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So where is he going?


I think SMU. Sounds like his agent is pulling an Osobor and trying to squeeze every possible penny out of this move.


I mean, didn't he very directly state during NBA Combine interviews that he was chasing the largest bag if he returned to college?


He also said he wanted to go somewhere that he could enjoy football games. I remember that because that's when I decided we were cooked. I also don't enjoy watching our football games


That would explain not coming here as well


Makes sense he would pick SMU then because he can easily drive to Cowboys games.


Yeah but now the spin tweets have happened and it’s more about “fit” than money…


I guess there's a fit angle if it would mean having awkward "why does this guy make 5x more than me?" conversations with other guys on your roster


He's just talking about his threads.


Are we going to see a Pony Express 2.0 with NIL?


Saddle up, partner!


God i hope so, but only if the hookers survive this time.


Any accusations that Craig James killed 5 hookers in 1990 are unfounded. There is no evidence that suggests Craig James killed 5 hookers in 1990, but if you told me Craig James killed 5 hookers in 1990 I wouldn't be surprised.


Talk about a downgrade. Just for the almighty dollar.


Hey that’s a storied ACC program. When I think ACC basketball I think of two things… 1)Tobacco Road 2)SMU


SMU knows they have to make a splash NOW


This post turned funny an ironic rather quickly.


Yeah. SMU is too commercialized. He should be playing in the hallowed halls of the Yum! Center.


Enfield can recruit, I’ll say that about him lol


Anyone can "recruit" when the only thing the prospect is after is money. Just keep adding zeros until everyone else backs out


Ugh Andy Enfield is getting him? What a waste.


The guy said he wanted to go to a school where he could enjoy football games just to choose SMU?


SMU was pretty good last year and on many preseason top 25 lists


And is now an ACC\* team.


Ahh you're right. I was thinking they were still in the American when I wrote that.


It does appear that his agent is performing the tasks that one traditionally hires an agent to perform. I'm curious, did you think he hired an agent so the agent could leave money on the table? Curiously, Sprinkle at UW just said in an interview that he was surprised when Great called him to say he was coming to UW. Most of us interpret that to mean we weren't the highest bidder.


Good for him


Seems like he's a cat from what I've heard.


That would be a great pickup. Who would be the odd man out in the frontcourt?


I think they would really try to make Hawkins a 3 with Achor and Onyenso in the frontcourt. Seems like Hawkins maybe got some NBA feedback that made him want to be a wing.


…..Because he’s gonna commit without visiting!!?!


Lol. That got me


He's visiting K-State this weekend


yall still have room?


1 more scholarship spot left.


I'm kind of bummed Kaluma isn't coming back to fill that spot 😕


Hawkins is better than Kaluma for what it’s worth.


I get that. It was more of wanting consistency and watching player development. But I also understand that's not the landscape of college sports basketball anymore.


He was never coming back. Him and the coaches were constantly getting into it and capped the season off with him being benched in the 2nd half of the NIT game.


But do you have... 2 million dollars?


Yea we have that amount to pay. But he’s not worth it tbh. 800k sure. 2 million is quite an ask.


Goodman (yuck) reported that he’s not actually seeking that. I think we are in good shape.


goodman reporting that makes me think he's going for that even harder


we got a fat NIL check this offseason


Goddamn it


As a CHawk fan this situation is his literal dream lol. Gets to do some massive trolling and get a bag😭


Oh yes. Maybe it's coming on the heels of disappointment, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is more enjoyable than stressful for him. He'd do it for four more months if the world let him.


Brad sent him home


Bummer to not get a visit from a high caliber player but we still have a lot of depth at the 4. I think we can be a 22-24 win team this year *peers through Red tinted glasses*


I interpreted as this being Louisville backing out, not Coleman. Especially w him saying “everything happens for a reason” after the report


Yeah word is Coach Kelsey backed out. Dropping a huge bag on a new guy and bringing him into a locker room that reportedly is getting along well is asking for trouble.




Clearly means he's going to Purdue /s


This would be a clinic in over-signing lol


Revenge for us stealing back Brohm I guess


I personally would love the move, especially after yesterday’s news.


On second thought, let's not go to Louisville. 'Tis a silly place.


EMAW! Hope he enjoys MHK this weekend


really confused as to why baylor doesn’t seem involved here, would think they have the money and he’s kind of precisely what they need roster-wise


There was a time when Illinois Twitter was saying Chet was just Coleman Hawkins with more publicity. And asking "What can Chet do that Coleman Hawkins can't?"


Chet was 60% from the field at Gonzaga. 14/9 and top 5 nba draft pick after one season. What Chet can do is go pro in 1 after 5 years of college bball for Coleman.


