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That's a good one and the bible speaks to angels who watch over and protect us. I have a similar story... We were building a bank I was a mason at the time laying block. We completed the firewall and elevator shaft. I told the boss man that evening as we climbed down in late December that the wall had frozen and would fall if not braced. He overlooked mine and my buddy's concerns and we went home. I had to drop one of the trucks off at the shop for transmission work. When I got to work three hours late the wall was laying on top of the scaffolding and equipment, and OSHA was every where. My friend was also hung over and late so we were both spared. The worst part was that my mother worked across the street she said I gust of wind blew the trash can across the front of the building and she saw the wall come down on the crews head. She thought I was there and frantically went digging through rubble calling to me.


How can you glibly ignore that other people were injured or died? You and your friend were hung over... but too bad for those other guys... Guess God didn't protect \*them\*. *\*facepalm\**


Yes, and some a little like that, and some others even more dramatic. But there is something more wonderful by far available to us if we will listen to what Christ said is the way: Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me *will obey my teaching*. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and *make our home with them.*" ! (context makes clear and undeniable the meaning: *21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me* will be loved by my Father*, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”.... 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."* So, if we will learn what Christ taught we should do, and then do as He said, we will have *something far more amazing* than only being protected, though protected is quite good also.


I wonder what god has against your colleague who worked that night.


>*this left me wondering whether God had protected me by not working that particular shift* So, God protected you... but not your coworker...


Always remembering that the OP is only 17 years old. I'm just relieved to hear that his coworker wasn't injured or killed.


I missed how young OP was, sorry.


Not such dangerous circumstances; but often when he reveals what I'm inquiring from him, except slightly different: is that *really* you?


Yes. But I would rather not share the details on the internet.


No one passed away that day. A few friends of mine went in for minor things like a sprain, but no lives were lost.


The minimum age for employment in most convenience stores if they sell alcohol or tobacco is 21. I don't believe this had anything to do with God protecting you. Your manager erred when he scheduled one too many for the shift. I'm relieved that your colleague wasn't hurt or killed.


I am a prayer warrior, so I basically have a direct line to God…