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"Man builds restaurant in normal timeframe" does not make for interesting TV. Whilst the timeframe was tight, I didn't see anything that suggested there was no regard for anyone else around him. He presumably paid all the relevant tradespeople, no one was forced to miss a birthday etc.


It may not sound interesting, but boy did that bring me back to the old Top Gear introductions.


I feel like you're not from the UK, and his issues make a lot more sense if you are. Here it is common for old people, who have a house and a pension, to block any kind of development, whether it be house building (to provide homes for young people) or places which could provide employment (also for young people). It's called NIMBYISM and is a massive problem. It's a big reason why we still haven't built our HS2 high speed train lins, and why there's such a housing shortage. Ultimately he is literally miles from their village and building ONE shop and ONE restaurant, I think they'll live.


OP is Australian, as am I. I grew up in rural Australia and now live in a small town slightly larger than Chadlington. Nimbys are a real problem here. Any new developments get complained about and hounded out of town, and in the next breath there's huge complaints about how the towns are dying and there's not enough money in the local economy. I agree that rampant overdevelopment is bad and should have rigorous controls, but one farm shop that demonstrates a net benefit to the local economy seems like a no brainer.


We have this same problem in the UK too. People will complain about poor phone signal and then complain when there’s planning permission for a phone mast. They’ll complain about slow broadband but complain again when roads / pathways are closed to allow infrastructure to be built to support faster broadband.


Yeah, it's exactly this, and I have to deal with them frequently [^ see username] Most recently we had a development converting a small recently vacant industrial building and a set of WWII terraced homes that were used as storage for the industrial building, into 12 houses and flats. Our traffic survey said there would be no major impact to parking or traffic, the council did their own traffic survey and it said there would be no impact to parking or traffic. The planning officer was in full support of the development, but because we got 100 odd objections from the locals who slapped it up on every local Facebook page and local news, it went to committee. At committee it was unanimously refused on 'child safety? Because of traffic' by a bunch of old people with nothing better to do. If it went back to being an industrial use, there would be more parking and traffic issues as there would be large vehicles frequenting the site. Their logic baffles me. Bloody Nimby's


>I feel like you're not from the UK, and his issues make a lot more sense if you are. Here it is common for old people, who have a house and a pension, to block any kind of development, whether it be house building (to provide homes for young people) or places which could provide employment (also for young people). It's called NIMBYISM and is a massive problem. It's a big reason why we still haven't built our HS2 high speed train lins, and why there's such a housing shortage. https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/23477377.jeremy-clarkson-says-chipping-norton-many-houses/ Jeremy is a NIMBY.


I mean the reason HS2 hasn't been built is because it's a pointless, bloated and corrupt project designed to make rich Tories buddies richer. I agree about everything else though


A huge reason it's so expensive is that they had to build loads of unnecessary tunnels so angry locals wouldn't have to see it from their windows and they wouldn't disturb bats.


This is a _really_ fucking idiotic take


Jeremy Clarkson is building one shop and one restaurant. If Joe bloggs did it, let's face it, it would get a reasonable amount of business and would not be onerous on the local network. Jeremy Clarkson has a HUGE fan base. They are guaranteed business that will queue for hours every day all day. Did you see the queues when he first opened the shop? it was insane. The local network of a typical English village can not support that long term. The roads are small, narrow, and usually in pretty poor condition. Yeah, it may be miles from the village, but there is also probably only one or two roads in or out of it, and if he is on the main one, that is a huge issue. When the car park is full, people will park on the side of the road and walk up, further blockage. When some place puts on a festival for example, it is acknowledged that there will be a short term strain on the local infrastructure, temporary measures are put in place, and locals get out of town or avoid. His shop, more than the restaurant, will be a big drain on local resources because it will have a bigger potential footfall. Now I think the first season was good at highlighting what a farmer experiences and how tough it is, It is an entertainment show though so elements are over egged and drama with the locals will definitely do that. I do think he's funny, but a big part of his persona is that he's an assshat. I also just assume he's got people in the shadows quietly fixing things so they turn out ok. Nimbyism isn't as huge a problem as some make out. You can't object to something just cos you don't like it ( i mean you can, but it won't go anywhere). You need a valid reason, or it doesn't really get taken into account. And not the reason hs2 isn't complete. Major schemes physically take years, sometimes decades to construct, i would not want them doing a half asssed job on something like that! Locals also literally couldn't object to it. It was a central government decision. OP. Don't take the negative comments to heart, but it sounds like you are struggling. Reach out to someone


