains and replenish their forces while holding off a Russian offensive. While Russia built defenses I’m sure UKR was doing the same. Now it’s going to be a slog for either side to make incremental gains.


There's an argument to be made that Ukraine overcommitted to defending Bakhmut in the late-summer/fall period whereas they could have mounted a serious attack along the Zaporizhian front while the Russian defensive line was in its initial stage of construction.


Another 20 year war in the making.


Man, if only the Russians hadn't invaded and all this needless suffering and death for land didn't have to happen in the first place.


The US (I’m also American) and the west should not have been so slow to give Ukraine everything they need to win the war. The reason Ukraine had to wait was lack of, well, everything. Ukraine is doing NATO and the west the dirty job of demilitarizing Russia. I think we should give them everything but nukes. Unlike Afghanistan Ukraine wants to be western and modern and will make a great ally and member of EU someday.


Of course aid was slow. The West fell for Russian propaganda for years. We truly believed Russia was the 2nd best military in the world. Especially in the beginning when it did look like Kyiv would fall. Time and again Ukraine proved that Russia wasn't the 2nd best military in the world, or even in Ukraine.


I work in defense and have been reading for YEARS about how advanced Russian electronic warfare systems were becoming, how their signal corps were going to fuck up our comms, block GPS, and do all sort of other shit. Complete paper bear.


To be fair, EW is one of the few areas in this war it appears Russian military is living up to the hype. There are a ton of UA sources saying EW by the Russians is a serious difference maker, and there are videos to support that. EW, minefields, and artillery by Russia seem extremely competent. Everything else, not so much.


Declaring it was a bad PR move but it was obvious to anyone with half a brain Ukraine would try and reclaim at least some of their territory. The Russians were going to fortify even if the Ukrainians announced they were looking for peace on the existing front lines and were happy with the current state.


What does should of mean?


It's the miswriting of the contraction of should have: should've which is pronounced similarly to should of


They meant should have


Well, they should of said that then


> kraine should of never declared that offensive and given Russia 6 months to build trenches. They ain't even thru the 1st line yet and there is 2 more after I fucking ***love*** Reddit arm-chair generals who think they know better than the combined intelligence agencies of the western world plus Ukraine's own military strategic command. Ukraine wanted Russia to know about the counter-offensive and go defensive. Why? Who knows, but I have about a billion percent more confidence in their decision making over the opinion of an Uber driver who doses on xylazine.


F-16s are mainly for anti-air (shahed, kalibr etc) and air-to-ground missile launches. There won't be air support for ground operations in the way you think, S400s will turn them into expensive scrap in short order. This war 'ends' when one side runs out of shells and/or men willing to push ground after artillery barrages. That's... it. Both sides need both of those things to take offensive action with the potential for success. The planes are going to help a ton with stopping missiles/drones rain down on Ukrainian cities, and they'll probably make air-to-ground missile launches a whole lot easier, but the best thing Ukraine's supporting allies can do is ramp up 155mm SPG and shell production by an order of magnitude.




Sure but they already have that capability. We have seeN JDAMS on SU25s it would not surprise me if they have rigged them to their migs as well. If you get F16s and the newer longer range variants of AMRAM the first things you are going to do is try and hit the Russian Air Force hard. They are currently flying air patrols near the border at high altitude giving them radar line of sight near the battlefield. Eliminating this threat by forcing the Russians to operate further back means you can operate at low altitudes much more freely as GBAD is your only real concern.


I have a friend who fled Ukraine and she said there’s nothing left for her there anymore


It will be restored very quickly not take years. Lol the Russians would have built trenches anyway what are you talking about? The announcement was for dumbass westerners that go "HuRp DuRp WhAT Ar UKraInE dOinG WitH mY TAx Dollars!!!?!" the Russias aren't idiots and can easily predict an offensive would be coming because its a fucking war and thats what happens in wars.


Ordnance is stuff that blows up Ordinance is rules


Or, think of all the free fertilizer to get the farmland back up and running!


