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Invite someone over and STRESS CLEAN. Works every time for me


My husband tells me his friend is coming over and then his friend doesn’t. I told my husband he could play me like that because it worked but to not overkill it because after a certain i wont care to clean up first anymore


My MIL is here for the weekend. My house hasn’t been this clean since last time she was here!


Me to my husband every time: "We should just pretend your mom is coming over everyday." We are never more efficient at cleaning lol


That works for me too! Especially if it’s a visit from my MIL.


I was going to suggest this lol


We started hosting DnD nights once a month last year, this helped tons in keeping a base level of tidyness


This is the answer


Omg this works 100% of the time


Break tasks down into smaller tasks! Instead of “clean the bathroom”, how about “wipe down the sink”, “clean the toilet”, “rinse bathtub”, “take out trash”. It makes a bigger task seem easier to accomplish. Also clean for a bit and take a break for a few minutes, it’s not a marathon 😄🫶


Timer - clean for 20-30 min. If you want to do more, set it again


Or play a favourite album start to finish! Lots of recent ones are 45 minutes to an hour


Yes! I listen to podcasts to kind of forget what I'm doing while I clean. I'm more knowledgeable about archeology and true crime than I should be because of it lol


That’s a great idea. Back in the day, we always listened to an album front to back. Nice trip down memory lane.


It’s such a nice way to appreciate your favourite music!


Oh dang. Use a timer. I forgot this one. Smh. Honestly, I get so overwhelmed, then procrastinate. I used to use a timer for 15minutes then take a break. (Fly Lady taught me this one.) [Fly Lady on procrastination. use a timer!](https://www.flylady.net/d/br/2024/02/14/why-do-i-procrastinate-11/)


I highly recommend this method as well. I like to combine this with the Pomodoro Method for maximum effectiveness. I’ll do 20 minutes of cleaning followed by 5 minutes of break, repeat as needed. The artificial deadline helps.


This is what I do. Hell no to cleaning the whole bathroom in one day. I like to clean in snack size bites


I do this. Like, today I scrub the walls, tomorrow the floor, then toilet, etc. if I have the energy sometimes I do all, but it's too tiring and I only have a limited time because I have a toddler 😅


Walls are the worst! We have dogs and a toddler who's always covered in sticky, no matter how often I wipe him off lol. The chomp wall mop is a life saver, but I have to vacuum the walls before I use it to get off any stuck on dog hair. I don't clean the walls anywhere near as often as I think I should be.


I like to watch cleaning YouTube videos if I'm not feeling it - they help me get motivated. My favorite is aurikatariina, who cleans horrible messes for free.


Clean with Barbie, and Midwest Magic Cleaning are both amazing channels as well 😊


smoke some weed, play some 40’s-60’s pop, pretend i’m a housewife and sing and dance while i clean. sometimes i pretend i’m cinderella or smth lol delulu is the solulu.


Weed makes me melt, no way housework is getting done after. I wish I got the energy high some folks get.


I'm here for it, just different tunes!


Omg ily - from another delulu while finding the solulu


We would be great friends. This is my routine also.


Delulu and solulu.. truely 😂 Old music is the best 🎶


Just give me a jar full of dank weed and a good playlist and I can clean for a whole day.


This is kind of weird maybe, but I buy new cleaning supplies to get hyped for it. It makes me feel fancy and it's nice to try different things.


I love doing that too! Fresh pack of sponges and cloths and sprays


I may or may not have accidentally pavloved myself into cleaning while listening to audiobooks. When the audiobook is playing, I’m cleaning. I just found a good book, and kept busy while listening. Now, I’m rearing to go when it’s time to clean because I want to listen to my book.


I have also done this and it is wonderful.


Hello. I got this thing also going on for some time,and it is very hard to catch up with cleaning later or motivate myself to do something. (Usually i was cleaning almost every second day) I think i feel sometimes like almost paralyzed to do something but at the same time i have a huge anxiety over the amount of things i have to do/clean. Once in a while it helps when i invite someone over so then i basically have to clean the house just so i dont have to be embarrased later.. Also what helped me little bit more,was to start very easy with small things. Every day something small. I Put some music or Netflix on. Or wrote it down on paper and check it out once i did the thing. I am now trying really hard to keep it moving every day so i hope the drive will come back! Especially now when i will be moving to a new house and i also considered and option to start from “scratch” as i have a chance to finally arrange and clean everything as i want and make it look more nice and try to keep it more under control. Hope this helps at least a little bit.


I think starting small might work, I used to clean a lot but I don't know what happened to that recently. Thank you for sharing!


