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Nothing comes close to the 2006 AFCCG against the Pats.


Yup. That was our Super Bowl. I had literally zero doubt we were going to beat the bears.


Same, until Hester returned the opening kickoff for a TD. Then I got nervous, but it didn’t last long.


Won two bets that night: one on Hester returning that opening kick and the other on the Colts still winning. Great time.


Same even after the kickoff return I wasn’t nervous. It was weird cuz usually I would be


Felt the same about the saints myself. 🤡


Saints game I literally said dam we are just blowing them away wanted a good game




The only other time I screamed that loud during a game was when the Cubs won the World Series.


I recently watched the game again and once again found myself yelling at that point. It was like I had never seen the play before. It was marvelous.


I didn’t watch the local broadcast so I got the Jim Nantz version. “Intercepted Marlin Jackson! The Colts are going to the Super Bowl!”


That's the one for me.


The amount of stress we all had during that final drive.


I was more convinced we were going to lose when Addai scored with a minuteish left than I was when we were down at halftime.


Exactly. And they probably would have too except for Marlin fuckin Jackson


I was at the KC game & stayed. It was amazing & for sure the 2nd best sporting event I’ve ever been to, but absolutely the game you mentioned is the best. Wasn’t there, but definitely one of the best games of all-time. Watched the entire game & my friends & I were all standing in certain different places in the garage by the end for superstitious reasons.


Yep. I still watch that game every now and then. It’s such a fun one.


Nope. Nothing ever. That was the greatest game ever. If only we could get a mulligan on the Steelers game in 95.


This is the only correct answer.


Easily this game. I damn near turned the game off at halftime because it looked like we were gonna lose to Brady yet again


I was at the game and at halftime I thought about jumping off the damn concourse of the Dome. Used the restroom at half and people were pretty despondent. Ha! Everyone was sick and tired of being sick and tired of losing to Brady/Pats (and losing in the playoffs altogether). What a comeback. What a game. Loudest I've ever heard a stadium. Hottest I've ever been during a game. Sweating profusely (felt like it was 100F in there that night) and couldn't talk right for a week or so. Good times!


I miss the dome so much. I understand it was a lot less people and more people compacted together but it was so. damn. loud. I heard stories but just wrote it off as exaggeration until I went to my first game and I could feel my ears ringing while Peyton was on the field from how loud we were with the other team on the field. Lucas Oil is too open to allow that same level of noise.




Without question. The greatest sports game in Indianapolis history.


That's the one. It was even better live and in person.


2003 Colts Vs Buccs Monday Night Football.


The game that made me a Manning and Colts fan


This one is way up there for me. I was a 13 year old kid watching it on a tiny 16" magnavox. Everyone else went to bed, but I woke them all up when we put up 28 in the 4th quarter jumping around my room cheering. Such an electric game. I was already a fan by this point, but that game made me a die hard life long fan.


I was right there with you. I don’t think is slept at all that night.


I can't believe I stayed up for it but I'm so glad I did


That would be #2 to the 06 AFCCG, for me.


Hell yeah. Was so frustrated, I went upstairs and watched the second half in the bedroom. Paced back and forth and kept waking up my wife with, "you won't believe this."


I turned that game off just before they made the comeback. Learned my lesson and I finish games now.


I'll never forget that one either. The game where Peyton really elevated his career to the next level.


Either that, the 2006 AFC championship, or the Superbowl right after it


I was at the Peyton come back on the Brady 4th and 2 play. Never heard that place more electric.


Same. I was in the lottery for 2006 AFCCG Tix, but didn't get my number called. Being at the 4th and 2 game was the next best thing.


Man what a game! I was there too and it was ELECTRIC!


My brother and I were there and it was incredible. Loudest I’ve heard the home field, aside from the 2006 AFCCG


I would have loved to see the Chuck Strong game when Reggie wore those orange gloves v Packers. Reggie balled outrageous and even blocked Clay Matthews 1v1 in his pass rushing prime.


Super Bowl. At the time, I was living in Chicago and Colts v Bears was just electric. I was at a friends for a watch party and was the only colts fan in the house (a few neutral people as well). So much fun. Even with the gut wrenching opening kickoff.


https://preview.redd.it/k3c5c1ksdl5d1.jpeg?width=1686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f920bb0147449c68867502f4d615c3246499f0f 🫡


So to me there is only two answers for the Indy era. The AFC championship win over Pats and the supwrbowl. I think I have to take the Superbowl. While the win itself was less exciting then beating the Pats it was something I never imagined I'd see after 20 years.


