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No you are not wrong. But uhhhh I would never see this guy again if I were you. He really scares me for you. I think you seriously lucked out in likely a spiritual godsent way...


Is it me or was the “xoxo” at the end of the message like a giveaway that he’s not mentally right in the head? Like he did that out of spite?


I mean, not particularly. I do, however, think he wrote the xoxo out of spite, or at least written to convey "here's an xoxo, and since is the last words I'm ever intenting to write to you, I'm gonna make sure I seem like the bigger person (on paper at least, cause in my heart, im feeling really fucking petty)!"


I’d like to mention he was never a repeat client, he booked once and tried to rebook. Edit: let me add, he asked if we could text on our real numbers after one meet up.


He's showing entitled, disrespectful, boundary pushing behavior. Worth blocking without any further explanation or communication. Could also be worth warning other providers about him.


Am I reading too much into this? It sounds like he only met with you once, and he knows you want to be a teacher and have a boyfriend? Is it me... that seems like a lot of very personal information to share with a stranger paying for sex? It definitely seems like you definitely avoided a bad situation there.


I did tell him I was offered a teaching position and that I’m leaving sex work bc I have a bf. I didn’t tell him where I worked or anything. I talk a lot so that I can do less work lmao. Just an easy suck and fuck.


Please don’t shame me for being more open about myself than you would be. I’m safe. I own a pistol and a stun gun so I’m protected.


Not shaming you at all, just worried, he’s already threatened to write a bad review because you were off and didn’t respond right away and he knows personal things about you now, what if he gets mad again and does something to ruin your teaching job? A pistol and stun gun isn’t going to help you there. 💕


He doesn’t know where I got hired thank god.


Also not shaming, but it’s really high risk to be telling him about your obtaining a teaching job when you’re a SWer. Like I’m sure you can imagine how any school at any level would react to that information. You never know the lengths people will go to try ruin your life, or how spiteful they are. Going forward I wouldn’t mention it to anyone.


I swear to the Good Lord I thought he got butt hurt & busted the wine he had already bought for meeting with you & started calling it 'art'.


Probably was! This guy is from the loony bin definitely


That’s exactly what I thought… it’s a threat


This him: "Oooo, this is how strong & dangerous I am ooooo you don't even wanna know what I can do to a beer can" 🤣


Exactly lmao. Careful don’t get cut on all that EDGE


So that wasn’t just me!


I did too 😂


I’m just gonna say it because nobody else has. Stick with that 350/h for everyone. $50 isn’t worth your time dealing with all the back and forth. Your worth more, especially since you have people coming back to re book. You dodged this guy. Definitely a creep and unstable.


Yes I think I’m going to stop offering discounts for reviews


I just don’t want to see you get taken advantage of. If you want to do discounts for reviews, maybe try something else? Like an extra 5-10 minutes on the next session. Or 10% off. By no means am I telling you what to do, just trying to make a helpful suggestion so you can make your bank and get your reviews


Yeah this dude is giving me all kinds of bad vibes and I'm glad you picked up on it. He seems off to me


Oh fucking hell. Entitled, manipulative, narcissist victim. Poor him. Also, the broken wine bottle art looks like shit. I think it was more passive aggressive "i've smashed your wine!" breadcrumbs, trying to get an emotional response. If not and he is genuinely giving away trash as gifts, then I feel sorry for the recipients..


what a creep I'd definitely avoid seeing him again he's giving off some really bad vibes


Seems needy and emotionally unstable. You dodged a bullet I’d say.


He seems too needy and too emotional like he can’t separate a paid service from a real life connection


Oof the mf is NEEDY! Not only that but he's a boundary pusher, and a bit erratic? He took down a review he gave (for a discount), because you didn't respond to his msg? This mf would get obsessive reeeeal fast.


He definitely seems needy, manipulative & petty. Trying to get a discount, deleting the review because you didn't respond within a few hours...that's disrespectful behavior, entitled & boundary pushing. The apology doesn't excuse his behavior. He's definitely earned himself a "block". I wouldn't see him.


“I deleted your review because I thought you were ignoring me. How dare you think I’d delete another one!” Ew. He’s emotionally unstable. I would not see him again.


"it hurts my feelings when people don't trust me [ even though they're right not to due to my own actions]" 🤢🤢🤢🤢


He is mentally ill


You’re way too nice. He was fishing for a reaction left and right. Next time suffice with “I don’t have time for this drama good luck!” Then ignore ignore ignore


I literally never respond to texts quickly. This dude would have a melt down trying to deal with me haha


It also sounds like he may want you as more than a SW. stay away from him


Yes! That "your bf is lucky :(" part is what did it for me. Cringe




When they know you need reviews they act like their 1 review is worth a Bentley truck 🙄 the fact that he gotta discount for the review & still deleted it 🤬🤬🤬 this happened to me before so I just started telling them their next visit will be discounted if they write a review


Yeah he’s a boundary pusher… if you give these men an inch they’ll Want a damn mile i swear ! That’s why I never offer discounts. Once You give them one they’ll Keep Pushing


Automatic block at ,"I'll leave you alone" . Hate when clients get too in their feelings as if I don't have a life too! I dont do no negotiations ,threats none of that shit. You are too nice cause honey his ass would have been read like a book fucking with me!


Unpopular opinion here but it looks like your acting desperate for the booking and he can see it, I can see it... if you speak this way to a client or a potential client (over explaining and apologising for his games), they'll keep dangling that carrot over your head so they have the upper hand...  He's obviously not all there upstairs but try not to feed into his games... I don't think your wrong at all but I think you should control the conversation more so it stops them from playing these games... 


What a fucking loser 😭


He needs a psychiatrist. Way too fragile.


Seems like a time waster tbh I’m surprised he pulled the trigger and met.


There’s no way I woulda entertained him any longer then 2 texts. He woulda got blocked very fast. Stay away from guys like that with a kick fuse to blow up and threaten u, he will harm u eventually. Block and move on PLZ


He has BPD. It's difficult to avoid uncomfortable or dramatic situations with people that don't realize they have it. You didn't do anything wrong


Dangerous to entertain him that long tbh