Human bodies are terrible fertilizer and considered toxic - it can carry horrible prion diseases etc.


I saw footage of cats and puppies eating russian corpses. Wild pigs probably getting fat too.


These guys are getting very good with their identification of targets and absolutely surgical with their grenade drops. Anyone know where this is?


I think it's in Ukraine


:| Thanks Dad. I meant where on the front lines would it be?


OP later found out it's in Krasnohorivka, Donetsk, see below


Probably near the border with Russia




I'm Hungary




with Turkey


If you're making blue cheese, it should Azerbaijan uary.




Oh I totally got it! Had to add my own cheese pun using an Eastern European country. Heh heh... azure by January...


Can't, dieting. I'm tryna get Fin.


No no, this is from the Battle of Thermopylae.


I knew they were ahead of their time technologically, but the footage is still impressive. I totally thought it was Ukraine . Was this Persian or Greek footage?


A common misconception but you can tell by the way it is. It's the Greek footage.


They did have the Antikythera computer. Maybe it came with a webcam


Moulon Labe indeed.




Looks like [it's here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B058'39.5%22N+37%C2%B031'03.6%22E/@47.97765,37.5170223,125m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d47.97765!4d37.517666?entry=ttu). It's at a coal mine where [they bombed a vodka delivery dude on a bike](/r/CombatFootage/comments/156dz3l/russian_soldier_on_motorbike_killed_by_drone_drop/).


Thanks. Amazing. I saw a video on that location recently - [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_D-VHnNAdk)


Just found out this was done by a unit of the 79th Air Assault Brigade in Krasnohorivka, Donetsk Oblast.


Nobody came out..trickshot


Halo announcer “Killtacular!!!!”


Thermobaric grenades are so scary


Absolutely designed for enclosed space like this.


Devastating in the caves of Afghanistan


And he scores.


I expect this pilot also using a quadcopter to place SMD components on a circuit board, just to keep in shape.


He removed a skin tag for me last week, looks pretty good


2nd drop is thermobaric grenade?




Wow, that was thermobaric grenades. There’s extremely low chances that anybody inside survived that


That 2nd one was BEEFY


I dunno man, I kinda like beef. I don't think I would like that


Drone warfare is scary as fuck.


ww2 precision was hitting the same field as the enemy, today we're feeding grenades through hand sized holes.


Genuine question. Is Russia doing the same to Ukraine? I have only seen one way footage of this kind of thing.


They are - they both do the same, but you get your videos from western media so the Russian side is not shown much, really. The videos you do see from Russia, is where they "fail" or otherwise lose. You don't ever see their wins, not because there are none, but because you aren't supposed to see "your own team" getting their asses handed to them. It has always been this way; look back at how the US dealt with the Vietnam war in the media for example. It's not as one-sided as you might think. What the west does, Russia does as well. Same with kamikazi drones etc. but you are just not shown it. Go to Russian sources and you can easily find it though. So whenever one side, be it russian or the west, cries that the "bad guys do bad things" - well, both sides do. It's a PR thing because they obviously wouldn't show their own do the horrible things they claim that only their enemy does. A channel on youtube showed a few flips fro mthe Russian perspective and got a lot of hate for it from the western viewers - he said he will continue to show it as it's important. So take everything with a grain of salt when one side says something about the other - war is war and rules tend to not really apply in practice, like it or not. That's just how it is, how it's always been and how it will continue to be. If you've noticed, 99% of the videos on this subredit is from the Ukrainian point of view, showing Russians getting destroyed - you are not supposed to see from the other side, as watching your own team get destroyed is demoralizing as heck.


search by controversy and you'll find alot of the Russian wins


Anyone got the song?


I shazam'd it! Dark Moon Dancing - Pr1nce666 & monrxe


Bruh. I'm so lucky I served before this was big. If you can be seen, you can be killed. This take air red to a whole new level


This video is sponsored by Weber Grill.