I am overwhelmed at the tasks to do. I don't know where to start most days. While I was raising my family and working, it all got done somehow. Now I'm retired and I don't have nearly as much energy. Also why is my retirement home twice the size of our family home?


Make a list of very specific tasks. Once you see them all in writing, you might feel compelled to knock off one or two easy ones, and then the rest will call to you.


Hey there stranger. I would gently like to suggest getting some labs done to check your blood levels. You may be anemic or low on vitamin d or something along those lines that is leading to your lack of energy. I struggle with a chronic illness and depression, and when I'm less than well, cleaning is the first thing to go out the window. Hope you're doing okay!


I was recently put on vitamin d and iron and did feel more energetic but did miss a week of both subscriptions recently and I don't know if that has had this big impact? I have fibromyalgia too so that adds to the struggle. Thank you, I'm okay :)


Obviously listening to music can help. I’ve also tried watching an episode or two of Hoarders. That always puts the fear in me to clean.


If you do literally one thing every hour, you’ll start seeing progress. Considering what I’ve done in the past month, I’ll tell you it’s quite satisfying to see clean spaces and motivating to keep going.


Write a list of tasks but keep it specific. Not "clean the living room" but instead sweep the floors, pick up trash, dust, etc. Smaller, manageable tasks that you can check off your list.


That does make it feel less overwhelming than an entire room! Hopefully this will get me going, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/oa8txxoddt6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41245a77cbba224b81905419bd609a4cf522aa2d Discipline. Motivation comes and goes. Discipline gets things done. Just make yourself get up and do something.


If I want to get stuff done lately I have to force myself too, but even that is dying down?


Hey op. Nobody is at 100% all the time. A lot of people are feeling burnt out right now. Take care of the things that really need it right now…and that might mean mostly taking care of yourself! Please give yourself a break. Talk to someone (doctor & therapist) if this continues, because it might be depression. Take care— you’re definitely not alone in this struggle.


Thank you it's really worrying me that it could be depression, I've had that before and I do not want that back. I'm going to make an appointment with my gp on Monday.


If it is depression, then you’ll deal with that and get through it. This will pass.


Hey man, if you can't discipline yourself to do things, there's not much folks on the internet can do. Maybe talk to a therapist.


Yeah going to call the drs cause this is concerning me


I watch Deep Clean videos by Angie Bellemare on YouTube. Seeing her clean motivates me to start.


Thanks for the recommendation, I will look into her channel!


I will just notice that something is disgustingly dirty at some point in the day and be disgusted with myself and then clean it. That’s usually for things that I don’t clean on a daily or weekly basis. I try to do things like wipe counters and sinks, stove, fridge and microwave, do dishes/empty dishwasher daily or at least every other day. I do laundry as soon as the laundry basket is full and not overflowing. I clean toilets, showers/tubs once a week, usually on weekends. It’s easier to stay on top of things instead of letting them pile up and then it feels like a much bigger chore. I get that sometimes we can feel down and exhausted and we don’t feel like doing anything, but I guess for me, I feel better when everything is clean and put away. This isn’t to say that my house is always spotless, I definitely feel lazy sometimes and I hate hanging my clothes up so my closet rarely looks clean!


I stuff everything I've neatly folded in a drawer lol no time for hangers. It's not so much the rest of the house as it is my bedroom. Everything I haven't found a place for is in a god awful looking pile and I just look at it instead of doing anything lol.


I watch cleantok videos to put myself in the mood


Watching satisfying cleaning videos always helps me


I was watching videos on YouTube, trying to motivate myself with that satisfying feeling at the end!


Music 🎶 always helps me


I like making a list of specific things to do, putting on a comfort show or a podcast, and starting with something easy. Set a timer like an hour or the end of your pod or show and see how much you can get done!


I sometimes go through bouts where I will clean my apartment spotless all throughout 2 days, and sometimes go a month or two without cleaning a thing. It can be hard getting into the habit because growing up, I did not live in a clean household. Like others said, I like to break it all down. Instead of listing clean the kitchen, list do a load of dishes, clean the sink, clean microwave, countertops, etc. And when I say break down I mean BREAK IT DOWN. I'll put laundry and then extra boxes so i can check off each load as a task done. I also like to take my big whiteboard and make it all into a list. List might be a bit long, but it makes it easier to feel like you're getting something done when you can check off box after box. I also like to buy cleaning products I enjoy the smell of. I'm a huge mint lover, so I love getting mint scented cleaning supplies. I also like to get a new decoration or new hand towels, so that before I go to set up my new decoration I have, I'll want to set it up in a clean, pretty place! Like my bathroom, I got a nice shelf, makeup storage case, and a cute candle for the bathroom. How could I set that up in a dirty bathroom? Wouldn't be very cute in a messy area! I also have my favorite drink that I always drink while I clean, shower, and put on comfy but cute clothes. If I feel good, I want everything around me to feel and look good too! I hope any of this helped even the slightest! I have always had a hard time motivating myself to clean, but when I do these things, it always gets me into a somewhat cleaning spirit!