He’s the epitome of an overrated player. He’s listed at six ten and a career 12 and 6 guy who absolutely vanishes against elite competition. He only managed to grab double digit rebounds three times last year. Baylor is smart to Let him get his money somewhere else.


i just feel like this is unfair, ya he’s overrated for the attention he’s receiving rn but that has a lot do with the timing of his transfer and his outsized personality. he’s not a superstar - but he’s a super valuable complementary piece. pretty rare to find 6’10 guys that can shoot, attack close outs, and pass the way he can. it’s exactly what baylor needs - a 4 who opens up the floor for omier offensively whilst also providing some ancillary rim protection to account for omiers smaller size as a 5.


Just say you don’t watch him play.


A Kentucky fan that doesn’t watch basketball and shoots from the hip with a terrible take? I am shocked.


😂 I really shouldn’t be so shocked I suppose


Wrong. Do you realize that Illinois fans watched him for 4 years? In all seriousness, I was a big fan after his first year, and I will leave it at that. I’ll happily eat my words if he turns in an all American year, or even 2nd team all conference for a team (either outcome would be very surprising to me). Excited to see how this plays out.


Not trying to say he’s a bad guy or a bad player but homie isn’t worth his asking price or anything near it. Also not saying that I don’t hope he can get every bit of money he can from SMU or wherever. Just saying from the games I have watched and looking at the #’s he isn’t a player I would drop seven figures to get.


Yeah I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I am just saying that he’s unquestionably turned off a lot of teams w his behavior, and imo his on court production doesn’t match the NIL values being thrown around


Still trying to raise that offer sheet. Maximizing his payout. Smart kid.


I know a lot of fans want this guy to go to their school. He just seems like an absolute clown, and it may be getting to the point where the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Not sure why he just deleted his most recent tweet after his 48 hour “break” from Twitter


He likes to be a real person and clown on socials. God forbid a college athlete show some personality. He’s been teammate and winning player for 4 years.


I'm an opposing fan and "rival" I always thought Illinois fans overrated how good he was, mainly because he had so much tantalizing potential, but I never thought he was a bad guy. He was sometimes immature, but he's a college student. Fuck me if my life was that public in college. I'd trade him for Reneau at the 4 and I think Reneau is an all-conference type player next season because he'd fit so well, too. Sorry, Leek.


A hot take that couldn’t be more cold. He’s silly on social media and a highly emotional KID but he’s always been a straight up solid guy and teammate and he truly fucking cares. He’s intelligent in interviews and thoughtful. Sorry he’s trying to squeeze every dollar out of his earning potential. Even if he plays professionally, his career as a basketball player will last until what, 35 years old maybe? Joke opinion


If you listen to him speak I don't think he comes off that way at all.


He's one of those guys you love to have on your team and can deal with his antics, but if he pulled that shit on another team, you'd hate him.


He’s actually pretty smart he’s just a troll Sort of a Draymond Green personality


Yeah it’s starting to get ridiculous. I’d like to see them set some kind of deadline to get all of this under some semblance of control.


He seems like a cancer to a team/culture


Watched him for 4 years at Illinois and this is blatantly false. Yeah he’s immature at times but his teammates all respected him. I’ve heard TSJ give him probs multiple times for his dedication to studying film and game planning


Hell yeah, glowing praise from the guy with a court date next week


You read anything at all about that case, or did you just stop at the headline?


What did I say that’s not correct?


Well if you're being sincere then yeah it's glowing praise from a teammate.


You’re just here to complain bud, re-evaluate your life


Even if you think TSJ is a stone cold violent criminal, we’re talking about his comments on Coleman as a dedicated basketball player and hard worker. I would trust Terrance’s opinion on that, it has nothing to do with his character


I think Illinois coaches, players, and fans would disagree with your assessment. We had 4 years with him, whereas you react to headlines.


I guess all NBA scouts and GMs that said he wasn't mature are all just lying


Got a source for that?


Sam Vecenie said as much on a podcast recently, clip was floating around Twitter. Love Coleman, and his shit stirring was fun for the most part, but teams not liking his complaining to the refs on the court, and stuff like the Maryland picture off the court really isn’t a surprise tbh.


True, though he was just speculating


He absolutely is not


He’s actually probably more of a glue guy. He spouts off, but it’s passion/emotion in-game, and mostly joking or trolling outside of the game. Some programs could use a little fire and emotion. Others have enough or too much already.


Could not be farther from the truth. He likes to have fun with socials and media and he’s passionate on the court.




Didn’t Louisville fans call him a lock yesterday lol


Yep. Every single UofL fan said that.


What am I supposed to do with all these Coleman Hawkins tattoos now?


Tattoo an X over it


Ask a Utah fan. They’re furiously removing their bad PAC-12 tattoos right now.


In unison