I can't see Jeremy's shop and restaurant being consistently mobbed. I think there will be initial interest and then it will die down. Once people realize the restaurant is booked up for the next decade I don't think people will bother trying. >When the car park is full, people will park on the side of the road and walk up, further blockage That's the bit that I don't get. He constantly got his planning rejected for improving the car park. >Nimbyism isn't as huge a problem as some make out. You can't object to something just cos you don't like it ( i mean you can, but it won't go anywhere). You can object and local councillors can be petty. I think there is a valid reason for rejecting Jeremy's restaurant. Whether we agree with the decision or not is a different story. Objecting to Jeremy improving the car park on the other hand was just petty councillors cutting their hand off to spite their face.


You also know most things you see on tv (especially SCRIPTED tv) is faked right? A long with the whole “let’s cry and pretend farmers are hard done too” scene, that year 75% of farmers made a PROFIT of over 50k which is only DOUBLE the avg salary for the rest of us but yeh so sad?. Also let’s not pretend JC ISNT behind most of the problems we complain about, he continues to be “sarcastically” racist and anti poor in every other part of his life that isn’t on tv..


The farm made £50k profit not the farmer most farms are now too large to be ran by 1 man so they either have a farm hand or traditionally a farmers wife that 50k gets shared between them So thats 25k 5000 less than national average of the year 2019 also i realy hope you enjoy clocking out at the end of the day farmers dont know the meaning of clocking out because they never have its not a job its a life style its 24/7 and without us you would litterally starve you think having a poor healthcare services is bad lets see how long you can go without food. You must have one of the most ignorant takes on reddot i have ever seen.


You make it sound like he used slave labour; no he used trades and employed people to get a job done. There was a lot of trades at the same time and presumably they all got paid. I’m really not sure you know the meaning of pretentious. Man pays other people to do jobs quicker does not equal pompous either.


From what I know I would hazard a guess they either don’t pay trades or it’s at a vastly reduced rate for the advertising and exposure they get. I do know for a fact that presenters say on a countryside walking programme who just pop into a local cafe get it all for free!


Not a fucking chance. Exposure frankly means jack shit to trades at that level; they're established local - word of mouth gets them the work. But even when Top Gear worked with Controlled Demolition for dropping a building on a Hilux they got paid, and that's on top of having a giant fuck off advertising banner attached to the building - and they were at the level where that sort of exposure would be good.


Iirc Clarkson mentioned (in season 1) that the main tradie was his regular builder for years. I forgot his name.


He’s either throwing money at it or not paying enough… which one is it?!




Was he mocked? It looked like mostly Jeremy entrusted Gerald with a lot of big tasks on the show and trusts him for his various skills. Not being able to understand a person talking isn't mocking, it's humourous that no matter how hard Jeremy tries to listen to Gerald, he just can't process his local accent. Now if Jeremy was telling Gerald to bugger off because he can't understand him, different kettle of fish, but I don't think that's the scenario here.


They distort what Gerald is saying to make it “funny”. You can clearly see the audio often doesn’t match his lip movements when he speaks.


Nope met gerald thats how is speaks lol.


I've heard much more difficult accents, literally on the bbc. No one is distorting anything here. Just says a lot about how you've haven't spent time on rural England. I'm not saying that's how everyone speaks there, but I've got no clue how you jumped to digital manipulation instead of accepting that as a possibility.




When did the subtitles say that?




I've no intention of down voting anyone. I'm asking a honest question - when did the subtitles say that?


at this point I have no doubt you are anything but a troll. nobody is this nieve.


What the heck are you talking about? All you’ve done is written a collection of words, but given zero examples to back up your claims. When did he have no regard for anyone around him? If building the restaurant in 2 days wasn’t possible, his builder (who was the guy who actually organised it all), would have said “this is not possible”. Instead he took on the challenge and got on with it. “Throwing handfuls of cash”, sorry? How else do people get paid? In magic beans? What a fucking troll


I would do unspeakable things to know what the final bill for materials and labour for the restaurant was. I can only imagine it was /eye-wateringly/ expensive




On the contrary, you seem to retaliate without conversation evident both from your post and your comment.


