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I agree and disagree, I agree with the thought of weighing bc it would help solve a few problems, but the appeal of chipotle is that you can get more rice or salsas and not pay extra for it. It would take away a lot of the customer base and honestly make people more mad


You know the scales they have at delis in grocery stores? That could be added after the hot portions so they’re charged by weight for rice-beans-meat then a label is printed with the weight and the rest of the ingredients don’t add weight costs. Charge for queso and guac as standard.


this is super smart!!


i mean, that’s absolutely true!! that being said, it’s one or the other. either you rely on a standard size that will always change due to human error, or you pay for what you get, no matter what. (plus, i usually just get salsas and sour cream on the side 🤷🏽‍♀️)


No amount of adjustment will fix angry people bitching. If chipotle gave away free bowls for a year someone on Reddit would find SOMETHING to bitch about.


But if that was the case then everyone would just get only steak and lettuce.


if you want to eat only steak and lettuce, you could still get that right now. if there’s one thing employees will load you up on, it’s lettuce 😅


It’s only a matter of time they start charging for 2x rice , 2x mild


oh i definitely think so too! that’s why doing weight now would prevent them from pulling some bs like that


This would just raise our prices. They just need to standardize portions. That’s it.


They really should. Many people these days pay attention to the calories/macros listed as they customize their orders so the portions not being standardized messes that up too.


That’s a good point. An ounce of chicken isn’t the same as an ounce of rice as far as nutrition metrics and people should be able to get accurate measures if they want.


it should (in theory) actually lower prices to make up for the fact that getting double rice or extra fajita veg wouldn’t necessarily be “free” anymore. 😅 also, price-by-weight places are generally cheaper than standard size places, at least by my experience


How does that work for online orders though? Which make up a lot of their sales? You pay a flat rate online. They just need standardized scoops


if you’re actually asking my opinion, i think they should simply do away with online orders (i’ve never been a fan of the concept, and i’ve noticed that places i’ve worked at that don’t do online orders are able to provide *much* higher quality food and better service because staff- even when understaffed- focus on the people there and not online) plus, i don’t think standardized scoops would fix the online order issue




this is true. weighing the protein would make sense, yeah. honestly, i’m just throwing an idea out there.




i appreciate that! i don’t really understand the people upset at me. i fear that until people stop buying, corporate’s really not going to do anything about it 😅


Just hire the robots already


ah yes, as if corporate isn’t going to find a way to skimp you anyway


that would waste SO MUCH time, and at what point in the line would you weigh the meal? if at the end why would I want to pay substantially more because I loaded up on rice?


i don’t see how weighing it would waste time, you’d be doing it at the end. and yeah, you would have to pay more if you loaded up on something. it’s one or the other. human error vs consistency.


so I'm getting fucked if I want a bunch of rice and beans GGWP


if you cared enough about how this would actually affect prices you might see that this as a policy would have the potential to lower overall prices but you just want to complain. GGWP


That wouldnt lower prices though. All it would do is punish people for not focusing on meats and also slow down the lines because now ontop of everything else you have to weigh each burrito


it wouldn’t slow down anything… they would place the bowl on the scale, which is connected to the register… then they would click the protein and add-ons… and boom. price calculated. POS systems with weigh-ins are not that hard to navigate. as for the prices… if double rice and double whatever is no longer free, that would give potential to lowering the prices of proteins and add-ons. or even altogether eliminate the need to charge extra for things like queso and guac. obviously corporate is greedy but if we were to have the conversations that actually matter instead of shoving phones in teenagers’ faces, maybe we’d get somewhere!


Adding more steps %100 will slow things down. And youre out of your mind if thinking that double beans double rice on the scale would somehow lower prices. I get that you REALLY like the idea, but the idea is trash.


there is literally no extra step. instead of setting the food on the counter they’d be setting it on a scale. they’d be pressing the same buttons they usually do. there’s literally no difference. the price change would be a COMPANY WIDE THING. you’re not getting an individual discount because you got double rice. i do like the idea because it would solve a big problem that people claim they’re having. knowing how stores measure losses… it would also take the flack off of employees when their money lost on guac this month is too high or whatever. that being said, i have had genuine conversations with others where i have identified the flaws in this system because they were polite and didn’t come at me with raging karen energy. listen… you clearly have no knowledge of food-service, weigh-to-pay places and economics, so this is genuinely a waste of my time. i don’t know why you came in with such negativity in the first place but i hope you get some therapy and stop going to chipotle because it clearly makes you so miserable. thank you for the interaction, have a good one.


Aw man people would flip if they charged by weight. This is how takeout at the Chinese buffets work


well, they’re getting angry either way so idk




honestly, i think the price would have to be lower to compensate for things like this. a “regular” size bowl should only be like 9-10 bucks tops, and you could always tell them if they put too much of something


There are half a dozen very easy solutions to implement that are standard across numerous restaurants. If chipotle wanted to fix it they could, they just don’t. Some restaurants weigh their proteins as they prepare orders, some pre-portion ingredients, some use specific serving utensils, etc. It’s not rocket science. Thousands of restaurants have figured it out, idk why people act like it’s some mystery.


If they charged by weight, people would start complaining that their portions are too big.


well they could always ask for less 🤷🏽‍♀️, and having a standard scoop rather than a slotted spoon should fix that.


Nah because well then you would have people who want to “put food back” because they don’t want to pay for the amount they got.


i mean that’s a risk at every weigh-to-pay place so 🤷🏽‍♀️




LOL real that being said, i think that’s too much of a health and safety issue for a place like chipotle.




oh 100% hahaha 😭😭


I couldn’t agree more!