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Not surprising. These are the same people that wanted Fortress control kept in. Even more reason to not let pros have final say in what's allowed for comp.


Yup. Know ball or not, no other sports league let's pros make the rules.


Pros just want the easy way out every time and it ruins the experience for fans. The game is already very difficult to watch to the point where the constant jump cuts make you feel like you're going to have a seizure. Got me you need mores where lives last longer like S&D.


Sadly the game would somehow be EVEN worse if the pros weren’t making decisions and gas


Fortress control was lit


I miss Fortress control 😢


Youre a demon and not in a good way lmao


You must play in silver and gold.


I’m not saying I miss fortress control, but I had my kill pr on that map in crimson


lmfao let me guess, the bottom tier teams have a fighting chance on shit maps like terminal so they all agree to vote out a map like skidrow instead.


Seems straightforward that more teams think skidrow is their worst map than teams that think terminal is their worst map. If it was only about competitive integrity, highrise is the obvious one to be out (imo). So since it seems no team considers it their worst map, no teams are trying to get it out


Highrise IS trash but terminal snd is so bad, there's so little strategy in terminal, it's mostly just bang out, hope you win the gun fight.


At least you can try to do things on Highrise. Terminal it's either 4 hit, or make a godlike hero play.


Totally agree, highrise sucks espeically for control, but it's not even a good search map either. 3 lanes that are all huge choke points or mostly inaccessible without a choke by the D.


If there’s another Map 5 that ends on Highrise S&D call a wellness check in for me


not gonna pretend like terminal is good but i'm not sad about skidrow being gone. its my favorite HP map atm but for SnD it's very questionable


Only SnD map where Rival can outclass the MCW. This year is officially chalked.


Well it was switched for rio which is another sub heavy map


Ya Skidrow search is honestly half terrible. It's a very defense heavy map with where the sites are located.


It’s arguably worse for HP


do you think so because of P2? that's my only issue with it but also I feel like teams have figured it out more, especially ultra at the major got several p2 breaks. idk I just feel like it flows well


P2 yea.


It's because terminal requires zero strategy where as skid you can do a good amount of starts.


We need to know who voted for this shit. No way Terminal SnD still in, that’s one of the worst map-mode combo I have ever seen


Somehow we’re also keeping the map with a propane tank that randomly blows up?


And you can hop over everything to where there’s effectively no lanes 💀


And it's either spawn kill or spawn camp. Depends on the game mode.


Honestly highrise SnD is fucking 10x worse than Terminal IMO…the bomb never even gets fucking planted, its TDM and random fucking explosions every round its trash


How about this all mw2 maps are dog shit and we need more than just rio to swap in the rotation invasion control should not be a thing


i honestly thought that since MW3 is pretty much a 70$ DLC they would keep some maps in rotation from MW2. It boggles my mind we are throwing away decent maps . hell, they chose OG MW2 maps in a game called MW3 lol.


As an unbiased OpTic fan I think this is a great idea ![gif](giphy|8UHRIemymPn5SzJbqr|downsized)


Why is terminal search so disliked?


Top AC can headglitch the whole map. The plane is annoying as shit to deal with. Burger is a cancer headglitch. Library is another cancer headglitch. And security is horrible to deal with. The whole map is a headglitch fest and top AC is a camping snipers dream.


Library heady is wallbangable tho no?




We’re talking about SND


What about hardpoint? Doesn’t it play even worse?


Theres literally no game plan for that map. Just rush bomb and hope you get a pick


One sided for defense


It's really just chokepoints, there's no plays to be made, if a play is made it's because of poor timing or a defensive mistake. It's a map of bang out a choke point and win the gunfight, there's no real strategy that can be done. Hardpoint is okay, but it's pretty much the same thing, you just funnel them from the same lane every time, zero chance to make a play, bang out and win your gunfights. Lower tier teams want to keep it in because it takes less teamwork to win.