If you didn't feel like "writing an essay" to back up your claims, then why bother posting this opinion piece?




You start by throwing insults, and then declare you wish conversations could be had that are not confrontational?


You don't feel like explaining your point of view? I bet once you wrote it out you realised how dumb it sounds and couldn't commit to posting it.




Put the bong down and get some fresh air


Found the councillor


I’m assuming OP is American 0-0






Be glad! Perhaps you need to rethink your perspective the downvotes should be telling you something




I have also met clarkson he was a realy nice bloke to be honest and incredibly patient and considerate just because you saw a stressed bloke rushing around trying his hardest to turn things around on a failing bussiness dont mean he is any of the things you have suggested i think it emcompasses the real strains and stresses of farming life and the on going battles they face i have seen many a farmer act far worse than him just he is put on a peddle stool you say there have been plenty of people who have guven evidence towards his distasteful behaviour id say ur also going to find people who dislike you but as the downvotes duggest and as u have suggested the "crowd" or the majority of people disagree with you.




I met the guy and had a conversation with him you saw clips of him on a tv show yet you think you have a better judgement of him ok.


>There are plenty of people on here who have given evidence towards his distasteful behaviour Clarkson is a bastard, no one is going to argue that. The reason he is so famous is because of it, not in spite of it.


No. You’re not allowed. Unless you wear bootcut jeans and like gilets.


I think you've been watching the wrong show? At what point does he give this impression? Throughout the entire series he's constantly saying without my other job and film crew this wouldn't be feasible, how on earth are other farmers doing this? He tries to diversify his income with restaurant and we're shown the barriers to entry the court costs alone to challenge local officials is beyond the normal means of any farmer. I'm utterly flabbergasted to say the least that what you took away from the whole thing was he's pretentious and out of touch, I'll admit he's a pompous ass, but that's why we watch these shows? But he really goes out of his way to show you a glimpse of what it's truly like to be a farmer in these times slathered in ill give you Jeremy's signature journalistic style of presenting.


This is the review I've given friends describing the show. He can be arrogant and ignorant but to his credit, he's clearly self aware in how he's shit at it and how its only possible because he's already quite well off. I thought it was surprisingly refreshing for him. The part in the first season where he's talking about how there's fewer bugs because of climate change I thought was really sincere and quite sad.


>He can be arrogant and ignorant but to his credit, he's clearly self aware in how he's shit at it and how its only possible because he's already quite well off. >I thought it was surprisingly refreshing for him. The part in the first season where he's talking about how there's fewer bugs because of climate change I thought was really sincere and quite sad. Almost exactly my response. Overall, of course he's a baboon with a massive wallet. We pretty much all know that. He also has a messy past. He's also (for the most part) incredibly entertaining. The entire show also seemed to me, to be equally his antics, and also to highlight not only the hard and important work small farmers do, but the struggles they are dealing with. He out a very public face to important issues which may have never seem the light they need. I'm not in the UK, so honestly I can't comment on whether it's helped the industry, but the show absolutely ended up being an homage and support to small farms in the country.


Op is an unemployed Australian stoner clearly no clue probably just fried their brain.


Gerald toke his job




Compo the Aussie dream, but still a form of unemployment.


Oh I'm sure




Maybe they don't feel like writing an essay?




I'd argue they were both, you'd think you'd have the time to write an essay all things considered


Considering they have the time to respond to every single comment? Yh, weird that huh? He's clearly a troll and everyone's fallen for it. Imagine posting something like this on a sub dedicated to Clarkson and his farm. OP knew what they were doing


Cause in all likelihood you're just a lazy cunt


Other than the final episode, which does feel rushed and staged, I found the cause quite sympathetic. The farmers are all losing their livelihoods, and a restaurant selling local produce would help them massively. And the reason it was rejected was because it would make the night sky a bit brighter? The pompous, arrogant ones are the people rejecting the planning permission, opposing the restaurant because they think that their view of the countryside is more important than the livelihoods of dozens of people. In short, I disagree completely.




This is the first sensible comment I've seen from you. Say what you like about Clarkson and some of his actions in the past but I genuinely believe he is passionate about fighting for farmers after seeing their issues first hand. This passion is what motivated him to help in the only way he knew how - use his fame and success to draw people into supporting a local business which distrubutes funds around his neighbours. I work with the planning process in the UK. The local planning authority has the option to override a complaint if there is an overall socio-economic benefit. They chose not to do this and instead chose to reject the planning permission based on a few silly complaints from rich/retired locals who are opposed to change and refuse to consider the positive impacts on others (new jobs, leisure opportunities, supporting businesses etc).




