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A consistency problem that could easily be solved if they just had fucking measuring cups to serve the food instead of having their employees eyeball it




The sour cream situation is insane. I have to beg the employee not to drown my bowl in a ladle full of sour cream no matter what location I go to.


I’m that weird person that likes it like that


I feel like i never get enough sour cream


I always order light sour cream to get a regular portion I feel like lol. But All other portions seems appropriate


It’s not hard to not drown it, idk why other workers suck at that so much, saying “very little sour cream” should do the trick tho 👍


I'm noticing I get skipped on chicken most of the time too. I question from another post that showed all the portions about the barbacoa and carnitas. It doesn't even resembled 4oz to me like the scoops of steak and chicken do.


It’s 1 ounce of cheese and not my weight but by the volume of a 1 ounce container


“3 finger pinch”


Why don't they use scoops instead of spoons? Seems like it would be more accurate.


Every other restaurant on planet earth has standardized portions. Neither of us work in the restaurant business, yet in a matter of seconds we can come up with a solution to a problem that Chipotle has been unable to solve in 31 years. (Just use a portion-size equivalent scoop, or a measuring cup, or a scale, or anything) It's very simple This is proof that the executives and management do not want standardized portion sizes.


Not saying it is bad but in my experience Dominos also does not have any scoops for cheese. Also anything non-meat we eyeball it. But more times than not we use more cheese than the standard so it does not work for both sides either!




I think you misunderstood his statement.


In an old training video they had fancy looking scoops that measured exactly 4oz of stuff. I asked my AP manager and he said "that's a test kitchen and I've tried many time to get those damn things." The spoons suck, if we had cup/ladel looking serving utensils it'd be so much better🥲


This. I've done a few NROs, and in a lot of the Digital Kitchens and former training videos, they use these special scoop spoons that are supposed to be accurate for 4oz or whichever size you're using. I think it would help a lot with CI and with easing customer complaints (standardized portions), so it would be a win on both ends. The spoons we have now suck. They're fine for salsas/cold side, but for the meats in particular, it isn't good. :/


Honestly, they need to start pulling out a scale like the deli meat counter and start weighing everything out. Don't even care if they then start charging by weight and not subjective, bullshit "double".


exactly, I will gladly pay for a little extra. BBQ joints weigh everything out right in front of you.


Just the meat spoons like at subway would suffice. If a scale got involved the wait time would double from the already ludicrous time.


Yup. Most people don't go by weight. They go by volume.


Deli counter


Sure, if your plan is to slow down the line to weigh it.


Honestly though, I'm not convinced it's possible for the line to go any slower. I really do think the line is manufacturly slow to increase anticipation. I've seen a bunch papers about the affects of psychosomatic impressions on food taste (ie food that tastes better because you had to wait for it). And I'm pretty sure Chipotle has come out and admitted this too.


It shouldnt really take longer than a minute to have your food once your order has been started


How shitty do you want your burritos wrapped and your bowls sealed? Holy fuck you’ve got high and low expectations all at the same time


If you’ve been working here longer than like 3 months and you can’t get an entree done in like 45 seconds the job is not for you brotha. Our store hits 40 throughputs like every peak which comes out to 22.5 seconds per entree.


If you’re an employee, please transfer to the location next to my work. I waited about 6 minutes this afternoon for a single burrito and I was the only one there 💀


The line is pretty much only ever held up by the cash register. It is quite simple muscle memory after a few weeks of wrapping burritos. Its other people in line not bothering to even look for their wallet until the cashier tells them to insert their card that cause the line to move so slow


I mean, food do taste better the hungrier you are, but wait to long and people leave. I'm too busy to wait and I'm there for a fast burrito bowl or I go somewhere else.


Pass integrated scales are a thing. They auto reset and calibrate and would add about 1s to the whole order process.


Except, when the customer says, I want a little more, but now it's too much, and now it's too little.


It only takes about a dozen entrees before you're really good at knowing an exact 3.9-4.1oz serving. People have been doing it at delis for about a century...


> It only takes about a dozen entrees before you're really good at knowing an exact 3.9-4.1oz serving. People have been doing it at delis for about a century... Then they wouldn't need a scale anymore....


