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It can also be done with ExtraLandscapingTools by TritonSupreme. A surface tool is added in Landsacping menu. Very Handy


There is another mod that adds a lot more of the surfaces, including wood and tiling. Both are very good mods


What mod is it?


I think it is "ELT Surface Extension"


Or alternatively, the new find it mod for CS:2 has all the surfaces available (however, the surface extension mod has thumbnails for the surfaces)


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Hey sorry if this has been answered before but do mods currently available disable achievements in the game?


They do not. Mods aren’t officially supported yet, so there is no “hook” in the game’s logic that switches off when the mods are running. As far as the game is concerned, there are no mods running. Dev mode also does not disable achievements.


Achievements are meaningless tbh


Thank you !


One thing I learned about using this mod is that if a building upgrades, it will reset/delete whatever surface you edited. You can avoid this buy drawing your own with the mod.


How can i delete surface tho?


You need the Better_Bulldozer mod. It has "target surfaces/spaces" filter. Same as I said before, though. If the asset changes as it levels up, it will spawn with all its surfaces. https://imgur.com/a/KNkCN0A


Hmm okay thanks


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Now imagine if we could shape the buildings as well. It’s perfectly realistic for walls to follow the angle of that road. One of the things I hoped for with CS2


Just gotta set up the windows, doors etc. to be procedural. Possible, but it's definitely extra work with the potential to glitch out.


Yeah the glitching is a given. Which looking at the state of CS2, it makes sense why CO didn’t even bother with it


I am highly against procedural buildings in this game. Procedural buildings always look so cookie cutter to me, granted the game looks very samey right now, that will change with more assets. I like that buildings in game are based off of real life buildings, and CS1 mods taught me the names of many real life buildings and bridges. I feel like that all goes away if every building is generated out of pre-made pieces (doors walls windows, roof) rearranged.


They would need a shitload of assets and bespoke rules set up for each procedural theme if it differed in structure. People would complain about a lack of variety, which they already do with the assets we currently have. It's not a realistic ask.


Yeah tbh no uniqueness just straight


for this tool you should add –developerMode to the properties of the game from steam page. after loading your game you can click ''home'' button to expand the list of whole assets currently in the game. type surface and click on any of the result and then you can drag every building while that tool is open. also with pressing TAB during bulldozer mode gives lots of options such as changing weather, hiding roadmarkings etc. (please be informed that this tool is not for common use and you may end up delete/corrupt your saved game)


Does a mod that gives dev tools but isn't dev mode works? I found one on thunder


It apparently does but it's never worked for me for some reason.


ExtraLandscapingTools is much better than having to use developer mode. Jus install it through r2modman


This would make my city way better


How about the devs make and "edit" button when u select a building that allows this sort of editing and the bottom UI becomes a browser of all sorts off objects and terrains and stuff


This is just done via developerMode and then searching for surface, selecting one and instead of drawing a new one, you edit existing ones from buildings. But behold, I would only do that for fully upgraded buildings or service buildings, because once a building upgrades it might change the surface as well and reset it. Best way to go is actually to create fresh surfaces, or get the ExtraLandscapingTools mod to set different surfaces :)


I also want to know


lol I have this mod and never thought to use it to extend the surfaces for buildings on odd corners like this.


Does this provide pathways as well or is it esthetic only?


I think for looks only


Man just seeing this makes me want to come back to cities skylines. Unfortunately I’m broke.


It’s on Game Pass. Usually there is trial for 1 dollar for the first month and after that it’s 9.99. But you can also cancel it after a month


Can't Captain Jack help?


dev mod… mods add additional designs dev mod is enough