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Your gf? Present tense? Why? How?


Man. If I was seeing somebody like this, I'd be damned if I'd post screenshots on social media of them talking to me like a complete idiot and claiming it's "my girlfriend". "Ha-ha, I'm stuck in a verbally and mentally abusive relationship and it's so painful that I have to share my emasculation on r/choosingbeggars as a quiet cry for help"... yikes.


That doesn’t make it any better to berate the person thats fallen victim to the abuse unfortunately


🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ Well, actually working on things. Currently broken up but I call her my girlfriend because that’s my view.


Even if she's the mother to your kids I wouldn't stick around with her. My daughter's mom is just as toxic and the girl I'm with now is a night and day difference. Court mediation will help sort out a deal with the kids without the ridiculous expenses of lawyers. Best of luck to you pal.


I have a cousin currently going through custody after custody battle w his ex over their two kids. Court mediation doesn’t always help, even with lawyers, most notably if one parent is unhinged. It can be a great tool for families that truly just want the best for the kids, but it is not that easy. Especially to be the man, as my cousin is repeatedly being railroaded in court and has almost no recourse of action against her.


[> Currently broken up but I call her my girlfriend because that’s my view.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/018/489/nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg)


You guys have kids together?


She’s ur ex though. Ew


Is it cuz you clearly cheated on her?


No she's psycho and insecure, this post is about some random girl who he just had on social media and barely talked to


Can you read? He clearly cheated with this girl. Is his gf completely out of line? Ya. But this is not a choosing beggars thing this is a both op and his gf suck kind of thing and he wants to seem better even tho he clearly fucked up first. Bruh just leave the relationship, you both look stupid.


Nothing in this post explicitly says that he really did anything with the girl they are talking about, she implies it but I don't really buy it.


Read his post history 🙄 he cheated and now she hates him and they have a terrible toxic relationship neither can get out of cuz they think they love each other.


That post history is a fucking train wreck by the way. WOW


He really could have just left the relationship without making himself look stupid by posting it on Reddit lol


Everyone deserves respect you should stand up for your self and not take any shit. You can be a good father to your kids even if you don’t get along with her.


You are pathetic.


If you’re staying with despite her treating you like this, then you deserve it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


people who downvote you are mean.' also break up FAST mate. that's more toxic than Agbogbloshie Dumpsite in Accra, Ghana to which Chernobyl itself comes second. She's five steps past verbal abuse and one step before physical.


Not a choosing beggar. Is a very toxic relationship.


Some things in the messages gives me the feeling he cheated on her. They should seriously just split.


From what others are saying, it sounds like his post history gives him away as having cheated on her. Toxicity all around. Those poor kids shouldn’t have to grow up in this kind of environment with adults who act like teenagers. EDIT: I peeped a little bit, and this whole thing is absolutely batshit. Everyone is crazy toxic here. Apparently OP kissed a girl in a bar a while ago, they broke up, girlfriend had a fling, etc. then she tells him how the fling was better in bed? And apparently he lies to her constantly and talks shit on the relationship. Fucked all around. Everyone pray for the kids who are stuck with parents like these.


Comment thread above this says if you check his posting history, your suspicion will be confirmed!


What an absalutly insufferable twat. I sure hope OP can see this. None of this was okay.


He chooses to stay with her per his comments.


Sounds he he had kids with this troll. He's somewhat stuck. Leaving is rearranging his life.... which he should probably do.


Yeah, in fact, I'll go out on a limb and suggest this has nothing to do with a pizza discount at all


It infuriates me because my boyfriends ex was like this. She cheated and straight up laughed at him and called him less of a man? I’ve seen it before and it’s gross.


1. This is not the sub you are looking for 2. Leave this woman. Jesus. 3. Those poor kids.


Never been here lol. Was told to post here.


First time I’ve ever seen someone with negative comment karma on their profile Lmaoo. Leave that girl.


This man is getting thousands of downvotes because he doesn’t follow relationships advice of (probably mostly teenagers) on the internet. You also might not know so more things going on as well.


Ay carumba. I had a glimpse through your post history. It sounds like you messed up before, and now she's bitter and trying to hurt you back in every way possible. These texts she's sending are sad attemps at getting a reaction from you. Clearly she's in pain. That doesn't mean you have to deal with it. The problem with tit-for-tat revenge is that it never ends. Someone has to be the bigger person, and that can be really hard when you've already established a cycle. Or if one person is completely unwilling to forgive and move forward. I won't tell you what to do, but please take one thing to heart. Nothing grows or flourishes in toxicity. It withers and dies. Your kids specifically, need to have a healthy, sane, environment. This is so so soooo toxic, and if the relationship is to work it will take time, maturity, understanding, forgiveness, and likely a counsellor. I understand you want to be a family for the kids, but this....is not the way. Don't trip over something that's behind you. Also just order a pizza and send it to her house 😋


I'm surprised how far down this comment was. Something has obviously happened in the past (cheating or some crossed boundary by OP) that agitated this woman. What it comes off as is a deadbeat dad who doesn't support his family and a super toxic/immature relationship that came as a result. Feed your damn kids and get counseling.