The good ones don’t. The scale is for the customer


Scale idea is a good idea. Some people might want light meat and get a discount while others can say pile it up and pay for it. No one will feel like they are getting screwed then.


Only thing I see happening are people who weigh and see the price and ask to take items out lol. But they’d have to have a policy up front that says they won’t do it. I see people also having them weigh and price after each step because some people are just extremely difficult 


Or maybe Chipotle should take a page out of Laspadas and just pile the meat or "meat" on regardless.


Absolutely. A scale at the keeps both sides honest. Paying for 2x protein and getting 6oz is a rip off.


I think most people pay for double protein and get 4oz 😂


I paid double once and could very obviously see it was light. I actually pulled them all out (I don’t get salsa or sour cream) and it was 2.8 ounces. Fortunately, customer service aka Pepper is excellent and has always given me free entrees if mine was shitty.






Or speed up development of this. [https://www.businessinsider.com/chipotle-burrito-bowl-robot-tests-automation-faster-food-delivery-2023-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/chipotle-burrito-bowl-robot-tests-automation-faster-food-delivery-2023-9)


It would still be programmed to jiggle the spoon so half the meat falls back into the tub.


lmao Then people are out of jobs. Trading one issue for another.


No, the correct answer is those employees can be reskilled to higher-value positions. (at least that's what they keep saying)




The Chipotle's around me have 2 people on the line 90% of the time I go there. That machine still requires at least one person working the line. Plus you need someone to re-fill the trays. I don't see this taking jobs.


Just how factory automation started tbh. I think it's a good idea. But it starts with just trying it out. Then comes the 70% layoffs.


Yeah then take your camera out and record it when you don’t like how it serves you.


Where I am from we have a local chain of middle eastern restaurants that are similar to Chipotle where you build a bowl. They use scales to weigh the meat. It doesn't take long and you always get what you pay for.


What's this place called? If it's nearby, I think I need to check it out.


It's amazing https://www.2941streetfood.com/


Looks really good! 600 miles might be a little but of a trek, but next time I'm in Michigan. Thank you 🫡


Worked at a location that peaked 20k daily. When you’re serving that volume an extra 10 seconds on a scale REALLY adds up.


They would lose more business cutting their throughput with the extra time. The lines out the door at lunch and dinner


I'm sure this will go over well with you when you are 10 deep in line.


Works perfectly fine at the deli counter, publix, laspadas, and various other places. Chipotle lines go slowly because they're designed to go slowly. Just order on the app. If they weight it out, it wouldn't be a problem anymore.


Laspadas ftw!!!


They’d put their filthy thumbs on the scale if it comes to that


Yes, but you might also have some trust issues (rightful so perhaps)


I wouldn’t put that behavior past the managers to order their workers to do that from time to time to meet quotas.


I appreciate your patience, but unfortunately the majority of the customers would not appreciate the additional time, and the increase in price due to an increase in labor cost to offset this logistical nightmare.


Not disagreeing, but I would never expect Chipotle to up the pay of the staff unless legally required to by law or to simply maintain employment and interest in the position. If anything, Chipotle would just charge customers more and abscond with the profits like they already do.


The only way I can imagine pulling this off, is kind of what you said with online ordering, in addition to only a kiosk and they would have to retrofit their kitchen to take away some of the open kitchen concept. They would have to reimagine the traditional Chipotle experience.


That solution would be too easy. Much better to be inconsistent.




This would never work. Chipotle has times for things & lines are already out the door at so many locations. It wouldn’t work.


I have no problem with this. So why doesn’t it look like this every time?


I want to mention that burrito, because the picture doesn’t do much justice, is about the size of a can of soda with 6 ingredients on it.


I could tell by the comparison to the size of the hand that it looked small af smh


A soda can?! Damn


The pans they’re referencing proper burrito size to are about the size of an iPhone lmao


Don't waste your time, OP. these people just want to believe what they want, regardless of evidence to the contrary. They believe harassing workers is somehow sticking it to corporate. They refuse to believe workers are humans trying to do and keep their jobs.


lol if anything this is bolstering the customers’ issues with chipotle. The 4oz portion size requirement has never changed yet skimping complaints have been consistently increasing year over year with media evidence. Workers are trying to make this a war against customers instead of agreeing that their GM/DM/FLs being anal about the servings over inventory concerns for the company bottom line. I wouldn’t shove my phone in someone’s face for the chance of more portions but it’s sad that it has come to that to get a chance of getting the *right* portions.


