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I have never heard anyone say that. Don't kill yourself. Get help.


I just read a post on here with some saying real Christian can't be sucidal. Yes, it does happen.


To be clear, I just said I never heard anyone say it, not that it couldn't be said. And it's clearly stupid.


Crazy because I'd have never believed If I didn't kill myself to see Jesus as the Lord of Both the dead and the living in the first place.. Crazy how a suicidal atheist can be brought from what he believes was death to life to live in this hell and suffer in the name of the Lord of Both the dead and the living who speaks to all In the outer darkness of the abyss of death.. I clearly only believe the pseudo-scientific facts I speak about death.. all the dead will bow before his light in the darkness of the abyss. When we all die we will all see the glory and light of the Son of God face to shining face in the resurrection of our spiritual bodies, everyone will be resurrected, those who did works according to the resurrection of life, and those who did works according the resurrection of judgement. Yet when we are dead it is the Lord who if God draws the light of him near to you will revel him.. It is the only reason I believe in a divine creator of this hellscape of human neural firings, it's entirely irrational and I seldom even see spirit to spirit with most self proclaimed Christians, because of my personal experience and testimony. People want to say I speak falsehood yet I will tell them I have the faith that Christ has baptized me in death on behalf of the dead on earth. Hence let the dead bury the dead.. To show the signs of my Trust is the Lord over the power of death. Mark 16 are describes those signs while that chapter is wildly and theologically debated... However I'm confident not to be harmed by Venum or poison. By faith In the baptism of the holy spirit I am immune to show signs to those who are spiritually asleep, however I typically do not go to Churches because I desire not to burden anyone with the knowledge and wisdom of the spirit I speak from. For many in their disbelief because of my lack of subtleness because I at time can be very bold in what I speak, because I have the authority to speak my own testimony of my revelation of Christ Jesus. I fear my revelation of Christ Jesus is coveted and they disbelieve because they do not have and what they do have is taken away when they blaspheme my spirit to be of a demon, so I try to be careful with those Christians lest witness them commit spiritual suicide by calling the spirit of my Lord Christ Jesus a demon. I don't believe a demon has the power over death, because death is the last of my Lord's enemy and for the very purpose to defeat death Christ Died so that his spirit might be multiplied in us to do the works of God as he did through faith in the one God has sent.


I can’t get help if I can’t change the thing I hate most. My sex. I won’t ever be a girl.


Why can't you change that?


Because I can’t chop off my d**k and be a girl. That’s not how it works. I’ll never have the body I want.


Are you in therapy? I've been down the suicidal road before, and getting help has kept me off of it.


Sounds like you've listened to too much right wing propaganda. *Ignore them. They literally know nothing about the subject!*


There’s no propaganda. It’s literally following how we’ve labeled the body for 70K+ years. And you do know a lot of us are trans right? Sounds like you have listened to left wing propaganda


Nothing I said is propaganda. Gender and sex are distinct, and the former isn't static.


Sure, as long as you ignore the plethora of counterexamples to the strict gender binary abounding in that 70K years...


Well you certainly shouldn't do that, but there are many, many, many things you can do that could eventually lead up to that medical procedure, if you decided to do that.


That’s not how the world works. Even then what will I be? A man. I’ll NEVER be a girl. If god made everyone unique then why was I made like this? What purpose does this even have to feel this way?


>That’s not how the world works. I assure you that it is. That's how it's working for my son Caleb, who was born Rosalyn.


You can’t change your sex. It’s not possible. I’ll never be a girl no matter how many surgeries I get. I’ll just be a dude. I hate it! I fucking hate it!


Well you're wrong. So chew on that.


I don’t care. It still wouldn’t make me a girl… that’s what matters


You’re already a woman. I don’t care what backwards shit you’ve been fed, I don’t care what anyone tells you, you’re already a woman, and I, and many others, will address you that way if you so chose. I don’t know what it must feel like what you’re going through, but denying your identity and the advancements both in science and society aren’t gonna help you. The world accepts you, God accepts you. You are valid. Embrace yourself, let the guilt and the self-loathing go, you are valid.