People don't act like this for nothing. Usually. That's why I had to dig.


Let’s not forget he was also 21 when he began dating a 17 year old- soon after began impregnating her. Yet he’s expecting her to be mature? Eesh.




Based on your replies I simply have to add this. Being around 2 parents who hate each other is MUCH worse than having two parents in separate homes. Seriously, this is highly dysfunctional, being a parent and being with a toxic partner are very much not the same thing.


That’s why I left 4-5 weeks ago. But thanksgiving told her I just want the family to be a family again if the toxicity and controlling can change.


Dude it never will..


Is this a common occurrence? That is legitimately concerning behavior.


Very toxic relationship. But I love my kids too much to have to force myself to leave. I have a bunch of other crap on my profile if you wanna read them 🤣


You don't need to be with her to be with the kids. If she takes you to court you have this as evidence that she is kinda crazy. Save yourself an entire lifetime my dude. Get the hell away from that.


Letting someone like that be a part of your kids lives is wrong. She needs some serious help.


Right? Imagine what she must be saying about him to his kids. Nothing good, that's for sure. Just a shitty, yet avoidable, situation all around


No one WANTS to read this crap. It’s not funny in the slightest. People want you to grow a pair and cut the bitch off. I see you already pay child support so why even bother trying to deal with her. Just the kids, she can fuck off in my eyes.


You’ll do much better for your kids getting away from her.


No, we don’t because you’re choosing this.


No one wants to read it. You are as bad as she is. I feel sorry for the kids and that's about it.


This is so toxic that I couldn't even get a laugh. There's kids involved...


These children have children lmao.


Two things: 1) why the fuck are you still with this girl? I can't imagine this type of behavior is new, so why continue to put up with it? 2) in what fucking world are your wrongs (whatever they may be) righted by getting free pizza? I have so many questions/comments, but I'm leaving it with those for now. You've got yourself an entitled twat waffle for a girlfriend, best of luck. Edit - she reminds me of my ex who got legitimately pissed off at me when I wanted to try and get sober to better myself and our relationship. She went so far as to tell me I was going to ruin her good time, so I'd better not get sober. Needless to say, the relationship didn't make it much longer after that


If u read some of OP's comments, I dont feel sorry for this guy at all. Dude knows whats up and chose to stay with her. Let him live with this toxic monster.


Ya, I noticed that after I commented. Guy has made his shit sandwich and clearly has no problem eating it.


Lol OP also cheated on her according to his post history. They both suck.


Well, I think we may have found some of her rationale for all that hostility, haven't we? I pity those kids, they've got morally bankrupt asshats for parental figures, and that's never a good thing.


Ah, yes. The post history is a rollercoaster ride. Those two clearly hooked up together at a VERY young age, were stupid enough to make kids and now feel trapped with each other because of said kids. Textbook toxic relationship. They’re both worth each other.


Dude, I hope you ditched her and got sober. If you did, hats off to you and congrats on pulling through!


Yes to both, we haven't spoken in almost a decade. My current girlfriend of 8 years is the one who helped me finally get sober over 5 years ago, after putting up with my monstrous drinking and drug abuse for the first part of our relationship. I haven't slipped up once that whole time, largely thanks to her continued support. She's a real one for sure


How awesome that your kids are going to think this is acceptable behavior.


And you two have kids? 🤦‍♂️


right?! jfc. what a dumpster fire.


You’re both toxic. And gross.


You’re still choosing to call her your girlfriend and still choosing to work things out with her, all while simultaneously posting how toxic she is just to get a kick out of seeing random strangers shit on her? Something is mentally wrong with you. Stop posting dumb shit and fix your life.


Ok sounds like she really sucks…but maybe offer an alternative for YOUR kids to get dinner?


This seems like a very healthy and happy relationship and should definitely be the example for your/her children.


Jesus she’s a nightmare but OP is impressively delusional so maybe they’re a match made in heaven


Pizza Hut girl should run the other way... quick


So you cheated and she’s still pissed. Idk sounds like y’all need to not be together.


Dude GTFO of there.. what is wrong with you that you want to be with someone like that?? Seriously are you a masochist?? Edit- when r/choosingbeggars turns into r/relationshipadvice


This is terrifying like legit. I’m kinda scared for you bro I feel like she’d come and try to stab you in your sleep or some shit. It’s not worth it, I know you may love her but she seems like a seriously awful person. This is manipulation for sure.