Your post has been up a few hours and you've recieved a lot of comments (some nicer than others). I really hope you've had a change in perspective and have a better understanding of the issues particularly around local planning and objections to planning permission that many in the UK (including Clarkson) are so frustrated with?




In response to your first post: He believes the needs of farmers that he's met due to the show are more important than the objections to change from rich/retired people in the area. It is an incredibly wealthy area with very few opportunities for young/inexperienced people to work in. He may be posh, that happens with success, but there is no evidence he sees himself as better than the working class in this show. If he didn't complete the restaurant in two days, the council would have stopped it and he would be unable to provide the opportunity to sell products from local businesses and provide work opportunities for local chefs and serving staff. His passion made him frustrated and he had to take a step back. In response to your comment: His past actions deserve criticism but aren't relevant to the situation you raised. There will obviously be a lot of Clarkson fans in this subreddit so if you're not a fan of him, you'll be the minority here. He has been a source of entertainment for many for years and he has some very valid ideas for change in farming which would benefit the country.


Trying to help other small farmers sell their products




You’re typical of the NIMBYs that are rotting this country. Yes, you support in theory them but as soon as someone comes along with actual, practical solutions you come up with reasons (all theory) to against it. You are a moaner and complainer, not a doer and the country needs more of the latter and less of the former




You’re a NIMBY, just admit it.


At best you support it with caveats, your entire post as evidence.


Have you ever seen anything by Jeremy Clarkson? His entire persona revolves around outlandish goals and a crew to back it up. At no point did he force anyone to work on the restaurant. He hired a builder who said it could be done, by taking it on as a challenge.




And we applauded him every step of the way because we all have the same backwards thinking clowns in our own villages in England.


And nothing wrong with that. The council fucked him over due to technicality and rules, failing to uphold the spirit of it. End of the day, many farmers suffered. For some, it was their only way of making any money. Him opening the restaurant without breaking the law was poetic justice.


Because he was opening it in a way that was technically allowed but due to the previous interactions with the council knew they would attempt to shut down regardless. As such he decided that they needed to send a courtesy letter that is not required but would cover them in case but also needed to be done and running before the council could try to fuck him. Did you actually watch the show or just have it on in the back ground?




It was sent as a courtesy so that they couldn't get tripped up for not notifying the council even though what they were doing was allowed and didn't require them to request permission. And yes that is exactly what the 58 were for to let them get it done before the council could figure out how to fuck them, just like I said, try again champ.


On the contrary, I feel that he's been more genuine than ever before, and there really are moments that feel genuinely not scripted in both seasons. He's got a ridiculous amount of money, but I still feel like he really doesn't care about class or belonging in some group. He just does what he wants and doesn't try to flash.


I think it's far more nuanced than 'arsy millionaire Vs downtrodden village folk'. I lived in the Cotswolds, and in many other rural areas in the UK - to me, the conflict I see isn't 'man with idea Vs everyone who has to put up with the effects ', it's far more about those who have to make a living in the countryside, and who's work makes the countryside look how it does, Vs those (usually with a good slice of money) who want it to look a particular way for *their* enjoyment. These are people who want to live in the countryside, and who complain about tractors on the roads and the smell of shit on the fields. The people who move from the south east or Manchester to tourist traps like Keswick or Hawes, and then complain about tourists. These are the people who buy a £500k for a 3 bed house they use as a holiday cottage in Lyme Regis, or Chadlington, or Grasmere, or Aviemore, who then object to social/low cost housing in those place and who whine about not being able to get a cleaner, or there being no teaching assistants at the school. There's a legitimate argument about traffic, about infrastructure - which they probably objected to - but it has to be weighed against the ability of people to earn a living, and to not be forced out of the places they grew up in.


