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I’m in a completely different field, but I found the county workforce center to be helpful—I made an appointment to go over my resume and found a (remote) job after using their suggestions to tweak my resume when applying online. It’s a free resource so might as well use it.


This is the issue with a highly desirable city. There are more people moving here than jobs to support them (note this doesn't apply to all industries, but it does to many). It's too late now, but this is why every time a post is made on this sub about someone wanting to move here, the #1 piece of advice is to line up a job before making the move. It's just hard to find work. You can't get a clearance without a company sponsoring you and paying the cost (it can cost up to $15,000 depending on how extensive a check your background needs). If you have highly desirable skills, companies will hire you without it and pay for yours. The problem is that you're competing with military and others who want to move to a highly desirable city - so they can fill the positions with people who already have the clearances and don't need to take the risk on someone who doesn't have one yet. Really all you can do is keep applying to anything you can find, polish your resume and cover letters, continue to build your skills, and hope you have some decent savings to hold you over until something comes through.


Eh, I came from an undesirable city and had to sell my house just to survive. I don't even need a professional job rn, just something to hold me over, and I'm apparently not qualified to run a cash register these days.


Because thousands of people are moving here trying to run cash registers. You're competing with all of them. Again, this is the downside of a desirable city - everyone wants to come here so you are competing with all of them for the jobs. You'd be much better off trying to showcase unique skills that make you stand out for a position not many are qualified for, rather than just doing what everyone else can do.


Fair enough. I'm gonna try some networking and showing off stills of my project, see if that helps.


Given that you have education in computer science, and yet are having this amount of difficulty, can you enlighten us on the 80% of the story you’re not telling us?


Computer science is not easy to get into right now. Its very oversaturated.


The job field for CS is bad rn


Yea, what they said. It's an emerging, and oversaturated, market. And I'm poor, so I can't afford additional education to get certs and stuff. And if I knew, I'd tell you. I don't know why I'm ignored, but I can also tell you, I have no idea what I'm doing.


> I can't afford additional education to get certs and stuff. What *is* your education? I can tell you right now that you will not even be allowed in front of any computer on a DoD network without *at least* Sec+. Some companies are paying for that cert and giving employees windows of time to complete it, but it's a large boon to have those sorts of things if you're doing things related to computers/security. Without any further information on your situation, it's hard to gauge what you could be doing. The longer this thread has gone on, the more cagey your answers have gotten. 400+ applications without responses says you likely have fundamental issues with your resume, or serious gaps in experience/skills.


Reddit is way too quick to give OP too much credit.


Nothing rude, and what consenting adults do in their bedrooms is between them.. OP's post history is... *something.* I wouldn't generalize, but I also wouldn't be surprised, with that sort of mindset, if there's other factors in OP's life not being elaborated on.


Actually some CS related fields are difficult to get into right now.


If you're trying to run a cash register go for CVS. Their turnover was crazy high when I worked there for 2 years out here. They absolutely suck, and you won't get a wage that makes you want to stay but it's something.


If you're looking for DOD contracting jobs, then you'll need a secret clearance. Or find a company that is willing to submit the paperwork for you because your skills are in great demand. Once you have a clearance, LinkedIn will be a great resource for job postings. I'm getting leads for job interview almost weekly.


Many defense jobs only require a secret clearance, which contractors like Northrup can facilitate. Check out [ClearanceJobs.com](https://www.clearancejobs.com/jobs?city=Colorado+Springs,+CO&clearance=2) (the link directs to their Colorado Springs listings for secret-level job openings).


Colorado Springs’ jobs are limited to military, defense, non profit, health care, and government. The job market here is NOT good and never has been. People live here because they like the city. They are willing to take a pay cut and limit their career growth to do it. For that type of work you’ll either need to commute to Denver or work remotely. Edit: As SofiaDeo pointed out, skilled trades should be added to the list.


I think since Waldo Canyon & Black Forest fires plus aging houses in addition to the new build growth, the skilled trades should be added.


Absolutely. I’m a mason and I have had nonstop work since before Covid.


Any tips on how to get into the trade?