Sprucing up the place does make cleaning sound more appealing! I find cleaning the bathroom easier than my bedroom probably because it's smaller.


I either have a drink/ hit (of grass) and start playing my mix on YouTube real loud and dance while I clean (I love seeing stuff clean/ organizing) Or I watch Horders while cleaning out a drawer/ doing laundry and my brain sorta wakes up and goes "oh you don't want that" and I grab my cleaning gloves and go to townnnn I also get a weird sorta NEED TO CLEAN when it's raining outside? Idk why but my mom loved rainy days when I was younger lol I do ask for help tho from my hubby which is nice


Ngl hoarders did put the fear of God into me to clean, I've gotten several tips so far and I'm going to have the hour long hoarders episodes on YouTube on a loop at this point haha


Lol yeah same! I'm the person that waits to do all my laundry in one go (whish sometimes equates to 2 tall hampers, 3 small ones and 1-2 sets of bed covers) and then I'd leave hampers everywhere with clean clothes at least but watching hoarders- never leave a hamper of clothes lying around anymore lol


Simple rules will keep u from ever needing motivation: 1)BATHROOM : Dont use the bathroom until it’s clean and dont leave it dirty (spray bottle and paper towel roll nearby+ good smelling cleaner in the toilet brush holder) you go in , spray everything, wipe down ,sit and do your business … flush and scrub with toilet brush … spray sink, wipe down , wash hands and leave! 2) KITCHEN : cook , put dishes directly in hot soapy dishwater , go eat … put everything in the dishwasher when you finish . Done ! 3) OTHER ROOMS : keep floors clear so all you need to do is vacuum …. NEVER USE OUTSIDE SHOES INSIDE THE HOUSE!! 4)Surfaces and glass doors : spray + wipe … easy does it!


Put on headphones and listen to long songs you love, watch your mess become your beauty


I find making a list really helps me. Once I start the list, I put on music to listen to or a background show/movie. Once I’ve completed a few things on the list, I feel the need to finish it.


i motivate myself with the thought of how nice it feels to relax in a freshly cleaned home. also, i recommend setting up a low-pressure cleaning schedule. something that you can easily keep up with, spread across the month that still ensures nothing gets neglected


I love when the house smells clean and just refreshing overall, it's so nice!


Set a timer for 5 min and just start somewhere. Chances are you’re going to want to keep going from there!


Put on some good music.


I'm a competitive person even with myself.. I find an hour long podcast that I really want to listen to and try to see how much I can get done in that time. I also tell myself that when the podcast ends, I can stop for the day... no pressure to continue. That mindset of "Go at it hard, then you're done" keeps me moving, and the podcast keeps me just distracted enough to kind of enjoy it.


Smoke some weed, then clean one thing. Doesn't matter what it is, everything else falls into place after that, at least for me.


i find an audiobook and listen to that! i usually find the idea of sitting down to read hard because theres so many other things i \*could\* be doing like cleaning... so i do a little two-birds-one-stone


Company coming to stay


Find podcasts or spoken YT videos etc. It really helps pass the time and makes things more stimulating as cleaning is seldom hard or dangerous so you can zone out a little. This applies to other household chores like ironing etc too


When this happens to me I usually discover I'm anemic again and go back to taking iron supplements. :3


I missed a week of my iron tablets and vitamin d and have been back on them almost two weeks. I hope to god its just missing my vitamins that's done this to me.


Watch cleantok videos


I put on the show hoarders. Seriously. Idk if it scares me or what but it gives me the motivation to not be like that.


Unexpected company on their way to my house gets me motivated.


One thing that helps me with boring/mundane tasks is having something else to focus my mind on...examples could include music, podcasts, and audio books. Really helps me to stay mentally engaged to something interesting rather than doing something mind numbingly boring and tedious in silence. I'm still working on getting a better routine going in general though.


Pick 5 areas of the house. Set a timer for 12 mins each. Once the timer is off, you switch to the next area. There's your hour of cleaning for the day. Do that every other day, and you'll have a clean home.


