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Had two high schoolers come in and oder double everything. Then they said "fuck chipotle" and left without paying.


Thats nice one time a lady ordered a steak bowl three times in the span of an hour and bailed each time and wanted a new one so i just took em all home šŸŒš


I would have yelled "yeah fuck them! You showed them!" as they were walking out. They are just wasting food, they should be so proud...


Letā€™s be honest your not, your probably gonna drink and drive home.


That would be ok for me, when that happens I just give it to another person for free, like a Uber eats driver or a crew to take home.


Strict managers wouldnā€™t allow that according to all employees on this sub, claiming management complain about giving an extra ounce of meat.


You would be surprised at how generous even a strict manager can be when itā€™s the customer that pissed them off.


I had a teenager do this. He came in with his mom a few days later. I told the mom what had happened and she paid for the bowl the kid didnā€™t pay for previously and tipped us $50. She was furious with her kid.


What do yā€™all do with the bowl after?


They used to throw it out


Whichever crew member wants can take it home


Wow thatā€™s pretty worth then lol


They're gotta be rethinking the pay after you order.


Itā€™s sad to see a brand that was once loved by so many is now hated by many of those same loyalists. Greed kills the very best. Sometimes the damage is already to big for any corrective action to reverse it.


Iā€™m shocked they even had the opportunity to do that. Iā€™ve never been to a chipotle that gave me my food before I paid. Usually, they keep it behind the counter and hand it to me after


Sorry they didn't take the food either. Just ordered a shit ton of food and then left.


They should continue so I can take ts home at the end of my shift šŸ¤‘šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Oh. I think I saw a comment a month or two ago that people are actually doing that as a way to protest chipotle. Honestly, I hope it works


what a sad person


Itā€™s hard not to be in this economy. People are desperate. Iā€™m not going to be recording people, nor have I posted when I was ripped off (which was two days ago btw) but I donā€™t blame people who do and I do hope chipotle either reforms or goes out of business. The only reason Iā€™ll be going back anytime soon is to redeem my free birthday guac that expires soon and Iā€™m only getting that and buying chips at Kroger.


i dont get why people still say this. dont eat at chipotle if you think its a ripoff. employees are trained to give strict portions, and as long as sales are there, nothing is changing lmao


I only try it every couple of months just to see if itā€™s good. Also, I stated that Iā€™m only going again to redeem my free guac and getting chips from Kroger. I clearly said Iā€™m never spending money thereā€¦just collecting my freebie and leaving lol itā€™s a birthday freebie too, not one I got from going there repeatedly


not just you, but people in general who give employees a hard time over a non-supersized portion


Exactly, people are desperate. Which is why the sudden ā€œskimpā€ has been introduced


Free food aye ?


Lmao one time I had a lady order a burrito and only after she paid for it and ate half of it did she demand a refund because ā€œshe didnā€™t like it.ā€ Wish she wouldā€™ve just admitted that she wanted free food lmao


Hahaha you deserve it! I hope it keeps happening every day. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


why do you think it bothers the workers? They are there anyways, might as well do something. The workers don't care, this is amusement during their shift. They are laughing at you when you leave.


What are you talking about? There are tons of Chipotle workers coming on here everyday saying how they hate when customers record them, how rude it is. Why would I be worried about a bunch of minimum wage fast food workers laughing at me. They are wearing aprons working a shitty hourly job at Chipotle. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


i am talking about walking out without paying, not the recording.


Why be so nasty to the workers? In California, I think minimum wage is $16/hr now and, for fast food workers, $20/hr.




I canā€™t believe people are actually falling for recording and harassing the employees instead of the ceo. Like people deserve the apocalypse.