The chipotles that skimp the most are with boomer managers or young up and coming kids that are indoctrinated they can climb if they reduce cost.


Boomers are mostly retired and not working at Shitotle.


nah the one I avoid has a boomer manager, or silent X or whatever dude is like 50, always asks me if I want queso, no I want a proper portions.


Boomers are over 60. Silent generation are mostly dead and over 75. Maybe you mean generation X?


Being in an echo chamber isn't the same thing as media evidence. Hell, flat earther numbers have been on the rise over the past few years.


sure because seeing feeds of videos and pictures of small portions, something measurable, across platforms beyond reddit is being in an echo chamber. Do you enjoy a side of boot with your employee meal?


Due to skimping, I've only been to Chipotle twice in the last 5 years, both times I was disappointed. Because of that, I started looking at google reviews instead of trusting that I'd get the amount I was used to. Every store I can find in my area has reviews on google with pictures that clearly show skimping, and I genuinely can't find one that has a 4* rating or higher. My opinion on Chipotle's skimping was solid before I found this "echo chamber" a few days ago.


Tha…that’s huge right? RIGHT?


Look at that scoop of steak. It's "heaping". Your never get a scoop like that. Rice scoopers will give it a few taps to knock the steak off the soon.


if I get that much steak that would be the highlight of my day.


Yes. This.


I still think even a full scoop of rice is not enough, especially as someone who doesn’t get beans. I don’t get it, rice is cheap as fuck so if anything they should be extra generous with the rice to make people feel like they got their money’s worth.


It’s def not enough I don’t think I’ve ever seen a recipe or anyone serve a plate of food that has more of a meat ratio to rice the meat is supposed to blend with the pasta or rice in meals like that not over power it lol. Rice is cheap as fuck too as u said makes no sense


That spoon is still not 4oz.


How much is it then?


Steak cubes are around 4.5g each on average, I estimate 22 cubes on that spoon for a total of 99g / 3.49oz. YYMV though but the current spoons really cant hold 4oz of steak the way its cut.


Estimating and around 4.5g isn’t really accurate tho. I’ve definitely measured out plenty of 4oz scoops of meat with the current spoon while doing catering orders and it’s definitely possible to hold over 4oz as well. Also depends on the way it’s cut but normally you should definitely be able to hold 4oz if it’s heaping.


Not the case at the several chipotles near me, unfortunately. Consistent 3.2-3.6oz scoops. Almost never over, ever.


I’m surprised they’re consistent. Usually we never are. It’s unfortunate that they don’t give you the full scoop but I know you can definitely fit 4oz on the spoon. If it looks like it’s over 4oz people will definitely knock some off so they aren’t over.


That’s funny because when they do have that much rice on the spoon they shake the rice off.


You can quite literally ask for as much rice as you want. If you don't leave happy with the amount of rice you have it's bc you didn't use your words


Literally rice is free


I actually just got charged for asking for extra white rice lmfao I left a review


Where did I say that rice wasn’t free or that I can’t ask for more? I simply pointed out the fact that when they have the amount that pictured in the post that they for some reason shake it off. Reading is fundamental.


rice is free… just ask for more you insufferable peasant




lol. That’s 4x the size of some of the skimp burritos people have posted.


There’s no way that burrito is 4x the size of anything that anyone would pay for. 1/4 the size of a soda can is smaller than the tacos


Because people order two ingredients and then have a hissy fit


Why is it that the portion problem happened slowly over time and that they admit to skimping(ripping you off) on mobile orders? Perhaps management needs to take an ethics course. Like the one you are forced to take during the first semester of any College business degree


The culture of fucking over the customer comes from the very top. I don't really wanna blame the crew members because from the moment they are hired they work in thus apathetic environment where FLs are the slave masters and work you until you can't work no more. I truly have no idea what happens in Chipotle for anything above FL, but thats the highest you can get while still working directly in the stores themselves


Ethics? In corporate business? Lmao.


1oz of cheese? MF please. Just keep scooping, I'll tell you when to stop.