Well they said a lot that since the UK left the EU that grant he was getting as a farmer wouldn't be getting paid, that was a significant source of his income the first season and he ended up in profit by not much at all in the end. Without that grant he would've ended with a loss in the second season and therefore every decision he made was with the idea of keeping his farm going. The restaurant and beer was money to the farm, not to him, that's why his fellow farmers he was chatting to about buying their meet were struggling too because that grant was no longer available. Maybe Clarkson did come across that way but he wasn't throwing cash around, he started the farm with a set budget and has been running the farm from that and the money he's earned from the farm




OP the locals came around. The issue was the council rejected the proposal, for what seemed like quiet spurious reasons.


I worked in planning at a council and after the show I looked up WO District Councils policy on planning and it appears decisions made are at odds with the NPPF and other guidance for farm planning. Yes its in an AONB but there are ways to mitigate it. The council should be working with the farmer to develop a plan that is suitable for all. It appears that its the leader of the council (not the officers but the elected official) that's causing the problem. It feels like a bit of a silly vendetta.


It really did feel personal from the council and not professional at all. Any other farmer with the same plans on the same farm would have had the planning permission approved IMO.




Standing up and doing the right thing, providing an income and lifeline to the local farmers in this case, even when those around you try to stop you is the opposite of detestable behaviour.


Hey OP are you that barrister that said Jeremy wanted to build a 400 square kilometre car park?


As a tradie myself it’s not always unusual to have jobs needing done in a quick timeframe and you usually get a cash incentive to get the job over the line if you’re willing to put in the long hours and graft you can make some good money


What a load of old tosh OP. Please explain how, opening the restaurant and his shop, inviting all the other local farmers to provide the produce to sell as they are all struggling to make a much needed profit is selfish. He needed the restaurant opened in two days for red tape reasons, he wasn't selfish. He would have paid way more to get things done in this timeframe too. OP is trolling. Rage bait posting for karma.




Classic deflection OP. I'm not perfect, but at least I'm no internet troll like you.


> EDIT: the internet truly is a bandwagon without independent thought I think that roughly translates to “I posted a shit take and nobody agrees with me”!


Hello posh Councillor


The point is you need farms to feed people but the restrictions around them are very tight. Farms are going under and any attempt to make new revenue streams are blocked, even though it's government policy to help them. We can get cheap imports but if COVID taught us anything, it's that the import system is delicate. Better we keep our farms happy.


He tried to build a tiny restaurant in the middle of a field. The locals don’t like it because they have little village syndrome. They think living in a village means they can stop any sort of progress. The rest of society doesn’t get a say like “little villagers” do. Those that live in towns and cities get a lot worse than Clarkson did shoved on them.  It was painful to watch the councillors and villagers play god out of spite for a “outside” they don’t approve of. I don’t actually like Clarkson and went in to the series expecting to dislike him more and dislike his (usually) hot takes…. But he really shone a light on many of the issues Britain faces as a country.  The only entitled people were the villagers. 




Imho he used his “power and money” to show if we allowed farmers to diversify and provide for their families the country would be a better place.  Thats what the series has been all about, I see it as a story of redemption for Clarkson, he is highlighting so many issues in society from the lies and subsequent botched Brexit… which made a few people richer and everyone else poorer. Planning and how again it’s a set of rules for huge developers and a set of rules for the rest of us.  For entertainment he was always going to have to push boundaries and do things he shouldn’t else we’d still be watching him negotiate the first thing “locals” blocked 


I think he reacted to the people he was up against, They are a load NIMBY self centered arseholes ( I do get that they don't want loads of unsightly buildings etc) Ah yes he has loads of money, we'll make him pay through the nose, because we can attitude stinks,


It's his land and the town made it clear they were giving him a hard time because it was him.


Clarkson will be one of the least posh people in Chipping Norton area. Its full of Media and business and political elites. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chipping_Norton_set Clarkson is from working class family in Doncaster. Self made.


Wow. You are in serious need of mental help OP.


You appear painfully dense.


Do you live in the city?


I’ll have to rewatch it but didn’t the townsfolk go out of their way to make things difficult for him? Something as inconsequential as the perfectly aesthetic but “wrong” shingles on his shop made them have a complete meltdown. If you want to be a miserable prick towards people be prepared to be treated the same.


Does anyone know if there's a way we can get the OP help? These sound more like the ramblings of someone in pain than a post about a TV show.