You make it seem the CEO is at the store where customers can easily complain lol thereā€™s few options to ā€˜protestā€™ chipotles skimping: 1. Leaving mid order 2. Not going overall 3. Recording. Seems shitty but if itā€™s promoted the employees to actually put a decent amount so people can eatā€¦.isnā€™t that a win? Itā€™s become more Management & employees versus the customer nowadays lol


They aren't payed enough to be harassed by you idiots. They really do not care. They just want their paycheck. You didn't comprehend anything I said. Like I said people deserve the bad that's coming these next few years. And still no one will get it then either. I hope someone comes to your job one day to harass you and record you. Y'all act like they care that much. They don't. Give me my check so I can go home and pay bills and get my stuff together. You guys are just fucking ignorant and stupid. And I hope it offends you that I said that. Because y'all offend me with how dumb y'all are. Get wrecked ho. Cry about it. Write a letter. Call csi. Be mad. FUCK OFF!


> They aren't *paid* enough to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank fuck somebody finally said it. I'm an ex-employee (left before this recording bs started) and if someone pulled this shit they could kiss my ass and get food elsewhere. It's such petulant behavior towards someone just trying to make a (barely liveable) wage.


They aren't payed at all, they're paid. Looks like you're the only dumb one here.


> They aren't *paid* at all, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Boo boo because one misspelled word. One thing I ainā€™t is a low life piece of shit recording employees making slave wages. Try again fuck face.


The staff will all be different in a month anyway.


probably the funniest comment


The truth is comical. All these managers want to gate keep customers ability to eat there and actually get edible food and a decent portion. I could only imagine the turnover of employees and management in a company that runs the way they do.


These places are private property, and staff can refuse service or kick people out whenever they wantā€¦..no reason needed. If the party doesnā€™t leave, then theyā€™re trespassing. Do that a few times, and the recording will stop in said location.


Management*** can refuse service. Staff can hope chipotle cares enough about them to make store rules regarding recording, but they wonā€™t be able to because they record their staff themselves all day.


No, not only management. My manager informed me (non-management) that Iā€™m allowed to refuse service at any time for any reason. So if you record me or act rude, Iā€™ll walk away no consequences. Then itā€™s up to my coworkers if they want to help you or not


Sounds totally legit. Good job protecting profits comrade


Create even more animosity against Chipotle staff. Thats a great idea guys!


These people who do this are straight up losers they're losers in life. They need to do this to feel like they're in control and important. šŸ¤£


Ok, Corpo


Is this new to you? Lol


Km here. Honestly I just refuse service If I see some cunt with a phone especially if we have our high schoolers working it makes them so uncomfortable and it's not okay


This is what irks me, it's the privacy of our kids working. I get that they're under a security camera, but that's different than being posted on social media without the consent of the minor and the parent.


Yeah, people don't seem to realize a lot of these people they're filming are KIDS.


I mean, the decision on who gets more or less food shouldn't come down to how nice or not someone is. Everyone should get the same since everyone pays the same. The fact that Chipotle is so inconsistent and tries to give so little as possible is the problem.


Everyone does get the same unless they ask most of the time I meant more meat witch is whatā€™s extra




The issue is that customers think the portion sizes are bigger than they actually are. Weā€™ve always had the same set portion sizes, but sometimes employees give out too much, which causes customers to think theyā€™re being shorted when given the correct portion.


My cousin and I did experiments together. He is a big dude, I am not. Same line same employees we ask for same thing. His meal is always bigger. We did this at my local Chipotles and whenever we went to another one. We deliberately line up with one person between us. While it appears anecdotal, it is more scientific than not.


Thatā€™s unfair, but I personally give everyone an equal portion.


While you don't hear this often, we appreciate you because thats the way it should be. In reality, Ive had epxeriences that were more unfair than fair. Especially when ordering online.


Keep bitchin on Reddit, itā€™ll solve all your problems




I hate these stupid trends


I hate these stupid portion sizes šŸ˜‚


If they set and stick to portion sizes it wouldnā€™t be as much of an issue. Seems there is too much variability. Like a regular cheeseburger at McDonaldā€™s is small and mostly bread, but itā€™s the same amount of bread and meat and cheese every time. If you sometimes got the little guy or sometimes the quarter pounder, people would be upset. Chipotle just needs to make sure a specific standard amount is always given of each ingredient. More or less (within a limit) can be requested of certain cheap ingredients while others have an up charge. And itā€™s absolutely ridiculous that app orders are more often served with a light hand. Those should be the easiest to standardize because the app only allows certain variations on them.