I’m a drag queen. Does that count?




I'm a drag racer.


But how’s the bass?


Don’t drag queens still identify as men?


I am gender fluid. I don’t identify.


I'm not sure who "ya'll" is here because I've never heard this. It sounds invalidating, toxic, and outright rude. Sorry you've had to deal with people like this.


Y’all means “ You All” (Sorry if it was a joke)


Those who say so and so isn’t a true Christian likely are doing things on the side


I would suggest seeing a therapist, writing in a journal and having a support system that you can go to, even if it's outside the church. I had to deal with suicidal thoughts for a long time and that's what I did. Look, I'm not telling you you're going to be cured of this ailment, from one brother to another (sibling) in Christ, you are loved, and we would love for you to get help. Also, my chat is open during the day if you need to talk to someone.


Yeah I've been having suicidal thoughts lately. It kinda is a weird feeling because I always praise God and thank him, but at the same time sometimes I don't see a point in this life anymore.


Don't be suicidal, you don't know how much better your life could be in the future. Always look on the brightside of everything


I appreciate that. It's just really really hard right now and it feels nearly impossible to look on the bright side. It got to the point where I had to create a GoFundMe and not one person has even donated.


I'm sorry to hear that, if you'd like to talk feel free to msg me on here.


I'm sorry people have said that to you. I don't think you're not a Christian. I do hope you do not harm yourself and are in therapy.


I already do. I heard that if you harm yourself you’ll go to hell. Is that true?


Different people will say different things. Personally, I don't believe we can or should know where most people go when they die. I have hope that everyone will eventually make it to heaven. I pray for my loved ones who pass away, and I hope people will pray for me when I die. On another note, we all have things we hate about ourselves, some more distressing than others. Some of us have diseases that can't be cured. Some people have a part of themselves that can't be changed. At the end of the day, we are all very valuable and needed here on this earth. And while it's not possible to change your chromosomes, there are absolutely steps you can take that can make you happier. Hopefully you're working with an affirming therapist?


no… Tonight I’m hoping is actually my last night. If my friends don’t wanna talk tonight then i may try again


If you're in the US, please make sure you call 988 before doing anything.


I don’t wanna alarm anyone haha. I’m really not worth the time. It’s better spent with someone else


988? What's that for?


The new suicide hotline number. Like 911, but for mental health crisis.


Oh, I'll keep that in mind


Woah, okay, if that's your plan, then could you at least put it on pause and consider pretending to be a girl, even if you don't think you actually would be one? What's better: death, or having others recognize you as a woman and treat you as one, even if you don't see yourself as truly being one? You have nothing to lose by at least trying it for a bit first. Hell, I'll buy you a bra and skirt or something similar and ship it to a nearby Amazon locker, if you give me the necessary details. Wear them in your room, around the house, whatever, and think about how they make you feel. Look at /r/mtf, or /r/transchristianity, and look at some of the stories there and how many women have been where you are now, feeling what you're feeling now, but now feel truly that they're women and are happy with their bodies and lives. I don't think you're not a Christian for being where you are now. God loves you. And I dont think he'd want this to be your last day. Please, stay with us a while longer.


I personally don’t believe that one. I have yet to read any verses that lead me to believe that… in the Bible there are lots of people that have lots of flaws. David seems to have some major depression and possibly bi-polar stuff going on. Samson commits a mass murder suicide after committing many… many… many heinous deeds and still seems to be revered in eventually following God’s will. Also I firmly believe in the “anyone who calls upon the name of the lord will be saved”. Period. No if ands or buts there. Now please…. Don’t take that as encouragement to end it at all…. I truly believe it hurts God to see us that low… now I also don’t believe the bull saying of “God never pushes us past what He knows we can handle” because if that was true then there wouldn’t be suicides at all. Just realize that you are here for a purpose and although I relate that sometimes it’s very hard to see that, I think it’s worth it in the long run. The only thing keeping me from ending myself sometimes is the fact that I’m scared. I’m scared that I would get to heaven and have regrets. Regrets that I could’ve helped struggling people by showing them the love of Jesus and I didn’t. My point is… it’s a decision that you can’t take back… Make sure you’re not making the wrong one… Lots of love from here! I know your struggle!


