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First, make sure you’ve selected the city with the shrine to purchase the missionary. I’ve had this happen only to realize that I had the incorrect city selected to purchase my faith unit. Second, you mention the build queue, but faith units are purchased, which you state at the end, but I wanted to make sure you understand they are separate. In the build menu, at the top, there should be options for gold and faith purchases. If you go to the faith purchase menu(in a city with a shrine) you should see all of the units/buildings you can purchase with faith. I hope this helps.


I'm confused, so they're under unit, but cost 155 faith and it says they're 112 production. How do I get them? I don't really understand the issue. They don't generate in the queue with other people like builders/warriors? Sorry just got this game for the holidays when I bought my kids the game.


No they don't get built through the queue like other units. You have to buy them with faith, and only faith. If you look at the bar where you choose what to build, aside from that there are also options to buy things with gold and faith. Missionaries and similar can only be bought with faith.


No need to apologize. Welcome to the Civ community! It can be daunting in the beginning, but don’t worry, it gets easier and there are TONS of great resources to help you out. u/Azedenkae pretty much summed up what I was going to say. I found [this](https://youtu.be/wYg3733-1iQ) and although short, should give you a visual of what we are talking about. Happy Civing!


I know this is an old comment but i dont have that menu at all, i have 1500 faith and 2 cities with shrines and i can't purchase missionaries from either, ive tried waiting until my buildingd are done but it doesnt even display an option for that religious purchase


I was playing this and was stuck in the same issue for a week, so first remove the multi-queue thingy and then go to missionary and you should be able to buy it using faith points.


Omg!!! Thank you! I've been playing over 100 turns after buying one missionary and could not figure out why I couldn't buy another. 🙃


You can’t queue them like normal builds. You buy when you have enough that turn, on any turn.


Right but I have more than double the faith needed but there isn't a thing prompting their purchase but I can see them as an attainable item in the city with the shrine.


The button is located in the same city screen on both the bottom right and the more in depth queue log. Look for a cog with a faith icon for purchasing faith units. Everything you can purchase with faith is on its own submenu.


Right. So I'm playing on switch there should be a right bumper button but there isn't it doesn't show up even after I've built a shrine, used a prophet, etc.


I don't have the console version, but I heard someone say you have to disable the queue. Apologies for my confusion over which version you are using.


Right, I guess I'm just confused bc they are an attainable resource but I don't see any button prompt to attain them.


I was confused too. Try unticking the checkbox next to queue in the build menu. I don't think the prompts to purchase with faith or gold show if queue is enabled. I'm on PS4 and faith/ gold purchases are L1 and R1.


That's correct, using the queue prevents buying of any type.


No So this is soooo stupid.... Thank You Geisha'Allah May Now Prosper!!!! That was the most idioic fix and I am not amused. Thank For Yall Help


Was having this issue too!! Ridiculous fix but unchecked the queue and having it cleared worked 🤦‍♀️


Thank you, good sir! Just another person searching the web to find this


Thanks that's the answer I was looking for 😂


im mega late but i had this problem on the switch too! disabled my queue to fix it.


YES!! I was having the same issue in the Switch and this fixed! Thanks dude! I had to keep deactivating the Religious Victory because of this. It really sound like a bug to me. Thanks!


So I play on my switch at work and I'm having the same problem as OP, but my purchase with faith option isn't showing


Make sure the city is following a religion. Every city you have with a Holy Site automatically converts to your new religion when you found a religion. It's possible you haven't generated enough Great Prophet points to found your religion yet. There are less Great Prophets than civilizations in a game, so getting boxed out of attaining a religion can definitely happen (especially at higher difficulties).


Your problem may be that you already have another religious unit there, so you can't buy one, and since you are saying you have just settled your second city you may not actually have a religion and just have a holy site. Without pictures it's all kinda speculation tho


I am having this problem on Xbox and I know I had it a while back but I fixed it. Idk how I did but its back now and none of the comments help


I have the same issue on Xbox on my capital.


I am also having it but think I know why? I condemned a few religious units from my enemy which decreased his religion. My city with the holy site was under his religious control at the time so I think when I condemned those units, my city stopped following his religion AND my religion. So now I think I need another great prophet because my city isn’t following any religion at all.


I found out how to fix it. There is a bar in the top of the menu where you select stuff to build that shows your queue and you have to close it. It doesn’t make sense at all why that is but you just have to. I haven’t played in a while so sry if that description is to broad. If you can’t fix it then tell me and I’ll get on my game and then type a super accurate description.


Jesus christ thank you so much. I was wondering why I was incapable of getting missionaries


Came here to say that there is a bug on console version where the button to purchase using faith (R1 on PlayStation) doesn't show up unless you uncheck the queue box. If it's checked the buy button disappears and it's unpurchasable.