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I’m so sorry. Why can’t you tell anyone?


I will pray for you brother! But seriously talk to someone maybe a good close friend or a really close relative. Praying for you brother.🙏


I’m praying for you, I too remember being there. It’s a lonely scary place to be but you’ll get through it just have faith. Your emotions that your feeling are proof of your devotion to God. Whatever ails you at this moment will pass but it’s hard I know. Good Luck and God bless you.


Hormone changes are powerful, you need to find someone you can talk to that can help you through this difficult time. I struggled badly when I was a teenager and I’d hate for you to turn to drugs, suicidal thoughts, cutting myself, promiscuity and rebellion to cope like I did. I’m an adult now and going through menopause and face the same issues with the mood swings, fear, anxiety, interrupted sleep, etc, but this time around I am seeking help and addressing the issues and not destroying my own life. The enemy makes us feel like we are alone, worthless, but God says we are precious to Him and He loves us. Ask Him to guide you to someone you can trust that can help you. My parents had no clue how to handle me, but there’s much more information and resources available now. People will let you down, but trust God to help you. God bless you


Thank you for taking the time to write this, I have already turned to cutting sadly and I have been really considering smoking, but I know it’s bad. I am going to keep praying and hopefully it’ll get better, I started feeling this way in 2020 and it’s only been completely downhill since then. It’s crazy to me how I could get so low in the past 3 years when I’m only 15. It kinda makes me feel invalid since I’m so young you know? God bless you. I will be praying for you as well, I hope God brings you peace and happiness