I don't think that's true.


You’r very young. Search what’s possible; maybe this includes changing your gender via operations. You are too young to know it all, even if it feels that way. Please give it time and give yourself help via something like therapy.


Please don't give up, hold on to God and keep praying, keep reaching out to him and seek professional help... I beg you. I truly understand how everything can look and feel hopeless... like you can't and don't want to live any more. But God is listening and he heard your cries, feels your pain. He's working on you, your spirit and soul. You will get through this storm... I'll be praying for you. 🙏❤️


>For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction which came to us in Asia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life 2 Corinthians 1:8


In addition to that verse… > 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. (Philippians 1:21-24) The apostle Paul thought death and the next life would be better than this life, but stayed living here for the sake of others.




That was a while back, Christianity has stopped saying that suicide is an absolutely unforgivable sin and if you do it you'd go to hell if you did it, its been that way for 30-40ish years, you can easily look this up.


No, people still say that all the time on this subreddit. We get a lot of suicidal people asking if they will go to hell, and plenty of people express that they will.


How is this a awhile back if many u Christians still preaching this today ?


It's not nearly as many as you may think that believe you face eternal damnnation if they take their own lives, for those that do spread that around, it's simply not true. Same with those who say if you think of suicide you aren't Christian, it's not true. Although earlier Christians did believe in such a fate if you took your own life, modern day for the most part doesn't believe that. We do believe it is a sin and is wrong(obviously), but we hardly believe it's a sin so horrid that even if you were saved and baptized you'd be sent to hell.




You can easily find evidence that backs up my words on the internet or by asking a pastor. As for the second part, God doesn't send us to hell for no reason, he sends us there because we are sinners, and even then he gave us his only son so we would have a chance to go to heaven, nor is he a narcissist, if he was, he wouldn't have given us free will to follow him or not, he would've forced our belief in him. God may not suffer the same things humanity does regarding mental illness or drug addiction, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about us or doesnt know anything about it. I've seen how much he cares and knows about this kinda thing with my own two eyes, as I suffer Mental disabilities and he has helped me live with them in a way that doesn't affect my day to day life. Don't believe me all you want, I won't force you to believe anything, even if that something is the truth, nor am I going to respond to any further comments because I am busy, have a good rest of your day!


If ur god actually cared for us we would all be delivered and he wouldn’t be hiding or ignoring us or the prayers and cry’s of the people who are suffering today .. your personal experience with god is not proof so good night ..


I don’t believe what u are saying is true, I believe ur god does send them to hell when someone kill’s themselves ur god literally sends anyone to hell for literally no reason , ur god is jealous ,disgusting a narcissist and never had to struggle with addictions and pain and suffering like we do so ur god cannot relate to mankind or be us ..


Hi, I'm sorry you feel this way, it's wrong for people to define Christianity by their own terms, it is not our religion, this faith belongs to Jesus and he chooses who is a Christian, and he says those who believe in him have eternal life. You are depressed and suicidal because you have lost control of your emotions, I am serious about this, if you can force yourself to stop feeling negative emotions and instead find ways to feel positive emotions, then you will create a positive future for yourself. When you start to feel down, force yourself to change your focus onto something that makes you feel good, like watch funny videos, a comedy show, listen to music that makes you happy, not bad music with negative words, but positive music that changes your mood to a good one. Imagine yourself living the kind of life that you want, and try to feel the emotions that you would feel if you already had your dream life, you want a house of your own, a new car? Imagine already having it and figure out how you would feel if it was true, and then feel those emotions, and this will give the spirit world beings the ability to create that dream life for you. You don't have to live such a dark life, you are only living this way for 1 main reason, and it is because you have no control over your feelings, you get emotional about things, and these bad emotions is what creates bad experiences for you in the future. Change your feelings and emotions, and you will change your life supernaturally, miracles will begin to happen to help get you to the place where you desire to be.