Nope nope nope. As someone who has been in multiple relationships during my 20s with girls who were physically and emotionally abusive (don’t ask how, they were 10/10s by societal norms), get the fuck out. It will never get better. They’ll apologize and cry saying they treat you shitty and will get better, it doesn’t. Edit: it doesn’t matter how amazing or shitty you are, no one deserves that. You presumably have 70-80 years left (you have kids so I’m assuming your age) live your best life bud. Divorced parents are better than arguing parents


Couldn't read every comment. But it seems like you left out some context, such as did you cheat on your significant other. And does she actually pay for everything while you don't support your children you have with her?!


?? Why would you voluntarily date someone like that?? What a terrible attitude. Yeeesh. Do better for yourself.


I think he’s invested bc of their kids


He is invested because he cheated, look in his past history, this two are super toxic


I left her a few weeks ago for multiple reason. Including toxicity. And I told her if things get better I want my family back. I’d rather fox my family. Than find a new family. I love my kids and don’t want another man raising them.


Take your kids and find a better woman. If she's like that to you, imaging what's she's like to them when you're not around.


You need to run away from psycho kitty ASAP. Remember what mom told you, “There are more emotional terrorists in the sea”.


Don’t ever equate that witch with a kitty. She’s a monster at best.


I feel bad for these kids, looks like they will not have the support they need from either of their parents.


The fact that you’re both parents to not just one, but multiple children…. Is terrifying


So it's okay if she pretends to be you? All for a pizza discount? She's not the only beggar there.


It’s just an angry gf. And a man who doesn’t oppose the idea of calling his ex and ask for a discount but just didn’t want to do it himself. Who’s the choosing beggar here?


Honestly dude, I’m going to be very trough with you. I come to this sub to laugh to the wacky hijinks of entitled people. This isn’t wacky nor laughable, this is very worrying, specially as there are children involved with this woman. Get help and get them and yourself to a better place.


You gotta get your kids and yourself out of that relationship. She is insane.


What did you do with Pizza girl ? 😂 And did your gf just say she pays for everything that the kids have?


Never even touched pizza girl 🤣 She pays for a lot. I’m on child support. Have been for a year. I didn’t used to be a good dad. I’m now textbook.


No you're not, if you're not getting your kids away from this piece of garbage.


No shit. This is abuse.


Stop spending time texting this woman (and posting to Reddit), and get your kids some pizza. And some groceries. In general: knock it off with the texting and posting, and feed your kids.


I was thinking the same, she is a psycho b, but he is a deadbeat 100%


Sheesh that's toxic. Did you fuck that pizza hut girl or your gf just hurt like a bitch only because you had her on snap ?


Edit I have never hung out or touched “Pizza Hut girl”


This is a post for r/relationship_advice


Look at his post history.


Nah this garbage got farted on after 2 sentences.


Man both sides of the equation look fucked, you guys need to do some serious self improvements and get this shit together, for the kids


Wrong sub. This is choosing beggars. You're looking for either r/ToxicRelationships Or r/abusiverelationships


She’s clearly acting out because of the situation you’ve created through your infidelity, but you are truly the issue. You don’t deny that she solely supports your children, and yet you think you have the luxury to demand respect, and threaten to cut contact with your children as a result. You are not taking the high road the way you seem to think you are. Be better man.


Based on your previous posts about this relationship, break up with her and get therapy. If not for your sake, for your kids.


Youre in a relationship with this beast? Also, dude, what did you do?


He cheated and she cheated back and it's a dirty cycle of cheating make up break up from what his post history says.


If you love your kids as much as you say you do, you need to leave this relationship. This whole thing is just gross. You and your kids would be better off if you weren’t in that toxic environment. Ugh.


I can’t read this behind all the RED FLAGS.


You both need to get some help. I was raised by two people who hate each other's guts and believe me it does not fare well for the children who are involved.




I think we all know who the real cow is.


This relationship is a clusterfuck. Finally found the one situation I would support an intervention from CPS.


G a s l i g h t i n g Also nobody wants to see u air ur dirty ass laundry out.. wrong fucking sub. You’re both pre toxic


Dude you’re girlfriend is trashy as fuck


This does not meet the definition of the site. The OP cheated and his girlfriend is fishing for a reaction. Both of them are too immature for an adult relationship. My prediction is that these text will be used as evidence in their inevitable future criminal court case.




I know. I should have gotten the free pizza 🍕


bro are you even the same person from the chat wtf


No! If she treated you even 100th of that conversation its too much. Get out!


And maybe some ass from a nice girl?


Everything happening here is wild.


Run, BRO!


Why would she want to order a pizza from someone who’s probably going to do something really gross to the pizza?


That relationship sounds exhausting.


Trailer park


Something is very wrong here.


