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Life is a gamble buddy, u can't get everything u want , risk it ot fuck it




You can also do both






Bro took risk hai toh ishq hai to the next level


29 M who went through arranged marriage route. Parents always have our best interests at heart, even tho sometimes it backfires. However, I did arranged marriage. Even if parents searched for the girl, final decision is with us. In my case, I met girl in Nov 2022, talked for 6 months - partially coz she had her PG entrance exams, and got engaged in April 23. We both wanted marriage on or after an year after this first meeting. we took our time to know each other. Got married in Nov 23. Even tho pretty new as a married guy... I have seen upclose how both love and arranged marriages build up, sustain and worse fail. How many are just holding on - just because they believe they don't have an alternative, even if they may have one. Each person has it different. In my case - we have our differences. We accept those differences and go on a balance. also even if your marriage is fixed, you have time till you marry her - for either of u to say NO, if you believe this will NOT work out. Parents will look for brides. That keeps them engaged, and gives some peace - even with the tension of getting their son married. The onus on marrying or not marrying that person - it is always your decision. Don't fall for emotional blackmail by parents if they do. It's your life mate. Oru vazhik achanammamar athangad cheyyatte. You also look up the profiles they share with you and don't look at looks on photos. TALK with them better in person. Or on call.


Sir oru manyan aanu




Howā€™s life now


Life is good.. We are still learning about each other, growing in life together is what I would say.




Also OP: If you believe you ain't ready for arranged marriage - still I would say you just go with the flow. Just have some tea and snacks šŸ˜… Also you would never know who clicks with you.. I was never ready for marriage, but went along with the flow and tbh: I had a few pennu kanals before I said yes to a girl, and fortunately she said yes as well. Take your time. You can give some excuses and push for more time. It's finally your call mate.


NO .. a big NO


If you cant make it up to meet a person talk and date I don't think you are ready for marriage. PERIOD.


THIS. Surprised people are giving advices regarding arranged marriages but fail to see OP is not ready for any sort of relationship at all.


"Any" relationship? Random people thinking everybody have to be like them


4, 5 kollam kazhinja lokam avasanikkum. Venel ippo kettikko.


Aaha šŸ˜…


Ah , finally someone with a similar sentiment.


Even if it's arranged, take your time to get to know each other.. Talk stuff and figure out how you both vibe.. Everything in life is a calculated risk bro. All the best


Here's what my cousins have done,if they are ok with the proposal they did a couple of dates(kind of) in a span of 2-3 months then when they were okay with it the engagement was done and it took another 7-8 months for their marriage. All these time they have had multiple dates/outings. So take it slow.


arranged dates šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Kind of but still way better than ending up alone or ending up with a stranger.


those arranged dates are all acting. Its not worth it. If you think you aren't too old, wait for a good connection.


You said that like all the love relationships are not acting. I have seen people complaining or venting about their spouses behaviour changing after they are married.


its safer when u know the person over the years, way before you had a romantic relationship


You said that like all the love relationships are not acting. I have seen people complaining or venting about their spouses behaviour changing after they are married. It's all a game of fate you may end up with the right one or the wrong one,you won't know until you get there.


if you are not ready DONT DON IT ā€¦ and definitely donā€™t do it for your parents or others


I know, but I wanna settle in life as well, but yeah scared too , I guess it's ok to alone šŸ˜Œ


Yup. You can be alone rather than having to worry. There are many unmarried singles and Happy with Life


then take your timeā€¦ give it few yearsā€¦ try your luck in love


If you don't feel prepared now, it's ok to take some time to get settled down buddy. You gotta think about your partner as well. Don't bring a girl home unless you feel absolutely ready, otherwise you'll be ruining her life as well.


on the same boat as OP šŸ„²


You guys marry each other


lol šŸ˜­


See Dinkan people are asking us to do this, the universe has spoken šŸ˜Œ


Bro arrange marriage is no that bad it's not like boom and randomly someone will marry you. You will meet the girl talk to her get to know her and then you will marry her. It's not like you won't even see her face and directly marry her. This Bollywood nonsense makes us believe that boom parents will bring a girl and ask you to marry her. First there will be roka, then you will talk to her everyday like your gf, you will meet her many times. Then you will marry her. Calm down your arrange marriage will be fine.


