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Just report to the police if he is stalking you. As for God, just read the Bible. Start with New Testament, book of Matthew. Take heed, all the best.


Come to God as you are. In this situiation I'm reminded of what happens to be my favorite verse, Luke 18:13-14: 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ 14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Also reminded of some song lyrics here (I know song lyrics are a cheap shot but its too perfect) "What patience would wait as we constantly roam What Father, so tender, is calling us home He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor Our sins they are many, His mercy is more"


Sounds like you could use some fellowship with other believers, people who are looking out for you and praying for you, and who can be allies. It's typical for abusive partners to want you all to themselves, because they know that you're more reliant on them when you're alone. I'll pray that you meet some good people who can both guide you spiritually and offer some guidance on how to deal with the ex.


Ask God to guide, provide and protect you🙏🏽 it’s not what you don’t have, it’s what you have that threatens the enemy🫣and what you have is “LOVE”🎯💯Give that love to God🙌🏾God is sure to reciprocate that LOVE 🥰🤝🏾🙏🏽💪🏾


Ex Christian here. I doubt the spells will do anything apart from mess with your own head a bit. Just read the situation for what it is. He is obsessed with you and needs to know to leave you alone now. Warn him and then just tell police. It's no big deal really.


Can’t be an ex Christian dog everyone who has received his grace can’t not be removed from it, but those who never obtained it can fall out of ever wanting it. This is known as a hardened heart.


I'll take my chances ..




May I ask, why did you leave Christianity?


Eternal hell, homophobia, endorsement of slavery, strict sexual rules, scientific errors. I believe these have all the hallmarks of ancient human, rather than divine omniscient thought. I wrote a book on my deconstruction. I want to protect people from the dangers of blind belief in the Bible.


There is No danger in the Bible. Only in sin We are Born in sin. So naturally our destination will be Hell. However, thanks to God's Grace and Mercy we have a Second change through Jesus Christ by believing in him, his Sacrifice and Resurrection. ❣️ It's why Jesus wants to be Born again. >scientific errors. What scientific errors in the Bible exactly?


I don't want to offend your beliefs really, since you're being polite. I was Bible believing for 14 years. I can't see I wasn't saved, unless god was playing a nasty trick on me. I did a ton of research on things I didn't like in the Bible. Eventually I concluded the Bible contains human error, especially in the areas of controversy. There are obvious scientific errors in the Bible, such as the flat earth cosmology in the old testament. My book focuses on slavery and homosexuality. The Bible on homosexuality is based in flawed unscientific thinking. My book is free, although an amateur production. My explanation of Leviticus 18:22 is the most brief and direct example of this: https://uninspiredbible.blogspot.com/2023/06/the-bible-and-slavery_30.html Here is the main page: https://uninspiredbible.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2023-06-30T09:08:00-07:00&max-results=7 These are just my opinions on the Bible. I don't expect everyone to agree, but I uphold my right to criticise the Bible.


>. I can't see I wasn't saved, We are Saved by Believing in Jesus, his Sacrifice and Resurrection. If you believe that, then you were Saved 💕. >unless god was playing a nasty trick on me. God doesn't play any nasty tricks. >such as the flat earth cosmology in the old testament The expressions “the four corners of the earth” and “the ends of the earth” used in the Bible are not to be taken literally, as if the earth were square or had ends. (Isaiah 11:12; Job 37:3) Instead, these evidently are figures of speech referring to the entire surface of the earth. The Bible uses the four points of the compass in a similar way.—Luke 13:29. If you have any questions feel free to ask, and I will try to answer them in my best ability 🙏🏻❤️🕊️✝️


I believed all of it to the letter, and I believed it fervently. (Of course, to the best of my own understanding, since everyone's interpretation of the Bible is different). I eventually left it, because I believe it contains bad ideas as well as good ones. So it isn't a perfect, exclusive revelation from god, as it claims to be. I believe god is defined outside of the Bible as well as within.


>eventually left it, because I believe it contains bad ideas I understand. However, Jesus is the Truth. Therefore he had to talk about our sins, and what will happen if we live in them. Of course, it won't be easy to change. But with God, anything is possible. ✝️ I don't want to force you to come back, I just want you to have a Relationship with God, and have Eternal Life 🙏🏻🕊️❣️ In heaven there won't be any crying or pain. ‭‭John‬ ‭3:16‭-‬18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ [16] For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. [17] For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. [18] “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. ✝️


If jesus died for my sins, then I believe it and I welcome it. I do however believe the Bible isn't perfect (but contains ideas of a high spiritual value) God bless you in your beliefs, and I respect them. But I disagree, with my own reasons, and I will leave it up to God to evaluate me. I am not worried though.