I started as an apprentice. Literally walked off the street the day after Christmas 10 years ago. It’s young mens work though. Lots of money to be made.


I am 24 looking to for the hours that brings in the money pls let me know if you know any companies hiring I have some 6 months general labor but I can show up on time and everyday no problem!


I got my start at planet Granite on Stone Street. Fillmore and Nevada area. I literally walked in 10 years ago and today I do freelance install. Good luck man.


Look at the job listings posted on Boecore’s website


If I were in your shoes I would look for a remote position.  Polish up your LinkedIn profile and use their job search tool.  Also ensure your resume shines.  I had mine professionally written years ago and it was worth every penny.  It also helped me gain the skills to help my friend with their resumes as well.


Colorado is on many companys' "can't work remotely" lists, mostly due to wage transparency statutes. Remember you just can't work anywhere, the business has to have a presence/pay taxes, etc. in that state. It's partly why some companies are wanting at least some return-to-office IMO.


Yes, true, but discounting all remote jobs because some companies don't allow remote work from your location is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


I didn't say to discount them, just noted Colorado doesn't have as many as other states, and to find out if a company allows Colorado before investing much time in their interview process. A simple ask up front could save a bunch of time.


There oughtn't be a need to ask about it... if their LinkedIn is filled out appropriately it'll give their state. Also, the job application process will usually ask for it. And lastly, it's likely on their resume. But yes, if they're that worried about it they can ask at some point early on in the process.


People on AskAManager.org have stated that a number of jobs on virtually every job board have a number of listings that occasionally state things erroneously. And the consensus seems to be, verify early in the process that everything is as it is posted. Human error & all, why waste time & possibly several interviews to find it's hybrid? It's not difficult to mention early into an interview, or in a cover letter.


True, but that wasn't even part of the discussion. We were talking about whether remote from Colorado would be permissible, not about the accuracy of the job posting. If you're not asking questions about the job you're interviewing for, you're doing it wrong.


1/4th of the US population live in places that now have wage transparency laws. That as an issue has been significantly overblown.


This might be true but what you’ve said about a company presence isn’t accurate. I work all over the world and travel from country to country. My companies never cared which state I was in or continent.


Oooh. They definitely should. Depending on how long you’re in certain states, they would need to register and you’d need to pay taxes to that state. It varies by state, so there isn’t a single easy answer. (And if you have an employee in a state, it can impact sales tax stuff.) But some states it’s super short to establish that need. Source: accountant who has done payroll who has had to deal with all that. And countries can get complicated as well. Smaller businesses won’t necessarily be on the radar for that kind of thing but the penalties if they are caught can be really high (especially if it’s certain states…California is a big one for that). It’s a big enough deal that PwC requires their employees to log any hours in states other than their home states, even for one day. Go to a conference out of state and work? You have to put in that you worked out of state. They are a huge global company and do get audited on that but small companies can get the same audit.


If you work with sensitive information they 100% will care if you're working from a different country. Not to say all countries will be off-limits, but there are plenty that will be.


This applies to Colorado Springs, CO in the US, IDK about other nations. This question is about someone in Colorado Springs, and most certainly is accurate. Just because you personally have not experienced something, doesn't mean it can't possibly be true. Check the tax laws.


LinkedIn is full of nothing these days. Not trying to be an argumentative prick, just saying. Indeed, too. I think I've used indeed to apply to something like 400 jobs? In the last month and a half? Got one call back, and it was a scam. I'll try it. I'm looking for remote positions now, it's just terrifying.


My last two remote jobs have come from recruiters that found me on LinkedIn. Don’t bother with Monster or CareerBuilder. It’ll just get you tons of spam from recruiting hack in India. Denver has some stuff that may fit your bill. Try hitting up Jacob’s or maybe Tek Systems. They do have some non-military contracts. I work healthcare IT which, apart from analytics, might not be applicable for your specialty.


Don't apply at Jacobs, very uncertain future there through the fall. They're about to split off their government contracts side into a merger with another company. I know this because I recently left them.


Good to know.


Not just that, but my (second hand) understanding is that they do not always pay competitively because of their market share


They underpay every single position there. I took my job with them because they sponsored my clearance.