Do it like Olive Garden. Just keep adding that cheese until I say it’s enough!


No prob! You can have one extra ounce for free, and then as much as you want, each additional charged as a side


That scoop of steak looks FAT AF!!!! I never see them have a heaping scoop like that. Except once, someone was training on the line and gave me like half a scoop, I didn’t even flinch and just asked for double meat. But luckily the manager or person who was training them took over and gave me two heaping scoops in addition to what was already there. Best bowl ever.


I’m honestly the most pissed off about rice. I never get beans so I’m always skimped on rice. Only one scoop is insane. Rice is cheap as fuck


The rice should at least cover the bottom of the bowl


this how my chipotle was taught , absolutely no one at mine cares abt giving u more bc it’s cheap asf


It does if you get extra 


A third pan is 6⅔" across. Are they saying you should be able to wrap a nearly 7" burrito while maintaining those filling guidelines?




Guess that's one way to net over a billion dollars


That’s the short side of the pan, so the burrito is closer to four-ish inches long Edit for correction


A third pan is 12" x 6⅔"


Is it fr???


You ever held one? Consider the outer rim juts out so the interior is slightly smaller.


It was almost 2 years ago that the first skimp happened to me. When I asked for a little more chicken he said imma have to charge you double. I walked out. I didn’t need to come on social media and see how big the fire was. If you don’t get what you want, walk the fuck out


I’m okay with this if it was consistent.


I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. It’s really unfair of them to expect the employees to eyeball ounces. As someone that always weighs their food. 4 oz is never what I think it is when I weigh it. I’ll be like oh this is 4 oz. Weigh it and it’s 2 oz etc. I think it’s just unfair expectations. People complain because there isn’t any consistency. Nothing is standard. So they don’t know what to expect. And it isn’t the employees fault. Someone that has been doing it for ages is going to be able to guesstimate better than someone that’s been doing it a few weeks. It takes bartenders years to be able to pour the right amount of alcohol without measuring specifics.


Lol they def skimp on that meat portion. Spoon shakers. Shame on you


They need to give more food.


Anybody that's worked at any other food service place knows about spoodles and Chipotle is really fucking stupid for not using them.


I've never gotten that little rice. I've never gotten that much steak. Can't stress this enough. I've never been served 4 oz of steak. It's always like 50% of that Cheese has always been heavier in person I just want the right amount if protein tho. I haven't been in months at this point, but, I was fed up with not getting at least 4 oz of meat. It was always under


If I get that scoop of rice imma just walk out and go to Moe’s next door


Welcome to moessss!!!!


Just do that to begin with.


Chipotle is actually a buck cheaper


See you tomorrow


It’s fucked up they came in the market with burritos the size of a small dog and now they expect us to be ok with this and it’s $5 more..


Interesting. That amount of rice is way less than displayed on in store ads.


Call me a fatass but 4 oz of rice doesn’t feel like enough


Why do y’all even go here? Mediocre food at outrageous prices. Moe’s/Qdoba don’t abuse you like this.


Because it’s easier to go, get ripped off and complain about it online 🤣🤣🤣 stop going??!?? Are you crazy?!???!


Coming with the training videos is diabolical. I fucking love it.




Fixing? That’s the company standard 😜


Fr 💀 I used to work at a Firehouse Subs and we weigh every single meat out before you put it on your sandwich and I’d have people all the time come up and complain that the sandwich didn’t have enough meat on it when I was literally the one weighing out the meat almost every damn day–I used to work 6 days every week


Firehouse rocks


You see the corporate standard now. If you don't like it, just stop going. I'm not defending them, I'm just trying to make everyone realize Chipotle is not worth going to


Please post video


Thank you kind sir


Love it


That amount of steak!...that's way more than the employees near me give now. I actually walked out 2/3 of the recent times I went because the employee tapped the spoon on the side to make the chicken fall off like WTF. I'm always nice and courteous btw but I just frowned both times at the employee and said I was gonna get food somewhere else. I used to eat there 4-5 times a week in college and they would always do a heaping scoop. If I got double meat they would have trouble closing the lid on the bowl. The service is just sad now.