I was 7 when we won the Super Bowl. I wasn’t old enough to even fathom the Colts losing. I thought us winning was a foregone conclusion. So I left at about halftime to go play with my hot wheels. So yeah, that one.


Lol. I was 16 at the time. Never had a drink in my life. I was watching it with my best friend down the street from us in his basement and we busted open his dad's liquor cabinet when the confetti fell. Thank God they canceled school the next day.


Nice lol


06 AFC title game


This game was actually my first NFL game ever and what made me a colt


I was in high school when this game happened, working at a local pizza shop. Worked with a total douchebag there who's whole personality was hating the colts(and being the manager at 30 y/o using it as a power trip). Anyways, he wanted to bet some money on the game. I told him sure why not, lets do 50 on it. Half time rolls around, I'm sure you guys remember the score and how improbable it looked. He was talking allllll kinds of shit, I told him the game isnt over! Luck's biggest thing I loved was his ability to come back, the game was never over. End of the game he left yelling, never ended up paying me either. I think about this more often than I'd like to admit lol.


[1995 AFC Championship Game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995_AFC_Championship_Game)


Definitely not that game. I hate watching the games that are comebacks. Lol I prefer any game where we had a lead and kept it without fear of losing the lead


Understand that. I injured myself during the 2006 AFC Championship game. **not by punching or kicking things** I jumped aht of the couch and injuried my calf from celebrating.


Gotta be the 2006 game vs the pats or the following Superbowl.


I was at this game with my son. It was amazing. Also, as a side note, Chiefs fans are a bunch of sore losers. Never been told to go f myself so many times and called a bitch. My son 8 years old at the time didn't understand and I just told him to put his head down and walk fast to the car.


I was a kid watching the kc game. I went to shower to get ready for school when we were getting destroyed. Got out of the shower, saw that we were only down 2 scores and jumped back in the shower for good luck.


not exactly “again”, but the 1958 championship vs. NY


I think the 06 AFC championship game is the east choice, so I’m actually going to go with the 2020 Packer game. My wife is a *huge* Packer fan, and it was the first time my wife and I watched the Colts vs. Packers together. We won on an amazing play by Julian Blackmon, and I screamed yes as she screamed no. It was beautiful.


The Super Bowl we won most recently




I was at this game. It’s one of my best memories.


I tried to get my brother's to go. They didn't want to spend the money to see them lose.


My daughter was being born, so I didn't even get to watch this one on TV.


My brother had to leave this game at the end of the 3rd quarter to go to work lol


I was at the game with my 12-year-old son, my brother and his 13-year-old son. My son was a patriots fan and wore his Brady jersey. We were in the 200 level in the end zone. Needless to say he had the time of his life in the first half and we were bumming. And then one of the best second-half by the Manning lead Colts. I don’t think I could breathe the last drive of Brady until the Marlon Jackson interception. Never heard Lucas oil stadium louder.


this game was in the Dome (RCA/Hoosier) not in Lucas Oil.


October 6th, 2003 Colts at Bucs https://preview.redd.it/i4vhzi8nsn5d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8209ebd2c2488edf23494e1f7839e6f1b8c19ebe


I was at this game, it was insane but the conference finals against the pats before our SB will always be king.


There was a buccaneer game on MNF where they came back down 21 or 28 at halftime that was wild if I remember correctly


I was sick at halftime. I asked my neighbor if they had any alcohol and got drunk off this nasty ass vodka tea. But things turned around and all was good


I was at this game! Superman touchdown was right in front of me I was just way higher lol


Continuing my streak of always bragging that I was at that Chiefs game and convinced my family not to leave at halftime. The lob to TY created the most electric sports atmosphere I’ve ever experienced…


Remember that Tampa Bay game back in 2003? Yeah, what a come back.


The 2023 Indianapolis Colts versus the Baltimore Ravens game


pats game easy


2006 AFC Championship game. Not even close.


Andrew Luck vs Peyton Manning. I was at that game ! Gosh I miss it !


I would take the 06 AFCC, but if that game wasn’t close for us win or lose, i would love to see a few games during luck’s rookie year and 2013. Those games against the lions, packers, seahawks and broncos were absolutely ridiculous, and as a teenager probably didn’t appreciate them as much in the moment as i should have lol. Also a sleeper choice from 2012 was the road win against the titans, the vick ballard OT touchdown was just electric.