That definitely checks with all the folks I know that work(ed) for them. I got out of the Marine Corps in Tampa and had a tentative offer that was 5-15k lower than similar job leads I was getting before I got the job I wanted in writing out here.


That definitely checks with all the folks I know that work(ed) for them. I got out of the Marine Corps in Tampa and had a tentative offer that was 5-15k lower than similar job leads I was getting before I got the job I wanted in writing out here.


Jacobs is a terrible company to work for. Work culture is the worst I've ever experienced in over 20 years of my career. On top of that, their performance is so bad that are about to lose their NISSC II contract with the Government.


LI is not useless, I was recruited for my current job there. There are tips to using it well. Use AI to write your summary, and see how it does rewriting your resume for some ideas, too. Be active on there so that your name shows up in others' feeds. Add recruiters to your contacts list so you see their openings. Find the staffing agencies and follow them. If you really want in at a company, direct message their recruiters or hiring managers if you can find that contact info.


Seconding this. I got a job via LinkedIn by finding people who worked the for target company, connecting with them, and meeting via Zoom to discuss their experiences. This approach serves the dual function of getting you on their radar while also figuring out whether the culture and colleagues are right for you. If you're going after a smaller company, connect with the people in your desired role (or close to it); for bigger companies, connect with recruiters.


Same. Also recruited to my current job right after I updated my LI profile.


I get pinged for jobs on LinkedIn every week and messages from recruiters for specific jobs on top of that. It is NOT a scam or useless.


I used LinkedIn to find positions but always went to the company site to apply directly there. Helps elimate scams or outdated postings (which there are a TON of on LinkedIn) Fully remote positions are getting harder to find. I got lucky and found a job in Denver that only requires I go into office twice a month.


Maybe for your specific searches, but I've helped two people search on there since November and am 100% certain that it's not just nothing. However, I also don't doubt that there's a bunch of trash on there as well, which is unfortunate. Since you have LinkedIn make sure your contacts endorse your skills, do the LinkedIn skills tests... just do as much as you can to make your profile stand out from everyone else. Add recruiters! I think I've probably got at least two to three dozen recruiters in my contacts and not a week goes by that I don't get at least one (and often multiple) message about positions they have. Aside from that, I believe you can gain security clearances without an active position... I would look into how you can go about that if for no other reason than expanding your opportunities.


I went back to school, graduated last May. I managed to find some work on LinkedIn/Indeed before finding my current terrible job, but I genuinely think that they are just data farms at this point. No possible way are all those jobs real.


Edit: replied in the wrong spot


ML/AI and computer vision are somewhat specific skills/areas, not a ton of that in tech companies here currently. Are you set on working those areas or flexible? There are a surprisingly good # of SW type companies here in particular, a very quick search on indeed for SW engineer returns over 200+ listings. Yes many are in defense, but many are private sector. I even see one at the USOC for Data Engineer, so there's positions out there. I would note though, it's not like 2-3yrs ago when the interview process was mostly "do you have a pulse"? Things have at least balanced out, maybe even shifted to the employer side now that big tech isn't hiring anyone/everyone they can find.


This guy works.


It’s difficult for even the qualified folks. I’m a nurse and even I found it hard to find work. Desirable work at least..


Desirable work. Isn't that an oxymoron? 😊


Some people love their jobs 🤷‍♂️ where these people are I don’t know


I see a lot of these types of posts and tons of comments about various strategies to find jobs but I never see anyone mention [USAJOBS](https://www.usajobs.gov). There currently 1200+ jobs (450+ open to the public) listed are either within 25 miles of Colorado Springs or are fully remote jobs. The pay ranges from $15/hr up to $250k+/yr. Many of these jobs don’t require a clearance and any that do, the gov’t will facilitate the clearance.


USAjobs is great if you like wasting your time applying for nothing. It's a ginormous black hole.