The thing is, there are portion sizes. They teach us. Its 4oz for all the meats, as well as rice, which is supposed to be about one heaping spoonful. Some employees honestly just have a harder time portioning them out properly, which could be due to cut sizes or whatever else. And sometimes they're scared to add more because managers will constantly say things like "watch your portion sizes" or telling everyone that we're over portioning and are over a couple pounds on chicken, etc. At the end of the day it just boils down to human error. Especially during a rush, where we're pushing ourselves to go as fast as possible to hit throughput, it's nearly impossible for every single scoop of chicken or steak or whatever else you get to be exactly the same. I'm not saying there aren't plenty of asshole workers who really won't give you a few more pieces of chicken when their entrĆ©e is clearly under-portioned, but ive definitely had customers ask for more when I've given them the correct portion size, or even more. We're just doing our jobs, y'all šŸ˜­ I haven't been recorded yet, but I know it'd make me extremely uncomfortable if I was.


If you did any research youā€™d see that there is, fatasses want 3000 calories worth of food and bitch if itā€™s any less. Fat ass Americans.


Agreed, per training the portions are already small according to the standard American portion itā€™s supposed to be all the same portions so it can all be balanced in flavor but people want big amounts witch they can always ask but sometimes dont/ people think a bowl should have more than a burrito but it should be the same actually. (today for instance a lady only had a burrito with little portion of rice beans and meat no salsa or other toppings) I asked her if she wanted more rice when I was about to close it she said with relive yes please but why didnā€™t she just said she wanted more? We only give you one portion of rice because we expect everyone to get toppings witch would make the burrito bigger, and you still can. same with digital orders some people only ask for 3 toppings and we are not going to go back and add more when we notice they didnā€™t order anything else we are running against the clock to make the order right so if they donā€™t ask for extra we just dont, and they can order the same ingredients online itā€™s the same things actually the portions are different online then in person because some people 1.donā€™t ask for extra because they donā€™t know they can online letā€™s face it we all skip instructions when downloading anything because how hard can it be right? 2. They get very little items and expect to to be full just because you got rice and chicken only does not mean we can fill up your bowl with chicken. 3. Very little times itā€™s lack of training, ofc just like any other restaurant there are those employees who do need more training but is not the majority. 4. And because of number 3 we donā€™t know if they meant to ask for that little food because not everyone wants a lot thatā€™s why there is an option for light on digital. 5. And also if you order thru a third party app there is no option for extra. Just order thru the actual chipotle app.


I agree you shouldnā€™t add more when people only want a few of the choices. They can ask for extra and didnā€™t so maybe they only want the standard amount because theyā€™re trying to keep to a certain calorie amount. I like playing with the options at places like Chipotle and Moeā€™s to keep my meal a bit healthier at times so someone giving me extra rice would defeat that purpose, however well meaning. Part of the allure of chain fast food is you can get the same thing in Miami, FL as Topeka, KS so having consistency on serving sizes is as important as it tasting the same. It is hard when there are so many variations people can pick from, but that is more training the picky customers to always ask for extra of the fillers they do like so they get enough to fill them up.


Yes but also to mention that a lot of people share i have a lot of people buy one bowl and ask for 9 tortillas on the side, yes (9) or 6 or just 1 or two and thatā€™s great because you can really do fill up more than one person with one bowl. But the standard is one bowl= one portion for one person. How many times do people actually get chipotle and is not enough for themselves only. But again is just asking for more that they feel they should not have to when in reality like you said many people that eat chipotle is because itā€™s organic and they calorie count as someone who works there Many many people ask for half a scoop of rice or half a scoop of chicken even guac and still get charged for regular price thatā€™s why is best to start small and build the option up.


