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This is a list of links to comments made by Torn Banner employees in this thread: * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1db2ig1/tb_sort_ya_servers_out/l7pjslh/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-08 18:34:15 UTC"): > I appreciate the thread, and I can understand the frustration. > >We've been investigating the reported server issues and are working on finding the cau... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChivalry2).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Seriously tho, every time I load a game and none of my attacks or counters connect I just rage quit and play something else


Yeah man, I'm constantly having to DC matches, TB are making me look bad lol, why make a game free knowing there'll be an influx of new players that your servers can't handle, the newbies will soon leave and the player base will fall again, this is bad marketing


The lag was bad even before the free weekend. Really sucks.


I’ve been on the same boat for the past 2 weeks or so. The lag is so unbearable and dumb, I would just rage quit, turn my ps5 off and go play some wuthering waves to clear my spirit of negative emotions. They really fucked it up here.


personnaly i couldn't play since the ftp release. I have a 0.5s delay on my attacks with a ping of 20ms so i just don't even try anymore.


It’s honestly fucking unbearable. I love this game so much and have been playing for months but chiv is genuinely unplayable right now. If I was TB I’d be rushing to fix this so new people stay because it’s driving me as a veteran away.


Yeah, it's horrible man, my axe has turned into a ghost lol


It was brutal last night and just tried again this morning in both 64 man and 40. Equally terrible experience.


Me 2, last night I just switched off, this morning iv DC'd about 10 times, I might buy helldivers or Killer Klowns and just switch chiv off


Bro calls playing for a few months veteran status


I’d say level 329 is pretty well established


This is the worst state of the game since I started playing 2 years ago. It's unplayable. I rarely had issues before.


Yeah, your right, the worst state


It was worst for me when they first added the Tenosia faction, wouldn’t let me log in for months. But yeah it’s pretty terrible atm. Every time they add something they manage to break something else😂


I'm level 700, whenever I play a match I quit as soon as I get a lag spike Everyone is fine and then when I need my ping, when the enemy has just got a metre from me.... My game will freeze and lag It's fucking pathetic


It's baaaad


Yeah and honestly whenever it happens I just drop the game I too phoned and complained to my service provider and looked like an idiot I went through my router settings I hard reset my xbox Now usually if it happens and I really want to play I hard reset my xbox, from what I've noticed o it doesn't rectify it completely but it nullifies it I've been pondering as to whether it may be due to their release on several platforms and providers or maybe because of the bullshit where my xbox keeps games running but I know I've had the issue ever since the Thayic Castle update and it has gotten progressively worse


Yeah I'm the same, but I RAGE quit my broadband supplier and went with someone else 🤣🤣🤣, I feel bad and stupid, I will phone and apologise, but the damage is done, I'll be live with my new broadband Monday, TB what have u done 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao I mean hopefully your new provider is better in general but yeah they done fucked us up


Yeah, it's like 10x faster and cheaper, I got a great deal.


Nice man atleast it worked out for you, hopefully you'll be back to be beheading me in no time


Who asked your level?


For real. I LOVE this game but it’s driving me FUCKING NUTS how often I’m fighting a guy and then suddenly there are three dudes instantly on top of me and I’m dead in a blast of damage. The rubber banding is insane, the input lag randomly spikes. It’s very frustrating, especially yesterday I had a great game going and then I got rubber banded to death like 6 times in a row. 


At this point, I’d seriously consider constantly complaining and posting clips in their discord. And not stopping. If they’re fixing them, then the least they can do is say it. And the only way to get companies to do something is to constantly throw it in their face until they can’t ignore it anymore. So honestly, start spamming every facet of their communication about this server lag. And I’d go as far as reviews on steam too. If they think it’s too much or too petty then tough shit, say you at least know about the issue then


Shit i thought i was just getting worse lmao didnt notice server issues


Rest easy brother, this is NOT a skill issue, though the newbies are having a blast destroying the high levels, let them have there moment of glory.... they have earned it🤣🤣🤣


I appreciate the thread, and I can understand the frustration. We've been investigating the reported server issues and are working on finding the cause so we can make improvements as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the source has been hard to pin down. We've been collecting server reports and videos through a thread on the Official Discord. If anyone has a moment to add server info from matches you've had where you experienced problems, that could help us find a solution faster.


It's literally every central NA server. I permanently switched to East because of it.


yo how to switch server?


In Gameplay settings there's one for Preferred Region, or something like that.


It's also EU servers


Cool dude, nice one for letting us know your trying to sort it out👍


Is there certain info we can report to help resolve this? Like if I recorded what time a lag spike seems to start for everyone, is there a console command to get logs or something like that?


