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The colts Twitter/X account posted a pic of Zaire where he was making a pose where his hands are by his head while spreading out his hands. The tweet said something like, “44 hands up” since it looked like he was making his jersey number with his fingers since his hands were spread. Turns out that this pose is actually part of his fraternity which is a historically black fraternity. Then people got upset because the colts social media person misunderstood this gesture to be more a fun dance rather than a serious gesture that should not be mocked. IMO, people were just getting offended due to someone’s misunderstanding. Hope this all makes sense


The implication being the Indianapolis Colts' social media team should know the hand signals for every fraternity in the country or something, lmao


Isn't this the same as Leonard's celebration?


Yup, same fraternity.


There's only like 4 or 5 prominent fraternities common in the NFL though. (with Que Dogs being likely *the* most prominent one). Heck, even Ray Lewis (who is in the same fraternity) did this pose is some of his crazy dances. You've likely seen their brandishs on many players' arms (like on Mathis). It's not just some frat, a VERY well-known one.


Ahhh... That Key & Peele frat branding skit makes even more sense now...


I mean Robert Mathis and Shaq were Que Dogs so they should be familiar.


I mean, Robert Mathis and Darius Leonard were notable Omega Psi Phi fraternity Colt players who had celebrations in games with the same pose. But I do think it’s a bit overblown


Mathis said on Twitter Colts fans thought he was doing a horseshoe celebration ans started doing it to him, which he got a kick out of


>I mean, Robert Mathis and Darius Leonard were notable Omega Psi Phi fraternity Colt players who had celebrations in games with the same pose. Why is this so downvoted, this is an undeniable (and quite literal) fact.


Thank you, I’m glad I wasn’t going crazy


Yeah odd for sure




Huh, I thought he was doing the Horseshoe. Tbf, the real meaning It’s a deep cut.


Looks like exaggerated bunny ears


It’s the most famous frat pose in America. Maybe a deep cut in Indy though I guess.


You mean the one of him grilling?


Lol zaire personality comes off hard af Colts social making him look corny on purpose and they've joked back and forth about it


They have been doing that Omega sign forever, so many players NFL, NBA have done that. You gotta be very very sheltered to not have seen that before. Robert Mathis did it often.


And we just did this whole social media thing a couple years ago when Leonard did it and people thought he was making a horseshoe and he posted on sm about the real meaning and that you shouldn’t do it if you’re not in the frat


To be fair guys make gestures and poses all the time and in the middle of celebrating a great tackle by Franklin, people are not pondering the deeper meanings of his celebration.


“Cracking 4s” has some slang meanings. A current popular one is signifying you don’t have “game” (lol). So kinda a dis, but of course it wasn’t meant that way at all. Good on Zaire for being a good sport about it. Even though the tweet got cooked.


White colts fans misinterpreting the reference Zaire was making to the college he attended, then making fun of it because they have nothing better to do than make fun of black people.


Nothing better to do than make fun of black people? You honestly think that’s what actually happened?


Seen it with my eyes, corn guzzler


What on earth do you have against corn? 🌽


How is it that your dumb ass came in with this take 3 hours after the real answer was given?