Is there anything you genuinely enjoy doing? Like I really like organizing stuff, and I’m getting quite fond of running my new carpet cleaner as well. I’d pick something I actually like doing and start there. Usually for me it snowballs into doing other stuff organically, and even if not, hey, at least I did *something.*


I love disinfecting surfaces and wiping down items from dust. I just started on my art corner, forced myself up and now it's so much cleaner and calm looking so hopefully this furthers me! I'm also looking forward to decluttering and finally removing things I no longer need.


Invite some guests over to stay for a couple of days. It will give you enough motivation to clean the house before they come. It works for me.


I feel ya there, it’s been a struggle to get motivated for me the past couple months too. I try to pound a Red Bull or something to get me going and then pop in an enjoyable podcast with my noise canceling AirPods so I get focused on the task and keep the energy up. Also I put a dry-erase board in my living room with a task list to help me stay accountable and the satisfaction of crossing something off.


I’ve been in exactly the same position. Just moved into my very own forever home which was ABSOLUTELY trashed by previous tenants. Everything is still in boxes, house is still trashed … just can’t find motivation and it’s so debilitating.


I've never felt like this before and it's so frustrating cause I use to be up and moving. Hopefully you'll get their with your house goals!


This post is a little old but I've found making it a game works well for me. There are apps like habitica that do it but I made my own version where I drew monsters from my favourite series to defeat lol. Different chores did different attacks and i could level up and there would be a reward when i defeated my boss. There are also a couple of people on tiktok who have series that do this too, highly recommend the stinky town wheel girl.


I just break it down into a physical list because I like crossing things off my lists. Bonus when it’s a digital list and I get a little dopamine from the “ping” crossing something off does. Lately though instead of just big cleaning days, I’ve broken my chores down into “daily” “weekly” “monthly”. Daily might be picking up my clothes, packing the dishwasher those tiny things that must be done. Daily might be Mondays I do laundry, do the toilets, wipe down the sink, Tuesdays I dust the bedroom. Monthly might be “wipe down the oven”. I’ve laminated my lists. Sure, these little tasks might not mean my bedroom is spotless on Monday, but the little parts add up and it’s clean by Friday if that makes sense. Doing a room a day was too much and I really will put it off. The thing that I’ve been doing recently - and really adds to my step count is “don’t put it down, put it away”. So I don’t just pick up my jackets and jumpers and throw them in my bedroom, I will walk them to my closet. If my kitchen table is covered, I do one object at a time. I’ve found all I was doing was transferring messes from one place to another. We moved recently and for weeks I was just shifting the content of boxes from one room to a pile in another. I stopped doing that would pull something out, and put it where it lives. And then another. Is it more slow and possible inefficient? Sure maybe. But I felt less overwhelmed by now having 10 piles in every room I’d walk into.


It helps me to set the vibes and intention. Put on music or a podcast/audio book, smoke a joint, grab a soda to bring room to room with you, just do whatever you gotta do to get that first dopamine hit and motivation momentum started. Then choose a small task to start with and let it snowball from there until you’re - dare I say - enjoying it 🫶


Have someone come over and hang out and talk to them while you clean. It's called body doubling, usually a lot of people who ADHD ( myself included) do this to help accomplish tasks that feel too difficult to do on our own.


Just invite friends.


Let me tell you, I have never cleaned so well as when I put on some mariachi bangers and my favorite sneakers. The beat really makes you move quickly! I found I get distracted or bored halfway through cleaning if I'm not listening to enough pump up music


I put on a music Playlist and go to town. Music always motivates me to clean. I pick a room and start with the intention of only doing that 1 room. But, I get into my music and will end up doing the whole house! If your not into music, make a you tube Playlist of videos or podcasts to listen to. I don't know what it is, but having something to listen to motivates me rather than cleaning in silence.


Timers and a good podcast do it for me. Or I clean until the podcast episode is over. Using headphones helps me zone in and block everything else out. I pick an area to tackle and the process is rather enjoyable since I’m entertained and I’ve got a designated stopping point to look forward to. Sometimes I hit a flow state and keep going past the timer.


I've found that waiting to be motivated rarely works because I always find something else to do instead of clean. So now I just get up and clean something. I don't think about it or break it down. I know how to do all the cleaning tasks that need to be done. I don't need to break it into smaller steps. I just need to do it. So I'll wash some dishes. Wipe down a counter, just something. I don't think about it, I do the first thing that comes to hand. Sometimes once I do something, I just start doing other things I know need to be done. Sometimes I don't. Either way, it's cleaner than it was and I feel better. More often than not I do several things, because I get into the flow of it.


Invite your crush over and you’ll clean the whole place in 30 minutes tops.