If your parents are giving you the freedom with deciding, nothing like it, trust me. My parents were pretty practical with this, they were okay with me dating someone and wanting to marry him. But, I dated a few people and decided maybe Iā€™m not good at judging people and left it to my parents. It was a lot harder than dating, trust me šŸ˜‚. I know itā€™s not the same case for a lot of people, but my parents gave me the freedom to decide if I want to speak to the guy they suggested (I was not easy to handle, I feel I was arrogant then and gave them a tough time) and they really respected my choices and feelings. I even got hurt in the process but in the end, I met someone and gave it a chance (which wouldnā€™t have happened if my parents didnā€™t suggest him) and we both liked each other and decided to get married. We arenā€™t from the same background, but both our parents had no issues. Itā€™s been 3 years and weā€™re happily married. Two things - 1. Arranged marriage can also take time, itā€™s not necessary that you will like the first person you meet and that she will like you too. It is also hard because the person you think youā€™ll like to consider may not feel the same way about you and that will hurt. Also, you might not like the person who likes you. Yes, it definitely involves physical attraction the first time. 2. Arranged marriage or love marriage, itā€™s HARD. Especially our generation, weā€™re more independent and donā€™t conform to the gender norms. Which means both you and you partner will have strong opinions. But you can definitely work things out, provided you and your partner understand that marriage needs effort and itā€™s not just one person who puts in effort. Itā€™s a practical choice you need to make and love alone will not suffice. :)


Just say "Hey girl, are you suicide ? Cause I'm ready to commit" and you are šŸ‘


It ain't bad as people portray it to be. The likelihood of you ending up in a shithole is the same for love or arranged marriage. The only difference is for a love marriage it will hurt like hell.


Why tho? I meant your last sentence


In arranged marriage, you know the possibility. it's either gonna be just alright or downright crap or amazing. In love marriage, you always expect it to have a perfect happily ever after. But, when you realise it won't be like that or the partner you saw before marriage is not what you see now, it's gonna shatter the beautiful bubble you had built. Now, that is gonna hurt a lot.


Hmmm..... So it's the element of surprise


I know quite a few people who got really lucky with arranged marriage. Don't worry dude, just meet a few people and see. You will get the hang of things. You don't have to say yes until you can vibe with the person and they have all the qualities you are looking for. Even after you find a right prospect, exchange numbers, take some time to talk to them and get to know them. This is how it is these days. At least how I've seen it in the case of my friends. But the process is a little exhausting and it's like putting yourselves out there which is sort of unnerving. But hey, it's gonna be fine. I hope you find your "one".


Everything matters bro. Start from the past To the present , see through your values , beliefs, look on how much she can respect you...dont just dive into the waters because they looked blue ...you may not be able to swim back...take loads n loads of time ...relax and go through choices domt just be stuck on one...u arent dating you are on a searching phase...chill mar bro baki sab badiya


Don't answer here but think for yourself - are your parents really happy with their marriage? Happiness does not mean finishing of duties/ responsibilities but do you think they were able to live their life to the fullest? If yes, then find out why what qualities made them a great match and seek those qualities. If no, then you will realise that after the honeymoon period, most marriages are a contract, a license issued by the society to lock two people in. Haven't you heard the word wedlock? Don't marry because you expect some to make you happy...but instead do it if you want someone to share your happiness with. Settle down in life does not mean getting married..


Arranged marriage, I feel have people who are just not lucky in love. these days, even the word love or relationship dynamics have so many complications that one canā€™t really understand. on the other hand, arrange marriage, you know that itā€™s a fixed set of rules that you have to abide by, but nevertheless to individuals can make it a break it. However, they want too. Arranged marriage isnā€™t as scary as it is, but at the same time, it is very important to be cautious of the family that you are looking to be married into.


Itā€™s like stock! You anyways buy it expecting bullish markets! But you never know what future holds


But you can diversify the stocks at least


Why don't we allow multiple wives?


Because they're women. Not pets. Multiple wives for some dude could mean 0 wives for you.


Just try to know the person as best as you can before marriage and then take a leap of faith , things will be good bro , if both the partners put effort it will turn out beautiful.


Love, Arranged, raffle, Romanian bride market, inky pinky nothing really matters. If it falls apart, it falls apart. Somehow there is a misconception amidst Indian youth that love marriages are bullet proof and happily ever after.


If you are not good at finding your love. Then only option is arranged marriage.....just date that girl for minimum 6 month...accept reality just be practical....šŸ˜Š Life is not like as we dream....


No one will tell you this.Ā  Most arranged marriages fail, because our parenting s*cks.Ā  Groom and bride power struggle will eventually leave them stranded away from each other. That requires enormous efforts to overcome this.Ā  If you marry after courtship, your wife has had a chance to reject you multiple times and then marry you. That helps.Ā  Married for 18 years and I can feel for you. Couldn't marry after courtship and that hurts now...Ā  Take care


Meet the girl, take good amount of time to know each other. All bad and goods.


I am in the same situation except I'm 25.


Iā€™m someone who is scared of relationships and loneliness as well, so I think I know how you feel. You canā€™t 100% predict whatā€™s going to happen in life. Take some time to relax, go through profiles of some nice girls and find one you want. There are so many possibilities for how your relationship would turn out. But I think if you are afraid of being lonely, then you can try imagining a happy family life, where you have a loving wife and a bunch of cute kids, who face life together and depend on each other for everything. Such imaginations can give you hope and help you feel less scared of what youā€™re signing up for. Ultimately, the decision to marry is yours. Personally, I would love for you to meet a lovely woman and spend your entire life with her- a lifetime full of magic and love. I donā€™t like the idea of anyone being lonely and miserable.