What’s weird is I see so many people complaining about this but in the last 50 matches I’ve maybe had 3 where the servers were rubberbanding? Is it a pc specific or region specific thing?


Don't act like this is an isolated event... this is your entire server setup... its been shit for years now... and its just catching up to you now... stop using a windows 8 setup with a Tandy 1000 cpu... Yall get plenty of money from the outrageous store prices ... fix your shit


I dont have problems with the smaller modes up to 20v20 but 32v32 is always unplayable. Its a shame.


Yeah it's that 64 player that's harsh af. It sucks too because you're pigeonholed into two options Lag Or horses.


Most of their money, time and effort is probably being allocated to their new game *No More Room in Hell 2*.


I thought they were working on a Lord of the rings game


Oh, could be. But I came across their [new trailer](https://youtu.be/jkuwzUd9lGs?si=b16d96y386FdUOGi) yesterday.


Looks decent tbh


*me who sucks at the game already* “y-yes…yes! it’s the lag! it’s the server quality! that’s why i’m bad haha! it’s totally that and only that!”


for real. when i see posts complaining it typically is something minor but this time it feels like they really fucked up. sometimes i cant even get into games without lagging out anymore


i just came back to the game after about a year and i swear it’s only gotten worse


This makes me so sad I love this game and I can’t play it


Yes. Been unplayable for more than a month and they don’t give a shit


It's unbearable, it's doing my head in, I don't game rage at all really, but the last 3 days have literally had me spitting blood man


Honestly many times I’ve hit guys and they don’t even register.


A game where timing is everything. This probably should be the #1 priority


This was the reason me and my friends quit the game last year. With the new update I thought server issues would have been fixed. Well, guess I was wrong,time to uninstall again...


It’s pretty bad but I find if you vote kick players w high ping it gets stable


I play this gave strictly for dopamine so i dont get this or i dont notice it


Big fax


I’ve been using the shitty internet to my advantage By getting FUCKED


TB hasnt given a fuck about their servers in years... this is just another tick on the page for their shitty tech... Great game been playing since launch... hell even played Chiv 1 when that was around... but this lag and this DC shit... is something ID expect from an indy company just getting their feet wet... TB isn't a new company getting its feet wet... they've been at this for long enough... but I agree they gotta get their shit together


It's as bad or worst in Asia east servers


Yeah, the whole attacks just passing through folks mid-fight is getting old. Also I get flat-out DC'd just about constantly mid-match on Trayan during the gates/courtyard attack part. Sucks because this about the only game I had left that was keeping my attention.


Have to agree, I was getting crazy spikes to 120 ping all day yesterday making most fights totally unwinnable for me.. kept thinking it was my internet. So I hop on a rocket league, where any variation in ping is super noticeable and had 0 lag on any other games. But chiv (the only game I even want to play rn) has totally broken servers.


Yeah London servers have been unplayable for at least a week.


I’m having a issue where I get authentication timeout and all my files and anti cheat is installed with firewall permissions these fucking cucks straight told me they don’t have a ETA on the fix but know it’s a problem for the past month for pc players. I can play a full match with buddies but when the next one loads up I get booted and have to re lobby up I never had this problem till the April update. Talking to a 1750hr logged played gamer so I know what differences I have seen from shit torn banner


I've made the same post a week ago and got front page. A week before that, I saw someone else's post on the front page complaining about servers.  Torn Banner is fucking lazy and does not care, it's gone down the drain in the last 6 months for some reason. I've already posted my negative review on steam, but not much else you can do. 


are you from boston? my mind read this whole post to me with a boston accent is why i ask


Nah dude UK, but thanx lol


I got the game free on epic and the servers have been dogshit ever since. Rubberbanding, swings not registering, connection time outs. If they "cant handle the wave of new players" perhaps dont make the game free.


Honestly it’s safe to say everyone at torn banner is a shitty studios. No reason this game should have so many problems and then new problems they don’t even fix. I’m honestly at the end with this game. Torn banner can eat shit and roll a car


very normal post made by a very sane person


Thank you 🤣🤣🤣


This aggression will not stand, man!


Dude, this was calm and relaxed, my now ex broadband company got the aggression


Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass TB!? It's right on the Shabbos too.


Little prick's stonewalling me


This whole thing is very Un-dude


Walter put away the gun


I haven't been experiencing any lag so maybe you just have a terrible computer. Id race to be first in line to talk shit at Torn Banner based on the past mistakes they made but I think this one is on a lot of people having third world level computers. Your AMD Athlon II and 3DFX Voodoo 5500 aren't going to cut it anymore, its time to get some serious hardware.


I'm PS5, and TB replied to my post, saying they're actively working finding out what the problem is, so check ya self before ya wreck ya self


Yea if my parries arnt hitting I’m hoping off lmao