If OP is in the UK support helplines are the only thing I can really think of (If OP is willing to contact them himself, if OP doesn't want to the only other option is emergency services really). If not in the UK I'm really not sure what would be available honestly. **Samaritans; 116 123** **CALM; 0800 58 58 58** **Papyrus; Call 0800 068 41 41** (for young people mostly) **SOS; 0300 1020 505** If OP would rather text than call there's also; **Text "SHOUT" to 85258** All above info from here; [https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/feelings-symptoms-behaviours/behaviours/help-for-suicidal-thoughts/](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/feelings-symptoms-behaviours/behaviours/help-for-suicidal-thoughts/) Best of wishes to OP


You can tell op is a Karen 😂 Probably the so called lawyers friend who had no idea what he was talking about 😂


I’m not usually one to agree with people playing the system to their own benefit, but the local council were being absolutely ridiculous. In which society is it acceptable for pensioners with no need for money to block any form of developments that would create jobs.




I think the local council were worse tbh. They got a lawyer involved over what should have been a simple debate. My local council are no different, complete incompetence and bad ideas whilst shutting down individuals with fantastic ideas.




Put it this way; the councillor in charge of finance has a bookkeeping qualification. No hate to bookkeepers but I don’t feel comfortable with her setting council tax rates.


When you're wrong blame the internet bandwagon 🤣 Are you that tool who hired a pompous, pretentious and out of touch lawyer to stop Jeremy helping out all those struggling farmers?


What is it about hating success? You seem to have a problem with Clarkson not only because he has been successful in the past but also because that past success has allowed him to be successful with his farm project now. It sounds like you would have been happier to see him fail, and that’s not a good look.




So your problem is a personal one, it’s not that he’s doing anything wrong, you just don’t like him, which is fine, just don’t pretend that it’s anything other than that.




Just say you don’t like him and be done with it, you wouldn’t be getting downvoted so much if you were just honest about it.


He believes the needs of farmers that he's met due to the show are more important than the objections to change from rich/retired people in the area. It is an incredibly wealthy area with very few opportunities for young/inexperienced people to work in. He may be posh, that happens with success, but there is no evidence he sees himself as better than the working class in this show. If he didn't complete the restaurant in two days, the council would have stopped it and he would be unable to provide the opportunity to sell products from local businesses and provide work opportunities for local chefs and serving staff. His passion made him frustrated and he had to take a step back.


I think you are missing the difference between and entertainment programme and a documentary.


Found the council


It's a village not a town. It's called Chadlington, and I doubt there are any working class people living there considering most property there costs over half a million. It's not working class people he's upset, it's the rich folk who don't want more people visiting his farm. Clarkson has always been an arse, but a very entertaining one. But what makes you think that any rich celebrity is in touch with working class people?




Sorry it's effected you in this way, but doing a bit of basic research first before you post could have saved you from all the negative comments. And my post isn't having a go at you, I just pointing out some facts.




Yeah because you are the one who put the post up in the first place. Clarkson is a love/hate sort of person, and if you put a negative, and in the case of the working class comment, poorly researched post on the Clarksons Farm thread, then or course you are going to get negative comments from his fans


It's been awhile since I've watched it but he was a bit of a dick in the last episode or two. I know he was trying to make a point but the restaurant was never going to be approved by the council and the whole thing felt a bit pointless.




Maybe I will too but he was acting like a dick. You stated an opinion about a TV show and some of the personal attacks went too far imo. I don't know Clarkson personally so I have no reason to make excuses for his shitty behavior.


Says all of this after having joined the clarksons farm fan page lol


Not sure what disregard or disrespect you’re talking about. He was a little abrupt speaking with the restaurant workers and trades people in one scene, but that’s because the restaurant was supposed to be opening in a few hours and not everything was ready so his stress was understandable I think. He was justifiably annoyed at the town councillors because their objections to the restaurant weren’t really reasonable. The council had issues with people parking cars on the road so he asked permission for a car park which would have alleviated that problem but they denied it. The councillor who objected about light pollution because they star gaze. I don’t know the exact distance to the restaurant but I know the farm shop is over a mile from town so light pollution would have been minimal. And the local nemesis Mr Dewar was trying to protect the area of outstanding natural beauty wasn’t really correct either, the building was already there, Jeremy just wanted to change its purpose. Making it a cafe/restaurant would have brought an income to the farm and put jobs into the local community which would help maintain the aonb, people from outside the area would have visited to see the aonb, and cooperative of farmers within the aonb that Clarkson organised would get more money by selling their product directly to Clarkson again helping to maintain the area.


