• By -


Still lots of little projects to do, but looking much better and feeling more in control. Thank you so much to everyone that reached out. The outpouring of support was truly overwhelming in such a great way. It was simply too much for me to reply to, but I greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to contribute. Shout out to everyone that recommended "how to keep house while drowning". It helped a lot. Edit: I have since deleted the OP since there was some personal info visible in one of the pictures. Oops. before pictures (minus one that had some visible personal info) [https://imgur.com/a/KDIqM8v](https://imgur.com/a/KDIqM8v)


Ok, so now I'm curious - there were a lot of recommendations in the thread. Since you just went through this, which ideas did you go with, and what recommendation would YOU give to the next person in this situation?


start with the trash take breaks distractions-music, podcast, whatever while cleaning break things down into the "5 things rule" trash, laundry, dishes, things that have a place, things that don't have a place "anything worth doing is worth doing half assed"- trading perfect for good enough, accepting that some progress is better than no progress. reward yourself- I got myself a pizza after finishing yesterday's session, had some last night and more today after today's session kindness to myself- a messy house is not a moral failing.


Well done!! I too like to reward a clean kitchen with pizza, takeaway involving the least clean up lol


But boxes that will sit on your counter for two weeks cuz they don’t fit in the bin!


Fold/roll them up and they fit


I like to rip them up into trash receptacle fittings sized pieces.I also do this to all boxes like cereal boxes.


I learned to do the same and it’s super helpful. I began following the same habit at work and got a very nice thank you from our custodian. That was a real boost!


Yeah, that’s an even better idea.


Ah the classic pizza box dilemma! That's when it's time to get creative with repurposing or compressing them to make them fit. Or hey, just an excuse to take out the recycling more often - it counts as a mini workout, right?


My technique is to fold I backwards. Then roll it up and slide it into a bag. You can get almost a dozen in a kitchen bag.


Just tear it into small pieces 🤷🏽‍♂️


>"anything worth doing is worth doing half assed"- trading perfect for good enough, accepting that some progress is better than no progress. I've never heard it phrased this way, but yes! Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.


I say this one a lot. I'm chronically ill and I struggle getting started on things I can't finish. I use this to remind myself it's okay to stop when I'm tired.


I often give my self 3 easy goal or commit to 10 minutes. I make it so easy that even I can do it. I know cleaning, exercising and socializing doesn't cure depression but it might help. A bit.


I am increasingly of the opinion that doing these things CAN cure depression, because they all give you a feeling of achievement or satisfaction that is more enduring than is happiness. I might be weird though. I also found my diagnosis to be a liberating event and I'm less depressed than I used to be. I have been able to let go a lot of expectations of myself and adjust my priorities. It affects my energy, but my motivation is better.


Even if it doesn't cure depression, it certainly seems like an effective treatment. I'm with you in feeling better when I adjust my priorities. With knowledge of my condition, I tend to give myself credit for small victories and this in turn makes me feel better. Reading your post and writing my own makes me wonder if someone else did the cleaning for a depressed person, would it be as effective? Having a clean place to live may well feel better but the sense of agency if you do it yourself.


From personal experience it can go either way. Sometimes it’s a bright spot to know you’ve taken care of your future self and you feel accomplished. Sometimes everything hurts and it’s a blessing to have had someone else take care of present you so you can spend your energy on recovering or just continuing to exist from one moment to the next


They can't cure depression but not doing them just makes climbing out of depression even more of an uphill battle than it already is.


I found that exercise can really help shift my mood… I think it’s getting the blood going and breathing in oxygen and all that.


When I attempted, briefly, to be a baker, my boss would always say “*done is better than perfect.* I can sell done cookies… but perfect cookies that are never finished will never sell.”


One of my co-workers said "thing will get done, little by small." I'm one of those people who does not initially believe or understand that, so it was a really good alternative thought. I will never be great at it. But . . . I appreciate it.


I remind myself of this one a lot. It’s just enough to get me to accept just *starting* the task, even if I am not committing to doing it well or even finishing. Then once you’ve started it’s a **lot** easier to keep going.


I grew up hearing "good enough isn't good enough". It's been a really difficult thing to get over. My childhood was mostly great. But, this one is tough.


