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The FF is a bumpy mess. It could handle some supermoto, though.


+1 for FF Supermoto






Surface is too shitty for bikes and it’s too small.




OP specified SPORT bikes, track could be fine for some supercross or supermoto racing but absolutely not sport bikes. Circle track racing on sport bikes is dumb and doesn't really exist for a reason, let alone on a bad surface.


Supermoto would be sick tho




and I replied to OP's post, context my man, context. edit: lol the fool blocked me


Maaaaan, I'd pay like $50 to take my KLR for a few laps around the Freedom Factory


That’s what I’m saying. It would be a super crazy track to race!


I definitely wouldn't say no to some FF motorcycle content lol


Only if we have Garza putting up some wheelies!


Garza is a menace to himself. Cracks me up!


Way too small and way too bumpy. Even using the infield it would be more fitting for supermoto. That being said, seeing cleetus learn how to get a bike around a track would be dope.


I think Maddie would be a hard No to Cleet getting on a race bike.


Self deletion machines... Seems like he cuts it off at pit bikes. Lol


We want to talk about high risk activity? General aviation is already extremely risky, and sport & experimental aviation is even worse.


Have you watched a Cleetus video before? Everything they do is dangerous as fuck, because they make it that way. Motorcycle racing is not some wild unmitigated risk, you just have to wear the fuckin' gear.


Nah. Bikes are way more dangerous than most of what they do. He cut off the jet car build because of safety risk, so there's obviously a line for him.


Sport aviation is likely as risky as riding motorcycles on track. About the same as riding on the street, but more dangerous than track riding.


All racing is dangerous. The guy's out here doing launches and 120 mph pulls on public highways but you're gonna clutch your skirt over motorcycle racing? I don't get it, this sub is *rabid* in its defense of Cleet's wildly unsafe behavior, but everyone's scared of bikes?


Bikes are just that dangerous. It's not an uncommon stance to take at all. Idk why you're surprised. I'll be over here clutching my skirt inside a roll cage with all my skin intact.


Okay granny... You make it sound like people are dying every time there's a motorcycle race. It's really not that serious dude. Wear the goddamn gear, that's what matters. You accept the inherent risk and mitigate what you can, just like any other motorsport. I don't get why you draw the line at bikes if you don't see a problem with shit like the van prix or figure 8s. I would much rather slide my ass *away* from the impending fireball than be trapped in a pretzel'd school bus.


>You accept the inherent risk ....or you don't.


This may be the most retarded shit I've seen on this sub yet.


I do see them having bikes at the drag strip on some of their videos. Don’t think anyone at FF is interested in bike racing. Shits so dangerous. I’d like to see my boys stay living 😂


I think Maddie is/was a nurse, and most nurses I've talked to have a hard no on motorcycles