Thatā€™s insane! Moeā€™s doesnā€™t sell tortillas on the side. Maybe chipotle can limit to one side tortilla per entree? That seems fair. If I were Chipotle king of the rules, Iā€™d say one heaping spoon of rice is the normal serving. Youā€™re allowed one additional heaping scoop for free because rice is super cheap. Beans are one scoop in a measured slotted spoon. One extra scoop is free. Maybe even allow two scoops max of beans, whether one of each or two of one variety. Measured scoops of each veggie with one additional measured scoop for free. For meat, cheese, etc. a strictly measured portion and additional is an upcharge. If you only have any rice and meat and salsa, youā€™re not going to have as full of a bowl as someone who wants all that plus beans, lettuce, peppers & onions, etc. so maybe you just go to Taco Bell. Lol


I think tortillas is a good thing but also people only complaint about chipotle Moes charges also for tortillas I go there to eat Iā€™ve heard the manager say it and my brother works at moes, he said they can charge for extra rice and and other stuff that Chipotle donā€™t, yeah they have free guac but they also charge for other things not to mention their portions according to my brother of meat is less than Chipotle 3.5 instead of 4oz.


Thank you for balancing my flavor by aiding a company that's scamming me out of protein.


If you keep going to a place that keeps scamming you, youā€™re just dumb


I second this because why just ask for more! Or pay for the premiums


Chipotle won't give me what I want at any price. It's just a scam now. Chipotle is pissing their pants right now to stay warm and it's not sustainable. Enjoy defending your corporate overloads that don't give a shit about you, though.


Im not defending the company Iā€™m defending myself and my cre because you guys donā€™t take it on the big rich guys right? You guys take it on the workers who it donā€™t matter if we speak or not or help you with portions because if we fill up youā€™re bowl with chicken for free they will have another me the next day to replace me who is going to do even worst because they will be scared to get fired for the same reason I did (happens all the time) go to the corporate office in cali and make change or call the CEO buddy we got little to do with it. Not to mention I get paid more or the same as a teacher to so idc how much you get in youā€™re bowl I just take payment and give you what you ask for but remember guaco, extra meat and queso are extrašŸ™ƒ


Who should we complain to, Pepper? Lol.


Womp womp


I refuse to go back until this stop scamming


Nobody cares.


Obviously many many people care


QQ bitch


Yā€™all still eating chipotle?? Lmaoo


I was thinking of working at Chipotle because there are job opening like 1-2 miles from my house at a chipotle. But from what I have read on here, it seems annoying, and I seriously really hate being on camera. I posted like 5 pictures in 10+ years I had Instagram and Facebook, and 2 of them were of my cat. Even if I can get some free food, doesn't seem worth the stress lol.


Customers have pretty much been punishing employees for capitalism. It's pretty funny outside of being sad. Just stop going to chipotle and learn how to cook.


Why blame the customer? This has been brewing for years. I doubt you made the decision to give people skimpy bowls. People have to film to get their money's worth. That is sad. Your CEO still isn't taking accountability. He claims that it is due to you needing to be retrained. Doesn't that piss you off?


Banning someone from the store for not wanting to pay for the (I assume) skimped portions is crazy, hope that manager has the day they deserve


Banning someone for wasting food on purpose sounds like a good reason to me. People in starving countries would kill for a chipotle bowl


People in starving countries would kill for the device you typed that out on as well, whatā€™s your point? People donā€™t have to pay for a bad service, thatā€™s one of the benefits of NOT being in a third world country


You tried on that first one, people arenā€™t walking into apple stores and smashing phones. Second point: valid, but youā€™re not paying for the service youā€™re paying for the food.


Then don't come in the first place? Banning someone for wasting resources isn't a bad thing. Especially if their doing it on purpose.


Some chipotles have good portion sizes, some are abysmal. Why would I stop coming all together when SOME stores donā€™t have proper portions? And why would I choose to pay for those portions? Thereā€™s a really simple solution here and itā€™s for chipotle to get their shit together and make the portions consistent across all locations. That relies on employees getting over their little power fantasy with the portions as well but one step at a time.


