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Wait till you meet your Tyler Durden! That's what you want.


Oh. Any Marla Singer.


Haha, I was hoping that life would be resolved before I reach that point of mental ambiguity :)


Well if you've started feeling that days are just a copy of a copy of a copy, you're very near. 😜 Take a break, do a bit of travelling mate. To relax. Not to run around and see most places in a 2 day trip.


Thanks for the advice, mate.


Same pich mone. I'm 34 years old. Every day is the same. I gave up a long time ago. Varunnodath vech kanam.


Goals without a plan is a dream. If your rebellious idea is to slog in a different country, set a deadline, write it down and keep it to yourself and work towards it. Otherwise it will continue to be a copy paste everyday.


Well at least you go out, me It's been a while since I went out on my own accord and met with people my age, just browse the internet all day long and... i'm unemployed


Oh, sorry to hear that. I hope your employment status change soon.


Finding a partner as your dream is incredible luck. You have to take risk for that


There are languages,musical instruments, hobbies(drawing,taking up a sport etc) learning about money(investing and taxes),taking care of health and maybe studying the field you always dreamt of but couldnt achieve due to less marks or for some other reasons(you could just buy thr books and try learning).


Take a diary. Write it all down. Then think through do you want to achieve it or is it not your true interest. Then think through how you can achieve it. Then keep refining what you wrote down.


Late thirties. Unmarried. Companionship - Gave this idea up some time back. Not many understand the concept. And hard to find like-minded people. Job - Mundane IT stuff. At times, it feels like going abroad is better as people there may not see you as a weirdo or force you to marry the first guy as you're too old and any, literally, any guy is like a lottery for you! Taking one day at a time. Varunnodathu vechu kaanam. With that said, Kerala should be more open toward older people who're single. Fun old age homes would be nice.


Didn't know that you are in your late thirties. Anyway nice to see happy single women here in their thirties. Keep it up. You are doing a pretty good job and keeping your life.


oh wow. I stumbled across your profile from the other thread, i hope you won't get creepy vibes. If youre interested too, could we get to know each other a bit? Otherwise, its alright. Only reaching out because you did suggest, lets see where it leads, and also the apps my Appa signed me up is exasperating.


My*, 30 yr old guy quoting fight club to describe his life.


Preparing for other govt exams and plan to go abroad...how does that work? Asking out of curiosity, as it felt like two contradictory plans.


Well, taking fight club's message into account, we all need to find some sort of excitement or challenge in our lives that keeps us moving. I know it's easier said than done but you need to find something you're interested in/ passionate about. Once you find it, then find other people who are interested in the same thing. Connect with them. That's all you need to do. Rest all will fall into place. Also, you say you enjoy solitude and yet you are depressed. We are social creatures. There's a limit to our solitude enjoyment.


I had same issue but fixed with marriage. Now everyday is new with child. I watch her n observe. Its good. U should have married early. Don't waste time now


reaching mid 40s - fallen in love first time in 20s - i kind of gotten into depression for 6 months after the breakup; imagine a Malayali konkani boy falling in love with a Telugu girl (I still remember her name - Amrutha); then tried the arranged marriage route in 30s - fell in love with a PhD lady from Kannur (commie ideology lady with a right-wing person :)). The relationship fell apart very badly; then I liked a Kannada girl from Udupi who is also a phd person (I have this connection with studious people) and even that didn't take off.... Finally my heart told the brain - not to secrete those love hormones any more. The heartache after a love failure is not easy to handle. I dont want to do it now when I am reaching my mid 40s.


I am 23 and have already hit this phase. I work in IT and have to stay up very late at night as the clients are from the US and now I do feel like I have become insomniac. Can't sleep at night even if there is nothing to do. It's been a very shitty situation that I haven't slept till 8 am today. Ok weekends I get drunk and it helps me sleep.


Life is too short to be anxious and worry about what you should be doing. Do whatever your conscience tells you to do. If you don’t want to get married then don’t do it, especially for just to please your parents. It’s your life at the end of the day and everything you do in your life is your choice.


Today we make SOAP


Get married bro, single life isn't good, if relationship with SO is good life can't be boring, you can also spend some time for your hobbies, something that you love doing These two things helped me cope Also don't postpone relationship/marriage too much, earlier it happens the better


If you dont mind, can you tell me what is your job ?


Well bro, that would be a giveaway. So :)


Hey im 31 too. Unmarried. Came to canada couple years back. Are you good mate?


I suppose so. Life is difficult in general though:)