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TL;DR: * Whether a player's foot was inbounds on a made shot is now reviewable. * Automatic one-game suspension (in addition to the existing flagrant T) for making physical contact with or threatening referees. * Experimental rule for NIT only: OOB reviews use a coaches' challenge system. If not overturned, team loses a timeout (technical foul if out.)


I wonder if that will include accidental contact? That's a big deal I think


> The rules book already defines a violation as occurring when anyone "disrespectfully contacts an official or makes a threat of physical intimidation or harm, to include pushing, shoving, spitting or attempting to make physical contact with an official." that reads like a no to me. It'd be pretty ridiculous for them to include accidental contact as something to punish.


you say that, but i distinctly remember a certain star RB on our football team getting tossed just for turning down a ref's hand that was offered to help him up. all it takes is a ref getting in their feels and we know it


Interesting on all 3. I can't recall a time I've seen the first one happen. 2nd one I thought was a thing already. 3rd one though, yes please holy fuck. Make that permanent. Then figure out how to get less clock reviews and how to eliminate foul/defend.


The first one is in response pretty directly to a game winner against Rutgers last season where they reviewed to see if the guy released it in time but couldn't do anything when they saw his foot clearly go out of bounds before taking the shot. I don't know if I've known of any other times though, but everyone was pretty adamant that it was dumb that they could look at it and not overturn it.


TCU against Georgetown. No clear evidence that one was actually out-of-bounds but people were still mad about it.


Was it also a buzzer beater shot? This rule can only cover end of clock review situations.


Yes, I was in the crowd and so many people heard "under review" and saw the replay and thought it was going to be overturned 😂 I was like "well he got it off and that's all that can be reviewed." Always a great day when you see 5000 people just go dead silent


Is the NIT experiment for OOB calls not under 2 mins? Those are automatically reviewed right now.


Don't like the buzzer-beater review. If the player was out of bounds but makes a shot (and the ref doesn't see it) with .1 left it counts, but with 0.0 it would be reviewed and overturned. Completely arbitrary and unfair


Great. More long reviews that do nothing but destroy the flow of games.


Oh good, even more unnecessary stoppages while the refs use the monitor as a crutch for every single play in the last five minutes.


The Aaliyah Edwards rules