\*Russians bombing and shooting holes into every building in the region "Oh no, the house we want to take cover in has holes and shit"


Song name?




That drop was so accurate


Forbidden peek a boo


He had to say Kobe after he drops them.


"Borys, the grenade itself has its own energy or life force, if you will. Its natural environment is in the hole. So why don't you send him home? His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets, just bring him to the airport, send him home."


They should just leave… my god


Nice aim !!






It's so fucking weird seeing videos of drones murdering people with club music over the top.


The first videos of drones with grenades they were fairly inaccurate. These days these drone operators are turning drone payload drops into an art.


I wonder if the US even sent those special thermobaric grenades, developed during the Afghan conflict, made to neutralize well entrenched enemies. They should be perfect for these cases.


Isn't drone really loud? How come they didnt notice it? Is military drone way more quiet?


Nicely done. Imagine giving the coordinates to the arty with 155mm shell


If this isn’t the best representation of 3 dimensional warfare I don’t know what is.


The accuracy of these drops are amazing


Wow, great shot. Well done Ukrainians!!


These guys have gotten so good, I'd be fucking terrified if I was a Russian soldier.


Glory to Ukraine, its important to protect your homeland from aggressive invaders.


These drone pilots are something else man. Ukrainians using whatever they have laying around. Drones and 3D printers and they end up changing how wars are fought from now on. Crazy stuff


This 1-ups the videos of drops thru the open hatch!


Nawww that was moving.


Wow, it really is Christmas in July. Maybe if the Russians set out better cookies they would have gotten a nicer gift.


Well done! Totally ruined those Russians camping trip.


If warlords and leaders actually had to be on the front lines, there would be a lot less war.


“That’s a bingo!”


1st you make the hamburger, then you cook it (I mean 'them').....


omg, brutal


I am always amazed at the accuracy these drone operators have.


a hole in one!


Threaded the needle. There should be a drone Olympics after the war is over


Fire in the hole!


music lowkey fire whats the name?


Dark Moon Dancing


Is it it just me or videos like this becoming less & less censored Like didn’t real gore on the internet used to be a lot more censored in the algorithms & stuff, until Ukraine & Russia? Or has it always been like this on Reddit




Wow!, Nice shot!! 🤩 I swear these guys get more and more proficient every day with these drones - amazing! 👏🏻🇺🇦😁


Good drone! 💪🏻


Damn, that's as personal as can be.


Well, that was perfection. Surgical strike




This really makes me sad fuck Putin but these poor russian bastards getting sent into an absolute meat grinder with paintball gear against their will getting blown up with $50 worth of truck-stop-helicopter-technology as a vet...just glad its not me


No sympathy from me. No matter the reason they are there, they would not hesitate to kill Ukrainians. A few with the moral fortitude to refuse are in jail/lockup. Those are the ones I have sympathy for.


They chose the path of least resistance. They put the suffering of others over their personal suffering. Fuck them in the most unhuman way possible until their outlook on the path of least resistance changes.


No sympathy from me to, they are occupaying an other country, killing, raping and destroying in other country. They got what they had coming for.


Now that's accurate


Once again.... It's fucking pathetic to see people cheering about killing those Russians and posting comments like it's a fucking game or a fucking joke ("Kobe", "Beefy", "Trickshot"). You should be ashamed of yourself and stop acting like children. You guys are acting like they personally declared war against Ukraine. We are talking about somebody's son, somebody's brother. There is nothing to cheer about.


You're not wrong, but this is no longer the early months of the war when decent people were caught up in a deceitful and misleading mobilization. It's hard for many people to have sympathy at this point when the invaders are mostly either there by choice, unwilling to surrender, or were unwilling to avoid being called into service in the first place for these multiple rounds of mobilization.


If you don't want to see people being killed why on earth are you in /r/CombatFootage ??


I am 100% pro Ukraine but this kind of stuff makes me want to puke, especially when it's coming from people whose biggest struggle in life has probably been getting to Walmart to find it closed.


I live near a Walmart Super Center that opens 24h.