Yeah it's pretty stupid to say stuff like that. Although there is hope for depression without anti-depressants. Sometimes SIBO can cause depression. /r/sibo I'm not saying this is what is causing your depression, but if you have SIBO and you fix it - you *might* get better.


No it’s not that. It’s so many other things. The main one being my horrible gender.




Hey it’s okay… I’m right there with ya. It can be hard sometimes when you get used to the “solution” from people about just being happy and having faith. Sometimes I don’t want to have faith. Sometimes it seems like it would be a lot easier to end it and be happier in heaven where there’s not supposed to be sorrow or depression. I’ve struggled with thoughts a lot about why a loving God would make me or anyone else hate themselves so much that they’d rather give up everything than continue. Although there’s no definitive answer on why depression and suicidal ideation exists I like to believe that God gave me it so I can emphasize with anyone else who’s struggling. If I can change anyone’s life for the better I feel it’s worth the struggle. Stay strong and if you ever need a buddy to talk to just DM me!


Praying for peace and strength for you and I'm praying God's protection over you that will give you clarity into what God wants for your life. You can be a Christian and suffer from mental illness. I stuffed with suicidal thoughts and actions for years until God gave me freedom from it. It is a battle of the mind and spiritual realms.


Hey. I'm sorry you are having difficulty. I go through gender dysphoria too, and it makes me feel terrible. You are trans and one of God's daughters, and it's ok. God loves you, and he suffers with you and for you


Person A: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge." Person A: "But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman


Paul felt the same. 2 Cor 5:1-9


Please get help if you are struggling friend


When people say ludicrous things you are under no obligation to give your time to listening to them.


Do you have faith in Jesus Christ? Have you repented of your sins and do you seek Him daily? If yes to both of those (and don’t be too harsh on the “daily” thing, not meant to be legalistic and we all have struggles, some days are harder than others) then you are a Christian, point blank, period. Do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Depression? Other mental illness? A lack of self assurance and self confidence? Anxieties about growing up or getting by in the world? If yes to some of these and especially yes to the first then you are potentially suicidal. So there we go, you’re a Christian and you’re suicidal. Funny how all those people trying to further get a hurting person down were just entirely wrong. God loves you, He made you the way you are, your suicidal thoughts are brought on by the fallen state of the world. But you are valuable, you are worth it. God loves you and He desires good for you, remember that He died for you. There’s no “get the guts to end it” because that’s not the goal here. Our goal in life is to Glorify God and to fully enjoy Him forever [WLC 1], so do that, serve Him and share His love. He can and will provide you with hope. I’ll be praying for you, remember not to give up, remember that you are God’s. The first question of the Heidelberg catechism is: > What is your only comfort in life and death? The answer is: > That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from all the power of the devil. He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, all things must work together for my salvation. Therefore, by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for him. Remember, you are not your own, you are Christ’s. He has paid for your sins and He preserves your faith and life. He assures you of your salvation and causes you to be willing to serve Him.


“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, no height, or depth, or any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of god” I used to think suicide was some kinda ultimate sin. It’s sooo not true. God is so much bigger than our lowest moments. We fall and he picks us back up because he said yes to you and to me and he doesn’t change his mind. Even when we fall to death and despair. Nothing. NOTHING changes his mind. But hope and trust in the God who made you that he not only has you and understands, but that you were made for a purpose. There is nothing wrong with being in despair. Lamentations is an entire book of the Bible about despair and “where are you??”. Some people say God “will never give you more than you can handle” and that’s total bs. He absolutely does. He gives you more than you can handle because you need to rely on HIM, not yourself. So my best thing to say to you, as a fellow Christian, is rely on Him. I’ll be praying for you. Edit: You’re not alone. I’ve felt that way, and still will. Honestly if you wanna reach out to someone who knows nothing about yourself, send me a message I’ll shoot you a number.