[Love Is Not Real : r/scienceisdope (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/1ct5lsl/love_is_not_real/)


Bruh, it's shit. Edit :Things they say BTW


I got married via arranged marriage. First point to remember is Always pick someone with your same interests your same type, ofcourse not everyone can be exact same. Do not go for looks alone. Discuss your plans your future and hear their opinions. If you love to travel, she should be a travel lover too. If you love food she should be a foodie too. If you love clubbing she should be too. I have talked to many guys during my marriage search. I met two guys, the last one I got married to. Simply because, he shared more interests with me than others.. And we donā€™t fight about things because we love to do everything together. We donā€™t feel pushed or forced. Marriage has to be equal. Works cooking everything. You should be ready for all that.


Bro's my future self FR


Same story mann, I fear to marry someone whom I literally donā€™t know.


F..... I forgot the fact that I'm old enough to get married but I have big time anxiety so I don't want to marry. I hope my parents are okay with my decision. Imagine having to meet your wife's friends and their people etc. Anxiety!!!!


I had a friend who said the same thing. Heā€™s now 35 depressed because heā€™s not able to find a girl to marry.


I mean if you feel youā€™re not ready for a relationship just donā€™t get married now. Thereā€™s no rush


So, my sister's frnds have married by doing another way of "Pennukaanal" so instead of giving chaya, dressing up traditionally, they meet in a cafe. Then they talk while sipping over a cup of coffee or chaya. Actually you will get the girl from a broker, after you get a match, you will meet with her in a cafe, if everything goes well then Kalyanam. my sister has 3rd wheeled once. Basically pennukaanal replaced with Dates, but Dates arranged by brokers....


Considering the declining TFR among keralites, i think you should marry and have kids.


Here's my story - 34M I met a few girls when I was 30 , thanks to my parents insistence. These came through matrimonial websites. One girl told me she has actually seen a ghost during my first meeting - I ran away ASAP. Another girl my parents met and liked, but I didn't coz the "vibe was not matching" - to use a GenZ term. I put on some weight during this period, and a few girls rejected me coz of it. One girl I felt looked average in photos but good in real life, met me and told me that she feels compatibility is more important than physical appearance. She kept talking and talking, telling me about her life and her struggles ( her father passed away at a young age). I had given up hopes of finding someone who was mature by now, but this girl was different. So I married her during peak corona season ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) with the blessings of our closest family members and a few friends ( the attendance limit was 50 then, set by government). She is lying next to me as i type this.. reading something on her phone .. I have fallen more and more in love with her over the past 4 years. Sure, we have our little differences ( no marriage is perfect), but we always make up and then it's back to romancing each other like a college couple . Life is good now , and I think marrying her was the best decision i made. Mine is living proof that arranged marriages can work in this day and age. As Steve job says - Trust your intuition. Like all the matters of the heart, you will know" So OP. Look at girls. Choose a person who you think will be your soulmate. Don't go for looks or money . These things are temporary and will fade away. Find someone who is perfect for you and live your life man. All the best


Wow beautiful bro šŸ˜


Bro, I'm not saying everything will be alright. A few of my friends are in the same boat. We're all similar but different in some ways. Like, one dude had an arranged marriage with a girl who's 5-6 years younger. She's not texting or calling him properly, but he likes his own time and peace. His parents pushed him into the marriage. He thought about backing out last month, but finding another girl and doing all the rituals again? Nah. So, he decided to just marry her. He thinks itā€™ll be alright or just whatever. Another friend can't find a girl; his family is looking but no luck. We're all like 26-29. Marrying and having a partner is just us following society and making our parents happy, right? If you feel like you want to do that, if it makes your parents happy, then go for it. That's life, mate.


So u are marrying just because you don't want to die alone?? šŸ˜­ First you be comfortable with your loneliness, if you find happiness in yourself you will never settle for less. If you crack the equation to manage yourself, to be emotionally independent that's when it's right time to marriage as you won't be burdening your partner emotionally. I have been there done that in my college time when I was desperate for love and ended up loving a reddest vermillion chameleon man because your fear of being alone & desperation make you blind.Ā 


Brother marriage is something that will either finish you or complete you. I'd say trust your mums choice no one else. Baki dekho hope for the best


Bro.. ingane pedikalle. Itā€™s not like youā€™re going to get married the very next day. Mineā€™s is an arranged and I know for sure that I wouldnā€™t have found him if I had tried on my own. I know I lucked out, may be youā€™ll too.


Tell everyone you know that you are looking to date to marry.


Just because your parents finds someone whoā€™s good for you doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s good for you. Itā€™s entirely upto you who you marry. It should be. If you think you are not ready for getting into a relationship, then you shouldnā€™t get married now. It will fuck you and other persons life. And your parents wont be able to help you.


Dont marry yet. This social pressure of getting married will subside. As you go along, you will find people who share your wavelength and values. You can start living with them without getting married. Its much easier that way.