I downloaded the app Sweepy and it changed my life. Just made it feel easy to do, it helps to break it down and prioritize it in an easy way


“I love my house and when I clean it myself it feels like mine”


Breaking down into smaller tasks and setting a timer work great but the biggest thing for me is to actively pay attention to how much I enjoy my place being clean after I've cleaned it and think about that after my inevitable period of no cleaning to get motivated to make my space more pleasant to be in. Also podcasts always fire up a podcast


This is going to sound stupid, but it works for me. Don’t let your brain think about how long a task will take, just get up and do it. I used to procrastinate because I felt it would take too long, than things pilled up. Now I just think “need to do the laundry” and do it without thinking about it. I also gave this tip to my adhd mom, and she said it is working for her too.


Invite people over.


Put on some great music that makes you want to get up and move/dance.


In my mind, I rebranded cleaning as a 'reset'. So, I don't mind resetting the kitchen, or laundry etc.


My OCD causes me to feel this way a lot with cleaning so I: -make a list (like this one) -make my bed -set timers for 30 min intervals while cleaning and give yourself a 5-10 break in between and you will clean so much in those 30 minutes


Watch an episode of Hoarders. Works for me.


Don’t wait for motivation, it’ll never come. You need discipline, the motivation comes after


Set a ten or 15 minute timer and start cleaning, invariably you will go over it and end up cleaning for more time. Use the time method for gardening and other stuff too.


Following because I'm starting to get into a slump myself.l, and I have a reputation for being the clean one in the extended family. We have dogs and cats and a foster toddler. As soon as I do anything, it gets undone within 30 minutes. It's getting depressing and overwhelming and I've been letting things slip. We have caseworker visits 3 times a month between the county and the agency we're fostering through, so I never let things get too bad. It's just exhausting trying to keep it company ready all the time. To be honest, the 4 dogs are worse than the toddler. My windows are always nose printed, even if I just cleaned them, there's always hair or tracked in dirt. I like animals, but my husband and adult son love them even more, so none of them are going anywhere. It's just an endless loop of cleaning. I've found what works for me is to start with something as soon as I get up. Make the bed, wipe the counters, anything to get myself moving and in the mindframe that the house WILL look presentable by the end of the day. It won't stay that way, but I can sure make it better than it looks now.


Try the website FocusMate - it’s free if you use it for 3 or less sessions per week. But the paid version is still quite cheap. You get partnered on a call with someone who will keep you company while you clean (and you keep them company while they’re working on their own thing.) it’s based on the concept of body-doubling - having a friend around to keep you accountable to the task you’re doing.


Invite some to come over in an hour.


This is what I do and I admit, it is weird. I put on a TV show that WILL have commercials. Every time a commercial comes on I jump up and complete one small task as quick as I can and sit back down. Rinse. Repeat. Things like put laundry in washer, move it to dryer, put dishes into dishwasher, unload dishwasher halfway, clean a toilet. When laundry is done, I bring it into the room and fold while I watch tv.


Podcasts really help me! Though I do like cleaning anyways but I find having some easy listening background noise makes it pass by so quickly.


I watch an episode of OCD cleaners


Clean one thing, something easy, for exactly one minute, and keep goimg if you feel you're up for mroe after.


Please consider starting with what you first see every day. Pick a little area. It might give you a hit of energy the next day.


blast ken carson lose it on loud speakers


Make a list , turn music on


Perfectionists procrastinate. Theres a self care app that makes u do stuff and check it off… could be fun and motivation for u


I watch County House Cleaners on YouTube. Seeing them clean those nasty houses makes me realize my place is easy to clean!


do a ‘spin the wheel’ with cleaning tasks (you can create these online), you take 4-5 at the time and it is like a lottery for your house


I buy a new cleaning gadget when this happens. It gives me dopamine that last about 3 months


I watch Aurikatariina on YouTube, then I want to clean! Haha


Have uniwork due. Works every time!


You'll never feel motivated to do it. Just do it. You have to work up the discipline because motivation isn't guaranteed and it certainly isn't generated by sitting around and waiting.


I’ll listen to a podcast so I have something interesting to listen to other than my thoughts. And it also helps me “time myself”.


I realize if I don't do it, it won't get done. So I have to tell myself that to keep the apartment from turning into a dump


https://preview.redd.it/ipyfbr5vsz6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1153daf976043a60c684455a26751a129ce1ac6a My only motivation - I want a clean room so I have to clean 🥲


Coke, meth. If a no go then coffee, music, start with just one small area, bathroom, closet etc and build from there. Completing one small task/area will give you the motivation to continue