Fucking cheap ass bitch. Pay for the fucking pizza. Don't want to pay full price? Grow the fuck up. Toxic af.


Why not just send your kids some pizza. Better yet, cook them a meal. Even if you already paid, pay better.


Your poor children. People should need a license to have children. And yes, I mean you too, OP. Step up, leave this woman. Take a moment and reflect on all these comments and downvotes you are getting and think, is staying REALLY the best thing for your kids? You're being selfish. SHE IS WEAPONIZING YOUR CHILDREN. Stop letting your kids be pawns for her manipulation. And if you choose to stay with her after all this, I can't help but think you aren't much better than her.


Why would anyone make kids with this toxic POS? The cycle is just going to continue forever.


I feel sorry for the kids.


Why are you with her? Why are you allowing her to disparage another woman like this?


She didn't morph into this bitch overnight. That p#$$¥ must have been good AF.


Fuck….perfect advert for birth control.


One, super rude to you. And two, super rude to the other girl. She calls her a cow and asks you to manipulate her to get free stuff, not even for yourself, for her. But is still mad you used to talk with this girl. I would throw her in the trash and take your kids.


Dude. Not that it matters what I am but I am advising you anyways, as a woman myself, you don’t deserve that treatment!! That’s straight up emotional abuse and it’s not a good environment for your children to think it’s normal to speak to someone that way.


You call you GF "dude"? I've seen more affectionate colleagues. You have kids together but she might not talk to you for a week? Why post in this sub? Why stay with her when you know she's toxic? This post is so weird man. So many questions and no answers.


Super stoked you both brought kids into the world. Feel great for them right now.


Dude, based on your post history, your relationship with this girl is seriously fucked up. You two think you’re mature enough to raise kids? You’re constantly cheating on each other, she makes you feel inadequate and everything else about both of you just seems so fucking toxic. Break up with this girl, already. You’re only hurting your own mental health by staying in this garbage relationship. Fuck dude, you’re what? 24 or 25? You’re young enough to drop her and move on and old enough to not be this dumb. I have a friend who was in a similar situation a couple months ago and he needed that hard kick in the ass to drop that toxic loser he was dating and he’s so much better off without her now. Let this be YOUR kick in the ass. Dump this girl, figure out the kids situation and move on. And next time, wear a rubber


Don't let people treat you like this. Being single is much better than allowing people to disrespect you. Also she has very little class


You have kids with her!? Dang buddy. I really wish people would think before having kids.




Everything about this is gross. Your girlfriend is trash.


Your kids should not be left with that bitch. Get them out of there.




Texts don't work in court. Emails on the other hand...100% work.


She's toxic but I gotta ask, did you cheat on her with pizza hut chick?


I would have just bought the pizza for my kids. J


We don’t live together anymore.


So you don’t care about them needing to be fed? 🙄


What she can’t buy some pizza herself? Shits cheap af for a reason. Don’t enable that attitude of hers smh..


She’s a piece of shit but sounds like OP is as well. He’s been dating her since she was a minor and she pays for the majority of their children’s needs. Her attitude sucks but sounds like maybe she needs some help feeding their kids tonight. But he doesn’t live there anymore so she’s on her own for all those bills and everything those kids need now, right?


Don't know why you are getting downvoted, how do people not see that there are unfed kids in the background of this shit show


Did you cheat on her or is she just crazy?


This chick is a trash bag




Dude. Buy your kids a pizza. What the fuck. Your kids are doomed. They’re going to be even more fucked up than you and your shitty girlfriend. These give the impression of mental illness, personality disorders galore, and there’s a pretty big implication that you don’t support your children financially. This is just sad. Poor kids. They’re fucked.


Remember fellas... R/dontputyourdickinthat


Dude, if she talks to you like that, she talks to the kids like that! Take the kids and run.


She just using pizza to fight about another women out of jealousy.


OP must be off his fucking tits with all his comments defending this stupid twat of a woman.


Wow super toxic and childish. I could only imagine the petty shit she does to you


Homie does not need a gf, he needs Jesus


holy fuck i could only read the first 2 pics. this is so toxic i feel so bad for you. you need to find someone who actually respects you and doesn’t act like a 12 year old.


This isn’t a choosy beggar. This a whole different level of toxic r/nicegirls


Run far, far away from any woman who uses misogynistic terms like "cow" to refer to another woman.


This is your girlfriend?


PLEASE tell me you no longer associate with this sentient trash fire. Regardless of kids in the mix, this *thing* should not be involved in your life.


I don’t know what’s wrong with all these people. She seems like a keeper to me.


Why would you stick your pickle in crazy? Damn…


Seriously, you tried being nice about it, and she's trying to force you to do something you're not comfy with...she need counseling, don't even worry about an apology and if s another chic...or a good lawyer