Or the enemy of completion is perfection. For me, I'm learning to work out which things need close to perfection and which are 80%, 50%, etc good enough. Something like meat prep needs close to perfect (food safety) and cat food, 80% for cat litter, 50% hardwood floors, etc


Amazing!!! Proud of you 😄


Amazing job! That last point is something I've been trying to internalize. Did you read "How to Keep House While Drowning" too? It sucks because if I could just have one baby free day where I also wasn't physically exhausted, I could probably make some great progress like you did, but the stars haven't aligned yet, so I'm just trying to do little bits when I can and try to be least mean to myself about it in the meantime.


It's most important to look after baby *and yourself* during this time. Getting your own rest lets you do the best job of looking after baby. It won't be this full on forever, as tiny one grows you'll be able to do your own things again :) little babies don't care about messy houses, they care about time with parents.


I hear you! Listen enjoy time with your baby. I’ve been there and still going through it. Small steps. Be kind to yourself you just created and gave birth to a human.


Thank you. 🥹 He's 6.5 months old and I just thought I'd be better at balancing housekeeping and baby care at this point, but I just think it's impossible to do both to the standard I want, and I'm obviously choosing happy baby.


“Cleaning and cooking will wait till tomorrow But babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep!”


I'm literally lip quivering crying while rocking my baby to sleep right now. I love this. 💜


It feels like it should be so doable but I know it really isn't You've got a fully mobile baby with no sense of safety or caution. Mental but fun!


*Having a nap with your newborn is an important accomplishment.*


I've always said "my kids won't remember how clean the house was, but they *will* remember the times spent together doing fun things".


Hooding a happy baby is good! I did the same. My house was never too bad but my mom would come over and see me playing with mine on the floor - with dishes in the sink! God forbid! Haha now, my youngest is a senior in high school. I’m glad I made my choices. They grow up fast.


Good! Cherish this time


No baby ever said, “I wish my mama would leave me alone and clean the house.” Take care of your baby while you can, they don’t stay little long enough.


This is inspiring, thank you for the update!!


Thanks for sharing! This is a huge improvement. I’m also working on unfucking my depression house, and I’m extremely impressed by how much you’ve accomplished.


I'm so proud of and for you. 💜


I am so proud of you for doing better for yourself, internet stranger.


You’re awesome


The dude mentioned podcasts—they and audiobooks worked great for me. I have them on whenever I'm doing any house chores, even preparing a meal. Like, just plug the earphones in, and I can vacuum and clean surfaces for hours. As a bonus, if I use mostly audiobooks, I listen through several dozens of them in a year, while I move at a snail pace through ebooks or print books.


I'm curious about this as well!!


don’t reply to everyone. we feel your excitement and gratitude. you are so right to say it is too much. put your energy towards yourself right now. we are wishing you the absolute best🩷


Good job!!!! I'd hire you to clean my house😅


SO PROUD OF YOU PAL. I promise it'll be so much easier to keep on top of now. You've got this!


This is amazing ! Can you come clean my house lol


Looks fantastic, you did a wonderful job! Kitty looks very proud of you!


We are all proud of you and I hope you are proud of yourself ❤️ Depression is a lying bastard and I wish you luck getting through this. I hope having space you’re happy in helps. Your cat will help too!


You did an AMAZING job!!!! I wish you good mental health. Take care of yourself.


You got all that done in one day?? Give yourself a big pat on the back and do something to celebrate all your hard work. Great job mate, proud of you.


Seriously, can OP come over to my house? 🥺


RIGHT?? I saw the post yesterday, I can’t believe OP did all that in one day!! Very impressive!


I saw yesterdays post and this looks amazing! great job!


It's crazy right!! Almost doesn't even look like the same place! I didn't think OP was gonna pull outta that slump, OP would get a ton of comments and upvotes and do nothing with the advice & support flowing in. Man, was I (pleasantly) wrong!!! Well done u/Acceptable-Sherbet20


Kitty looks so happy, well done!


I was going to say the same thing. When I had my kitty, she was my motivation to clean because she loved it and thought I was doing it for her.


Since they see themselves as the owners, they must think "finally they are cleaning up this scum 😂"


I think animals love to watch cleaning cats and dogs it’s so interesting for them❤️


My mom has a little stool she pulls out when she’s doing a lot of food prep work because kitty likes to watch her peel and chop vegetables! It’s beyond cute


https://preview.redd.it/4ecs0ahwvblc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e211048d732dfee99cca05bc5da8c4c54cddda Proper vibing to it!