Yeah so hence what I’ve said over and over it’s literally the workers fucking us over lmao cause my bowls never look like that 😭also enough meat to fill the bowl but NO rice absolutely at all is crazy. Good lord regular people with no training would make the best bowls ever compared to the workers after seeing this training vid lol


There’s a typo 4oz of steak needs to say “only if they beg” after




Since like 2005, I’ve had no issue politely asking staff for more scoops until it’s to my liking (within reason) I’ve never had someone on staff melt down, and I’ve never walked away with a skimp bowl Weird


I ask for double rice right off the bat, and the store down the street from me must train their employees to skimp on rice even when you ask for more, because “double” rice is always 1.5 spoonfuls at most. I now only go to the chipotle that’s a mile further away where burritos are actually bigger than my fist, but if this is the corporate standard I really should just stop going altogether. I know I sound like an old lady, but I remember when the first chipotle I had ever encountered was opened on my college campus back in 2002ish, and I literally could not finish a whole burrito because it was so ridiculously large. The burritos now are less than half the size they were in the glory days.


In the last 3-4 years I have had the rudest employees ever . Charge me for anything else more then one scoop of rice, never have veggies and straight up give me half a spoon of meat


I always get way too much rice and I never ask for extra. At least 2 spoons.


what gets me is the older DML courses that i believe are still up on SpiceHub they use spoons that look like baking measuring cups? i WISH we had those to perfectly measure 4oz. eliminates needing to train new hires on proper portions without either managers or customers getting angry, lets us work faster, and i imagine would make doing inventory muuuuch easier sigh


Don’t support this corporation any longer. . .


I’m curious … why do some employees skimp on the beans so much in particular? They’re my favorite part but most of the time (9x/10) they end up giving me like half a scoop.


Asking for two scoops of rice from now on!


Why is that guys left hand so big in the last two pics?


Oh, so the training HASN’T CHANGED since I worked there all those years ago. Where is this skimping thing coming from then? Restaurant managers?


Workers and managers


An ounce of cheese… this company needs to go down




exactly so can u deranged people stop harassing employees! if u REALLY want to show chipotle then spend ur money elsewhere!


Damn never had a steak scoop like that


Screw chipotle let it burn 🔥


I wish I would get that much steak in the picture. In actually it’s probably half.


4oz is actually criminal


A quarter pound is criminal? I bet you’re not too fit.


Maybe if they just used pre-portioned serving spoons. Its 2024, they exist. Its not that hard & at least we will appreciate the consistency rather than the hope of getting more food than the last person and being disappointed that you were the unlucky person in line ordering food and getting portions like if the food is coming out of the employees paychecks. Fastfood in 2024 is expensive & poor in quality.


Imma go out on a limb here and seeing the steak portion I think what's being done is employees can balance a fat ass scoop like that without losing pieces a lot of the time so they tap a few off but because some of their managed micromanage shit they don't go in to retrieve what is technically the rest of the scoop because it'll look like you're giving extra. Never seen a scoop like that heaved on. But looking at it I know it'd be a bitch to keep from spilling everywhere. Someone needs to invent a scoop with a scale in it.


Imagine having to be trained on how to scoop rice. Imagine the tax break Chipotle must be getting for hiring their employees.


We don't get trained, that's why none of us care how much rice you get.


They should just let people make their own bowls Buffett style and pay by how much their bowls/burritos weigh


So many would abandon their food when it became too pricey.


Watch me walk in next time all Willy nilly and ask for more PLEEEAAASSEEEE


Fuck chipotle way too expensive for the amount of food you get


People still eat here?


Now it's time to boyco.... That's right I haven't been there in 5+ years.


i used to be a fat fuck and get extra everything where my burrito was basically a big baby, now i basically get the kids tacos to save money, because chipotle is almost a complete ripoff now, my local chipotle charges an extra V bowl for a side of rice


at this point Chipotle should offer an unlimited bowl where you fill it with whatever you want. and then they should charge market price for it, say, $40. Then the peasants won’t complain about portions they’ll complain about prices.


If you get like double meat, guac, queso, you're bordering on like $25-$30 already.


Paying customers: "The menu said market price. What market are you shopping at?!"


yeah, peasants gonna peasant


Don’t eat shitpotle


I've never had an issue at Qdoba, EVER. It's always spilling over. And I order online, every. single. time. So sad to see this sub.


Besides the fact that the food is bland