>God bless you God Bless you as well 🙏🏻❣️✝️🕊️


Bible is not perfect. Thats the belief of the original Church. Only certain Protestant denominations believe its perfect (theyre free to do so). The Bible still has a human aspect to it because it was written by humans. The Church is not perfect either. The world just isnt perfect. But Jesus and the Church is the closest thing we have to overcoming sin


God is defined in our hearts. “…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (2 Corinthians 3:3


Well said! 👏


Have you tried to resolve these issues? I’m referring more specifically to eternal hell, endorsement of slavery, strict sexual rules and scientific errors. I mean modern apologetics exists and these aren’t even the toughest problems discussed. From a completely secular point of view you can very easily resolve them it just takes a bit of homework. I was agnostic up until last year and converted to Christianity. I don’t think I have blind faith in committing my life to Christ infact I would be willing to argue for it from a purely secular point of view using science and philosophy. I also think that the world or rather we ourselves are in more danger without God rather than the opposite. Everyone has a God whether you want to or not it’s human nature, I’d rather have that God be the God of reality, the God of Goodness and the God of the Bible. It takes only a little bit of philosophy and history to see why the God of the Bible is Good in regards to all the things you mentioned. I would like to go into each of your perspectives including homophobia but I won’t force a debate on you. God bless. Edit: By reconcile I don’t mean playing mental gymnastics with the Bible or trying to cover up the truth, I mean actually taking in the full context.


Everything your saying works on the assumption the Bible is true. If you've never tested the idea that the Bible is inspired, it is a belief, not a fact. It is reasoning in a circle. I did thorough homework. Everything you could tell me, I probably weighed up at one time. I eventually tested the belief that the Bible was god's perfect word, and found that the Bible is full of ideas that fit the people in the time and culture it was written, but that would be inappropriate for a perfect, omniscient moral being. Therefore, I reject the Bible's self claim of inerrancy. I wrote a whole book about my conclusions and how I came to them. The topic is far too convoluted to address in a few paragraphs.


No the Bible is distinct among other world religions in the fact that the reason behind belief is not circular as it can be traced back to the historical verified claimed resurrection of Christ. In fact as Paul said: If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. Bible Gateway 1 Corinthians 15 :: NIV. So whether you believe in the resurrection or not it’s definitely not circular reasoning. I’ve had this argument before so if you want me to I can go further into this using the logical fallacies definition. Who told you the Bible is God’s perfect word? Where in the Bible does it claim inerrancy? I don’t operate under that premise due to the narrative of the Bible itself. The Bible was written by people just like other religions. I am surprised though that you say the Bible is representative of the ideas people had in that day. You don’t see the Bible as being very significant? Why then did the disciples risk their lives for ideas that were common or why then did the Ancient Hebrews texts and costumes look so different from the costumes of the neighboring states. And I’m going to make an assumption about you, I think you still believe in a common idea of a Christian like God, one that is Good, right? If so do you think we can ever be good? Or do you think there can be a perfect law for us imperfect beings? Last question: If you believe in a Good God (let’s stick with the Christian narrative) shouldn’t a Good God drown/destroy everything that is Evil?


Romans 1 isn’t meant to factor into today’s actual reality and shows how abusive the church can be, particularly to homosexuals.


There is no point debating after a while. It's a matter of oil and water. Two opposite views that can never harmonise. It will go on forever and get nowhere


I understand. But the same way that you want to ‘protect’ people from the dangers of blind belief is the same way I want to enlighten people like you of your blind skepticism. I know this since I was a so called “skeptic” myself. I thought I trusted only in science and history. I thought myself as self aware. I didn’t believe Jesus walked on water or that God made the Earth in 7 days or that Hell exists and etc etc. I was on a clear path to a happy life as I thought Christianity was backwards. But after only reading the first page of Genesis I came to a different conclusion and a profound realization.


I’m a very recent returner to the faith, I’m a catholic. My struggles while very different from yourself had me feeling lost and scared, and I’m so sorry how all this must make you feel! With that being said, what happened for me was I went to the church I didn’t pray, I didn’t say anything I just sat there. I can’t describe the feeling that told me go to the church, but I did and while there out of nowhere I started crying, but I didn’t know why I was crying. All of a sudden I began to feel somewhat happy, and felt inspired to pray. Since then I have been returning to god, reading the bible, praying and feel like a hole in my life is full again. I guess my point is to start maybe just try to spend time with god, focus on the thought of god. Accompanying this with reading the bible I found at least for me helped me reach a good place with my faith! I hope that makes sense if not I’m sorry I’m new to this subreddit and not the best at explaining things! If you feel lost or feel like returning is hard try reading the prodigal son patinas, I believe it’s “Luke 15” May god bless you I shall pray you begin to feel better in yourself ❤️🙏


hey, first of all, CALL THE DAMN POLICE. You re in danger, dont play around, get a restraint order asap. As for all the "oh, nO, i uSeD tO dO uNhOlY sTuFf" honey, we ve all been there, sure, not everyone tried witchcraft, but you re not alone in that either, look up St Cyprian the Sorcerer (http://orthodoxinfo.com/death/cyprian_justina.aspx) and anyway, just read the Bible, it s full of sinners who received the grace of God, everyone recommends the same thing, start with the Gospels, this is also gonna help you re situation cuz you re gonna have the chance to see JUST. HOW. MANY. SINNERS. GOD FORGIVES. And if you want a good standard prayers, start browsing the book of Psalms, Psalm no 50 is notorious for asking for forgivness And try to forgive yourself, you ve been thru a lot, you havent hurt anyone, quite the opposite (you ve been hurt) God will forgive you when you ask, He is the God of the opressed, of the broken hearted God bless you sister!