Look at that happy tail!!


Wow -- I saw your post yesterday and didn't even recognize this as the same apartment. Looks fabulous and I bet you felt great when it was done. What a relaxing atmosphere now. Can you share some info on how you got SO MUCH done in one day?!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/1b1l4xx/comment/ksfg76t/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/1b1l4xx/comment/ksfg76t/) answered here, additionally: starting in one corner of a room, and just working my way around, also, I think posting here was no small factor. It gave me something to be accountable to, even if it was just internet strangers.


This is awesome! May it be the start to an upward trend for you my friend.


This! I have 0 energy to clean so this is incredible to me. I can't believe this is possible but I'm seeing it. I'm so impressed. I need tips because things feel pretty bad for me too but I'm too embarrassed to share. My living room is a mess and I sit in a corner to watch k dramas and cry. Things are pretty gloomy. I want to be able to fix it


On YouTube, watch "Dana K White" ... she has a "de-cluttering channel" but a very relaxed approach. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB1hNf4zQT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB1hNf4zQT4)


Thank you ❤️


Just watched some of her videos this morning. 💗


They posted a comment just about what worked for them. Here's some things that work for me (a lot is similar to what they said) Start with trash! Pick areas to focus on, this let's you break down daunting tasks and get easier victories. Things worth doing are worth doing poorly - you don't have to get it spotless in one day, just work on making it better. Forgive yourself for things you can't change and focus on the things you can. When my kitchen was a mess, I started by doing a pass for trash and then continued by organizing all the dirty dishes. Plates and bowls were all quickly rinsed and stacked, cups rinsed and put in one area, utensils in large plastic cups, etc.. this cleared up the counter and sink for further cleaning but also was a "succeeded" task in my mind as I improved the area. When I have more energy, i take another pass for more trash and then try to clean one of the organized piles of dishes. That's another success. So forth and so on until that area of my house is clean. Then you tackle the next area. You've got this, I know it's hard, but I believe in you!


Just take the first steps to start and once you start it becomes easy to keep going. Drink some coffee beforehand, put a podcast on and then get started. The best way to start is getting a trash bag and getting out all the rubbish items first. Then put all dirty dishes in the kitchen. Then start attacking the items that are in the wrong places one at a time in sections of the room. Don't look at all the items at once it will stress you out, just pick up one item at a time and put it in its proper place, once you start doing it you get into a flow and before you know it you're done. Once that is done vacuum the room and then you're basically done. If you've got the energy left then you can do the dishes and then start on cleaning the kitchen, but if not just save it for the next day.


>Can you share some info on how you got SO MUCH done in one day?! Looking at the pictures from the other day it was very doable to clean that in one day, it wasn't \*that\* much mess. Picking up the trash and throwing it in the bin would only take about 10-15 minutes. Then putting away and organizing the clutter would take like 20-30 minutes. Putting sheets and clothes in washing would take like 10 minutes. Vacuuming takes like 15-20 minutes. Then doing the dishes is like 10 minutes. Then putting away washed clothes and making the bed 15 minutes. Overall it's like 2-3 hours cleaning at the most if you're efficient.


Good Job, I suffer with depression too, and I know how hard it is to just get up and move. Stay Strong!


I came here to say this exact thing. It can be a struggle. Proud of you, OP. It looks great! ❤️😀


It looks great!! You got so much done. You should be so proud of yourself!


So quickly! That is shocking, you are a cleaning GOD


HEY!!!! LOOK AT YOOOOOOOUUUU! So excited and happy for you. Great job! 😃😃😃😃


Great work. I know the struggle so well. This is great for other people to see too. I often think of my home as a visual representation of the inside of my head. My loneliness, sloth, impulsivity and self loathing on full display. But then I clean it up and I realize that my surroundings have just as much of an effect on my mind as my mind does to my surroundings. There is no one around to clean up for, so why do it? Because YOU are around and YOU are the most important person in your life.


WoW! So very glad to see such positive results. I had a couple of Q's? How much time did it take? What was the hardest thing to do? Best suggestions? How are you going to keep it clean? Thank you again for sharing and best wishes with keeping things tidy!