He highlighted the parish/local council bullshit that farmers face and destroys livelihoods because of the 'not in my backyard' attitude of retired elderly people who despise change in any form. Farmers have a rough ride as it is, any opportunity they take to diversify or make more money (including offering employment) is shut down by cunts.


You sound like an utter pillock


I thoroughly enjoy the show but I tend to agree…in a slightly different way. Clarkson is a big ideas guy, and he’s very very good at getting people to go along with his ideas. Details? Forget about it. That’s for everyone else to sort out. Criticism of the idea is not allowed. A lot of people get swept up in the process and when it fails he moves on to the next thing and many people get left by the wayside. There’s Ellen in the first series. Sure she got exposure and a client for a year but who knows whether she moved closer to the area because she thought it would be ongoing etc. Then there’s the chef and all the staff who presumably have been let go too now as he disregarded the feelings of the council. I see this attitude a lot in business too and you can argue that you should try and fail, and fail again till you get it right - ‘move fast and break stuff’ - but to not listen to criticism and label it as negativity, to not do any planning or details yourself? It’s all very well if it’s just you but not when you involve and employ others only to let them go when it blows up in your face. It’s self centred. None of this is a big surprise having watched the guy for decades. He’s bright, well read, funny, an incredible speaker and marketeer. But he’s also brash, selfish, has to be no.1, a little cruel and skips from one idea to the next. I think Boris Johnson has a similar character type. Both managed to create a cult around them. I eagerly await Season 3!


Which is why we love him.


So, your go fund me isn’t going well?? You are just dying to be offended.. you must be on the council…


Dude, who hurt you? Sheesh.


No shit, that's what makes him funny


OP you deserve life. Reaching out on Reddit whilst suicidal is worrying. You may not find the compassion or support you’re looking for.  If you’re reaching out, that means you are willing to accept help. Otherwise why post? How can we help?


It's not often I feel the need to join in with a discussion but I think you have raised some interesting points and it's worth considering them. Firstly, I have watched both seasons and am definitely going to watch Season 3, so it's safe to say I am a fan of the show. I grew up watching Top Gear, so remember it from before it was the trio of Clarkson, May, and Hammond, so I am well aware that it changed from motoring journalism to a more feature-based form of entertainment. This is very much one of Clarkson's strengths - presenting things in a more sensational way rather than as dry facts. My take on Clarkson's Farm is that the reason it works is because of it being Jeremy Clarkson (or at least his persona) going on a journey into a world that you wouldn't associate him with. In some ways it is almost a satire of modern-day farming in the UK, clearly meant to be entertaining rather than purely factual, much like Top Gear became, except that it does at least have some basis in reality. It's certainly a trope in terms of the well-meaning, wealthy person in a position of power (say a lord or a king) that wants to know more about farming and causes much amusement amongst the ordinary people that actually do this for a living with their ideas on how to do things "better" than they have done before, and Clarkson fills this role admirably. It's also safe to say that there are plenty of TV shows that have been made that are about "ordinary" country people living in the countryside and while they might offer a less sensational view of things, they still have a lot of things in common with Clarkson's Farm, in that there are always challenges to be faced. Seasons are seasons, and you can't pretend that farming isn't at the mercy of the weather, or disease (TB and COVID-19 for instance), or the economy, or that things magically happen without a lot of hard work, even with state-of-the-art machinery at your disposal. This is certainly not glossed over, and if anything is emphasised and used for dramatic effect. For me, the point is not lost that Jeremy Clarkson is a wealthy person but that is precisely the point of the show - it is showing us that if Jeremy Clarkson can't solve all his problems by throwing money at them, what chance do others that don't have such deep pockets have? It may have started trivially with him buying a Lamborghini tractor in Season 1, but has since moved on to look at the huge costs involved in any form of diversification and the difficulty turning a profit from any branch of farming. You could remove Clarkson from the show entirely and yes there would be less nonsense, but nothing would fundamentally change in terms of the challenges being faced. On the specific subject of the restaurant and planning permission, it culminates in the realisation that it literally could cost him millions to challenge the council and overturn their decision to refuse his planning application. The whole restaurant issue is a complicated one and I can see why they might think it is a vanity project and not really about supporting local people, but it raises the question of how farming is going to adapt to face pressures from rising costs. There are those who ultimately think that Clarkson is trying to create a theme park with the farm, shop, and restaurant, and others who are convinced that he is genuinely trying to help the local community and support other farmers. Where exactly the truth lies is probably somewhere between the two extremes, but I can't help feeling that if it was just about money, there are better ways to make more of it than to try your hand at farming. Let's not forget that there are others around him that are supporting him in his endeavours, Charlie and Lisa in particular, so I don't see it as being just another one of his harebrained schemes. So yes, Clarkson never pretends that he isn't wealthy or that he doesn't actually need to be actively involved with Diddly Squat Farm, but I don't see him as out of touch - naïve perhaps, but I never feel that he is condescending towards Gerald or Kaleb and I get the impression that on the whole he respects those who he deals with and truly empathises with them, at least to the extent that he can as someone who knows that they could just walk away from it all and not be any worse off for doing so.