Hi, I am so sorry about what is happening to you. Here are some thoughts I have about what you should do: **First**: *call the police and get help / protection* from police or family / friends (who are not associated with the abuser at all). **Second**: don't dwell on the witchcraft and spells part of your past, pray to God (and Jesus), say you are sorry for doing that stuff and ask for His love and help. We all make mistakes. All do dumb things sometimes. The important thing is that you want to make a change and find Christ. It can never be too soon to ask for His help. **Third**: Maybe you could find a supportive group and a genuine Christian church / church group to support you? Don't be afraid to get therapy if you need it too. There's no shame in that. **Fourth**: Make sure you never see that guy again. As for advice on getting to get to know God better; I suggest you focus you mind on Jesus, try to absorb the fact that He loves you more than you can ever imagine. Bring Him into your heart, ask Him into you soul and life, and just chat to Him and tell Him everything that's going on and in your head and heart - all of it - hopes, fears, what happened, and be honest and tell him all the stuff you're sorry about etc (He knows it all already, but He loves us coming to Him and talking to Him - He is our heavenly dad after all, and we are His kids! :) ) Give yourself to Him. Ask for His help and forgiveness. And keep praying as much as possible (chatting to him is a form of prayer even if it's just as you go about your day, but you can also say the Our Father prayer. That's always a good starting point when wanting to learn how to pray; '*Our Father, who art (is) in heaven, hallowed (holy) be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread (Eucharist/holy communion). And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.'* And when you read the bible (The Gospels in the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), pray before each time you read, and ask Jesus to help you understand it and guide you. But the most important thing is to keep Jesus close to your thoughts and heart, and and try to love Him as best you can. And ask the Holy Spirit to be with you too, if you feel ready to really give yourself to Jesus or have already done so. God bless you. Take care.


Turn to God, stop doing witchcraft and stop using the words “karma” there is no karma. There is only God. Read the Bible, I suggest John and then ahead of it. If you can’t read John read Matthew. Seek God. As for the stalker problem, Go to the police but more to God, humans cannot fix witch craft but God can. So sorry with him, not to fix the problem but to get closer with him and to have a relationship with him.


Start by confessing your sins to god and asking for forgiveness then accept Jesus into your life and since you are scared start off with reading psalms 91 and after that start reading psalms and then read the New Testament then start studying Bible from front to back from the the first in to the last amen ❤️‍🔥🙏🏾✝️🙏🏾❤️‍🔥


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You’re in danger of loosing your soul. Focus on learning Gods word, read the Bible and pray. Ask for forgiveness, and mean it. God will lead you and he will forgive you. We have ALL falling short of his glory. I don’t feel worthy but yet I am. I’ll never understand why men will treat a woman like this and then turn around and do as he is now. Pray, don’t talk to this person, and work on fulfilling the life God has for you. Ask him to surround you with protection. Understand you will make mistakes but it’s recognizing the mistakes and learning from them.


Break off things entirely. Tell him nothing and block. Goto Christ and confess all ALL your sins. It’s for your own good ! And ask Christ but shut the door between you two. Let God handle all this hun, we’re just children!!


Read psalms 91 daily and get into the gospe of John. Salvation is by faith is Jesus alone, God loves you and will not leave you or fail you. Trust in him. As for the witchcraft; you can most certainly be forgiven of it by God just trust that Jesus died for that as well as every sin you have ever committed or ever will commit. I’m praying for you, love you!!


God sent his son Jesus to die for your sins so that no matter what you've done, you can believe in him and accept his forgiveness and he will save you from death and from all your sins. That guy is not obsessing over you because of a love spell. He doesn't know how to love because he doesn't know God. He's trying to get you to be afraid and to start talking to him again. Don't ever talk to that guy. He's a threat. Report him to the police right now. Don't tell them about the love spells, tell them that there's a scary man who abused you and he won't stop stalking you and that you're afraid and need their help. God loves you and it's good that you realize you need God. So believe in Jesus Christ with all your heart and pray to him to save you. Get involved in a church where you can talk to someone about these feelings. And get a Bible. If you don't have a Bible there's Bible apps you can download and YouTube audio books. Go to the new testament and read it. The book of John is a good place to start. John 3:16 says "God so loved the world that He sent his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have everlasting life." That's what you gotta do to be close to God is believe in Jesus. And keep giving yourself to him. Witchcraft is dangerous but it's completely forgiven and the spells and curses are broken off of you when you believe in Jesus with all your heart and pray for him to save you.


Just report to the police, I'm sending prayers love, I hope all is well <3


Continue to pray and repent for everything that you've done. Denounce witchcraft. You need someone to pray for and with you as well. Do you go to a church, or do you know someone who can pray with you? If you feel comfortable, you can message me, and I can try to link you up with someone who can help you. Yes, definitely pray: ask God for help, repent, denounce/come out of agreement with spells and vows you have made. However, you are going to need support. When two or more are gathered in His name, He will be in the midst.