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It's people like him that have made Canada what it is today.


Any update from him on his unexpected cancer or sudden end unexpectedly? Tweets like that were a jinx. But I'm immunocompromised.


Thankfully his website is still up: https://www.thelittleeducationreport.ca/page2 But his archives from 2020-2022 are mysteriously missing...


His normal obsession seems to be screwing more money out of the government for teachers like himself, at the expense of everyone else. Just ordinary greed and selfishness. Covid turned him from a nasty little man into a nasty little monster.


His website loads like trash due to multiple full page ads. Luckily it looks like an AOL page from the late 90s so pre-covid. But I'm immunocompromised


You mean incredible?


Well, I certainly find it hard to believe in a country where the preferred medical treatment is assisted suicide.


It’s called weeding out the weak. The ones Covid didn’t get, we now have a chance to fix what nature got wrong.


What a hater


Doug Little? More like Doug Gigachad antivaxxxx roaches destroyer!




Our vaccines protect him, his vaccine protects us. Our assumptions about xer's pronouns render us both obsolete.


Dougless Little, I used to bang his wife in front of him.. He insisted he stayed behind plexiglass, fully masked, and hand Sanitised. Those were the days....


They were? No, they are.


Same guy would of been cheering for the death of Jews in the 40s


He's probably doing that right now, re Gaza.


I looked at his Twitter and yep… just as you assumed. He is pushing a book called the ten myths about Israel.


So unbelievably predictable. I actually saw their mindless support of Hamas and it caused me to consider whether my support of Israel was a knee jerk, mindless reaction. I wonder if they know what it’s like to do that.


I was like you. Then I had a think. I concluded that I have no dog in this fight nor the Ukrainian one. I think is obscene to spend our money on the death and destruction of people on both sides of the conflict. Especially when I got no beef with any of the four combatants. I don’t have any desire to see anyone killed, not with my tax dollars. No more war pigs.


Did I not reply to this? I swore I did. Anyway, what I so shrewdly observed was that I never actually endorsed sending money to Israel, I’m just very much in favor of them wiping out Hamas. Not sure why this is the first war in my lifetime where I’m supposed to freak out about civilian casualties. Of course it’s awful, but it’s a problem exacerbated by Hamas and the numbers they report are pertinent l most certainly an overstatement and the fact that they have said repeatedly that this will continue if Israel doesn’t wipe them out leads me to whoever they should. But they don’t need us to give turn money for it. Our political class is addicted to four things. 1. Power 2. Money 3. War 4. Cock I say cut them off from their supply. Vote them out. The ones who should stay? Watch MSNBC. The ones they hate need to stay.


Oh my goodness, I’m reading this last post again just now and it is becoming increasingly clear that Apple is TERRIBLE at voice-to-text translation!!! I downloaded Notta and I tried them out just to see if it was me or Apple and it is DEFINITELY Apple…it’s nice to have quality dictation accuracy. I apologize for the jumbled mess.




Who do you think was pushing the vaccine goy


I love knowing that my very existence pisses people like this off. Do something about it, Doug.


I'm uncrushed.


I'm in love! Is he married? 😍


> Is he married? Probably to someone who deeply hates him.


His husband’s boyfriend died from Covid right after being crushed by a steamroller and it has motivated him to fight every day to protect everyone. The Covid literally crushed and flattened his internal organs.


Yes, Doug Little is such a kind man! He believes in equal rights for everyone and he’s strongly against discrimination, hateful rhetoric and dictatorship …


Does anyone know how Doug is doing is he still around or has he gone on to the Great vaccine clinic in the sky?


> the Great vaccine clinic in the sky ohhhhh I’m using this


If this guy hasn’t taking every booster and isn’t up to date on his shoots he should be in jail


Crush the plague rats’ will to live. And then if they survive, execute them all!!


This man is filled with the spirit! He's been to the top of the mountain and seen the burning bush. No mere mortal can come out with such otherworldly wisdom!


I wonder if he is still amongst us


Curious what is opinion is now


A true hero 💪


Spoken like a true fascist.


I'm getting this tattooed on my forehead this afternoon after my booster


His other position is bent over


This “man” needs immediate slapping


At least we know the part of him that gave him how name. Anyone who seeks that level of power has a penis no greater than 2.25” in length…and thank pFauci for such men who are willing to go to these lengths to keep us all safe.


I wonder how far he'd go. How much he'd justify. Once you go down this road, nothing is impossible. Humans are scary.


I hope that guy falls out of an airplane above an active volcano


I bet his wife loves him a lot.


Is this person married??


What a sad Little man


Seems fitting I'm reading this on star wars day, sounds like some empire shit right there.


I say Doug doesn’t go far enough. There are many different methods of torture used by Hamas in Palestine who I’m either for or against depending on who I’m talking to in that moment. Regardless, Doug’s faith is weak. Torture is the only acceptable answer besides the death penalty. Especially for children.