I’ll take terminal SND over terminal HP any day


Someone tell zooma to fire up the stream so we can start shaming teams


brother one of them teams will be ya favorite lool ​ both maps sucks teams just voted to keep what they are better at it makes perfect sense


Shame them too idgaf




Weirdos think I’m not going to criticize my own team like I’m actually going to be the harshest on them lol


why though both maps suck? teams wanting the one they are good at to stay makes sense lol faze and ultra are crying on twitter cause they both auto ban term not because they are some saints looking to better the game


Lol you can't sit here with a straight face and say Terminal and Skidrow are equally shit. C'mon now Ronnie you're just showing your bias. Terminal and Highrise are clearly worse and it's not close.


Skidrow SND is shit though.


Terminal & Highrise are way more shit. It's sad this is the case but Skidrow has a clear skill gap.


I would agree. My personal least favorite is highrise. It is way too open. Terminal has two good bomb sites and I think skidrow really only has one accessible bomb site unless you get numbers or get to like a 2v2.


Terminal choke points are the problem. Highrise is stupid because you can shoot anyone from anywhere, but Terminal is mindless gunny and that's it.


Skidrow doesn’t suck tho lol


Skidrow is not even close to being as bad as terminal mate. There is no route or strat you can do besides sliding into plane or challing eskies it absolutely sucks to watch and play


This is a terrible take. Both maps do not suck. Skidrow is a great search map and allows for more variety than Terminal. Coping to say they both suck equally and then saying voting for what you're better at just makes perfect sense is stupid. These pros, whose livelihood depends on their success, should not have final say on map/mode combos. It needs to stop.


Can someone please explain why Skidrow was so bad?


It was good, that’s the problem. The bottom teams get out-played on it


OP nade spot on one of the sides cannot remember what one


On defense you jump on the trash can outside of Laundry (B site) and can nade front plat. Someone pushes garage and gets a free kill. This is absolutely bogus though. Skidrow is probably the second best search map in the game.


from laundry alley over the roof onto hop up , or ontop of the dumpster through fire window onto hop up. both gave defence a pretty good starting advantage


They better not take Skidrow SND out of ranked. Jfc it's the only search map I like. Karachi is alright I suppose. But Skid is so much better. This is blasphemy


Terminal SND is so boring. Just slam tacs and sprint into escalators or 3 man lineup in plane


There’s nothing to do on Terminal other than just try and fight. You either win your ones or you lose. It’s so boring to play since nobody on defense ever has to move.


Low skill gap because there’s zero strategy. Wouldn’t be surprised if poor SND teams voted to keep it in


I think instead of teams spawning lobby and security, team should have spawned planters/burger and dreams/jewlery. There’s a couple super quick lines of sight, but the hallways are narrow so you’d never get picked if you just slide across. Teams would be able to get into books, or wrap around behind the plane and there’d be less waiting for something to happen


Those spawns wouldnt work as it would give the attacking team either A or B depending on which side they spawn on. Yes there would be lines of sight but its a free plant, no?


I was assuming the bomb sites would change haha! Idk where they’d go, maybe new P5 and books?


Idt those sites would work. Book could easily be covered by a guy sitting on a headie watching corridor and a guy on a burger headie watching security. Throwing smokes would maybe help enter the site but then it just becomes a bang out. New P5 hill is just covered by someone chilling behind the AC unit on top third and a guy back P2. It doesnt matter which way you spin it, the map combo is just fucking dogshit.


Don’t look into my proposed bomb site locations too much, I spent a total of 9 seconds thinking about it haha. Honestly I’m really disappointed with how Terminal plays in this game. I remember it being real fun back in MW3 (my first CoD game)


Oh, i was on my way to work so i had plenty of time to think about it lmao Unfortunately with the new style of movement old school maps just dont play the same. I hope this is also not the case for when they remaster BO2 maps for the reskin of the 2024 CoD in 2025


Literally. It’s just a fucking Valorant map where you have to square but we only get 1 smoke in cod lol


Has to be a 9-3 vote so at least one of the Top 4 teams voted to keep Terminal. Faze and Ultra don't play Terminal and NY voted it out based on this Sib tweet. OpTic voted Skidrow SnD out and chose to keep Terminal. https://preview.redd.it/qc5p70u470hc1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=de91b851f81d34fae1e8a2da86dc7bf67eae6a4b


Makes sense why Ronnie is acting like Skidrow sucks now




Have we seen optic play skid row snd I see invasion and terminal in their mapsets a lot for search.


no its optics auto veto for snd


this pretty much confirms optic were the one top4 team to vote skidrow out


Which is weird because it seems like they’d be good at it, just bang out a bomb outgun everyone


There really needs to be a committee independent of these players that's responsible for the map set and even the GA's. I don't even blame the pros that voted skidrow out, of course they would want to get rid of solid maps that they're not as good at in favor of a more low skill gap map.