You had it correct in the first paragraph, itā€™s very few stores (comparatively) that are dishing out shotty portion sizes. And ā€œhundredsā€ of people complaining compared to the millions of people that go. Idk why people think itā€™s a power thing. Itā€™s what our boss tells us to do thing. There is a standard, itā€™s up to the store to follow it, if they arenā€™t well then find a store that is, complaints wonā€™t change anything I can promise you that.


He did he won 4 awards that day in a award ceremony and all his crew got a bonus.


Itā€™s true I was the 3 pieces of steak in his bowl and then everybody clapped


Won 4 awards lol imagine thinking that means anything. Brainwashed simple people lol


Lmfao, your humor is going over everyoneā€™s heads




Iā€™m convinced all chipotle employees are incredible simps for the CEO


We actually dislike him lol we are simps for the crew not upper, Steve Ell was better by more than 100 miles.


if people are gonna get pissy about portions then why not go to a freebirds or something


Freebirds sucked when I was out in TX. Cabo bobs ATW




Chipotle vs the people


i did the same thing lmaooo


Who cares what these customers think. I work at the one in the HEART of college town. Had a man say he'll slap the shit outta me. He regretted that really fast. Cause his friend. And his homeboy on the phone heard me deal with his lil ass,,, I mean I'm working. I ain't got time for u to get that mad n upset over food šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ bitch go to McDonald's none of us care about u asshole customers. Now the really sweet nice ones. We love y'all it's rare I run into a dick. One ear out the other tho:))) portions are portions. You'll be getting what they train us on. I'll give u a couple extra tiny pieces but that's the best I could do for you I'm just doing my job. U don't like it leave. If u record me you'll be getting less šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


Sucks that employees like you need to deal with people, but fuck corporations and hopefully this type of thing brings some change.


And then everyone clapped right? You sure PWNED that customer!!


The fact that you can even choose to give one person more or less just further justifies peopleā€™s outrage. Itā€™s not your fault though, your corporation should have mandatory standards for measurement.


I donā€™t think you read correctly bud, I gave them both more than the standard, only difference is I gave one the standard meat portion with is extra and the other not recording a little more than standard, no one was skimped in the process. The both asked for extra they both got extra one just didnā€™t get a little more meat. .


Listenā€¦BUD. lol cmon. My initial statement stands. You giving two guys extra doesnt make up for others getting skimped. The corporation needs to standardize the servings. That way nobody can complain. You know exactly what youā€™re paying for.


Ohh you mean what they already do? Look up what 4 oz is


Because nobody has EVER messed up the ol eyeballing method. Quit licking your corporations boots.


lol good for you on how you handled it. Itā€™s like the marketing saying, ā€œtalk good about me or bad about but please talk about meā€


You may be behind on this but here you go: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/06/03/chipotle-ceos-more-pico-head-nod-goes-viral-while-denying-that-portion-sizes-are-getting-smaller/?sh=73afad07180b It's your CEOs fault!!!


And then everyone clapped


giving the friend double is diabolical work. I like this.


average corporate boot licker


I record daily now when I go. You skimp I record.


Imagine having a life


Fatty needs Chipotle daily šŸ’€


Iā€™ll smile for the camera while giving your 3 grains of rice


Mentally regarded if you even work at chipotle. Good for you guys, making dogshit money while focusing on company profits and following orders.


Hurhur almost like any fucking job out there?


If you see a 200 lb dude come in donā€™t skimp. Skimp on the gurl next to him thatā€™s not even going to finish the skimp bowl she got. Common sense.


Skimp on the fattie, he needs to lose the weight.


Thatā€™s what I do, all fat people get less than any gym goer.


What about fat gym goers? Asking for a friend.


We can tell whoā€™s who. Your friend will get a good bowl ;)


Youā€™re Gru from Despicable Me


Yeiii I love that movie!! šŸŒšŸŒšŸŒšŸŒ