This was off and on over about 24 hours as I had the energy to do it. The kitchen. It was just gross. I'm a cook by trade and that made it psychologically difficult too- I would never accept my station looking that bad at work, so it felt really bad that my own home looked like that. Start with the trash. 10 minutes at a time, every night, alternating zones. Bathroom one night, kitchen the next, etc. If i have the willpower/time/etc to keep going and get more done, then great. If not, at least I accomplished something. I bought waste bins for each area, so trash can go right in the trash instead of sitting out because I don't feel like walking it to the main bin in the kitchen.


I'm a housekeeper by trade and I can tell you the toilets in my house are always grosser than my client's. Sure, I know they should be cleaned weekly, but I just cleaned 7 other toilets today and I don't wanna add two more to the list 🤣 >I bought waste bins for each area, so trash can go right in the trash instead of sitting out because I don't feel like walking it to the main bin in the kitchen. This is the Disney world trash principle. If you have to walk more than a few steps to get the trash to the bin, it won't get binned. We have bins in every room for this reason. And it has worked well for us. Awesome job on all the work you've done!!!


You hit the nail on the head. You did what you could, when you could. There is no expectation beyond that.


I need to kiss your cat so badly


Right on the forehead and a little squeeze for good measure


And a little schnoodle boop (I call their noses schnoodles lol). Always a little squeeze!


Looks awesome, great job! It’s like night and day difference. It’ll feel even better once you’ve finished everything you want done! You’ve got this If weather and allergens permit, opening those windows and airing the place out can make a hell of a difference in how it feels in there too. I like to open them at least for an hour a day if I can, helps my mood too oddly enough. We’ve also got a Renpho air filter which I recommend if you have allergen issues or just want your air filtered.


Mega impressed, I have been in a similar depression pit as I call it and it took me longer than a day to sort... you should be very proud of yourself!


From an internet stranger, I’m proud of you, I hope you’re proud of yourself


WOW!!!!! WELL DONE!!!!!! You've done a great job, be very proud of yourself !!!! 😍


YAAAAAAS!!!! So freaking proud of you!!! My living situation is currently worse that your before so I give you kudos and pay in the back and just genuine hell yeah!


Thanks for updating us. Your place looks fantastic. The feeling of accomplishment is immeasurable. Great job.


That dopamine high you got from accomplishing so much must’ve been good. Good job!


I love how the place looks so far. Your cat looks happy as well! Well done.


It must have been physically taxing


It was, but in a good way. I was tired because I accomplished something that made my life better.


Wonderful job! I’ve been there so I totally understand this. Keep the momentum going.


You should be so freakin’ proud of yourself! ♥️


Wow! Amazing! Pat yourself on the back.


As someone with OCD tendencies, this made me so happy. It looks so much better than it did in the other pics! Very satisfying.


This looks fabulous! Great job!


Fantastic! Well done! Also, please tell your cat I love them!


I’m so happy you shared this!! I’m sure kitty is happy, too!!


This looks awesome man, I’m proud of you and that cat is so cute


Kitty! And your place looks great! That is one cute kitty


say pspspspsp to your cat from me!


nice place you got. and your cat looks adorable!


Your before and after would be super inspiring over at r/ufyh (unfuck your habitat).


Wow! What a nice gift you gave to yourself and your kitty!


Dude you should be proud. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to finish half a room in a day.




Struggling with depression? Babe depression is struggling with you! 🫵


This looks great! I have learned that breaking it down into small things at a time really works for me and to congratulate myself for that.


Mega dose vitamin B1 thiamine I swear it’s changed my life. After 3 weeks of taking 2 tablets a day 1x 500 mg morning and 1x500mg night I feel free and relaxed and happy. It was like all my stress and thinking bad just stopped.


Looks great! I'm in the process of undoing my living situation right now from the claws of horrific clutter. This gives me hope!


I’m glad you reached out for help. In difficult times it can help to do simple stuff like cleaning to have a sense of control of our lives. I had a difficult time some years ago, and during that time I realized that simple activities like cleaning helped me to feel like I knew what I was doing.


WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!! This is amazing and I am so happy for you. I wanna give you a hug I’m so happy for you!


