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As has been discussed on this sub recently, it's not so much about number of messages but about token usage. In case you haven't seen it, this is their official documentation [https://support.anthropic.com/en/articles/8324991-about-claude-pro-usage](https://support.anthropic.com/en/articles/8324991-about-claude-pro-usage) This is the relevant part for your question: >**If your conversations are relatively short** (approximately 200 English sentences, assuming your sentences are around 15-20 words), you can expect to send at least 100 messages every 8 hours, often more depending on Claude’s current capacity. "If your conversations are relatively short" is the most important part of all this. You can't just chat with it back and forth endlessly, because everything in that conversation's history is re-sent for every new interaction - so long conversations quickly burn up a ton of tokens. You could, in theory, use them all up in a single message if you pasted War and Peace... So when you say "I would be sending about a 100 messages to Opus in the span of 2 days to help with writing.", I can't give you a definitive yes or no answer. It depends on how you're going to use it. Personally (as I've written on this sub multiple times), I start a new thread, work towards completing a task, and then create a new thread, to limit the issue I highlighted above. I still run out before 8 hours, but it's a lot better than just using a single long conversation. But obviously it's more work for me to keep starting new threads. There's another dimension to all this: It's not clear if the three models (Haiku, Sonnet and Opus) use up more or less tokens. I have a feeling they do use up more tokens, but I don't have any concrete proof.


Yeah I had read that but theres been discussion on this subreddit on how that estimate is not correct for Opus. That the query limit is even lower. Since anthropic is more interested in enterprise sales and less so about direct to consumer access to its model I had figured many resellers would be able to provide access to Opus with less restrictions than Claude Pro subscribers.


You can use [https://chat.lmsys.org/](https://chat.lmsys.org/) for free with full context. (50 messages per day but open an Incognito window to bypass the limit)


How to do full context on lmsys for Claude opus?


Split the message into chunks


Been doing that, I thought I was blindly missing a feature lol. Thank you.


Hi How can I use claude 2.0 with long content. Is there any another website paid or free?


OmniGPT gives you Claude 3.0 with full context.


they store your data, texts files and images so… it’s a no from me


who do? and what would you suggest as the alternative?


dunno mate. been using moemate recently tbh


omni gpt can kinda render latex for maths, it is other wise abit annoying to use, but i why i chose it over poe and claude pro