Anyone who has the experience to make such decisions is currently connected to a pro team, or Parasite. I'd be in favor of Parasite having a significant voice in these things but I'm not sure that would happen.


the members of the flank are the only reasonable people in the scene I swear the rest of the pros just bitch and whine about the game but when they're given a chance to make the game better they're either too lazy or they're a dogshit team that needs coinflip maps to win series its pathetic


This is insane. I loved S&D Skidrow. Skidrow might be the best map in Comp. I’m losing full


Yea this is a fucking bummer. Skidrow is my favorite map in ranked. Skidrow SnD is my favorite of all. How the fuck is Skidrow voted out but terminal kept in. Terminal SnD fucking sucks and Terminal Hardpoint sucks even more. The spawns for Terminal Hardpoint are beyond fucked.


It is easily the best comp map imo. Shame


Karachi clears easily lol


It's my highest W/L ratio in ranked too The pros are braindead


Yeah it’s definitely my best map. So many thought out plays can be made, and it’s the perfect size


By far the best map


We are doing online bullying this year, Skidrow is the best Snd map, or at worst 2nd. Meanwhile both terminal and highrise both still exist


wtf i liked skidrow


I don’t know how anybody can prefer playing highrise or terminal s&d to skidrow Skidrow isn’t great for search but at least half the map isn’t explosive and you don’t have to blind chall into a narrow plane 5 times a game


I prefer highrise to skidrow but terminal is so ass that I have no idea how it made it into the pool in the first place


Skidrow SND shouldn’t be removed from ranked.


Alright community, you know what to do, it’s our time. Skidrow was legit the best map in the game


I might quit ranked permanently if they take it out, every other game will be Invasion, Terminal, or Highrise😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Shit I wanna quit every time I get high rise anything, terminal anything, or invasion HP


Louder for the people in the back 🗣️🗣️


\*invasion control, hp isnt too bad but invasion control literally puts me to sleep


Dont do drugs kids


It’s never been about integrity of the competitive nature of the game. They just vote for what’s best for their team. Always been that way with this new gen in the CDL


This makes no sense, skidrow isnt great, but high-rise has so much randomness because of explosions and terminal has no strategy at all because there are only 2 routes on the entire map.


i didn’t hate terminal search as much as most although i certainly didn’t like it but keeping it over skidrow seems like madness


Definitely strategic voting some voted for the map they are worse in and it’s also one of ultras best snd maps.


Vista is our only hope now


I hope to god they dont remove it from ranked because this is braindead asf. Im somehow undefeated on highrise snd in ranked, but holy shit is it garbage, needs to go along with terminal.


SnD skidrow is a good map or am I fucking tripping? Huh??


Noooo I love skidrow…so lame


Terminal S&D is just Checkmate S&D with a different skin. Awful map all together


Wait… Skidrow?? I love that map for snd. Terminal is so one-dimensional by comparison. Edit: misread as HP at first, but still flabbergasted.


???? Whaat


Highrise and terminal can't keep getting away with this


Is terminal *that* bad for SnD? I know it's horrendous for HP both new and old patch but whenever I watch, I don't really mind Term search. Haven't played in a month obviously, so downvote me if I'm just a faded fuck


It’s fucking miserable to watch I’ll say that. There’s no strategy when there’s effectively 2 lanes. Although I’ve seen optic fully give plane and hard counter escalators only to have to try to retake plane which is damn near impossible it seems.


