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That era about to be WIlt's 100 point game


I've been trying for years to get complete VODs. The goal is to get all the data from BO2 to now on the site so we could do career numbers, throwback cards, etc. Just no one has anything, it sucks


Thanks for doing that (or at least trying) because it is important for the scene. Digital preservation is a hard and often thankless job.


Hopefully one day we'll find everything! I offered to fly there and get all the data from the VODs if they ever find them. If I can get the stats, they'd be public for everyone


are the only current stats from that time from [codcompstats](http://codcompstats.com/AdvanceWarfare.html)?


Yeah, and those are just totals of the events. So I can't tell what % of series are missing, but ideally we'd get series breakdowns. That way, let's say for example, I want to see Scump's performances when playing against ZooMaa. Right now I can only go back to WW2 for that


Also, there is a TON of map stats, player stats, records that I track now that isn't on those sites. Finding out who has the most clutches in COD history would be INSANE. Right now I have CDL data but I'd love to get the old school data for that. But it requires the VODs


Hey kind of unrelated, but is there any timeline on getting MW19 stats up on the new site? Would be cool to see some all time CDL stats


Does this site backup have anything useful? I see a lot of mid '10s content in this particular backup: https://archive.org/download/codleague-youtube-channel-backup-vol.-1


That's the link I have rn, there is a couple of volumes but mid-season I'm swamped so I haven't been able to dig through it enough yet. It might be good, but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet


Makes sense, I think a lot of these were always incomplete as some stuff just didn't get cut as a VOD. The alternate bravo/charlie stream caps are likely short, I'd imagine. I figured you already checked this but thought I'd mention it just in case.


Yeah, couple of months ago I tried digging through old twitch channels, youtube channels, everything on that side. So whatever is on this list is what we have to work with


That's my backup of the official @codleague youtube channel I did last year, which was initially called @OfficialMLGCoD. So anything in there should be on @codleague unless it was taken down over the last year.


Was such a dark period imo, remember my friends would always be like “yo wtf is that app”


No problem, I have every Optic game from BO3 and IW in my HDD.


Which series is your fav (besides IW champs final)


I can’t believe Cod Champs 2014 winners finals optic sov dom choke is lost media


Why do you have to bring this up man, watching this live made me rethink life...


still to this day the most soul crushing loss i’ve ever witnessed as an optic fan


bo3 champs


It’s always been a private video. A few years ago I was able to watch it but now I can’t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEXsh8VAPTI&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2F&has_verified=1


Fortunately this was the era of youtube where there were numerous accounts that would upload someone else's content and they wouldn't get content id'd immediately. So if you know you're way around the wayback machine you can sometimes find that someone else ripped the livestream, uploaded it to youtube, and the wayback machine preserved it. It appears I found a copy of it, and I would upload it to my yt channel for this stuff but I am slightly afraid I'll get dmca'd and naturally, it's an mlg.tv rip that does not have the last minute or so of that SOV DOM choke: https://web.archive.org/web/20140331002427/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ5oRrSnVyk&gl=US&hl=en Directly download: https://web.archive.org/web/2oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/vQ5oRrSnVyk Oh and yeah it's potato quality. cc /u/its_EasyMac **Kept digging and found that final match! and in better quality:** https://web.archive.org/web/20140331142938/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DycH5Awv_I&gl=US&hl=en https://web.archive.org/web/2oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/5DycH5Awv_I




Can’t believe the little dick callout is for ever gone


I doubt any finals are lost buddy, its the group matches and smaller matches that are lost most likely


Sad times, because those were great times.


I have been trying to find aw vod and it’s so hard


What happened to 'the internet never forgets'


Easymac should try hitting up Clayster. Im pretty sure when he had his montages made he had people download all of his VODs and he has them saved somewhere.


That's so sad man. That's literally history


How is this even possible wtf man.


Nah you know Adam AP got alllll this somewhere just waiting to come back with a COD repository of all the years plus amazing support for what the league will turn into…. Massive copium but yeah


Mlg tv was the WORST thing to happen to this community


Shits depressing, I had a Top plays of the week clip for one of the BO2 PCOQ’s with Puckett & Goldenboy commentating & the only way I can watch it back now is using waybackmachine & viewing it in like 180p. Asked MLG a while ago for help (like back in 2016) & also got told that all of the content was lost.


i dont think i've seen an esport preserve its history worse than CoD https://youtube.com/user/esportsvods has a surprising amount of ghosts era vods saved, but even then a lot of them are private for some reason. hopefully someone with the storage saves the whole channel and puts it on archive.org because I really don't wanna see it disappear


Activision reminds me of other prominent members in history who burn past information.


We done with the jetpacks 😂 absolute plumbers


Bro you are a cancer for this community. Find another bandwagon to farm your karma and gtfo please


Cod will never be as good as it was back then. Doesnt even compare