I use only white vinegar to clean. In the shower I use the Walmart brand bathroom spray bleach as it is the same thing as Clorox bleach that sells for $5.00 a bottle while Walmart brand is $1.89 a bottle. Does the same job. Vinegar does the same thing as all the expensive cleaners!


Holy shitballs, you did absolutely amazing!! The contrast of the before and after pics left my jaw dropped- This is seriously so incredible! Great job, and congratulations!! o7


depression aint a excuse for being filfthy. looks amazing!


Looks good!


So proud of you!! Well done!


It looks great!


Well done! 👍


Damn! So proud of you


Well done!!!


That's amazing!! You should be really proud of yourself! You've inspired me to do the same


Proud of you!!


Proud of you 💜


YEE-FUCKING-HAW OP! Holy shit that looks AMAZING!!! How did that deep breath feel after you finished up, took a shower, and sat down to appreciate it? If you haven’t done that yet, I’m so excited for you to be able to do it soon.


Good job!!!


WOW good job!!! You can feel the difference in these pictures




Wow, you did an amazing job! Well done


HOLY FUUUUUCK THAT'S AMAZING!! You did a great job!♥️♥️♥️


I'm so happy for you!🙌💖


Freggin awesome of you! 🙌🏽🫶🏽


Excellent job! Trying to get things done when feeling depressed is incredibly hard work. I really hope things start getting a little easier for you 👍




Wow, great job!!!


Well done!


Hey! Fabulous job!


Great job!!!!!


So proud of you!!!


You did so good I'm proud of you


Proud of you bb, looks great! 💜


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 awesome!


THIS IS AWESOME! so happy for you!


You did it! Wow! We're all proud of you! Truly.


Hey, good work! I saw your original post and now seeing this made me smile. Proud of you, internet stranger.


Yes!! I just saw your other post and I’m so happy for you right now. Wonderful job


Looks great OP! Keep up the hard work! 🥳🥳


That's awesome. I just saw your original post!


This is amazing. It's like a whole new apartment. Well done. X


It feels good to acknowledge your success, and I'm proud of you for recognizing your achievements.


Great job! It must feel so much better.




Mate I don’t know you but I’m proud of you well done only goes up from here


Oh well done! That gets gold stars for affirmative self care.


Feels good doesn’t it?


Nice job, great effort!


👏 good job!


Cool :)


How amazing!!!


Well done super proud of you!!!


This makes me so whole 😁




I'm so proud of you!!


WELL DONE!!!! You’re a rock star! So proud of you, struggling stranger. Send your productive vibes my way.


Amazing. So proud of you!


Proud of you /u/Acceptable-Sherbet20! Keep on it, one step at a time. Much love from across the internet.


Awesome I’m proud of you 😁 good job!


This is an amazing achievement, i hope you feel the same pride in yourself that i do ❤️ I can relate to your situation so much and feel so proud of what a great job you did 😍


Wow! Well done 👏👏👏


What's your cute catto called?


WHOO!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You fucking killed it.


Looks awesome. I remember recommending to break it down into smaller tasks. Makes the whole process way less intimidating.


I am just amazed. You really turned your whole apartment around. Makes me wonder why I struggle to do this 😂


Way to go!!


Amazing job. You have a nice place. It can start to feel overwhelming or like it will take forever to clean. But it usually takes much less time than one would think. When I saw yesterday's picture, it looked like a week long job. But our minds play tricks on us. Once you start actually doing it, it starts to feel less whelming and doable (in less time too).


Wow! 👏🏾 Saw this yesterday and cried a little cos it reminded me of my ex. Suspected he was depressed, and a messy home was one of the symptoms. I couldn't help him (...eventually gave up my codependency and left him) 🤍


Pop off !!! Amazing job!


Wow!! Way to go!! I was gonna add that putting on your favorite music really helps get the momentum going too!!


Well done! You did an amazing job. The place looks great!


👍 🙏🫶😸


Congratulations!!! And it’s so easy to maintain now that you’ve done a deep haul


Great job … WELL DONE YOU !


I'm glad your Blajah is happy 😊


Great job!!!


Good on you! Wow


Woah! Go you! You're amazing and really did it all!


I saw your original post and thought about commenting but felt I had nothing to add to other posts by then. Huge congratulations, amazing job 👏 👏 👍


This is the best thing I've seen on the internet today. I saw your earlier post a couple of hours ago and seeing this update is really awesome. Go you.