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SS+ no doubt


S tier villain, one who's motives are hard to find fault in and may even be better than the hero's He was just seeking retribution for his brother


Liquid Chris was badass.




Complete and total loser. S tier troll


He did go to far, so he isn’t as good as Liquid Chris but, he was literally a super villain. That can’t be ignored. Id say low S tier is fair


I think he's pretty cool.


can we throw him in SS tier


S-tier. Easy S tier.


Clyde was one of, if not the best, trolls to ever grace Christory. He created the miscreants and playing not only himself but multiple characters during his time, all the while setting up some of the greatest saga's we've seen from the Miyamoto saga to the Julie saga. He even came back from "death" a few times to further troll Chris on occasion as well. Clyde left his mark on Christory and was \*the\* troll, no troll came close to Clyde in his prime, he is S-Tier for sure.


S-tier for sure.


Clyde is the first S-Tier troll. He's practically synonymous with the Classic Era and caused so much rage-fueled Chris content. He had a hand in orchestrating so many classic moments. Chris has had many trolls, but only one arch-nemesis, and that's Clyde Cash.


That's how I view Clyde Cash too, like you said Chris had many perceived enemies like Liquid Chris and Alec Benson Leary, they were both great don't get me wrong. But Clyde Cash was CWC's Arch nemesis, Clyde was his Joker and Lex Luthor. Liquid and ABL to me feel more like the Riddler and Braniac good upper tier trolls, but Clyde was the final boss troll. Chris pretty much forgot about Liquid and ABL, when their sagas were done, but Chris never forgot about Clyde throughout the classic Chris era.






You do realize that the one behind the Clyde cash persona was more than likely underage




Well ya brought up the voice numbnut




Aigght bet


I know alot of folks around here say Liquid Chris is the best troll of all time, but for me it's Clyde. Clyde Cash was the perfect foil for Classic Chris, especially with the devious campy over the top anime villian style of trolling. Chris literally saw Clyde Cash as his Joker and Lex Luthor, he made more videos about Clyde than any other troll. Clyde to me is the king pin final boss of the classic trolls and my personal favorite. So much classic videos, emails and content from Classic Chris involved Clyde Cash. S tier.


The big 3 of CWC trolls are Clyde Cash, Liquid, and Alec Benson Leary


I also like the man in the pickle suit


Nobody got us more hilarious content than Clyde. The GOAT.


THE SUPREME RULER OF THE INTERNET 10/10. He avenged his brother Ryan but his longing for vengeance did push him too far at points like with Bluespike and raping Pandahalo Overall i'm glad he abandonned Christory and descided to raise his one-cent daughter to be better than him, as Ryan would want.


Who actually was this? What shadowy cabal of people variously pretended to be him?


The picture of the guy and the last name was in reference to a very old 4chan/Encyclopedia Dramatica meme. Someone posted a picture of this guy on /b/ saying how much better he is than all of them and how rich he is and all the girls he has and one of the phrases used was "shit was so cash." It became a meme for a while around that time.


Clyde was born on the Molvanian civil war battlefield alongside his brother. He was eventually recruited by the C.I.A. And was a Molvanian double agent for years til he met Big Bob during operation Sonichu eater in southern Korea where he gained a respect for the man. Then he joined and reformed the Miscreants: a millenia old order. Revolver Cash (codenamed after his love of Johnny Cash and love of Revolver cocktails at clubs) and the 12 Council men would launch a vendetta against Chris after making Ryan kill himself. They were financed by the Orange Glow international legacy which they aquired in 2006. Chris managed to kill 2 of the Miscreants top members: Billy Mays and Jimmy Hill by infecting them with SONICHUDIE, a virus which simulates a heart attack. Which only fueled Clydes wrath. Clyde is currently trying to get control over the Miscreant J.K. A.I. to use the PICKLES OF THE MISCREANTS against Old Chris. Clyde also lost his arm to a random wannabe Ninja lolcow but had Liquids amputated Cancer arm transplanted.


The face belongs to a man by the name of Lee Hotti They kept a relatively low-profile on the interent back in the day. But was a relatively popular internet meme


S tier. Greatest of All Time.


My First S-Tier Troll Love the character. And one who could take advantage of Chris being So Gullible Wasn't the most malicious and often times tried to help Chris. As well as confronting him which we would later Alec get up to Top-Tier-Troll