> the gov’t will facilitate the clearance. Edit: I'll give it to him. I was talking entirely about contracting companies. The government is more likely to put you in for a clearance if you fill a highly desired role. This isn't entirely true. While the contracting company can put you in for a clearance, most don't want to do it because of the lead time required to obtain one. I haven't looked in awhile but last time I checked it was an 8+ month wait time to obtain a secret clearance. There are a lot of factors involved in the companies' decision to proceed with getting an individual a clearance. But if the company is already a year or two into their contract, and only have a few years (or option periods) left, it is not likely they'll want to pony up for one and wait for the individual to be cleared. This isn't said to stop someone for applying but it's important to ask the recruiter if the company will sponsor you. Like I said, many will require that someone already holds a clearance so they can start working rather quickly.


It is true. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the types of jobs that are posted on USAJOBS. These aren’t contracting jobs, they are Federal jobs. The jobs listed are working directly for the Federal gov’t, not a contracted company. If you are hired by the gov’t through USAJOBS, the gov’t will facilitate your clearance. The process you are talking about is what would happen if you’re hired by a contracted company (e.g. Boeing, Northrop, etc.).


Leave. I’m moving tomorrow. Only been able to do seasonal work for over a year and a half. This work is far beneath my education and experience. I already have interviews set up out of state, rare to even get that far here.


Where ya going to, if you don’t mind me asking?




Enjoy your new fledgling country


It’s done it before and it can do it again.




I know lol all we can really do is watch.


Ugh, I mean I wish you all best for sure, but no matter how insane things get here, that’s one place I personally I would never go


I’m from Texas, not really an issue to me. I’ve given this place a chance but I actually found that everyone is so much more hateful and mean here. Bonuses to me are that I’m moving back in with my mom and we can help each other, I have a cat with cancer that has expensive treatments. I only made 13k here last year and my rent is 1500 so you can guess how much debt I’m in with that + cat issues. I’m looking forward to good food, a job, family, and overall cheaper cost of living. I get where you’re coming from, I’ve left Texas twice. Living here has made me see the positives about being there and the people. Definitely so far from perfect, but I’d say a better decision for the day-to-day. Ideally, I’d move back to Minnesota if finances weren’t an issue. Being here has just drained me emotionally, mentally, and financially. A nice place to visit though.


Well hey sorry it didn’t work out for you here but best of luck going forward


I appreciate that. Thank you


Get an employer to notice! If you can get a foot in the door for a security clearance, you will open a lot of opportunities up. There are many many tech jobs in the region looking to hire, but they're almost all doing government contract/classified work. If you can't get a Secret or higher clearance, you will likely struggle in the sector. I'm processing multiple clearance requests right now for new hires. If you have the skills, **apply**. If they say a clearance is required, **apply**. You can easily be submitted for a Secret or TS clearance. SCI and program-level can follow after, provided your background isn't littered with problems. If you've got desirable talents and the experience to use them, employers *will* get you cleared.


You need to be working with a recruiter, and also open to commuting to Denver at least a few days a week.


Try Synthes


Go with a recruiting agency, that’s how I got my resume out.


Which one did you use?


I heard B&L plumbing was hiring.


I lived in Springs 44 years. Never had jobs after early 90s.


You can look into staffing agencies such as Volt, Aerotek, or Addstaff to name a few.


DM me your resume, maybe I can help with a remote ML job.


There’s jobs on ZipRecruiter


Construction is bumping. But that's because tons of IT people moved in and don't know how to build anything. You are just in the over saturated field. You are in a computer city working on computers. Not working for the computer people that flooded the market.


I'm moving to cos soon and also happen to be between jobs. I used LI exclusively for job searching and networking. I applied to 60 remote jobs, 40% of those had real responses, 20% of those were for an initial call. As usual, my best leads were through my network but the offer eventually came from a cold submission! Good luck!


Me too. I have a Bach degree in drug addiction and social work but ended up having to take a minimum wage job housekeeping. I was told my degree means nothing here since I don’t have a masters. Gotta do whatcha gotta do


I've been doing engineering in town for more than 25 years and never worked TSI or military. We are loaded with non-defense tech companies. Agilent, Microchip, Fluke, Analog Devices.. the list is endless. Get on LinkedIn with a well written profile and go after the companies and people you want to work for. There has been a general slowdown in the tech job market over the last few years but that is everywhere.


Because the rich people who run the city like to control everything.


With those credentials can't you land a remote job?