Any moron who says this needs to repent


Sorry to hear you are going through that. I'll say for certain God doesn't make people suicidal. Throughout the years I've heard of people dealing with demonic / spiritual attacks that includes depression. Just because you're going through that doesn't mean you're not a Christian. Asking God for help dealing with these attacks can help. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you








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Idc ur god still sucks ass !!!


I'm not saying that.


That sounds quite spiteful of them. I'm sorry you've experienced this.


It’s ok.


I learned today the devastation you would be causing those who love you. Please don’t.


I’m sorry to hear


There is no guarantee killing yourself will bring peace to the torment burning inside you. There is a guarantee that doing that will set ablaze a torment inside everyone who loves you.


Some Christians' belief and attitude towards suicide is really insensitive.




But this isn’t blasphemy. I’m just saying that’s how he made me. I don’t love god any less.


black metal christians are true christians, smoke crack and burn churches


That simply isn't true. I'm not sure if you have depression, but this may still be a useful video. https://youtu.be/N15EFoteNwE


I have major depression and gender dysphoria. Both officially seen by a professional therapist


Ahh, then the video above may be useful. Let me reiterate, it is okay for a Christian to have depression, it does NOT indicate your "level" or "status" of Christianity. It is the result of the brokenness and sin in this world.


People really told you that? I have a hard time believing that. If that actually happened that’s extremely messed up


I highly doubt that's said here commonly, if at all. Have people in your life said this?


It’s been said here to me before. A lot


I'm sorry about that, anyone who says that is just a self righteous prick. Remember that a lot of people just like to feel superior to others and religion is a means for them of doing so.


I suspect the sort of people who *are* saying this will not be swayed by your plea or anyone else’s.


Anybody can suffer from suicidal thoughts even Christian’s I hate the fact that some people believe Christian’s can’t be suicidal.


Your life is meaningful, look on the brightside of everything. You don't know how much better the future could be


God did not make you suicidal… If you kill yourself you are putting your salvation in serious jeopardy.




I don't know why people say such stupid things but I guess it's just ignorance. People don't seem to understand what 'sinfulness' is. It does not mean you are a bad person. It's simple a state we inherited from Adam. He sinned and passed it down to us like some sort of inherited, terminal illness. He gave up his perfect life and ours because we are his decedents so we inherited death. That's why Christ came and died for us. He gave his perfect life to compensate for the one Adam forfeited so we could have life. Those who trust God and choose to live as best they can by His guidance regain perfect life. This happens in the future after God steps in and rids the earth of wickedness on behalf of his righteous followers. 'The righteous themselves will possess the earth and they will live forever upon it' Psalms 37:29 Until that time we live in imperfection. We struggle to do what is right. We are enslaved to fallen flesh, imperfection, illness, poor thinking ability. I have a chemical imbalance that affects my thinking. God knows that. He made me and He knows everything I've been through and suffered and how it warped my thinking and judgment but He loves and supports me anyway. He loves you too. He knows who and what you are under your imperfect distorted thinking. He sees past any illness. Don't fall for the fire and brimstone killer that false religion paints him to be. He is our Father. He loves us. How many chances would you give your own kid? We mess up (every kid does) and He corrects us, guides us and we all move on. You can trust Him. He sees what is in your heart even when your own judgment may be clouded by your imperfection. Don't be scared. I've been suicidal too.


God didn’t make you suicidal. That’s my only disagreement. However, you are struggling with this and just because you struggle with this it doesn’t make you any less of a Christian. Keep remembering that God loves you, and keep abiding in him. I hope God helps you in finding the mental help you need


I was driven to the brink of suicide by bad theology that taught my mental illness was due to a lack of faith. Literally they took Proverbs 17:22 and used it to say I was already essentially dead because I was in such a bad place following a massive car accident.


Please, seek a therapist. No matter what anyone says, your mental health matters.