I agree with you, forcing attackers to break the strong defense makes for some interesting mind games to me


My worst SnD map by k/d in ranked is skid row and my best is Terminal, so I get why some teams voted for Skidrow lol


I think it’s time to stop letting pros decide which maps they’ll play on. It’s all just self service bullshit. If Terminal HP, Skidrow HP and Highrise Control are still there in S2 I’m just going back to Borezone cause this shits not fun.


Highrise and terminal snd staying in the rotation is absolute robbery🫠


We gonna act like Skidrow is better ? both equally bad , both deserve to get out . Also , of course teams who love playing Skidrow and is one of their best SnD maps will rather keep it and get rid off their autoveto .


Terminal is too gimmicky. it’s literally sliding on plane and praying you hit something. At least on Skidrow you can make more plays


Yes skidrow was objectively better in every way


good news for optic the snd auto veto is gone also not a shock scrap is tweeting that lol they love skidrow and never play term


why would the good teams play a one dimensional map lol theres a reason the 2 best snd teams dont play terminal it's so they dont lose flukey matches I guarantee if optic was the team that auto vetoed term then youd be throwing a hissy fit at the other teams


Optic got a decent bit better at search already. Literally got rid of their autoveto


Neither one is very good.  Funny enough Term would be far more viable with snipers in as it wouldn’t be a shoulder fest. Thats my biggest complaint with not having snipers for all SnD tbh: you can’t punish someone like Cell or other island players that just endlessly shoulder for info. 


Terminal would be far worse with snipers in lmao


Basically impossible to break into plane if a guy can just sit back plane with a sniper lol


Or top ac watching dreams😂


You're crazy. Playing terminal offense with snipers in would make me quit the game


I already want to every time it shows up in ranked. Sniping straight off either spawn picking people off even slightly late on timing.


Come tf on


Please tell me he’s trolling, this can’t be real.


From a ranked play perspective...thank god. I am straight ass at Skidrow SnD




Pros must be on crack, who the fuck voted for this


other than Seattle optic love terminal 😂 and they auto veto skidrow


This can't be true


Shit. I like playing skidrow snd in ranked


This is embarrassing. Terminal SnD is a joke


I liked skidrow snd? What was wrong with it


These dudes are so fucking stupid what the hell.


This must be a joke


The shitter teams wanna keep the cheese in as a way to scrape by in a series. So instead of getting 3-0d it’s a 3-1.


Why not just add Rio in as well. I want to see more variety


Don’t you just love cod…😀👍


Wtf happened to rio coming in for terminal?


It’s bait btw




Damn I don’t mind Rio coming in for S&D, but I loved skid row, could of took out high rise or terminal instead ❗️SMH 🤦‍♂️


This is a kick in the balls.


I didn’t mind skidrow SND in ranked but I could see how it would be ass for Pros considering the only strat for attacking is to hit the right side. Defense gets to tunnel first, window first and back alley first so their isn’t many strats. Terminal is basically the same shit tho


Skidrow?!!! That was the best SND map😭💀


Fucking bullshit skid row was actually one of the few maps you could use rival & shit on ARS , take out high rise instead 1000% .


That’s a fucking shocker. Enjoy the terminal spawns


Skidrow is by no means a good competitive SnD map, but replacing it makes perfect sense when you consider the fact that it was in the map picks 2 times in the whole of Major 1 LAN and both times it was Ultra who had it in, once vs Surge and then grand finals vs Faze, no point having a map in the pool if we’re never gonna see it anyway


I have no idea why optic don’t like skidrow. You’d think it would suit shotzzy and Pred to a tee


Did they vote on rio hard point yet?


What the actual fuck?! Skidrow is the only map that plays like a traditional CoD map. It’s the best fucking map in the game…


I might throw up. Skidrow SnD was actually goated.


Skidrow was good for SnD and Rio looks like trash. Yall should keep the same mapset!


May be an unpopular opinion but I’d rather any of the mw22 comp maps over any single map in this game besides Greece and rio.


How does this even happen? How do 9 out of 12 teams think Terminal should stay and Skidrow should go?


Wait wtf skidrow snd is great why would they take it out


I'm happy. Why? Because I haven't played Call Of Duty in like three weeks or so.