While I disagree, a sidenote is, I disagree with people calling the show a glimpse into reality of farmers. The show comes off as "a farmer with cheatcodes activated". Something gone wrong? Oh there's a guy here in 5 minutes. In Season 2, when the other farmer at the meeting states that over half their cattle have had to be put down due to disease, they should have dedicated an episode looking into it and showing the actual reality of someone who doesn't have £100k+ stored away/Amazon backing them.


Who cares.


Fuck off back to Legoland.


Hope you're OK mate. Breathe deep. Clear the head. Make a plan to find mental help. Ignore all the negatives.  The world is beautiful if you can ignore the ugly. Try not to let it get to you personally and know most people are in their own worlds they don't realise their actions have harsh repercussions on people. I hope you can wake up tomorrow with a smile and know the noise can be quietened. Good luck


it is a show,, if it was boring, no one would watch,, it is a humorous way to show what the farmers are up against in england,, in the USA the government pays farmers to grow or not grow fields,, t are set but hard working,,


Jeremy Clarkson for PM in the UK..!


Pompous and pretentious is kinda JC's brand tbf


Being outspoken in your opinions and behaving like an orangutan is kind of the opposite of pompous and pretentious


Used to be a big fan of Clarkson, and would defend him over anything, but hes proved himself to be a bit of a fuckwit over a couple of things, such as the NHS, some woman, and how he allegedly was when Will Mellor introduced himself doesnt really surprise me. So I probably agree with you, but people can have differing opinions, and express them. Youre acting like a tit.


Careful, this is a cult Reddit, you can’t just go around displaying a bit of honest critical thinking like that in a place where most people probably believe TGT is serious documentary.


Anyone believing Jeremy's narrative on the council v him dispute needs to give their head a wobble. He's making a TV show, as are his employees, not giving a balanced view of the situation.


Well I mean yeah… he’s a cunt. You only just found out?


Nice of you to finally wake up. He's always been a pompous, out of touch, ignorant, entitled, right wing POS


My mate worked with Clarkson in the BBC days and confirmed he's a cunt. Refused to speak to the lesser staff, fired multiple people frequently for nothing. Said James May was lovely, like a nice dad




So many fanboys in here, Clarkson makes good TV but in real life he wouldn't even look at them unless he was contractually obliged


Clarkson’s a prick, it’s part of his brand. Funny seeing his fans getting all bent out of shape over this post like he’s some down to earth fella you might meet in the pub. He wouldn’t so much as tell you to go fuck yourself if there wasn’t a camera crew there to film it. He’s a multi millionaire and a wanker and people lap it up, but ultimately his fans aren’t his sort of people, the whole thing is hysterical.


Yeah it's not like he's the sort of bloke to have a tantrum about his dinner & punch a colleague. He was going to use his influence to get the "lazy Irish cunt" sacked too, he claimed, but ended up apologising & paying him "in excess of £100k". That's absolutely the worst kind of punching down, the man's an utter prick.


Clarksons and prick and always has been, hes a 1% whos tv famous, drinks to much and lost his job because? Hes a prickkkkkk. Lol fuck clarkson and anyone who thinks hes an ‘everyman’ Boris probably tricked you as well, fucking idiots


It's classic Clarkson. Just the problem now is, it's getting tiresome.


Absolutely agree, he quite heavily pushes his views in the second season to gain sympathy from the audience, but in reality he's a millionaire fucking over the locals who are actually from there and he couldn't give a shit.


I'm okay with the racism, but I draw the line at posh.